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North Korea diplomat says take atmospheric nuclear test threat 'literally'

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7 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

Yes there have been those who escaped to tell their tales but I dont think very many?  I could be wrong but I have heard of only a few.


Very interesting thought re the apparent lack of internal opposition to Mr Kim.  Some could argue its due to fear of their brutal ruler/s.  I dont buy that.  The brutality of the French and the South Vietnamese Govt didnt lessen the drive and determination of the Viet Minh or Viet Cong,  it tended more to fuel it.   However if there was in fact any internal opposition and discontent, you would think the CIA would already be there stirring the pot.   Yes, very interesting question.

It could be that government is not that prominent in the lives of many, or at least certainty not what it was since the dreadful famine of the 90s. From that point, society began to change irrevocably and the traditional order began breaking down as desperate people were left to fend for themselves. 

There is still a way to go, but increasingly government is paid less and less heed: 'They do their thing, we do ours.'

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5 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

One good solution would be a revolution in NK to topple this rotten regime, maybe it cannot happens only due to China's support for the regime. We are probably swimming in a wonderful diplomatic hypocrisy! China has a communist party with some of his members among the richest men on earth. :crazy: 

It's highly doubtful there will be a coup or revolution in NK.  Similar to Hussein and other dictators, Kim's top priority is maintaining his top position.  That's why NK is such a martial place now.  His #2 priority is to keep the US as the bogey man, because dictators need enemies as much as they need a slew of body guards and hardened bunkers.


Another note:  Even when the shit hits the fan (I think it will be a preemptive stealth strike by the US), it's not certain NK will attack SK.  NK still holds on to the idea of uniting the 2 Koreas (under Kim's rule, of course).  SK will feel obliged to aid its ally, the US.  Plus, there are US bases in SK.   Even so, it's not a given, that NK will bomb SK.  NK's top target will be US possessions or territory (it's already mentioned Guam is in their crosshairs). 


      If it has precision-guided bombs (which is doubtful, at this time), it's reasonable to assume they'll aim them at the US embassy in Seoul and/or US military command posts in SK.   That might explain why S.Koreans don't seem to be unduly spooked.  You would think that if Seoul was under imminent threat, that millions of residents would be flooding out of the city.  None of that's happening.  


Not because we or anyone says so but because a Leader wants what's best for his country and it's citizens.  Weapons of war to include nuclear weapons consume an inordinate amount of money that would be better spent on healthcare; housing and education.  It is also my criticism of America- the defense budget consumes way too much money- time for Europe to take care of itself and American forces to go home and let European forces take their place and Europe pay for it ; for America to get out of the middle east; and once NKorea agrees to fold its weapons program to get out of Korea.

24 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

  However if there was in fact any internal opposition and discontent, you would think the CIA would already be there stirring the pot.   Yes, very interesting question.

Interesting point.  However, the CIA is not adept at HUMINT (human acquired intel).  They may have had a contact with some inside knowledge of ISIS, but Trump compromised that person, when he joked and jostled with his Russkie buddies in the Oval Office.


My dad was CIA, and his main job was to develop 'opposite numbers' as he called them.  It's delicate work and can take months/years to develop a dependable useful person.  While in Guinea, West Africa, my dad had one good African fellow named Dialo.  His code name was 'Antelope.'   After awhile, Antelope got outed.  Guinean security took him to Chad and killed him.  He didn't divulge his contacts, even under torture.


Getting any humint in N.Korea would seem as difficult as getting it on Al Qaeda or ISIS.   It's a tough job, but I guess somebody's got to do it.  It doesn't help having a loose cannon like Trump in the Oval Office.


America's strategic interests lie in Asia and that is why Obama tilted towards Asia.  Europe has used the Americans for decades to fend off the Soviet Union and Russia.  WWII has been over for a long time and the Cold War has ended. It is time for America to pull out of Europe and let Europe be defended by European countries.  The Middle East is the same- let Saudi Arabia; Kuwait and the Emirates take over the defense of their own area and the Americans go home


America has been played for a fool for  years engaging in the defense of other countries who are wealthy and can take care of themselves.  The Korean situation will be settled and then America can pull back from SKorea and concentrate on engaging the rest of Asia to include Australia..The money saved from all this can be used to help American citizens with universal Healthcare; housing and education.


