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Video: Thai cop has both legs broken as drunk motorcyclists ignore nighttime checkpoint


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6 hours ago, bluebluewater said:

I'm sorry anybody got hurt but just waving that little flashlight like they do is just silly.

Nobody needed to get hurt, and I am not looking to speak any good for these punks.

But, as you say, the stretch of road was not bright and jumping in front of a speeding moped was not the brightest idea.  Anyway, these irresponsible young "men" should be punished heavily.

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

There was no way that bike was ever going to be able to stop in the distance they had when he ran out in the road. Three people seriously hurt and while the bike riders were drunk, you have to say that accident was caused by the policeman.

I also understand the concern for their colleague, but no one seems to give a shit about the condition of the bike riders. They are human beings after all.

Well, if they had been on the correct side of the road, across the reservation, maybe there wouldn't have been an accident at all!

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There was no way that bike was ever going to be able to stop in the distance they had when he ran out in the road. Three people seriously hurt and while the bike riders were drunk, you have to say that accident was caused by the policeman.
I also understand the concern for their colleague, but no one seems to give a shit about the condition of the bike riders. They are human beings after all.
I totally disagree, the first officer was out on the road waving his flashlight at the motorcycle for a long time (8 seconds) before his partner entered the roadway. They had plenty of time to stop, and even more to slow down.

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

There was no way that bike was ever going to be able to stop in the distance they had when he ran out in the road. Three people seriously hurt and while the bike riders were drunk, you have to say that accident was caused by the policeman.

I also understand the concern for their colleague, but no one seems to give a shit about the condition of the bike riders. They are human beings after all.

Hold on, the idiot rider was on the wrong side of the road going the wrong way, how is that the Policeman's fault?  The cop had to be sure that nobody was coming along the right way.  You have no idea how many warnings the traffic on the right side were getting and of course, there would be no warnings for some moron coming along on the wrong side.  Entirely the riders fault.   

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5 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

In all honesty, I dont see no check point in this video. The Thai law n police regulation states clearly a check point must have clear visible signs and cones to be set up.

This check point is clearly illegal and the police is just covering their own asses by saying there is permission. 


Why would there be cones etc in the direction the bike came from? It was going the wrong way. 

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5 hours ago, KittenKong said:


He wasn't in front of it. He was well to one side. The motorbike swerved into him to avoid the idiot with the camera who was standing directly in his way, as I pointed out. It's quite clear on the video.

Judging by the camera angles, this appears to be a type of helmet camera that another policeman was wearing.  You can see in the video, that the wearer was using his flashlight to stop the oncoming motorcycle who then veered into the second policeman.


As for those TVB members complaining about leaving the others on the side of the road, if it was your comrade, family or whatever, that was struck down like that, I am sure you would attend to those closest to you first.  Drunk drivers need to be punished severely, but then the jails here would be overflowing more than they already are.

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

There was no way that bike was ever going to be able to stop in the distance they had when he ran out in the road. Three people seriously hurt and while the bike riders were drunk, you have to say that accident was caused by the policeman.

I also understand the concern for their colleague, but no one seems to give a shit about the condition of the bike riders. They are human beings after all.

Me, for one, don't give a shit about the condition of the drunk motorbike idiots.

Hope they will have a bloody headache and a violent hangover for the rest of their lives.

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6 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

I think the policeman might have just learned some valuable insight to the properties of inertia.

Or perhaps he has seen too many of the avenger movies lately.


guess police not required to learn high school physics.  are there not safe ways to run a checkpoint?

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If you are going to have a checkpoint then please set up a safe one using cones and proper warning lights. Running out in front of a speeding motorbike (going in any direction) is an accident waiting to happen and unfortunately it did in this case.

Edited by MartinBKK
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19 minutes ago, snooky said:

Drunk drivers need to be punished severely, but then the jails here would be overflowing more than they already are.


Suits me. Drunk/drugged drivers, those who drive on the wrong side of the road, those who use mobiles while driving, those who simply dont pay attention to what's around them, those with no licence or insurance, those who drive too fast, those who jump red lights, those who double-park and cause massive traffic jams. Ignorant selfish clowns the lot of them.


Bung them all in jail and let them stew for a few years. I will not miss any of them at all and none of them deserves the slightest consideration.

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And also, watching the video, you can see where the policeman with the helmet cam was out in the road waving his flashlight whilst the motorcycle was still far enough away to stop, had he been driving properly.  Clearly the motorcycle drivers fault.

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

There was no way that bike was ever going to be able to stop in the distance they had when he ran out in the road. Three people seriously hurt and while the bike riders were drunk, you have to say that accident was caused by the policeman.

I also understand the concern for their colleague, but no one seems to give a shit about the condition of the bike riders. They are human beings after all.

No. The accident was caused by a drunk unlicensed rider driving at high speed on the wrong side of the road. The video seemed to show the rider veering towards the officer that he struck. 

Stupidity is a human fault, when you complain of the lack of concern for the cause of this mahem, think for a moment had a child been hit by the idiot riding the motorbike???

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Yes, the drunk Thai idiots were in the wrong zooming down the wrong side of the road at that speed etc. etc.  It looks like they then decided to take the p**s, turn around and wind the cops up  bit more.  Maybe it seemed like a good lark, given their alleged inebriation.

However, from what I saw on the video, the cop was about to try and smash them off the bike with what looked like a truncheon or night stick.  You can clearly see the stick flying from his hands at the collision and still lying in the road after all had come to a stop.

He had little regard for their safety nor, as it turns out, his own.  I just see another self-entitled thug of a policeman with little or no respect for the law (nor the laws of inertia, as it turned out!):shock1:

I think that having seen them speed past once he got pissed off at losing "face"and decided to teach them a lesson.

