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No quick fix for flooding problem: PM Prayut


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22 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Post 2011 flood, Thailand got lots of help from World Bank, Unesco and JICA to support post flood recovery and long term prevention projects. JICA drew a master plan and the then government incorporated some of the ideas for short-term mitigation and long term flood prevention measures. A new organisation was planned to implement these projects. Unfortunately post coup saw the plan scrapped. A major project like flood prevention will need long term coordinated support from successive governments and should be apolitical. Have anyone heard of Prayut's flood prevention plan?

Of course, we all did. Looks like you have missed the impressive demonstration:


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4 hours ago, Thailand said:

I guess if the ptb had not spent huge sums of money on second hand military equipment it could have been ussed for water management?

You don't get it. Throwing money at floods doesn't work. Prayut's being polite, not blaming the criminal Thaksin & his pals for building Suvannaphumi airport on filled in marshland that traditionally drained floodwater from Bangkok & eastern areas. Can we dig up the airport to fix the floods? Of course not.

Thaksin disregarded EISs that warned of future flooding if the catchment area was blocked. Now we have worse floods than ever. Bangkok's position on a flood plain, with a large tidal river, aggravates any flooding, a problem up with which we will continue to put. 

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16 minutes ago, captspectre said:

I do agree with the PM. in forty four years the Thai's have not been  able to prevent flooding in bangkok and the rest of the country, one of the reasons is all the plastic and garbage plugging up the sewer systems.


The floods were here before the plastic bags. Look at photos of Bangkok in the late 1800s. Floods every year. The main cause of recent flooding is construction. Filling in canals to build roads, draining marshland for factories. Remember, Silom Rd was a canal in the 1950s, as was my old hang out Saladaeng Rd, which continues to sink. That's why Prayut says we'll have to put up with it. He knows how big a problem it is.

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I seem to remember a politician saying a while back that the flooding problem had been solved. Is my memory wrong?


The only long term permanent solution would be, IMO, to construct a combination of a London type barrier north of Bkk, that diverts excessive water flow into a Los Angeles type big canal that flows to the sea. Costly, yes, effective, yes.

Will they do anything that really fixes the problem, probably not.

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I seem to remember a politician saying a while back that the flooding problem had been solved. Is my memory wrong?


The only long term permanent solution would be, IMO, to construct a combination of a London type barrier north of Bkk, that diverts excessive water flow into a Los Angeles type big canal that flows to the sea. Costly, yes, effective, yes.

Will they do anything that really fixes the problem, probably not.

Thaksin again? I was in his helicopter in 2001 when a bunch of us flew over Bangkok's (then) awful traffic. He waved his magic hand and "When I'm elected, all this will be gone." We near pissed ourselves laughing. Come 2012, Thaksin was gone but not the traffic.

As for your barriers and canals, you're not looking at topography. Bangkok has the canals dug in Rama 5's time, and the tunnels (a big one runs under the cafe where I drink and releases lots of water - from Rangsit! - everyday into  Khlong Saen Saep. But we don't have the relative elevation. Water won't flow on a level surface. It accumulates, ie floods. 

Edited by jgarbo
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2 hours ago, YetAnother said:

doesnt appear the thais are capable of it; bring in real water management experts , the Dutch ? might look into the bangkok sinking issue with those same people/experts at about the same time

I believe both the Dutch and the Americans have in the past been asked for and have provided a plan for Bangkok to prevent flooding and related issues.  These plans were ignored.

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32 minutes ago, jgarbo said:

You don't get it. Throwing money at floods doesn't work. Prayut's being polite, not blaming the criminal Thaksin & his pals for building Suvannaphumi airport on filled in marshland that traditionally drained floodwater from Bangkok & eastern areas. Can we dig up the airport to fix the floods? Of course not.

Thaksin disregarded EISs that warned of future flooding if the catchment area was blocked. Now we have worse floods than ever. Bangkok's position on a flood plain, with a large tidal river, aggravates any flooding, a problem up with which we will continue to put. 

Seem the but but Thaksin got the better of you. The new airport idea was conceived way back in 1973 and 8,000 acres of land known as Cobra swamp was purchased and was drained and renamed Suvannaphumi. Didn't know that Thaksin was active politically during that time. 

