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Video: Get rid of our gun toting, bent abbot - say villagers


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Video: Get rid of our gun toting, bent abbot - say villagers



Image: Workpoint News


From the north of Thailand comes yet more dissatisfaction with the monkhood.

Villagers in Sukhothai marched angrily to their local temple to demand the removal of the abbot who has been causing them trouble for years.

The abbot at the temple in Ban Dan Lan Hoi district has a gun. At every ceremony conducted at the temple he shoots into the air.

Villagers can't understand why he does this and think it is unseemly for a man in robes.

They also say they they have provided plenty of funds over the years to develop the temple and they want to know where the money is going.

They suspect some of it is going to the abbot himself to fund a less than holy lifestyle.

Yesterday the media were present as a group of about 100 locals led by representative Nanthanat Kanniam went to vent their frustrations at a meeting at the temple pavilion.

Afterwards Nanthanat demanded the defrocking of the monk for corruption and using that gun.

She called on police and soldiers to go to the temple and solve the problem once and for all.



Source: Tnews



-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-10-21
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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

the abbot who has been causing them trouble for years


3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

At every ceremony conducted at the temple he shoots into the air.


Shooting in the air and trouble for years. It takes time before people do something.

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42 minutes ago, uffe123 said:

Problem is what goes up comes down, and maybe on someones head. Dangerous practice

Exactly what happened at Anuban Phetchaburi shool a few years ago. A young boy was swimming in the schools (metal covered roof) pool. A few blocks away some cowboy was shooting off his gun. Low & behold the bullet came down through the pools roof & as freak accidents would happen, this kid got it in the head & was killed. And yes, it was investigated & this fool shooting off his gun, was responsible.


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1 hour ago, uffe123 said:

Problem is what goes up comes down, and maybe on someones head. Dangerous practice

I was thinking the same thing but then I also thought (hopefully) maybe he is firing blanks?

Edited by Grumpy Duck
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2 hours ago, malt25 said:

Not clear to me.What has this story got to do with falangs owning guns ?

Maybe cuz', since everybody else has em', why not the farangs? :sleep:


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5 hours ago, uffe123 said:

Problem is what goes up comes down, and maybe on someones head. Dangerous practice

Was a big problem in LA twenty years ago on New Years Eve. People were getting killed and hurt until a billboard campaign--what comes up must come down--started waking people up!  A band mate of mine got hit by a ricochet just sitting in a coffee shop. Luckily he was wearing a leather jacket...

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Salute to Nanthanpat for having the courage to speak out and lead the group of protesters. The Kingdom needs more like her and less (preferably none) like the trigger happy naked man in orange robe. 

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15 hours ago, wirat69 said:

.... ummm .... but many posters here shoot in the air at every ceremony.... same same???

Do they all wear saffron robes too and lead the local Wat?

There is also suspicion he is stealing donations.



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3 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Monks are not supposed to own things like guns. If the villagers want him gone then

the military or police should at least take the gun away and then the other Buddhist leaders

should defrock this so called Abbot.


I suppose they waited for years in vain for the police or army or Buddhist leaders to do something.  Nothing happened so it eventually came down to the locals to take action.  Absolutely no need to call them bird brains unless that poster is referring to crows who just may have more reasoning ability.

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