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Michael Bloomberg: Brexit is stupidest thing any country has done besides Trump

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4 hours ago, chezy86 said:

It was only my opinion as you are entitled to yours but undeniably stock markets are up unemployment down gdp up is this fake news maybe?

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FTSE 100 is up because of foreign earnings be repatriated as GDP which is very weak. As a result GDP profits are up.

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2 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

but only if parliament agrees


Parliament had already agreed when it passed the referendum law with a resounding majority.

9 hours ago, webfact said:

Michael Bloomberg: Brexit is stupidest thing any country has done besides Trump

Utter lies I saw the interview with John Snow last night on UK Channel 4 News


Bloolmerg has just invested 1 billion £'s in new state of the art offices in London with room to expand for the next 10 years.


I saw and heard the words come out of Bloolmberg's mouth. Bloody reporters and their stupid headlines. John Snow fed the usual lines and Bloolmberg avoided directly answering some of the questions so Snow (who I used to think was impartial) answered his own questions.


Again you cannot believe some stories unless you hear what was said yourself.

There are too many permutations to have done it any other way.  It had to be a binary question. The result proved that the majority didn't want to be a part of the EU anymore.

What happened after we'd established that fact was always going to be complicated (as the remain camp warned us over and over again), but it has to be done.





What rot.Too many permitations?


Do you want to leave all EU institutions ?

Do you want to stay in the single market?

Do you want to stay in the customs bloc?

Do you want to stay in the single market and customs bloc?


These are the kinds of questions that needed to be asked.


The brexiteers were saying different things, saying the UK would get a special deal with the EU that would be as good as Switzerland etc without having to make any payments or compromise on freedom of movement.


Complete fantasy stuff.


Of course there was the NHS trucks as well preddling outright lies .


People weren't presented the real facts and were not given voting options that would be superior democratically speaking to a simple in and out vote.


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7 hours ago, bannork said:

But is Joe Soap better off now? Is he getting more lather on his loofah or is he shrinking in the shower?

Is he getting more whipped cream on his spotted dick?



1 hour ago, ROGER DUNN said:

OK OK  Bloomberg , how would you like your Country run by a load of Euro idiots , telling you that you have to obey their

idiotic laws , and at the same time robbing the country just to prop up their own pockets , Enough is Enough , we want the UK Back with its own Parliament and Decisions.

Roger I saw the interview on the TV last night, it was not said, more bullshit again.


Why would the guy invest 1 billion £'s in those new offices


I will tell you what he did say and that is this


The two main investment centers in the world are New York and London and always will be.


You get those who on here rave about the £ dropping and how their pensions are frozen and blame the UK people for it. 51% - 49% vote and say no as majority votes do not count. Far to many living in LOS far to long where democracy does not exist.


To those people who left, you ran away and do not support your own country, it was your choice. If I was Pm I stop all pensions to people overseas just because they run down their own country and insult the flag You are not true Brits so sod giving you any money.

1 hour ago, oldhippy said:

You did not answer my question.

What exactly was the question.

I didn`t see any question marks.

BTW,are you argentinian or just anti British?


Reason for edit,put capital A for argentina by mistake.

1 hour ago, oldhippy said:

The British could only vote IN or OUT, they could not vote IN under what conditions or OUT under what conditions.

They were given a nonsensical choice.**

Have you any idea what the choice (wording ) was when we voted to join..?

Which I take it you are willing to accept was the choice of the people.


Vote 1975

Do you think the UK should stay in the European Community

Vote only once--Put an X in the box of your choice


Vote 2016

 Should the UK remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union

  Vote only once--Put an X in the box of your choice


I think the only difference between than and now is---1975 =  " Members of the "No" campaign accepted their defeat and promised to work constructively within the EEC."





10 minutes ago, taipeir said:

What rot.Too many permitations?


Do you want to leave all EU institutions ?

Do you want to stay in the single market?

Do you want to stay in the customs bloc?

Do you want to stay in the single market and customs bloc?


These are the kinds of questions that needed to be asked.


The brexiteers were saying different things, saying the UK would get a special deal with the EU that would be as good as Switzerland etc without having to make any payments or compromise on freedom of movement.


Complete fantasy stuff.


Of course there was the NHS trucks as well preddling outright lies .


People weren't presented the real facts and were not given voting options that would be superior democratically speaking to a simple in and out vote.


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Well try this


All those questions where asked on TV via many programs like  Question Time, but you would not know that as you where 6000 miles away in the sunshine and the result was as we know it


All you are worried about is your Pension £, come back in 5 years and see the £ at its highest point for a few decades.


The UK with friends won two world wars, do you think Europe who collapsed in those wars will beat us now? Stupid if you do.


All that is going on right now is anything to try and stop the UK leaving, because when it does and is successful the others and some are talking about it now will also leave.


The Extortion on the so called divorce bill is the other thing they wany money from the UK as they themselves do not want to cough up like the Frence who pay half of what the UK does at this time.


We joined a business not a marriage.


