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Trump defends Senate candidate Moore despite misconduct allegations

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6 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

The pussy-grabber defends a teenage girl molester.


Congratulations America! This truly is your golden age!

Feels  more like a Golden Shower.

7 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

The pussy-grabber defends a teenage girl molester.


Congratulations America! This truly is your golden age!

Great post, spot on the mark

10 hours ago, webfact said:

President Donald Trump defended embattled U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore on Tuesday, saying the Alabama Republican had denied allegations of sexual misconduct and emphasizing that he did not want Moore's Democratic opponent to win.


Also known as the Coy Roy endorsement Ploy.


(coly endorsing Roy without using the words  “presidential endorsement”) 


     No surprise Trump is defending him; he is guilty of sexual misconduct himself and has been accused of rape.  Why Trump is getting a free pass while many of the other men accused are being held accountable is a mystery to me.  The American press is really wimping out--rolling over for this and letting his many, many lies and mistruths go largely unchallenged.  Sad this lying moron is President.  Scary, too.

9 hours ago, daoyai said:

it should come down to what were the Alabama laws on consent at the time and what statute of limitations are now...

No, it shouldn't.  A United States Senator is being elected.  Statute of limitations running out shouldn't make a person suddenly worthy of this high position.  "Oh, he robbed dozens of banks but he never got caught and the statute of limitations has run out so he's good to go to run for state treasurer."  Not in my book.

9 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Let,s face it, some people actually do tell blatant lies ! Maybe Moore is innocent, but who here in Thailand can fault a 30 yr old for making advances on a teenager ? Hypocrisy lives and thrives in Thailand !

Well if the teenager is on her way home from school then I doubt many would say it was OK.  However if the teenager was working as a sex worker in a bar then I totally take your point.


So for clarity, was Moore in a hookers bar with underage girls at the time of the alleged assaults (nine and counting)?


Here we go.

Just how low will 45 go? This is getting incredibly low, but I give him credit, I'm sure he'll go even lower before we can have the blessing of seeing him out of power.


I guess this means if Moore wins which is more likely with the orange clown's stamp of approval, the threats of republican leaders not to seat him will be hollow.






Trump chooses his own version of reality to back Moore
Some Trump critics also believe there is another motive for Trump's decision -- an understanding that he could hardly condemn Moore for denying allegations of sexual impropriety while maintaining his own vigorous attacks on women who accused him of sexual harassment during the 2016 election campaign.

"Trump is a sympathizer for men like Roy Moore because he has his own issues," said CNN legal commentator Areva Martin. "He is never going to come out and attack Roy Moore because there were 16 women who have accused him."

Trump has vigorously denied accusations of sexual harassment and branded all his accusers as "liars."



20 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Libelous slander. Did America used to have some system before where a person was innocent until proved guilty? 

edit to add - most based polls show Mr Moore is still a clear favorite to win this election, even with the appalling smear campaign by the democrats and the liberal elite.

The overly serious FOX news fan.  It's going around, lucky you got out when you did!


Roy Moore and his followers represent everything that is wrong with America-


-Moore while in a position of authority while in his 30's prowls malls and school yards looking for underage girls, yet he is preferred over his opponent simply because he is a Republican.

-Moore is removed twice from his position as Chief, Alabama Supreme court because he refuses to follow the law.

-Moore has supported Neo Confederate groups in both speech and actions even though the Confederacy was established based on slavery

-Moore has supported White Supremacy groups in both speech and actions

-Moore has made Anti Gay and Anti Muslim speeches 


How can any American support a man like this who has been accused of improprieties with underaged girls; removed from the Alabama Supreme Court for refusing to follow the law; and has supported discrimination against gays; people of color; and religious intolerance. Oh, I forgot- they elected Donald Trump as President.


If we had a real president instead of a reality t.v. president - -


"“I cannot in good conscience support Roy Moore. As Marc Short, my director of legislative affairs, put it earlier this month, ‘There’s no Senate seat more important than the notion of child pedophilia.’ I have many policy disagreements with Mr. Moore’s opponent, Democrat Doug Jones, but none of them can matter more than basic human decency."





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On 11/22/2017 at 8:45 AM, phantomfiddler said:

Let,s face it, some people actually do tell blatant lies ! Maybe Moore is innocent, but who here in Thailand can fault a 30 yr old for making advances on a teenager ? Hypocrisy lives and thrives in Thailand !

It is quite shocking what some people will actually write. After a comment like yours above you should not be permitted to mix with others on social media and forums. 


