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Video: Bus stops or even fishbowls - welcome to Thailand's beach smoking areas


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3 hours ago, smedly said:

I have no issue with smoking in the open and that includes bars parks beaches streets or whatever, it is total nonsense that smoking in the open is harmful to anyone but the smoker, if you really want to get into what actually contaminates the air we breath - it comes primarily from internal combustion engines and is so harmful in comparison to passive outdoor smoking that there is no way to measure and scale them both together, in fact passive outdoor smoking is probably not even something that can be detected and measured.


Like I keep saying, this topic is all about littering and should be about all garbage everywhere 


The whole issue of 'passive smoking' is a myth invented by the anti-smoking lobby. All the major studies on the subject have come up with the same conclusion - that there is no significant risk to bystanders from ambient tobacco smoke. One of the biggest studies commissioned by the WHO (Boffetta et al) not only found that there was no statistically significant risk from SHS, they also found that the only statistically significant result that came out of their studies was that children raised in a smoking household had a 23% lower risk of developing lung cancer in later life compared to kids raised in a non-smoking household. Obviously this wasn't the result the WHO, a virulently anti-smoking organisation, wanted, so the report was buried as deep as they could manage and they issued press releases saying how harmful passive smoking is! You couldn't make it up! Talk about lying through your teeth! And that study remains difficult to find, so deeply did they bury it, despite it having been one of the biggest and most comprehensive studies ever commissioned.


However, I have a link to it:


Multicenter case-control study of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer in Europe.



But on the subject of smoking in designated areas (smoking and non-smoking sections in restaurants):



Environmental tobacco smoke in the nonsmoking section of a restaurant: a case study.


This study tested the concentrations of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) components in a small restaurant/pub with smoking and nonsmoking areas-a facility outfitted with a heat-recovery ventilation system and directional airflow. The ETS levels in the nonsmoking area were compared with those in other similar restaurants/pubs where indoor smoking is altogether prohibited. The results indicate that ETS component concentrations in the nonsmoking section of the facility in question were not statistically different (P < 0.05) from those measured in similar facilities where smoking is prohibited. The regulatory implications of these findings are that ventilation techniques for restaurants/pubs with separate smoking and nonsmoking areas are capable of achieving nonsmoking area ETS concentrations that are comparable to those of similar facilities that prohibit smoking outright.




But as you say, the issue is supposedly about litter, and the law about it is tagged on to the environmental protection legislation. Which then begs the question: If I go to one of those beaches where this new law is applicable, and I take with me a portable ashtray, which I can show I am using, how can I be prosecuted for environmental damage while smoking on that beach? Any court that follows the law would have to throw the case out, because I can prove that I'm not causing any environmental problems.


I don't think they've thought this one through properly...


And of course, as already stated by a couple of people, the obvious and simplest solution to the problem of cigarette butts on the beach is to provide plenty of ashtrays / disposal bins and then fine people under the current littering laws if they discard their cigarette ends anywhere but in the bins provided.


The anti-smoking charade has gone beyond parody...

Edited by nisakiman
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3 hours ago, sujoop said:

Thailand is not Japan or USA, it's not comparable for everything, maybe comparable with India or africa.

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But as you say, the issue is supposedly about litter, and the law about it is tagged on to the environmental protection legislation. Which then begs the question: If I go to one of those beaches where this new law is applicable, and I take with me a portable ashtray, which I can show I am using, how can I be prosecuted for environmental damage while smoking on that beach? Any court that follows the law would have to throw the case out, because I can prove that I'm not causing any environmental problems.
I don't think they've thought this one through properly...
And of course, as already stated by a couple of people, the obvious and simplest solution to the problem of cigarette butts on the beach is to provide plenty of ashtrays / disposal bins and then fine people under the current littering laws if they discard their cigarette ends anywhere but in the bins provided.
The anti-smoking charade has gone beyond parody...
Yes, try taking your own ashtray

Let us know How it works out. [emoji3]
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5 hours ago, Thian said:

I agree, why not develop bio-degradable cigarettefilters from cottonwool or so?? 

Or just let people smoke e-cigarettes on the beach?


No way that i'll go into a fishboal or so, i 'll just go abroad to another beach without plastic in the sea.

Stop making sense! There are many ways to tackle this problem, but alas, they will go with the most complicated and unnecessary!

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2 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

Yes, try taking your own ashtray

Let us know How it works out. emoji3.png


We never actually go to the beach when we're in Thailand - the beaches here in Greece are far superior. Thai beaches are pretty awful, generally. Piles of garbage and more often than not with murky water, with the added bonus of unseen things below the surface that sting. No, I'll do my swimming here, thanks, from pristine beaches with crystal clear waters. And where there are no stupid restrictions on eating, drinking or smoking.