Europe is rubbish as only two countries benefit from it, They are Germany and France. Spain and many of the other countries are bankrupt and with 80 million tourist a year going to Spain where is all that cash going I wonder.


Get used to it its happening and intime your £ pension will go back to the good old days.

47 minutes ago, dundee48 said:

What exactly was the question.

I didn`t see any question marks.

BTW,are you argentinian or just anti British?

Reason for edit,put capital A for argentina by mistake.


47 minutes ago, dundee48 said:








I will quote my own post.

Can you see the question now?

(And Argentina with an a - that says it all.)


  • oldhippy
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Can somebody remind me of the logic behind


>>> UK out of EU - self determination! National sovereignty!

>>> N Ireland in the UK

>>> Scotland in the UK

>>> Malvinas in the UK


1 hour ago, taipeir said:

What rot.Too many permitations?


Do you want to leave all EU institutions ?

Do you want to stay in the single market?

Do you want to stay in the customs bloc?

Do you want to stay in the single market and customs bloc?


These are the kinds of questions that needed to be asked.


The brexiteers were saying different things, saying the UK would get a special deal with the EU that would be as good as Switzerland etc without having to make any payments or compromise on freedom of movement.


Complete fantasy stuff.


Of course there was the NHS trucks as well preddling outright lies .


People weren't presented the real facts and were not given voting options that would be superior democratically speaking to a simple in and out vote.


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So how many questions would you have put in the referendum - 10, 20, 50?  That massively increases the possibility of human error.

And what would you have done with the results of this referendum / survey? If people voted to leave the EU but stay in the single market, you think the EU would just say "of course you can do that!" No they wouldn't.

What NHS trucks?? Were you even there and listening during the referendum?


An in/out vote was the only way to get a clear decision, and you're naïve if you think otherwise.


Now we all need to pull together to get the best post Brexit arrangements possible.


6 hours ago, chang50 said:

In that case can we look forward to Yankland minding its own business globally or will they continue to interfere in the domestic affairs of dozens of countries?

Not a chance in hell, they love interfering in issues that have nothing to do with them

4 hours ago, taipeir said:

Says the yank....Very ironically...

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I am English actually. You may be a Yank I am not

10 hours ago, Stocky said:

Big business and Mr Bloomberg might have been doing "so well" but Joe Soap, the average UK citizen, hasn't been; hence the vote to leave.

Given that the pounds devaluation has immediately caused imports to rise in price by 10-20%, (and we have lots of imports, because we don't manufacture much anymore), and International business dealing with every individual country, rather than a bloc, gives extra costs to the proceedings, I would like to ask, How is Joe Soap going to be better off, with slimmer profits to be spread around? Especially amid rising prices.

Big business might suffer, but the people actually working are going to benefit what exactly?

4 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

and International business dealing with every individual country, rather than a bloc, gives extra costs to the proceedings

Can you give a specific example of this with some details please?


It's all just conjecture and sound bites without solid evidence to back up claims like this.


Do you think that the EU will let in Parma Ham made in Torquay - after regulating the Appellation?

You may like or dislike the EU regulations, but an "independant" UK will still have to follow them to be allowed to export to the EU.

And as an outsider, the UK will not be able to influence the regulations.

Maybe soon the EU will export Scotch Whisky made in Greece?


Maybe America would be ok if Mexico imposed laws and  and regulations on America, But We in  Britain who had a democratic vote, Voted to leave the dictatorship of unelected men. , 

10 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Exactly.  The opening sentence of the article says it all :-


"Billionaire media mogul says it is ‘hard to understand why a country doing so well wanted to ruin it’"


I think most recognise that whilst the wealthy were doing very well, the poor and average were not doing "so well".  Something Mr Bloomberg doesn't care about and/or has entirely missed......

It's actually hilarious how the ordinary Brits with no power at all, are willing to push the responsibility from UK politicians to EU politicians. 

At what point do you realise that UK politicians are really bad folks? Those 'men' are way worse and way more selfish people, compared what you encounter at EU. 

But hey, I guess everything bad comes from EU.. said by UK politicians. 

You should keep on following your beloved and personally voted for politicians. They know what is the best for the country, the Queen and for the flag!


Said 1%er Bilderberger who wants to disarm Americans...

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It's actually hilarious how the ordinary Brits with no power at all, are willing to push the responsibility from UK politicians to EU politicians. 


At what point do you realise that UK politicians are really bad folks? Those 'men' are way worse and way more selfish people, compared what you encounter at EU. 


But hey, I guess everything bad comes from EU.. said by UK politicians. 


You should keep on following your beloved and personally voted for politicians. They know what is the best for the country, the Queen and for the flag!

I dislike UK politicians, especially those who pledge a referendum then renegade, the same very person who is probably one the UK’s most despised man, not difficult to identify.


Talking of despised, this very term is very appropriate as these unelected MEP & Brussels self proclaimed elite seem to think they can over-rule the UK’s own Parliament. So I don’t hate the EU I despise its ignorance to solving real serious issues, along with despising their arrogance along with to reform requests fall on deaf ears.


