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Soldiers pick up 100 tons of trash from beaches around Hua Hin - army plan to dump it in ten holes


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I live in Mae Phim, where beaches are cleaned daily by local workers to an extremely high standard, but if not then it might be just as messy as Hua Hin.


A few days ago on the fishermans pier a few miles along from the beaches i observed a young guy pouring 3 full baskets off the end of the pier. It  looked like remnants of crab cleaning, but inside the 3 baskets it had loads of plastic bottles and food wrappers.

I spoke up in protest, but all i received was verbal abuse......

The beaches are beautiful and well maintained, but a few miles along the coast the fishermen simply dump everything in the harbor....... 

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2 hours ago, DoctorG said:

Good. I was hoping some local members would post to show that much of this trash did not arrive from seawards.

Yes me too. Last week or so several posters were claiming the wind brings in 90+ percent of trash and I begged to differ and I think one guy who posts links to everything may have found one link showing floating trash. So much of this trash is not from the wind and off shore boats. Just look at that picture  of garbage in the  canal!! Gross. There are a couple garbage recycling factories and I toured one last week up in the North West of Thailand and it was really amazing. The garbage is turned to fuel and sold again. Why can't they ship it up there? Soon there will be more recycling factories but it will take time. 

Edited by alex8912
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yesterday i did a long walk along HH beach.  

it looked very clean, apart from the rubbish coming downstream as in the pictures on this thread, close to the Coconut Beach bar, which was absolutely disgusting.

However, I could not help but notice that the air did not smell as it should on a beach, did not smell of the sea.......it smelt a bit like crap!.

I wont be going for a swim here, or do any watersports.

Such a shame.

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1 hour ago, dieseldave1951 said:

what a lovely job for the highly trained soldiers of the thai army, i bet they never thought they would trade their guns for a shovel and rake 

The army guys have to do what they are told If you said to Thai man walking around doing nothing "Come do some work on beach" They would laugh at you and keep walking

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1 hour ago, PaulHamon said:

This is probably the 1.5 kms for beach that is next to the special golf course down in Khao Takiab, or thats what it looks like from the trees. I mean that base/golf course does have around 3-4kms of beach.


Most of the pictures are recognisably from the area around Khao Dtao (south of the Milford Golf Course), Khao Kalok (South side of Pak Nam Pran), and the Forest Park to the north of Pranburi. Over the last several weeks, we have visited Khao Takiab several times, including the stretch passing the Seapines Golfcourse (which is the one you refer to), and it has been (surprisingly) very clean there, unless something sudden happened.

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100 tonnes of rubbish, but 10 holes to b dug. So 10 tonnes per hole.  That is NOT a internationaly recognised landfill, it's an "out of sight out of mind" dump.  My bets are there will be no compaction and the holes will be shallow.  Again Thailand scores high on the "we're only 3rd world" scale of ignorance.

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There used to be a farang in the park with a microphone talking in Thai to tell locals to pick up there rubbish .

Sounded American I think but my wife said the locals said he was crazy.

Mind you he used to climb the trees a lot but he got the park cleaner for the few months he was there .

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Firstly the City Halls need full removal and all new staff and those there from family inheritance can go to BIG C. That said there useless lazy and incompetent.

Secondly the soldiers have nothing else to do anyway . Unlike US and AU regiments which contribute globally. Sorry no medals given here.

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3 minutes ago, Lucky mike said:

Maybe start at the source first ! Education? Personal responsibility? Punishment?

I agree another thing for proper fines to be generated where ever rubbish is thrown illegally, another earner for the Government to provide services.  Will also assist in making Thailand a tourist destination as people will not be swimming through rubbish.


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2 hours ago, dieseldave1951 said:

what a lovely job for the highly trained soldiers of the thai army, i bet they never thought they would trade their guns for a shovel and rake 

Good for the military. Thailand has a serious problem of accountability. Bad leadership from a bad system. Only the military has demonstrated that something can get done if needed. It's too bad they aren't in for 20yrs as it would take at least that to fix the  system.... now all they can do is respond to the symptom.

Tourism is 12% of the countries revenue. If that isn't maintained there will be a crisis even the military cannot address.

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39 minutes ago, eliotness said:

100 tonnes of rubbish, but 10 holes to b dug. So 10 tonnes per hole.  That is NOT a internationaly recognised landfill, it's an "out of sight out of mind" dump.  My bets are there will be no compaction and the holes will be shallow.  Again Thailand scores high on the "we're only 3rd world" scale of ignorance.

At least if it is just plastic, it takes centuries to decompoze so hhere will be little or no stench from de compozing organic matterial. 

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

... to survey the movements of ocean borne trash.

When I read the last three words I see that they obviously did not understand anything.
O.K. then --- go on playing on tinkering with the symptoms ... TiT ...

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51 minutes ago, Lucky mike said:

Maybe start at the source first ! Education? Personal responsibility? Punishment?

Whoa there! you want the 'masses" to start thinking for themselves? best keep them ignorant, next thing they would want is democracy and all the accountability that would bring!

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Yeah, yeah, jump on the bandwagon. It is clear from the pictures that 90% of the "rubbish" is seaweed. So, let us be a bit more accurate - 100 soldiers picked up 90 tonnes of seaweed and 10 tonnes of trash from beaches around Hua Hin.  Even that seems a bit much to me.


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Hardly a single positive comment on this thread, if you did post one I missed it amongst all the moaning and usual (mostly justified) piss-taking.  Most of the time this lot do deserve both barrells but sometimes, just sometimes they actually have a go at fixing something.  100 tons, 50 tons, seaweed, fag buts or none it's a ferging start.  Would you all prefer it got swept back in the sea, or just left there, maybe get some giant fans and blow it over to Pattaya where it wouldn't be noticed.


It's a massive global problem and only education from a very young age will turn it around.   

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