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Michael Bloomberg: Brexit is stupidest thing any country has done besides Trump

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2 hours ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Pathetic, you have a vote then change your minds

We haven't changed our minds. And the way the EU have been behaving since the vote, surely even you Scots don't want to stay in their club now?

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3 hours ago, taipeir said:

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it.

Bank of England believes Brexit could cost 75,000 finance jobs - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-41803604


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I hope you're not gullible enough to believe this stuff. Especially after the BoE predictions in the run up to the referendum.

Did you copy paste the story about UBS u-turning on moving jobs out of London post-Brexit? No, I didn't think so.


There are a few posters here, which believe that the UK is terribly paying a lot money for its EU membership.


GDP UK approx. = 2.500 Billion euros per Year
EU Membership Costs = 11,5 Billion euros per Year
corresponds to 0,46 % from GDP per Year

For comparison
Germany Refugee costs: 40 billion euros per year

M2 money growth in the US from Sep 2015 to Sep 2017 was 2.000.000 Billion US
The US is printing much more new money in a week (approx. 18 Billion Euros) than the total UK membership costs in one year (11,5 Billion).

The per capita income of a UK citizen is around 36.100 euros a year.
The EU membership costs 177 euros per head per year.

For the ordinary citizen that seems a lot, measured by the global capital flows, this is a piss in the wind.


Breaking with the EU and jeopardizing the UK's entire economy and plunging into such uncertainty is stupid for an EU contribution equal to 0.46% of UK GDP.

19 hours ago, dundee48 said:
Sure they don`t.Especially the begging bowl countries,the cash cow is leaving and they don`t give a shit.Hahaha

Half the UK is a begging bowl with earnings behind many countries in the EU and large areas of social deprivation (which will get worse with the universal tax credits ).   UK average earnings only at tenth place in the EU having a massive cumulative 22 per cent drop in euro adjusted earnings in the last 3 years. https://www.reinisfischer.com/average-salary-european-union-2016 UK now at bottom of the EU growth league. 

No wage growth but at full employment.


There's FIVE TIMES more begging Brits claiming the more generous dole and benefits in Ireland than Irish claiming the dole in the UK.





Physician examine thyself. You ain't so special to be slagging off other European countries.


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Half the UK is a begging bowl with earnings behind many countries in the EU and large areas of social deprivation (which will get worse with the universal tax credits ).  
UK average earnings only at tenth place in the EU having a massive cumulative 27 per cent in the last 3 years.
UK not at bottom of the EU growth league.
No wage growth but at full employment.
Physician examine thyself.
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Thanks mainly to the Tory party starting with Thatcher who systematically pillaged the countries assets destroying whole communities in the process. Of course if Your from the south of England you won’t have seen all that. So why if we are behind on pay and growth were we expected to stump up a lions share within the union. Just asking like because for a thick northerner things just don’t compute.

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16 hours ago, chezy86 said:
Thanks mainly to the Tory party starting with Thatcher who systematically pillaged the countries assets destroying whole communities in the process. Of course if Your from the south of England you won’t have seen all that. So why if we are behind on pay and growth were we expected to stump up a lions share within the union. Just asking like because for a thick northerner things just don’t compute.  Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app 




In my opinion it is Income inequality and lack of investment and too much austerity that is the real problem in the UK. People may feel aggrieved at immigrants if they don't see their wage go up even if the two are not necessarily linked. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/uk-average-salary-26500-figures-3002995 

'Four in five new jobs are in sectors averaging under £16,640 for a 40-hour week. Working full-time on the £6.31 hourly minimum wage would gross just £13,124 in a year.


And an explosion of part-time jobs shows millions of workers can’t even earn that pittance.'



Workers are facing similar issues in many countries but I think UK could share the wealth more internally. I used to work for a British company it was pretty shocking to see the wage gap, top managers all driving around in flash cars but lower down it was all cost control and contract workers.





Why does the UK pay so much into EU coffers ?

Big economy, partly due to outsized financial services but also due to its population and being a more developed country in the EU.


The UK did get a sizable special rebate though.


Some of the formerly poorer countries like Ireland are now also net contributors but their populations are much smaller , their contribution per head may be the same or more but the total is obviously less per country.



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2 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

The following is a quote from the Bank of England web site with a link!


Who owns the Bank of England today?