However, the point I was making is that the way the law has been framed would indicate that it is all about polluting the beaches, rather than about smoking per se, which means that any fine or prosecution has to be for the crime of polluting the beach. It really is a pig's ear of a law, because in theory, you can't be prosecuted for the act of smoking, only for the act of polluting. So if I provide my own means of avoiding any cigarette butt pollution, or if I am a pipe smoker, there can be no proof of guilt as the law stands. I would be interested to hear what a lawyer would have to say about this scenario, because I'm merely theorising about the situation as I see it; but I think it would be very difficult to make a charge of polluting stick if there was no pollution.

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We never actually go to the beach when we're in Thailand - the beaches here in Greece are far superior. Thai beaches are pretty awful, generally. Piles of garbage and more often than not with murky water, with the added bonus of unseen things below the surface that sting. No, I'll do my swimming here, thanks, from pristine beaches with crystal clear waters. And where there are no stupid restrictions on eating, drinking or smoking.
However, the point I was making is that the way the law has been framed would indicate that it is all about polluting the beaches, rather than about smoking per se, which means that any fine or prosecution has to be for the crime of polluting the beach. It really is a pig's ear of a law, because in theory, you can't be prosecuted for the act of smoking, only for the act of polluting. So if I provide my own means of avoiding any cigarette butt pollution, or if I am a pipe smoker, there can be no proof of guilt as the law stands. I would be interested to hear what a lawyer would have to say about this scenario, because I'm merely theorising about the situation as I see it; but I think it would be very difficult to make a charge of polluting stick if there was no pollution.
Oh I agree. I was born in the ballkans and had good times in dubrovnik and split and many others. Actually heading back next summer. They both have their plus and minus, Thailand has some stunning beaches but they are in the islands

The current law regarding smoking only vs smoking and littering is like most laws here, wishy washy and open to interpretation by the bib and how greedy they are on a particular day.

Not worth testing them though. Even if you dig your heals in your 2k fine will blow out to 100k with a lawyer.
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No mention was made if there was a coordinated approach to the fines

in both Hua Hin and Bang Saen or elsewhere.


I don't know what to say, apart from the fact that there must be a record of some description waiting to be broken there!

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19 hours ago, fforest1 said:

Maybe they could also have a booth like this for anyone

who wants to drink on the beach.....A smokers booth and a drinkers booth....

Yes get a couple of girls you could call it a bar.

Just like many other bars in Pattaya where you can smoke and drink to your hearts content.

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I just wonder how this stands in Thai law. In the UK the local council can pass legislation for things like this, but considering the fine seems to have been changed in the few days since it was proposed, it smells like a Christmas bonus for the local BiB rather than anything passed into law.

Still, it will do wonders for whoever is supplying the booths (and signs) even though they are totally useless in an open air environment.

I'm sure it will attract more high quality tourists and the woman at TAT will be delighted.

I am thinking about when the "No Sunbathing" signs will go up, next year?

You can get skin cancer don't forget.


You couldn't make it up and put it in a story as fake news, 'cos nobody would believe it!


:stoner:  :1zgarz5:



Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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1 hour ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

I just wonder how this stands in Thai law. In the UK the local council can pass legislation for things like this, but considering the fine seems to have been changed in the few days since it was proposed, it smells like a Christmas bonus for the local BiB rather than anything passed into law.

Still, it will do wonders for whoever is supplying the booths (and signs) even though they are totally useless in an open air environment.

I'm sure it will attract more high quality tourists and the woman at TAT will be delighted.

I am thinking about when the "No Sunbathing" signs will go up, next year?

You can get skin cancer don't forget.


You couldn't make it up and put it in a story as fake news, 'cos nobody would believe it!


:stoner:  :1zgarz5:



Nice choice of emoticons! 

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16 hours ago, masuk said:

I stopped having my Christmas/New Year at Jom Tien almost entirely due to the smokers, and more recently the plastic and rubber things encountered in the sea was the final straw.

The current new laws follow many western countries, and it's good to see some common sense prevailing.

Well done!

I've never seen these glass smoking cubical in western countries

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Somebody is getting rich making those booths. That's what it's all about. Like the removal of the old & pretty beach shade areas replacing them with ugly multi colored umbrellas. Like the installation of pedestrian controlled crossings (pandas, pelicans). Like so many things in Pattaya & Thailand it is only done for the money it makes somebody.



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8 hours ago, Thechook said:

I've never seen these glass smoking cubical in western countries


8 hours ago, Thechook said:

I've never seen these glass smoking cubical in western countries

Maybe they are deep underground, or is that just my wish full thinking. 

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12 hours ago, sambum said:

Nice choice of emoticons! 

P.S.  "totally useless in an open air environment."


Totally agree! Instead of smokers smoking in "the open air", they now have to go into a cubicle, where the smoke is pumped out to where? You've got it - "the open air"!


And the temperature in those things (unless they are air conditioned) :cheesy: will be astronomical! Just another money making scheme I'm afraid!

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I am all for no smoking in public places.  You inconsiderate butt tossing slobs brought this upon yourselves.   I have no sympathy.   I really don't even like to see fellow humans trashing their bodies.  The fishbowls Should be opaque.  

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