Full Accountability will eventually return to Westminster so the electorate have the option to sack MP’s if they’re unfit for purpose, and most of all ‘serve’ those who elect them.


The sacking of unelected MEP’s within Brussels isn’t an option.



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7 hours ago, dundee48 said:

I don`t think you are argentinian but I would guess you are American so some leeway is allowed.

What is Malvinas? do you mean The Falkland Islands?

Only an argentinian or someone anti British would use that term.

QUOTE: I don`t think you are argentinian but I would guess you are American so some leeway is allowed.


American bashing?


And Malvinas? Never heard of? They are islands near the wreck of the Belgrano. Their contribution to the history of the UK was facilitating the reelection of Thatcher - you remember, Maggie was Pinochet's friend and called Galtieri a horrible dictator?

37 minutes ago, citybiker said:

I dislike UK politicians, especially those who pledge a referendum then renegade, the same very person who is probably one the UK’s most despised man, not difficult to identify.


Talking of despised, this very term is very appropriate as these unelected MEP & Brussels self proclaimed elite seem to think they can over-rule the UK’s own Parliament. So I don’t hate the EU I despise its ignorance to solving real serious issues, along with despising their arrogance along with to reform requests fall on deaf ears.


Full Accountability will eventually return to Westminster so the electorate have the option to sack MP’s if they’re unfit for purpose, and most of all ‘serve’ those who elect them.


The sacking of unelected MEP’s within Brussels isn’t an option.



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? unelected MEP's ?

So the European elections were fake news?

What a nutty comment!


Admittedly it is only an educated guess, but if the Europeans had been given the right to vote in a Brexit referendum, the result would not have been a meager 52%><48%, but a resounding 90%><10%.

In favour of Brexit of course.


? unelected MEP's ?
So the European elections were fake news?
What a nutty comment!

Direct universal suffrage.

I’m aware of individual European elections.

A facetious nutty element of your reply is more humorous.

I’ll respect Europhile’s admiration but I hope an amicable divorce is pending.

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1 hour ago, citybiker said:

I dislike UK politicians, especially those who pledge a referendum then renegade, the same very person who is probably one the UK’s most despised man, not difficult to identify.


Talking of despised, this very term is very appropriate as these unelected MEP & Brussels self proclaimed elite seem to think they can over-rule the UK’s own Parliament. So I don’t hate the EU I despise its ignorance to solving real serious issues, along with despising their arrogance along with to reform requests fall on deaf ears.


Full Accountability will eventually return to Westminster so the electorate have the option to sack MP’s if they’re unfit for purpose, and most of all ‘serve’ those who elect them.


The sacking of unelected MEP’s within Brussels isn’t an option.



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The last election to the european parliament was 2014.

The next election is 2019.

Every 5 years is election time to the european parliament.

You can ask Nigel Farage.

He is a member of the European Parliament. He gets every year around 200.000 Euros for his presence.

1 minute ago, citybiker said:

Direct universal suffrage.

I’m aware of individual European elections.

A facetious nutty element of your reply is more humorous.

I’ll respect Europhile’s admiration but I hope an amicable divorce is pending.

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So you admit that your comment about unelected MEP was wrong?

That's a good start.

And you advocate European elections with candidates running in every country?

That is exactly what the "Europhiles" want.

Maybe you should think things over, you seem very confused about Europe at present.



So you admit that your comment about unelected MEP was wrong? That's a good start.

And you advocate European elections with candidates running in every country?

That is exactly what the "Europhiles" want.

Maybe you should think things over, you seem very confused about Europe at present.




Thanks for unnecessary, unwanted advice & far from confused.


Relieved the U.K. made the appropriate decision in voting for Brexit.

Here’s another reason:



Lastly, of course Brexit is so stupid, Euro debt is currently at an average of nearly €30k per EU citizen, someone has to pay for it.


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6 hours ago, oldhippy said:



Still don`t see a question.You have just quoted the same garbage again.

So you are an argie then or are you too embarrassed to admit it?

4 hours ago, oldhippy said:

Do you think that the EU will let in Parma Ham made in Torquay - after regulating the Appellation?

You may like or dislike the EU regulations, but an "independant" UK will still have to follow them to be allowed to export to the EU.

And as an outsider, the UK will not be able to influence the regulations.

Maybe soon the EU will export Scotch Whisky made in Greece?

Ah yes,Greece with their unrivalled export abilities.The only thing Greece can export is Greeks.

BTW,are you Greek or argentinian or American?,you still haven`t answered that simple question.

You are most definitely anti British.

1 hour ago, oldhippy said:

QUOTE: I don`t think you are argentinian but I would guess you are American so some leeway is allowed.


American bashing?


And Malvinas? Never heard of? They are islands near the wreck of the Belgrano. Their contribution to the history of the UK was facilitating the reelection of Thatcher - you remember, Maggie was Pinochet's friend and called Galtieri a horrible dictator?

Yes I have heard of malvinas,that is what argies and anti British call the Falkland Islands.


Reason for edit-put capital M instead of m for the Islands the brave British troops defended during the Falkland wars.

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