Today, we are wholly-owned by the UK government. The entire capital of the Bank, around £14.6 million, is held by the Treasury Solicitor on behalf of HM Treasury. A forthcoming guide will set out how we are funded. There are some misconceptions on the internet about the Bank of England today being owned by private families, the Royal Family or run as a private corporation. However, these stories are untrue.

Crucially, though, while we are owned by HM Treasury, we carry out our responsibilities free from day-to-day political influence. The links below and our main website explain more about how we are governed.



One of the biggest smokescreens in UK history.


The B-of-Eng is a private bank owned by 13 or so individuals including a couple of New York banks; which themselves are owned by individuals. There have been 3 attempts to Nationalise the UK's Central Bank (B-of-Eng). This 'Nationalisation' gives the UK Gov' control of running the bank. The UK Treasury is like a slippery bar of soap. Just when you think you can get it, it slips out of one's grasp.


Gordon Brown (GB) sold off the UK's gold and then blamed the Treasury. Who in turn blamed the B-of-Eng who in turn said 'nothing to do with us guv; and pointed the finger at GB.


If the UK Treasury owns the bank who is the National Debt owed to; ourselves!!!!!!!?? Of course not; it's owed to the Shareholders of the B-of-Eng.


PS: The Uk does have a stake in the bank. I'm not sure if it is 1% or 1pound or what it is. This gives the UK Gov' the legal right to sit in at a shareholder's meeting; if there is such a thing!!





12 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

The B-of-Eng is a private bank owned by 13 or so individuals including a couple of New York banks; which themselves are owned by individuals.


1 minute ago, owl sees all said:

The FED and the IMF are also private concerns. All the same people have their fingers in the pies.

and the European Central Bank is owned by Angela Merkel.

10 hours ago, owl sees all said:

I was a regular on <deleted> mostly debating mathematics. But the 'who owns the bank of England?' question came up. I posted the names of 13 shareholders. Almost immediately it was removed.


It is exceedingly difficult to gleen info on the Bank of England. It is shrouded in secrecy and has laws that are unique to the bank. 


At the present time the 'tax payers' of the UK fork out 55 Billion a year (some 6 billion is returned as tax however) to individuals who own the bank.


Most central banks of the world are privately owned on the B-of-E model.


Looks like they were more stringent with trolling on that forum than they are here.


What a load of crap.

4 minutes ago, Naam said:

and the European Central Bank is owned by Angela Merkel.

What is important is not who owns what, but who is in control.

As for the European Central Bank, there is Draghi, formerly (?) of Goldman Sachs - the people that organised the Greek debt fraud.


And from Wiki:

The list of former employees of Goldman Sachs who moved on to government positions includes former U.S. Secretaries of the Treasury Robert Rubin and Henry Paulson; current United States Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin; current chief economic advisor Gary Cohn; European Central Bank President Mario Draghi; former Bank of Canada Governor and current Governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney and the current Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull. In addition, former Goldman employees have headed the New York Stock Exchange, the World Bank, and major banks such as Citigroup and Merrill Lynch.

1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

One of the biggest smokescreens in UK history.


The B-of-Eng is a private bank owned by 13 or so individuals including a couple of New York banks; which themselves are owned by individuals. There have been 3 attempts to Nationalise the UK's Central Bank (B-of-Eng). This 'Nationalisation' gives the UK Gov' control of running the bank. The UK Treasury is like a slippery bar of soap. Just when you think you can get it, it slips out of one's grasp.


Gordon Brown (GB) sold off the UK's gold and then blamed the Treasury. Who in turn blamed the B-of-Eng who in turn said 'nothing to do with us guv; and pointed the finger at GB.


If the UK Treasury owns the bank who is the National Debt owed to; ourselves!!!!!!!?? Of course not; it's owed to the Shareholders of the B-of-Eng.


PS: The Uk does have a stake in the bank. I'm not sure if it is 1% or 1pound or what it is. This gives the UK Gov' the legal right to sit in at a shareholder's meeting; if there is such a thing!!





Fake news


BoE was nationalised in 1946 and made independent but wholly owned during Brown's period


Dont confuse with the Fed which is indeed owned by Shylock and the ringlet guys

Just now, Grouse said:

BoE was nationalised in 1946 and made independent but wholly owned during Brown's period

So how did they pay off the shareholders to step down. They didn't, they are still there and are pocketing the monthly National Debt repayments.


