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Trump says he trusts Putin's denials of election meddling

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Just now, dcutman said:

Seems there are a very few, select TVF members that have seen this evidence, is there any way you could share with the rest of us?

Easy to mistake an accusation as "evidence", but not quite the same thing are they?

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1 hour ago, dcutman said:

Seems there are a very few, select TVF members that have seen this evidence, is there any way you could share with the rest of us?

Ummm....Facebook has admitted it, Twitter has, and about one dozen heads of intelligence agencies.  If you haven't seen all this by now, you're looking at the wrong news outlets...or just don't want to hear the truth. 

1 hour ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Easy to mistake an accusation as "evidence", but not quite the same thing are they?

Plenty of evidence if you are willing to open up and pick better news outlets.

5 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Very decent of Trump to take the time to clarify the Russia situation - as expected a big noise over nothing. Now, can everybody be so decent as to draw a line under this and move on?     Great stuff Mr.Trump! - and yes, the silent majority are watching with a big smile across their faces

I imagine if there was an explosion in your kitchen which pulverized the fridge and knocked down walls, you'd say to family members,  'Just a big noise over nothing. Now, can everybody just forget what happened, and move on?'


Silent majority?!   ......like 19%?   Since the election, Trump has been hemmoraging fans, and hasn't gained one supporter.  Not one.

14 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Tom Brokaw: ‘Where Is GOP Outrage’ Over Trump ‘Praising Putin’ and Believing Him?


Tom Brokaw took to Twitter this afternoon to ask where the Republican outrage is over President Trump‘s comments about Vladimir Putin and Russian interference.

Trump said he spoke to Putin and believes that he “means it” when he denies Russian election meddling.



45's regime only have outrage for things Dems. or minorities embrace/say/suggest. Hell they don't care a/b America and the "family values" party is totally crap. Unless this anti-American mob is stopped it will only get worse. 

bully bully.jpg

20 hours ago, AlexRich said:

You might want to look at the Nixon era ... he stayed in power for a long time before the truth caught up with him. Trump only became President in January and Robert Mueller has only recently assembled his team. It looks like Trump solicited the Russians so it’s hardly reassuring that he claims to “believe” Putin. When the Manafort’s and Flynn’s start flipping,  Trump’s lifetime of constant lying will finally catch up with him. You’ll still be supporting him ... right to the end.

I didn't vote for Trump. I didn't vote for Clinton.  The current CIC does some things I like, and more things I don't like. Classifying me as a hardcore supporter is not even close to accurate. 

The reference to Nixon may prove to be true but is unlikely unless a crime can be directly linked through action or order by Mr. Trump. 

As far as believing Putin, that's political speak at its finest: Take it with a large grain of salt.

Regarding what has been reported about the contacts, the timeline, etc. with Russia... what appears doesn't mean much. Reagrding the accuracy of such scoops, I suggest this item written by Greenwald, of the website the intercept. He sprung Snowden; he isn't exactly a fan of the usa's executive branch, but he did write this:


3 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Easy to mistake an accusation as "evidence", but not quite the same thing are they?

Maybe if you get your head out of the sand, you could read a bit more about the evidence.

20 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

I didn't vote for Trump. I didn't vote for Clinton.  The current CIC does some things I like, and more things I don't like. Classifying me as a hardcore supporter is not even close to accurate. 

The reference to Nixon may prove to be true but is unlikely unless a crime can be directly linked through action or order by Mr. Trump. 

As far as believing Putin, that's political speak at its finest: Take it with a large grain of salt.

Regarding what has been reported about the contacts, the timeline, etc. with Russia... what appears doesn't mean much. Reagrding the accuracy of such scoops, I suggest this item written by Greenwald, of the website the intercept. He sprung Snowden; he isn't exactly a fan of the usa's executive branch, but he did write this:


That is old news being rehashed.  Greenwald going at it again.  Sensationalist journalism at it's worst.


5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

That's not a shadow government.  That's the heads of the most important intelligence agencies.  100% part of the official government.  And yes, what they are saying is true.  Too much evidence to say otherwise. 

The shadow government consists out of : CIA ,  ( rules though the powers of secrecy, fear and intimidation) , NSA ( eyes and ears of the shadow/secret gov) and 17 intelligence agencies : Jsoc = president secret army , FBI , DHS , DOC ,DIA ,NRO , NGA , NCTC, CFR,.....


You must rememer that Trump is actually an independent candidate , but because the republicans didn't have a chance in hell of winning with nearly the whole MSM behind Clinton , they reluctantly kind of let Trump win for them. This is why Trump chooses the wrong people.

He is surrounded by backstabbers , manipulators and liers. He's reaching out to the swamp creatures that still want to work with him ( and then betray him).


