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Illegal Africans in Thailand: "The more we get rid of them the more they come," say police


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10 hours ago, chippendale said:

A U-turn lane that sends them straight back onto the Air Africa flight they came from.

Only decent blacks I've seen in SE Asia were serious minded students . . . chuck the rest unless bona fide business folks

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9 hours ago, wolfmuc said:

Mr Ochomo,

your numbers are outdated. May I help you?



BTW, why doesn't Nigeria plant it's own rice?

Any idea?

Thank you for the updated figures, although my point was not the exact numbers. Now can you ask the same question for China or the EU which imports an almost similar amount? Or are stupid questions only reserved for Africans?

Every country buys something from another. Nigeria buys surplus Rice from Thailand. Thailand needs this revenue. Thai rice farmers, majority of whom are poor, have no time for questions like yours.

Some posters here are suggesting that Thailand comes up with some retaliatory measures against certain countries because of the criminal activities of some of its citizens. In an interdependent world, this has repercussions and the Thai Government (unlike some of these ignorant posters) is well aware of them. I am all for criminals of all colours being deported but the focus on the black ones and make it an almost weekly story suggests that something else is going on, especially since the results of these crackdowns are not really being felt.

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11 hours ago, mike888 said:

Africans will not be stopped from coming to thailand, this is just more racist "black bashing" by thai media/police.


Africa and thailand are linked much more than farang countries due to trade deals (ex. oil/rice/textiles/seafood). This leads to many visa loopholes.


Obviously there are also huge black market links as well, thailand being a big producer and africans the best smugglers .


African girls also popular in bkk amongst whites/arabs so they will keep smuggling humans as well lol.

So You mean Africans should be allowed to stay in Thailand illegal  ?!?

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47 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

"The problem of people of color breaking the law in Thailand". 

Someone needs to tell that TV station that most of the world also includes Asians as "people of color"

I am "white" although I am not white.... more of a pinkish color tending towards brown from years of living here.

Everyone is a "person of color". We are not ghost shrimp

I suppose I should be surprised at the viscous racism I've seen in many posts, but given current climate, I'm not

Who is talking about people of color ??  Nothing to with racism. This subjekt is illegal Africans in Thailand !!

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4 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

Welcome to the world's new reality Thailand  = and blacks cause more trouble, violence and crime per ethnic count, more prisoners per ethnic group. If you do not stop them now, you will have big problems - soon the country will be a festering black and muslims population

So who do you hate more between the blacks and the muslims?

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What stupid excuses the police is giving? Demand to see their travel documents whenever they are spotted within the country. Next, introduce judicial caning for overstayers. Try doing this in Singapore and you shall see if their asses are going to be torn!

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8 hours ago, robusto said:


Look, Thailand getting used to a new problem because it's not its biggest problem is not the solution. If there are suddenly mosquitos around you you don't say hey bro chillax, it's not the world's biggest problem. Well, unless you count get malaria. The point is YOU GET RID OF THEM IF YOU CAN.

The worst thing about this dicussion is all the black people seem to be defending this. As far as I can tell, correct me if I'm wrong here.

I mean if half my countrymen were <deleted> bothering people and the other half were good people, I'd be the first one to start planning how to get rid of all the <deleted> so I wouldn't be mistaken as one of them. Instead all we see here is trying to deny the problem and attacking the people trying to solve it with some white SJW dogooders forming the choir. What does that say about the total?

Totally right on the dot, 100% sense. Couldn't say it better than you did.

Edited by Rimbuman
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5 hours ago, mike888 said:

Africans will not be stopped from coming to thailand, this is just more racist "black bashing" by thai media/police.


Africa and thailand are linked much more than farang countries due to trade deals (ex. oil/rice/textiles/seafood). This leads to many visa loopholes.


Obviously there are also huge black market links as well, thailand being a big producer and africans the best smugglers .


African girls also popular in bkk amongst whites/arabs so they will keep smuggling humans as well lol.

I am African, but not black. Go figure. Also, I'm here legally. :wink:

Edited by SABloke
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It doesn't say in the article that they get deported. Probably buy their way out and go back to their chosen crime. Those that do go home tell their friends how easy it is to make money in Bangkok, so yes, they will still keep coming !

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1 hour ago, Briggsy said:

Dude, are you stuck in a hippy mind warp from the 70's. You are at least 25 years out of date! Where have you been for the last 4 decades?


Here are the facts.




Thailand opium eradication


And going back even further Thailand announced its poppy eradication as a national priority in 1973.

Well they did that right, why would it be such a problem to deal with this African problem?

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Who pays to repatriate them back...and that's if you can find out their real name let alone their nationality?Thailand certainly doesnot have the resources to baby sit and wet nurse illegals on a full time scale.Neither does many of the so called first world westernised countries also!A few specifically chosen media raids is all well and good but there is a much bigger underlying problem with illegals on a world wide  scale.

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Just now, overherebc said:

Just to remind myself I went back and read the headline again, I was right, it says 'Illegal Africans'

I did read carefully and can't find any mention of 'All Africans'

Just imagine if it said Illegal Europeans !!!!!!

Exactly. It's the faux outrage that permeates society these days, where if you say, "That white rapist is a rapist", you're accused of being racist in some way. I find these types of people as annoying as the racists that spout rubbish like, "Everyone is racist, but if you accept it we can make the world better"- these people say this shit because they're trying to find some affirmation for their inner racist thoughts. No, EVERYONE, is not racist. I know this because I am not - I don't consider my melanin levels to make me superior or inferior to anyone. When I meet someone I make no judgments based on their melanin levels - I do, however, judge them on their appearance and behaviour.

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11 hours ago, overherebc said:

Do they arrive at the aiports with proof of return flights, visa and cash etc etc? Can't be bothered to google what  nationalities get VE entries or not but, instead of lanes that signify Thai or Foreign passports have a couple of lanes that signify nationalties from the country of origin.

Call me xenophobic if you want and I won't argue.


Yes, in that case there should also be a dedicated lane marked "Potential Pedophiles". For fairness sake.



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