I'm not confused. The same people own the B-of-England the FED the IMF and most Central Banks of the world.

Just now, Grouse said:

BoE was nationalised in 1946 and made independent but wholly owned during Brown's period

So how did they pay off the shareholders to step down. They didn't, they are still there and are pocketing the monthly National Debt repayments.


I'm not confused. The same people own the B-of-England the FED the IMF and most Central Banks of the world.

5 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

You seriously don't know that grouse is 100% a remainer??


How to prove that you haven't been following the topic on this forum, at all :smile:!

Dick, don't be deceived, you sometimes have to read between the lines. Sometimes what a person doesn't say can be more important than what they do say.

IMO Grouse,  is a closet Leaver. It's just a matter of time before he comes out.  :smile::smile:

1 minute ago, aright said:

Dick, don't be deceived, you sometimes have to read between the lines. Sometimes what a person doesn't say can be more important than what they do say.

IMO Grouse,  is a closet Leaver. It's just a matter of time before he comes out.  :smile::smile:

Haha! Very droll!


The fact is that I was 60:40 in favour of remaking and sorting things out from within. I guess I'm 80:20 now but I do have issues. Big Issue and WarCry

16 hours ago, taipeir said:

Half the UK is a begging bowl with earnings behind many countries in the EU and large areas of social deprivation (which will get worse with the universal tax credits ).   UK average earnings only at tenth place in the EU having a massive cumulative 22 per cent drop in euro adjusted earnings in the last 3 years. https://www.reinisfischer.com/average-salary-european-union-2016 UK now at bottom of the EU growth league. 

No wage growth but at full employment.


There's FIVE TIMES more begging Brits claiming the more generous dole and benefits in Ireland than Irish claiming the dole in the UK.





Physician examine thyself. You ain't so special to be slagging off other European countries.


Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

You`re obviously another rabid anti Brit who trawls(trolls) google looking for every negative story you can find about the UK.

Jealousy is a terrible thing,it can eat away at you.

I didn`t say I was better or worse than any European as I was responding to your nonsense about Europeans not giving a shit about Brexit.


5 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Which is bad for pretty much everyone as uncertainty is bad for business and everyone else - apart from politicians/bureaucrats involved of course....


But to look on the bright side, a few v wealthy people are likely to make a 'killing' from all the uncertainty via exchange rates etc.


Sadly I am not one of them.

You`re obviously another rabid anti Brit who trawls(trolls) google looking for every negative story you can find about the UK. Jealousy is a terrible thing,it can eat away at you. I didn`t say I was better or worse than any European as I was responding to your nonsense about Europeans not giving a shit about Brexit.   




You were going on about begging Europeans 'the begging bowl' then you made a personal attack on me , resort to a cheap call to nationalism and seem aggrieved I actually did research when you couldn't refute the facts.    



Lots of British beggars in Ireland where is the outrage from you? Don't like being called out on your tabloid rubbish?



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13 hours ago, dundee48 said:
16 hours ago, taipeir said:

Half the UK is a begging bowl with earnings behind many countries in the EU and large areas of social deprivation (which will get worse with the universal tax credits ).   UK average earnings only at tenth place in the EU having a massive cumulative 22 per cent drop in euro adjusted earnings in the last 3 years. https://www.reinisfischer.com/average-salary-european-union-2016 UK now at bottom of the EU growth league. 

No wage growth but at full employment.


There's FIVE TIMES more begging Brits claiming the more generous dole and benefits in Ireland than Irish claiming the dole in the UK.





Physician examine thyself. You ain't so special to be slagging off other European countries.


Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

You`re obviously another rabid anti Brit who trawls(trolls) google looking for every negative story you can find about the UK.

Jealousy is a terrible thing,it can eat away at you.

I didn`t say I was better or worse than any European as I was responding to your nonsense about Europeans not giving a shit about Brexit.



What you have to bear in mind is that, whilst brexit is going to be a success for the UK, it's going to be a disaster for the ROI unless they come with us (which they won't). It's to be expected that we get Irish nationals and their supporters on these discussions being derogatory toward us, just as we get Europeans and their sympathisers here doing exactly the same. It's opposing vested interests trying to change our minds. And why wouldn't they want to?

On 10/31/2017 at 12:47 AM, Khun Han said:


It isn't happening, and you're the one who is trying to claim that black is white. You presented a list of companies that you stated are leaving the UK, when it was nothing of the sort: it was a list of companies that are setting up subsidiary offices in the EU to satisfy post-brexit EU requirements.