The whole matter with Putin supposedly manipulating the election in favor for Trump is irrelevant . But of course CIA and the others continu the Russian story to get Trump to quit presidency or to get more control on him. Trump has been dismissive of fabricated CIA inteligence from the beginning . Unless they do another JFK , the fight will continu .

Trump saying he trusts Putin's denial of meddling , is just the battle between Trump and the CIA ( and other agencies) continuing .


At the APEC meeting , Trump barely got to speak with Putin , because they want to keep him away from Putin AND if they had big meetings , it would fuel the ridiculous fake news that he's in Putin's pocket.

2 hours ago, BuaBS said:

Trump has been dismissive of fabricated CIA inteligence from the beginning .

Fabricated? Considering part of these things have been independently verified by foreign intelligence, and since Twitter and Facebook have began admitting to the extent, that isn't going to fly. The CIA didn't fabricate Little Donnie and Kushner's email chains. They both admit to them. They didn't fabricate Flynn's involvement. They didn't go out in front of the TV and say, "Hey Russia if your listening, please find the rest of Clinton's emails." They didn't get caught time and time again lying in an effort to cover things up. 

1 hour ago, jcsmith said:

time and time again lying in an effort to cover things up. 

We're talking about the Clintons again ?:smile:

Again : The whole matter with Putin supposedly manipulating the election in favor for Trump is irrelevant .

That said , Trump shouldn't have said he trusted Putin.

Now they're making it a big deal in the MSM aka the media arm of the CIA.

Trump and Putin would be buddies and be great for both countries , but that is not what Shadow gov wants. They want to stick to the naritive that Russia is bad and keep Trump away from Putin.



8 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

We're talking about the Clintons again ?:smile:

Again : The whole matter with Putin supposedly manipulating the election in favor for Trump is irrelevant .

That said , Trump shouldn't have said he trusted Putin.

Now they're making it a big deal in the MSM aka the media arm of the CIA.

Trump and Putin would be buddies and be great for both countries , but that is not what Shadow gov wants. They want to stick to the naritive that Russia is bad and keep Trump away from Putin.



I don't think it's about Russia being bad.

But Putin? Yes, he is very bad if you value democracy and free press.

I suggest a show for you to watch. Frontline -- Putin's revenge.

It's pretty disgusting to decent Americans to realize we have a president now that feels closest to the worst kinds of anti-democratic, authoritarian leaders in the world. 

It's clear that trump is a dictator wannabe. What's left of American institutions is trying to stop him as much as possible. The Russians had no such defenses against Putin. 




5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

That is old news being rehashed.  Greenwald going at it again.  Sensationalist journalism at it's worst.

greenwald wasn't sensationalist when he sprung and backed snowden, and he isn't a sensationalist now. he and poitras reveal things politicians, and governments, don't want to be known. this upsets the minions who follow the political dogma of those parties and individuals...  but 'the intercept' 's writers tell it straight now, just like they did in the times of the snowden reveal.

44 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

We're talking about the Clintons again ?:smile:

Again : The whole matter with Putin supposedly manipulating the election in favor for Trump is irrelevant .

That said , Trump shouldn't have said he trusted Putin.

Now they're making it a big deal in the MSM aka the media arm of the CIA.

Trump and Putin would be buddies and be great for both countries , but that is not what Shadow gov wants. They want to stick to the naritive that Russia is bad and keep Trump away from Putin.



For your information Clinton is not POTUS!

1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

greenwald wasn't sensationalist when he sprung and backed snowden, and he isn't a sensationalist now. he and poitras reveal things politicians, and governments, don't want to be known. this upsets the minions who follow the political dogma of those parties and individuals...  but 'the intercept' 's writers tell it straight now, just like they did in the times of the snowden reveal.

You mean the traitor Snowden?  :cheesy:  Who's hiding in Russia?


Trump has come out and backtracked his comments.  He says he trusts the intelligence community.  What a loser.





President Donald Trump downplayed on Sunday his past skepticism of Russia's involvement in US election meddling, saying he sides with American intelligence agencies over Vladimir Putin when it comes to assigning culpability for the hack.

Nuff said.

34 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Trump has come out and backtracked his comments.  He says he trusts the intelligence community.  What a loser.




Nuff said.

But he can't ever bring himself to explicitly say what the intelligence says about the Russia matter than he supposedly trusts. Something is rotten with that man. Compare to his opening campaign gambits ... the birther movement and then Mexicans are rapists. 


As I've reported before, Russia has meddled in a variety of country's elections over the years.  Now, it's done so in Spain.  And sadly, some fall for the fake news.