Despite sometimes understandable anti-American sentiment on TV, can't fathom how anyone can claim the USA is the problem here. North Korea is the problem and has been for decades. So let's not forget that the list is LONG for USA's  achievements and accomplishments that have been of great benefit to the entire world. Aside from being paramount in stopping the Nazis and the reason all of this is not in German now, the USA's esteemed list of inventions and/or innovations is most impressive to say the least, especially when the country is less than 250 y.o. A mere child compared to the rest of the world.


The fact that the USA has been a leader, if not The leader, in advancements in medicine, technology, innovation and overall "good" for the modern world is indisputable. Also #1 in Foreign Aid and always at or near the top in charitable giving. :thumbsup:


What The "Eff" has North Korea ever contributed, other than trouble???




21 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

Despite sometimes understandable anti-American sentiment on TV, can't fathom how anyone can claim the USA is the problem here. North Korea is the problem and has been for decades. So let's not forget that the list is LONG for USA's  achievements and accomplishments that have been of great benefit to the entire world. Aside from being paramount in stopping the Nazis and the reason all of this is not in German now, the USA's esteemed list of inventions and/or innovations is most impressive to say the least, especially when the country is less than 250 y.o. A mere child compared to the rest of the world.


The fact that the USA has been a leader, if not The leader, in advancements in medicine, technology, innovation and overall "good" for the modern world is indisputable. Also #1 in Foreign Aid and always at or near the top in charitable giving. :thumbsup:


What The "Eff" has North Korea ever contributed, other than trouble???




There are not many who claim the US IS the problem, rather than that the US is a significant contributor TOWARDS the problem. A problem I think would be better handled regionally. 


As for being paramount in stopping the Nazis, I think you will find a number of former Soviet troops' families who might have a rather different opinion, to say the least...

2 hours ago, shoupy said:

Meanwhile, a North Korean Romeo Class submarine which left port three weeks ago with 20 suicide commandos slowly makes its way toward the Potomac River.


13 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

That,s our air he is going to be polluting with radiation ! This sickening little creep really needs to be taken care of.

Yes it's to late for talk. His a weak disease that needs neutralizing 

9 hours ago, Morch said:


This is not about a "country's right to defend" itself, but rather about a dictator fortifying his hold on power at the expense of the people. Nuclear weapons are bad, but nuclear weapons in the hands of such rulers as Kim are worse.



NK, as a country, doesn't gain anything from Kim's actions as it is. The only one benefiting is Kim (yeah yeah...and his inner circle, whatever). Such attacks do not always happen because of rational decision making - opportunities for mistakes and miscalculation are always present. If Kim was to believe he was about to go down - would he still act rationally? I doubt there's a reliable answer for that. But keeping up the talk about what NK wants, wishes or expects is intentionally misleading - North Koreans do not have a say in this one way or the other.



Clearly, if your analysis is right,we should all thank our lucky stars and stripes that world's largest miliary superpower (and the only nation ever to have used nuclear weapons) has such a paragon of rationality as its Commander in Chief.


(Or do you think the fiendishly clever Russians got him elected to provoke a war with North Korea which would draw in China and kill three birds with one multi-megaton stone?).

3 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Despite sometimes understandable anti-American sentiment on TV, can't fathom how anyone can claim the USA is the problem here.


Are the North Korean army along the Mexican border with 30,000 troops ready to invade, North Korean bombers and fighter jets flying just out of American airspace, North Korean submarines and warships at the ready to attack the Californian coast? 




Maybe if the Americans removed all of those their 30,000 troops from the border..... stopped flying their fighter jets and bomber...stopped threatening them with annihilation.... there wouldn't be such a threat upon the American people. 


But no, it's not the American military that is the problem, obviously. 

11 hours ago, ThaiFelix said:

Yes there have been those who escaped to tell their tales but I dont think very many?  I could be wrong but I have heard of only a few.


Very interesting thought re the apparent lack of internal opposition to Mr Kim.  Some could argue its due to fear of their brutal ruler/s.  I dont buy that.  The brutality of the French and the South Vietnamese Govt didnt lessen the drive and determination of the Viet Minh or Viet Cong,  it tended more to fuel it.   However if there was in fact any internal opposition and discontent, you would think the CIA would already be there stirring the pot.   Yes, very interesting question.

You don't research things very well do you.  Between 100k and 300k have defected from NK since 1953.  You don't have numbers like that unless things are really bad in a country.  Seems to be quite bad to live in NK.




Research the government official who was killed by an anti-aircraft gun for falling asleep in a meeting.  Kim has executed over 300 people since coming into power.  I'd say there is fear in the ranks of officials there. LOL.