The very fact that Trump does not make any statement condemning this situation concerning Moore speaks volumes about his moral compass (or lack of it). I cannot believe that in the space of 1 year the USA has taken so many steps backwards in terms of it's positioning and reputation on the global stage. I think that when Americans join hands and say a prayer for thanksgiving with their families, they need to have a serious think bout what the contents of those prayers should be. That being said, what is the point of prayer, when the devout followers of God now make excuses themselves for Moore's behaviour  "he dated teenage girls because of their purity' ! The fact that there are pages and pages of discussion on this matter shows what is wrong with the very fabric of US society.

3 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

Understanding what you wrote doesn't make it gospel, just in case you're wondering. If he was credibly accused then where are the court documents? When was the trial? Or, in your world, these things don't really matter as long as you believe it I suppose. :coffee1:

I will show this to a particular friend of mine, it will make him laugh (well not really). I was out for a beer with him once about 15 years ago it was just before his 40th birthday. It was that night he broke down and off loaded years of unbelievable stress. As a boy he went to a Roman Catholic school for boys, he was a full time boarder. One of the priests used to come into his room that he shared with another boy every night. He would make them lie on the floor face down naked while he rubbed his dick on their butts. He would then ejaculate over them saying that they were doing Gods wish by making him - Gods Priest,  happy. If they ever told anyone the secret they would be excommunicated. He was 10 years old. By the age of 12 another Priest 2 nights a week would anally rape him. Same deal, all Gods work.


I was the first living soul he had told in all these years. When I asked why, he spoke of the shame. When he was young there was the fear - an absolute eternal life in hell for being excommunicated, then when he was older and realised all that was crap, there was the shame, endless endless amounts of shame. He was a rough tough military guy when he told me and even then to see tears pouring down his face I personally realised the grief this man had carried for 30 years. "No court documents, no trials", he would not be able to bear the shame of his children knowing the truth.


These women had fear as young girls. At a time when a woman's place was still firmly expected to be in the kitchen and that they were dealing with a man who wielded unimaginable power to them, the fear of speaking out and to be ostracised was too much. They DID speak to their immediate family and closest of friends. With the years of silence came the shame, and they were right to be fearful of that. Even now when they tell their story, the very people that should be taking them in their arms and caring for them - the Christians - are ridiculing these women on national TV. Do you think they have subjected themselves to that for 5K ? These women have had a story to tell, some of them for 40 years, and it was only due to thorough investigative journalism that the story is now being told. Yes the Christian God is a just God except when it's one of his own that is accused.


The whole situation is simply sick. The fact that people will defend this predator of 14 year old girls, saying 'well she was pure' or "the Virgin Mary was a teenager', is just beyond belief. Build that wall for frakks sake and keep them all in, turn off the comms to the outside world and let us all get on with progress. If California annexed itself I don't think the world would need the rest of the USA for trade etc. Happy Thanksgiving - for what? Thanks that the worlds safety is now in the hands of an egotistical buffoon (put mildly) or Thanks that Christians have now "evolved" to the point that they are accepting of role models who are sexual predators, conmen, cheats, adulterers and pathological liars. Maybe just Thanks that we have not been taken into a nuclear conflict......yet! Having Moore in the Senate is just another step along the road to armageddon. The Christian will be happy then. No wonder Moore loves the 'Ten Commandments", nowhere in there does it say "Thou shalt not <deleted> 14 year old Girls", I imagine POTUS quite likes that also.

7 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

He also said the dem opponent was weak on crime, immigration and border control.


Border control?  Did he really say that about a candidate for the state of Alabama?

4 minutes ago, attrayant said:

But he is presumably referring to Jones's past experience with immigration and border control.  What has Jones ever done to justify that criticism?

He would have policy positions like any serious politician. For example, he is against building a literal trump great border wall covering the entire border with Mexico, like pretty much all democrats and many republicans as well. 


9 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

President Trump did NOT defend him. What he said is that Moore denied it. (the news snippets were VERY selective) He said the timing is suspicious because if it happened 40 yrs ago, why wasn't it ever brought up while campaigning for the last 8 terms? Why now and not then. He also said the dem opponent was weak on crime, immigration and border control. He also said, IF it's true, then he should step aside.


This is exactly how a weasel like Trump would defend the indefensible so as not to sound like a *complete* sleazeball.


IF it’s true, Moore shouldn’t just step aside. He should go to jail.

2 hours ago, attrayant said:
10 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

He also said the dem opponent was weak on crime, immigration and border control.


Border control?  Did he really say that about a candidate for the state of Alabama?


Gotta stop those perty little Alabama teens from sneakin’ outta the State!

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