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5 minutes ago, SpicyMeatball said:

That's why Prayut says we'll have to put up with it. He knows how big a problem it is.

If it is an elected government telling the people to put up with the floods, they will certainly to be ousted in the next election. Being non elected and have the guns does make one say irresponsible things as one is not held accountable. 

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3 hours ago, Katipo said:

No quick fix..... well it's only been six years since the 2011 flooding. :blink:

At least equally as difficult as fixing corruption. Patience is needed. It is probably in one of the many of Prayut's 20++ year dreamtime plans. 

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2 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Who thought flood control management was so complicated?

It was easy to hold Yingluck for a failed program but not so easy for 3-year PM Prayut to hold himself responsible.

Hold himself responsible? An oxymoron if ever I heard one.


Isn't it under Article 44 (I think) that as well as absolute power, the PM cannot be held responsible for anything that he does if it goes wrong?

Thainess we ferangs will  just never understand.

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Of course there is no 'quick fix' but a proven successful ongoing mitigation program would be helpful! Just that it seems that no-one wants to commence that because they have no real idea what to do and are unable to accept 'specialist advice'. Lucky amulets and praying to the weather gods is not going to help. Cut out the wailing, wringing of hands, crying, weeping, moaning, sobbing (acknowledging klauskunkel) and excuses and in the words of Nike - "Just Do It".


Mr PM, stop stating the obvious, stop with procrastination (you have been "in charge" since 2014) and get started!


There must be enough people in the "inactive post" department to provide the labour required to help with the mitigation solution? :whistling: Filling sandbags and delivering would be a starter.



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No quick fix hey,,,,,If they would have started to upgrade and the rubbish containment some 100 years ago everything would be  Hunky dory by now,,,, They waited up to now Hoping that the problem would fix itself ,,,,Guess what,it don't,,,,

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impossible for Thailand to be completely flood-free as long as there was no comprehensive overhaul of city planning, the water-drainage system or littering solutions. 


So, um, how about if you go ahead and make a comprehensive overhaul of city planning, water draining and littering?  Is this beyond your amazing powers?  I realize there are limits, but it's funny how in Thailand, as in America, actually spending money helping the citizens is always the last thing that money is found for.  

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2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Post 2011 flood, Thailand got lots of help from World Bank, Unesco and JICA to support post flood recovery and long term prevention projects. JICA drew a master plan and the then government incorporated some of the ideas for short-term mitigation and long term flood prevention measures. A new organisation was planned to implement these projects. Unfortunately post coup saw the plan scrapped. A major project like flood prevention will need long term coordinated support from successive governments and should be apolitical. Have anyone heard of Prayut's flood prevention plan?

Spot on Eric .. And it will become apocalyptical if they don't start acting soon ..  

Edited by Justgrazing
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I appreciate Mr. Prayut's honesty. Anyone involved with ecology understands the problems with big dams and it is not easy to fix. There are social, infrastructure, technical, cultural challenges, really complex issues that money alone is not enough. 

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6 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

They are. The last elected government approved B 35 bn for a warer management system and K water was appointed to do the job. Then came the junta and canceled the K water agreement and used this money for drought relief.


Hmmm. Would that be the same K Water who the criminal Thaksin visited just prior to them announcing they had been appointed? Appointed without anyone bothering to do any tenders, EIA's etc etc?


Do some research, makes interesting reading.


And I wonder what happened to that ThB 35 billion? Has it ever been accounted for?

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59 minutes ago, jesimps said:

Didn't some of the powers that be suggest charging Yingluck for the 2011 flood? 

It's a wonder they didn't charge her with the biblical flood, they accused her of everything else.


Nice try - but she was investigated for the failure of her government to release dam water and so aggravate the situation. The dams were kept closed to allow the rice crop to be harvested and therefore were too full.


However, I believe it was decided not to proceed. 

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I feel so much better now that all the arm chair falangs have solved the problem of bangkok flooding! why didn't I think of all these solutions? I know that the dear leader will give these post's their due attention! now back to the garbage in pattaya! with all these expats living in Thailand we don't need a U.N. just submit questions to thai visa, 


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