6 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:


Are the North Korean army along the Mexican border with 30,000 troops ready to invade, North Korean bombers and fighter jets flying just out of American airspace, North Korean submarines and warships at the ready to attack the Californian coast? 




Maybe if the Americans removed all of those their 30,000 troops from the border..... stopped flying their fighter jets and bomber...stopped threatening them with annihilation.... there wouldn't be such a threat upon the American people. 


But no, it's not the American military that is the problem, obviously. 

You seem to forget South Korea is an American ally and the troops are there per their request.  The was was never ended.  NK has some 1 million troops.  3,000 artillery pieces are stationed along the border and aimed at Seoul.  The list of border incursions is a long one.


Perhaps if NK removed all this from the border, the US troops could go home?  It takes 2 to tango.





the American military doesn't determine policy- that is done by the Department Of Defense; the National Security Council; and the President and his advisors.  The American military follow orders.

It would be great if America could simply withdraw its forces from SKorea and all its weaponry but it would not be the responsible action at the moment. However, most people agree that Donald Trump needs to tone down his rhetoric and put the onus of response on NKorea.


Those on this board who support NKorea are supporting a dictatorship run by a ruthless leader who keeps his population in poverty so he and his family can rule.In addition, the NK leader rules a regime that kills his opponents to include some in his own family. This regime counterfeits foreign currencies; sells drugs around the World; and is known to supply terrorist regimes with weapons. There is no doubt that his next step will be to provide nuclear technology to a terrorist organization and that is why he must be stopped- not by war but through sanctions and ultimately negotiation.

6 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Those on this board who support NKorea are supporting a dictatorship run by a ruthless leader who keeps his population in poverty so he and his family can rule.In addition, the NK leader rules a regime that kills his opponents to include some in his own family. This regime counterfeits foreign currencies; sells drugs around the World; and is known to supply terrorist regimes with weapons. There is no doubt that his next step will be to provide nuclear technology to a terrorist organization and that is why he must be stopped- not by war but through sanctions and ultimately negotiation.

Same could be said of the US , but much bigger than just one person dictator.

1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

You seem to forget South Korea is an American ally and the troops are there per their request.  The was was never ended.  NK has some 1 million troops.  3,000 artillery pieces are stationed along the border and aimed at Seoul.  The list of border incursions is a long one.


Perhaps if NK removed all this from the border, the US troops could go home?  It takes 2 to tango.


It is the North Korean Border.


How dare the North Koreans have troops there.



Maybe if Mexico called in North Korean troops to help them with border issues, and they sent over 30,000, it would be a fairer deal. 



1 hour ago, Thaidream said:


the American military doesn't determine policy- that is done by the Department Of Defense; the National Security Council; and the President and his advisors.  The American military follow orders.

It would be great if America could simply withdraw its forces from SKorea and all its weaponry but it would not be the responsible action at the moment. However, most people agree that Donald Trump needs to tone down his rhetoric and put the onus of response on NKorea.


Those on this board who support NKorea are supporting a dictatorship run by a ruthless leader who keeps his population in poverty so he and his family can rule.In addition, the NK leader rules a regime that kills his opponents to include some in his own family. This regime counterfeits foreign currencies; sells drugs around the World; and is known to supply terrorist regimes with weapons. There is no doubt that his next step will be to provide nuclear technology to a terrorist organization and that is why he must be stopped- not by war but through sanctions and ultimately negotiation.

The US could also fit with most of what is in your last paragraph.

15 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:


It is the North Korean Border.


How dare the North Koreans have troops there.



Maybe if Mexico called in North Korean troops to help them with border issues, and they sent over 30,000, it would be a fairer deal. 



It is the South Korean Border.


How dare the South Koreans have troops and allies there.


Mexico doesn't have any border issues.  Easy to head south if you want.  Heading north is the problem.


Edit: Mexico does have big border issues.  But they are in the south.  A really big problem for them.

5 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

The US could also fit with most of what is in your last paragraph.

BS.  The US population is in poverty so Trump can rule?  Seriously?  The US is counterfeiting foreign currencies?  Selling illegal drugs around the world?


You've lost the plot.

21 hours ago, digger70 said:

Well  every one keeps stirring  up NK ....What would you do if they keep stirring you? I would do same as NK, Getting ready  to kick ass.Leave them alone. Don't stir shit ,They won't Nuke the US  unless the US starts First.

Darn, I thought the whole idea of the US starts first was so that NK would not be able to at all, ever.


What island does NK have in order to do this test? None. So they'll load a bomb on a ship and set it off. OK,then what's to stop them from anchoring several of these bomb ships off the west coast of America? Just the radio active fallout would play hell with California Growers Association.