It didn't look like a legal checkpoint and was probably just fishing for easy tea money from the slower drunk drivers.

The young guys look to be in a pretty bad state to as the cop completely poleaxed them, which it looked like it was his intention to do from the beginning.

A predictable result from absolute idiocy on both sides.

I can't find it in my heart to feel sorry for either side.

Rock on Darwin!

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Stinger deployment anyone? Stop-sticks exactly designed to prevent this type of incident


At least these BIBs were being proactive, just a bit hair raising in their risk assessment of the scene, the the cop is ok

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Thailand!!!!!! No wonder they have 48,000 deaths a year and 1 million injured and that does not include mothers.fathers, brothers ,sisters and so on and so on affected by these deaths and injuries. Let me repeat 48,000 deaths a year. In Australia we get astonished at 300 deaths which would be a high number that year as a perspective. The Thais drive like they have  death wish. That's ok as long as they kill no others on their pursuit to hell.


That copper was brave but silly, Should have shot them. Hope he fully recovers.

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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

There was no way that bike was ever going to be able to stop in the distance they had when he ran out in the road. Three people seriously hurt and while the bike riders were drunk, you have to say that accident was caused by the policeman.

I also understand the concern for their colleague, but no one seems to give a shit about the condition of the bike riders. They are human beings after all.

I totally disagree with you, he had time, he actually slowed, then throttled it, he knew he was being flagged to stop by the other cop long before, and I fail to understand how you can blame the cop, he was doing his job, that is STOP them, if it was me, I would have used my gun and put a couple of rounds in the air, and if he didn't stop within cooee, he would have taken one, where it would have landed is any ones guess, as he should be up for attempted murder.


Personally I don't give a rats arssss about the two drunks who came off the bike, they have breaks and could have stopped, no one told them to run over the cop, he though he could escape, he knew what he were doing, suffice to say, I don;t believe he was that drunk.


Point blank, he failed to stop, from my observations this is the same bike that flew past moments earlier and must have been told to stop further along at what would have been the check point, i.e. the cops would have been either flashing their torches to the check point, or radioing in, I didn't hear any sound to that effect, but this is what they normally do.


The rider noticed the check point and turned back around to get away, the cop that got bowled over noticed that they did a u turn as did his friend with the torch, signalling them to stop, hence the reason the cop ran out in the road, but the rider wasn't having a bar of it and bowled the cop over as he throttled it.


The cop was just doing his job, bet you the rider was not only drunk, probably unlicensed and uninsured, not only did he put the cops life in danger, he also put his friends life in danger, total halfwit.


Hope the cop has a speedy recovery, as for two drunken idiots, like I said, don't give a rats and hope the rider goes away for a long time, as for his friend the pillion passenger, well there wasn't much he could do. 

Edited by 4MyEgo
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Thailand!!!!!! No wonder they have 48,000 deaths a year and 1 million injured and that does not include mothers.fathers, brothers ,sisters and so on and so on affected by these deaths and injuries. Let me repeat 48,000 deaths a year. In Australia we get astonished at 300 deaths which would be a high number that year as a perspective. The Thais drive like they have  death wish. That's ok as long as they kill no others on their pursuit to hell.
That copper was brave but silly, Should have shot them. Hope he fully recovers.
I believe it's 28,000 deaths, nevertheless a huge number

Sent from my SM-A910F using Tapatalk

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10 minutes ago, wcoast said:

I believe it's 28,000 deaths, nevertheless a huge number

Sent from my SM-A910F using Tapatalk

Nope 48,000 as per my last Google search, But lets say your right 28000. That's a <deleted> lot of sad family members and friends would you not agree? Fill a football stadium annually!!!!!!!

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8 hours ago, bluebluewater said:

I'm sorry anybody got hurt but just waving that little flashlight like they do is just silly.

I  have to be honest I've had the police run out in front of me before in the dark when I've been driving I was only luck I saw him. The police running out in front of bikes and cars is a accident waiting to happen.

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7 hours ago, KittenKong said:

It doesn't alter the basic problem (drunken driver going too fast in the wrong direction) but the motorbike rider was clearly obliged to swerve into the policeman in order to avoid the prat holding the camera who was directly in front of him.


So I think that cameraman is largely responsible for this accident.

By cameraman do you mean the cop with a gopro on his helmet. He was the one waving the torch/flashlight. I think the rider just didn't see the other BIB (not well lit there). Gonna do a runner, swerves to miss gopro BIB and slams straight into his mate. 

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Okay, sorry, but 


Laem Chabang station chief Anugun Preedayut said that the youths had admitted to drinking and not having a license. They were worried about being arrested so decided not to stop. No drugs were found in their systems.

Youths? Really? At what age do Thai males actually become adults?  Apparently not by 20 in this case...

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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

There was no way that bike was ever going to be able to stop in the distance they had when he ran out in the road.

I count about 8 seconds from when you can first see the bike headlights, BIB flashing torch/flashlight, to when the collision occurs. You could stop a truck in that distance.

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Nope 48,000 as per my last Google search, But lets say your right 28000. That's a  lot of sad family members and friends would you not agree? Fill a football stadium annually!!!!!!!
Maybe your using a different version of Google.
This is a topic of interest to me for years.
Even the WHO states an average of 24,000 per year.
Search Thailand road deaths per year, you'll see a recent glossy BBC article. Or search Wikipedia. 48,000 would put Thailand at #1, but it's #2 after Libya per capita.

Sent from my SM-A910F using Tapatalk

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