I keep asking remainers this question, and all I ever get in reply is prevarication and speculation:


Name one major financial company that has announced it is shutting up shop in the UK, just one.

QED - " no, you" isn''t an argument


I see now you've reosorted to moving the goalposts - you don't have a leg to stand on.


do you seriously consider everything is OK in the financial sector and it's going to carry on as before?

5 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

QED - " no, you" isn''t an argument


I see now you've reosorted to moving the goalposts - you don't have a leg to stand on.


do you seriously consider everything is OK in the financial sector and it's going to carry on as before?


You remind me of banned poster Cumgranosalum with your nonsense. Lets get back to your claim that several financial companies have already left London. Please provide some proof of this.


If remainers had one decent argument, they wouldn't have to keep resorting to telling porkies.

What you have to bear in mind is that, whilst brexit is going to be a success for the UK, it's going to be a disaster for the ROI unless they come with us (which they won't). It's to be expected that we get Irish nationals and their supporters on these discussions being derogatory toward us, just as we get Europeans and their sympathisers here doing exactly the same. It's opposing vested interests trying to change our minds. And why wouldn't they want to?
It won't be good for the UK either if NI kicks off again.

Last I heard that was in the UK!

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3 hours ago, Khun Han said:


You remind me of banned poster Cumgranosalum with your nonsense. Lets get back to your claim that several financial companies have already left London. Please provide some proof of this.


If remainers had one decent argument, they wouldn't have to keep resorting to telling porkies.

See above - that is the RAL situation - take it or leave it.

16 hours ago, Grouse said:

Haha! Very droll!


The fact is that I was 60:40 in favour of remaking and sorting things out from within. I guess I'm 80:20 now but I do have issues. Big Issue and WarCry

Know what you mean as my attitude is almost the diametric opposite.


i.e. I was roughly 60:40 in support of leave - seriously disliking many things about the EU, whilst also thinking that UK politicians would use a leave vote to dismantle the workers' rights gained under the EU.  I also hoped that a leave result would 'force' the EU to reform itself (as it had shown no inclination to do so previously), resulting in a far better and less wasteful/bureaucratic EU that UK voters would support.


How wrong could I be in the hope that a leave vote would force/encourage the EU to reform :sad:??!


Instead they preferred the bullying/dictatorial/scaremongering response - to the extent that I'm now 90:10 in favour of an immediate UK response - 'We are leaving in '19 at the end of the 'notice' period'.  No more dithering and uncertainty.


Having said this, my new hope :laugh: is that if the UK govt. had the 'balls' to do this (unlikely, as they're already talking about pushing the leave date further down the road - or, in their terms, 'extending the transition period'....) this would result in the EU giving up on the dictatorial approach and accept that it is down to them to prove any money owed by the UK (bearing in mind the UK's share of EU assets) and, even more importantly - realise that any money paid is inextricably linked to trade negotiations. 

22 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Which is bad for pretty much everyone as uncertainty is bad for business and everyone else - apart from politicians/bureaucrats involved of course....


But to look on the bright side, a few v wealthy people are likely to make a 'killing' from all the uncertainty via exchange rates etc.


16 hours ago, billd766 said:


Sadly I am not one of them.

Neither am I, but it's v hard to convey sarcasm in posts.

7 hours ago, taipeir said:

You were going on about begging Europeans 'the begging bowl' then you made a personal attack on me , resort to a cheap call to nationalism and seem aggrieved I actually did research when you couldn't refute the facts.    



Lots of British beggars in Ireland where is the outrage from you? Don't like being called out on your tabloid rubbish?



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Aw diddums.Please point out where I personally attacked you,

Please point out `the cheap call on nationalism`.

Why should I be outraged if there are Brittish beggars in Ireland? I am not a snowflake who gets outraged over any little thing.

What is your nationality?

7 hours ago, Khun Han said:


What you have to bear in mind is that, whilst brexit is going to be a success for the UK, it's going to be a disaster for the ROI unless they come with us (which they won't). It's to be expected that we get Irish nationals and their supporters on these discussions being derogatory toward us, just as we get Europeans and their sympathisers here doing exactly the same. It's opposing vested interests trying to change our minds. And why wouldn't they want to?

So he`s Irish,explains a lot.

I will make allowances in future.

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