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Thailand's "biggest spoiled brat" gets 300,000 baht from mum - but there are conditions


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11 hours ago, rkidlad said:

The 'graap' is the biggest show of respect you can show someone apparently. I prefer not to graap anyone and simply not be an a****** in life. 

I'd graap anyone for 300K.  It would not change my behaviour except to make it a lot worse.

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300k is roughly $9k,  less than the cost of a used car.  Thats not a lot for someone from an affluent family.  I predict troubles ahead.  Over and under is 6 months for that 300k :D 


Having said that, I hope the dude makes it.  and for the family, yeah, i think most of us knows someone in our own family that's a little like this. :/  but they are family, what can you do?    *shrug*

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As suggested earlier....maybe so time drafted into the King's finest military service would enlighten this weak excuse of a man.  Let him grovel at the feet of boot camp DIs and receive a few 'footlocker counseling' sessions.  Should turn the punk around nicely...

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He since changed his name, something that Thais often do when they wish to rip others off and to start over. 


  The brat gave his mum a graap (head to the floor gesture) to pledge that he would use the 300K to further his education in politics at Ramkhamhaeng University and train as a  pimp. He will also buy a camera with it and promised to learn all about porn photography.


What is left he will use as living expenses, such as white whiskey and gogo, while he studies. He will soon replace the current president Mr. P.  Ramkhamhaeng Sisaket is one of the best educational institutions on this planet. :post-4641-1156694083:



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12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Jae committed the criminal damage on the cars back in March when he was called Kittisak Wonglert.

according to : https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/smashy-smash-police-arrest-man-over-damaging-8-cars-bid-cash-mommy/

"In a report by Manager, Kittasak is related to a senior police officer in the area and the other victims had not filed police complaints out of fear he would be granted bail and seek revenge.";

think we dont live in a primitive place ?

mother gave him 800,000 over the smashed car thing; now more;

she is rewarding bad behavior and he is a classic thai opportunist

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it definitely is the fault of the mother !!!!

"If" she bought him the "fastest" race-bike earlier in the year ........he wouldn't

be a problem boy any more .

He would be a race champion or gone up in smoke.......but now ....

with only 300 000 bht ......he has to become a race champion driving stoned on

a Honda Wave........witch is not easy at all to do this in 1 or 2 weeks ......


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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

He will also buy a camera with it and promised to learn about photography.

Look, look, look. Was not easy ... I learned to make selfie of my hand !!!

Edited by PAIBKK
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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

300K to further his education in politics at Ramkhamhaeng University

The only things politicians learn and know is how to spend a lot of other one's money and how fill your own pockets...

Mama already told him how to spend her money...

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13 hours ago, rkidlad said:

The 'graap' is the biggest show of respect you can show someone apparently. I prefer not to graap anyone and simply not be an a****** in life. 


And it means nothing if it is performed without sincerity!


It's like my other half says when TVF posters talk about this ' action '  when Thai kids do this for their parents etc etc  and the wai and how ' cute and sweet and respectful ' it is for their parents,  it's all an act and means nothing if it is not backed up by a substantial change in the offenders behavior.


There is a family that lives nearby to us, (actually they are relatives who share the same surname as my partner but there is no close relationship ). Anyway, both Mom and Dad are schoolteachers, one of their sons is an absolute ' piece of garbage ' a known thief and drug user.


He has carried out similar actions as the above on countless occasions in front of the neighbours and village chief..........to no avail..!

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4 hours ago, greatwhitenorth said:

I can t believe how cynical the posters on this thread are. The young man is only 20 years old and who amongst us  wasn t a litle lost at 20.  He has graaped his mother publicly and promised to change his way.  He is entering university and training as a boxer at the same time as well as learning to express himself through photography.  I think the young man deserves our endorsement and best wishes.


I guess haters gonna hate

Agreed absolutely with all you say sir. There are so many really nasty pieces of work posting on here. Living the life of Riley in their ivory towers and nil empathy for anybody other than their own very limited circle of friends  - if they have any that is! The hatred they express is borderline psychotic.

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13 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

One wonders when his mother will learn, money only encourages him to do it again, bet my left one, she bails him next time it happens, most mothers are weak, fortunately our kids are being raised by both parents who have balls 555

Curiosity demands.... prey tell, what will you be doing with an extra left one, once you win this bet, should anyone be foolish enough to match your proposed wager?

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