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Police suggest sudden death of Norwegian could be due to cold weather in Thailand


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2 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:


I was so drunk and cold once trying to make it back from the pub I worked part time in, to my flat, I got into a public phone box, passed out, standing bolt up right. Good night's kip. Woke up a few hours later, dawn approaching and could hardly get out of the phone box due to that much fresh fallen snow.

Munich, winter '80-81, probably minus lots.

You'd picked an extremely cold winter in Munich. At that time there were 34 days permafrost. Gluehwein?? :stoner:

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2 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

With the CM temperatures falling into the 70s F in the mornings, our Thai neighbors are now putting their cats and dogs in sweaters....

My wife's sister was staying over a few nights back in Loei.  My wife was wearing a light sleeveless nightgown and probably had the fan running.  Her sister was sleeping partly covered and was wearing a thick, quilted winter jacket.  My wife doesn't care for the heat after living in the mid-atlantic area of the US for 36 years.

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I did a bit of Googling out of curiosity.   Apparently 'mild' hypothermia can be caused by prolonged exposure to air temperatures up to 15'C if you are frail and elderly.  Don't think the guy was frail or particularly old, and the local temp was way above 15'C.  


For severe hypothermia the body temperature needs to be below 24"C.  Not very likely if air temp is higher.


Do the RTP not have Internet access? 

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......more classic comedy from Thai culture. A Norwegian man die of the cold? Hhahahahahaha!

Who writes this stuff?


I think it is a case of "ending their deal." 

NONE of us want to be worth MORE to anyone DEAD vs ALIVE.

This guy obviously broke the rules that govern us all---in muang Tai  or not.


It is a universal precaution we all need to maintain.

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I rather doubt that a foreignor  from any cold country would die from a cool spell in  Thailand.    Only the Thais with their thin blooded bodies might do this if they were in the hills and the weather went to  near zero. Lazy people in this investigation.


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It really is time the police stopped making these predictions unless the reason is blatantly obvious, ie a knife sticking out of the victim. Unless the policeman is a qualified doctor who has specialised in pathology he should keep quiet or say simply, no obvious trauma. I don't believe police are that well qualified.

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11 hours ago, AboutThaim said:

Just maybe this bloke was feeling hot, stripped to his jocks, put the aircon on the lowest possible setting and went to sleep.  What would that be? 18 degrees C?  Still warm for a Norwegian I would think.

18 to 25 C* are a HOT sommer in Norway. a be there every sommer from May to August. Winter time can be -30 to -35 C* some places.

Edited by nasa123
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19 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

He was 68, hmmm, I would say his adrenaline was up while he was engaging in the most liked sport we men love, and that is not slapping the salami for us men with partners, and it would appear that the goal post kept being moved as he wanted to score after rekindling with the girl he met from Pattaya when he was here previously, might have been a little awkward during and he popped an artery when he fell asleep.


The way I would want to go out, RIP


As for the cops statement, cold weather, could someone please slap him for me, he would probably be better as a soccer referee.

And people criticize the police for their unfounded comments. 

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9 hours ago, Familyonthemove said:

I did a bit of Googling out of curiosity.   Apparently 'mild' hypothermia can be caused by prolonged exposure to air temperatures up to 15'C if you are frail and elderly.  Don't think the guy was frail or particularly old, and the local temp was way above 15'C.  


For severe hypothermia the body temperature needs to be below 24"C.  Not very likely if air temp is higher.


Do the RTP not have Internet access? 

yes they do, handy for porn and like interesting pursuits.

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21 hours ago, rooster59 said:

When he returned to Thailand he could not find her in Pattaya and contacted her in Utaradit before travelling to meet her. 


Even though I don't for a minute think that cold weather was the cause of death, just a couple of observations to the OP.


A lot of people automatically associate that Arne, being Norwegian, lives in Norway and his body is still acclimatized to Norwegian weather. The only thing the OP stated is that he returned from Oslo, was this just for a visit?


If he has been living in SEA for any period of time he would be more used to the hot weather than the cold. In Phitsanulok yesterday the temperature was 35 C during the afternoon, I would imagine similar to Uttaradit. If for example he had spent the afternoon in the sun, drinking alcohol, and then retired to the house with the air-con cranked right down, this will obviously affect his body core temperature. Range of temperature is important here. Add to that his age and the possibility of the use of sexual enhancement medication, this sort of thing may not end well.


All speculation of course, but providing a 180 degree possibility of what may have happened. No better or worse than what has already been written in this thread.......:thumbsup:


I know for me, after visiting Northern Ireland (for only 10 days) a few years ago in January I thought I was going to die from the cold and the temperatures were not even below freezing. I had a fleece attached to my back the entire time I was 'home' and the only time it was off was when I had a shower or was in bed.


So, for me, body acclimatization is a big thing. This is from someone who has spent winters in the Falklands and South Georgia and been to Scandinavia countless times in my other life during the winter.


For the long stayers in Thailand, do you not wonder why you feel freezing when the temperatures fall in the winter months (or weeks) here, when you would think nothing of these temperatures when you are in your home country living full time?

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How much alcohol was in his blood?


DUH. ?


"Alcohol may make your body feel warm inside, but it causes your blood vessels to expand, resulting in more rapid heat loss from the surface of your skin. The body's natural shivering response is diminished in people who've been drinking alcohol."

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