Spain says it has evidence interference in Catalonia vote came from Russia


Misleading headlines such as "EU officials supported the violence in Catalonia" and "Global powers prepare ground for war in Europe" spread across social media after Spanish troops clashed with voters in Catalonia's October 1 referendum to declare independence from Spain.

Time to fight back.




It's almost for sure going to be a violation of the law forbidding campaigns from receiving contributions from foreign sources.  That contribution can be opposition research.  Which this was.  Trump Jr. is going down for sure.




Atlantic: Trump Jr. corresponded with WikiLeaks


P.S. the info that came back to Trump Jr. from Wikileaks was repeated by Trump Sr. 15 minutes later.  The dots are almost connected.

13 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:



It's almost for sure going to be a violation of the law forbidding campaigns from receiving contributions from foreign sources.  That contribution can be opposition research.  Which this was.  Trump Jr. is going down for sure.




P.S. the info that came back to Trump Jr. from Wikileaks was repeated by Trump Sr. 15 minutes later.  The dots are almost connected.

.....but, but Hillary.....



The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks

The transparency organization asked the president’s son for his cooperation—in sharing its work, in contesting the results of the election, and in arranging for Julian Assange to be Australia’s ambassador to the United States.


From the above article:


On October 7, less than an hour after the Washington Post released the Access Hollywood tape, in which Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, Wikileaks released emails that hackers had pilfered from the personal email account of Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta.


It's becoming clearer that Russian hacks did influence the election.  Sad times for America.  And for other countries around the world.

On 11/12/2017 at 8:28 PM, craigt3365 said:

Ummm....Facebook has admitted it, Twitter has, and about one dozen heads of intelligence agencies.  If you haven't seen all this by now, you're looking at the wrong news outlets...or just don't want to hear the truth. 

So Russians spent  $100,000 on face book ads. How much did Mexico spend on anti Trump ads?

As for these dozen heads of security. what evidence have they shown, other than just saying they think Russia meddled in the election.

24 minutes ago, dcutman said:

So Russians spent  $100,000 on face book ads. How much did Mexico spend on anti Trump ads?

As for these dozen heads of security. what evidence have they shown, other than just saying they think Russia meddled in the election.

The info is out there if you wish to read it.  There's no denying it.  Unless you desire to do so.  Which it seems you do.


What's Mexico got to do with this?  LOL


Members of the Trump campaign and Trump himself had all repeatedly denied any links or meetings with Russians. Here is a long list of all KNOWN (and now ADMITTED by Trump campaign operatives involved, including Trump’s Son, Son-in-Law, 2 campaign managers, foreign policy advisors, as well as current AG and main campaign surrogate) Russia  links and contacts (btw, this info was out of date within hours of being published, as even more links have been revealed since):




Trump has never once called for measures to protect American elections from foreign tampering.  His response has been only to deny, deny, deny.   Meanwhile he savages the US spy agencies, the generals, the Congress, Republicans, Democrats, everyone except Putin.  Sometimes things are what they obviously appear to be.  Trump has been bought and/or compromised somehow by the Russians, just as the Steele Dossier claimed. 


It will all come out as Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, and the others flip and sing.


More and more info is emerging of connections and past miss statements by Trump campaign.


Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/russian-government-hackers-penetrated-dnc-stole-opposition-research-on-trump/2016/06/14/cf006cb4-316e-11e6-8ff7-7b6c1998b7a0_story.html


Data Firm’s WikiLeaks Outreach Came as It Joined Trump Campaign: https://www.wsj.com/articles/data-firms-wikileaks-outreach-came-as-it-joined-trump-campaign-1510339346


The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/11/the-secret-correspondence-between-donald-trump-jr-and-wikileaks/545738/

"“Strongly suggest your dad tweets this link if he mentions us,” WikiLeaks went on, pointing Trump Jr. to the link wlsearch.tk"


While the above was going on:

Pence denies Trump camp in cahoots with WikiLeaks:



Emma Best (@NatSecGeek)

14/11/2017, 4:45 AM

"Let us publish your authorized leaks so people won't think we're Pro-Trump." Notable that Assange had Trump material he declined to publish. pic.twitter.com/JQXRCb4NYg


Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe)

14/11/2017, 5:15 AM

We've now updated the story with @ByronTau's great catch: @realDonaldTrump tweeted about the release of Podesta's emails *15 minutes* after @wikileaks wrote to @DonaldJTrumpJr about it. theatlantic.com/politics/archi… pic.twitter.com/pOszShJ7JY

3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:


The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks

The transparency organization asked the president’s son for his cooperation—in sharing its work, in contesting the results of the election, and in arranging for Julian Assange to be Australia’s ambassador to the United States.

I hope there is jail time in 45's regime's future.

family time.jpg

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