20 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

People get fined for littering.  There should be fines for countries which pollute. 

On a side note:  there's a Texas-sized glob of plastic particles & goo, floating in the N.Pacific which is about 2 meters thick.  Arguably 90% of that goop comes from China.  



Sounds like a great place to do a Nuclear test.

1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

BS.  The US population is in poverty so Trump can rule?  Seriously?  The US is counterfeiting foreign currencies?  Selling illegal drugs around the world?


You've lost the plot.

No benefit at all in personal attacks.  I did say "most" not all.  Usa manipulates foreign exchange (murders Gaddafi because he wanted gold for oil not US$), sells drugs to own people (not others..youre correct there...not the same...see Oliver North/Contra deal) murders own presidents, sells centrifugal parts to Iran, uranium to Russia etc etc reportedly suppling arms to ISIS etc etc etc

3 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

No benefit at all in personal attacks.  I did say "most" not all.  Usa manipulates foreign exchange (murders Gaddafi because he wanted gold for oil not US$), sells drugs to own people (not others..youre correct there...not the same...see Oliver North/Contra deal) murders own presidents, sells centrifugal parts to Iran, uranium to Russia etc etc reportedly suppling arms to ISIS etc etc etc

You're posting incorrect information. Again.  That's called trolling.  Please stick to the topic.  North Korea, nuclear test, etc. LOL


Anyone who compares what North Korea is doing to the US is  filled with a hatred to the US that is based upon misinformation and reading website conspiracy theories.


North Korea has concentration camps and labor camps where it puts it's own citizens who are thought to be anti-government and also the families of defectors. In fact, NKorea ranks its citizens in order of least favorable to the government to most favorable. The most favorable get to live in the capital Pyongyang while the rest get the much poorer countryside.  I can assure you there are no concentration camps in America and people are free to live wherever they desire.


NOrth Korea is counterfeiting currencies; selling drugs ; kidnapping people and murdering abroad whenever it sees fit.  The US Government has no such policy and anything you read to the contrary is pure nonsense. America did not kill Gaddafi- Libyans did; America did not kill Kennedy- a rogue citizen did; a rogue group did sell drugs during Contra but certainly without the consent of the Government and any sale of centrifuges was for the development of a peaceful nuclear program for electricity production not weapons.


There will always be rogue elements in every Nation at different times in a countries history that tries to subvert national policy but that is not the case in NKorea.  National policy in NKorea is to subjugate its own people; establish a dictatorial regime; and pursue nuclear weapons while its people starve. America has no such policy and never has.


Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion but some of the posters are using their hate of America to distort what is actually happening and what has happened in the past. I know exactly what the situation is in Korea as I was once stationed there and for years worked at locations in Asia that dealt with Korea. America seeks only  peace and denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. At no time have I ever seen or heard of anyone in the American military establishment that wanted war with NKorea or anyone else.


I hardly think America deserves the likes of Donald Trump and his minions. Actually, Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes and he may have actually lost the election if Russian hacking into the voting machines is proven. There are many reasons the people who voted for Trump did so but I am not going to get into that in this topic.

It is safe to say that in  3 years from now Americans can vote out Trump if they choose to do so.  No one is going to vote out Mr Kim in NKorea.


Stop comparing NKorea to America- one is a dictatorship and the other has a Democracy. I may not like Trump and his policies- but at least I can voice my dissent and work against him through my representative in Congress-  Try that in NKorea.

51 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

You're posting incorrect information. Again.  That's called trolling.  Please stick to the topic.  North Korea, nuclear test, etc. LOL

Yes a little off topic but I was only responding to your comments....are you a moderator?

13 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Whoever said people get the governments they deserve had clearly never been to North Korea. Or the United States.

100% agreed.  Though in the US, they did get what they deserved.  They voted that nut into power!


In NK, they do deserve better.


It's a sad commentary when posters wish that a nuclear test is done over America or that America  gets a Government that is dysfunctional.  Since when does the average American deserve to be so hated?  In all my years of travel to almost 50 countries- I have never disliked a single person solely because of their Nationality. Some posters are truly bigots.

4 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

It's a sad commentary when posters wish that a nuclear test is done over America or that America  gets a Government that is dysfunctional.  Since when does the average American deserve to be so hated?  In all my years of travel to almost 50 countries- I have never disliked a single person solely because of their Nationality. Some posters are truly bigots.

Such posters and name callers deserve only to be ignored otherwise you lower yourself to their level.

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