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Video: Thai media call for justice as "farang knocks Thai off motorcycle" - You decide!

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would have been nice to see a few more seconds before that.  I think it would have made it clearer.  But it does look like he did not have a turn indicator on.  And also anytime you are turning, even passing, you need to check diligently for those in a bigger hurry than you.


7 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Last year a friend of mine knocked a motorcyclist off who was undertaking him. He was doing a left turn off a main road at the time. There was no video footage of the accident but he was told by the police when he was summoned that motorcyclists always have right of way and it is perfectly legal to undertake a car that is signaling to turn left (or right).


I wasn't there at the time of the accident but I went with him to the police station and  was present when the translator explained this to us.


It is ILLEGAL .....

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7 hours ago, faraday said:

Car drivers fault.

Also, because motorcycles are small & cars are big, we have a greater responsibility to drive with 'due care & attention'.

The indicators weren't used.

It wasn't the car drivers fault, learn the traffic rules before expressing your "opinion". The driver of the car didn't change lane or turn, he was in his own lane and got overtaken on his left in the same lane, clear case of motorbike drivers own fault. It doesn't matter if he used the indicators or not, they are only advisory and it doesn't even matter if he started to make a left turn/u-turn. He was overtaken which means its always the vehicle (yes, even in Thailand) overtaking who has the responsible to make a safe pass. 

**Correction of myself, the motorbike driver didn't overtake, he did an undertake, double blame of the motorbike driver then.**

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3 minutes ago, garbolino said:


It is ILLEGAL .....

I think you are wrong....This is not farangland..

1 minute ago, KamalaRider said:

It wasn't the car drivers fault, learn the traffic rules before expressing your "opinion". The driver of the car didn't change lane or turn, he was in his own lane and got overtaken on his left in the same lane, clear case of motorbike drivers own fault. It doesn't matter if he used the indicators or not, they are only advisory and it doesn't even matter if he started to make a left turn/u-turn. He was overtaken which means its always the vehicle (yes, even in Thailand) overtaking who has the responsible to make a safe pass. 



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3 minutes ago, transam said:


Nop, I'm not wrong, I took my time to learn Thai traffic laws and regulations during my 10 years in Thailand.

1 minute ago, KamalaRider said:

Nop, I'm not wrong, I took my time to learn Thai traffic laws and regulations during my 10 years in Thailand.

What is the white line on the road for about a meter from the curb....?

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2 minutes ago, KamalaRider said:

It wasn't the car drivers fault, learn the traffic rules before expressing your "opinion". The driver of the car didn't change lane or turn, he was in his own lane and got overtaken on his left in the same lane, clear case of motorbike drivers own fault. It doesn't matter if he used the indicators or not, they are only advisory and it doesn't even matter if he started to make a left turn/u-turn. He was overtaken which means its always the vehicle (yes, even in Thailand) overtaking who has the responsible to make a safe pass. 


You post in quite a rude way. No doubt your somewhat aggressive manner, is reflected in poor driving skills.


As for your comment about indicators not being important & only advisory. Words fail me.


It seems that you interpreted my opinion, based on many years of professional driving, to suit your clearly incorrect & some might say, pig-headed attitude.


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The Thai will always win, a few yrs ago a thai pedestrian ran across between traffic whilst on his phone knocked me and my girlfriend off my bike, thai was on floor still with phone in hand one eye open , saw it was Falange then started screaming, police and ambulance must have been waiting around the corner as they were there like a flash, police took my nil and would not give it back until I paid the thai, I was stupidly stuborn saying it was his fault, this went on for 6 weeks, cost of hiring a bike outweighed what I eventually paid him, when I questioned police they said it was my fault, as if I never came to Thailand the accident would not have happened, THE THAI WILL ALWAYS WIN

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7 hours ago, Dave67 said:

He tried to shoot on the inside when the pick up was clearly turning in, should have slowed down, his own fault.


In the car with my wife and some <deleted> on a bike cut across us to get to a right-hand turn while we going straight no time to brake and he missed us by I would say less than 10mm

yes, is it not wrong to undertake on the inside? if so a wai from both parties should be enough unless you want to take it further and in that case the thai bike rider must pay for all damages :cheesy:


When you read the Thai road laws it clearly states that ALL vehicles must keep to the left lane and that no vehicle is allowed to overtake on the left except in certain circumstances of which this was not one of them and there is no special laws about this for motorbikes and for those that claim that all roads have a special bike lane then I suggest you check your facts because there are special bike lanes in some areas not all of Thailand. What this bike rider should have done when he noticed the truck slowing down was to move across behind the truck ready to pass him on the right hand side. The bike rider was at fault plus he was not wearing a helmet which is another breach of the law. Thai's have no respect for their own lives or any of their families lives.

3 minutes ago, Johnboxer said:

The Thai will always win, a few yrs ago a thai pedestrian ran across between traffic whilst on his phone knocked me and my girlfriend off my bike, thai was on floor still with phone in hand one eye open , saw it was Falange then started screaming, police and ambulance must have been waiting around the corner as they were there like a flash, police took my nil and would not give it back until I paid the thai, I was stupidly stuborn saying it was his fault, this went on for 6 weeks, cost of hiring a bike outweighed what I eventually paid him, when I questioned police they said it was my fault, as if I never came to Thailand the accident would not have happened, THE THAI WILL ALWAYS WIN

Should have read took my bike


I rather like supporting the Thais, … but well, in this case, even though the Folang Looked Indecisive and like he did not use his Indicator, and I am glad to read the Commentary today, as people do seem to realize this, but the Bloke on the bike, tries to overtake on the left in an altogether dangers and too fast ? Way ? ... I think ?


Like if I was riding that Bike, and that happened to me, I would be angry with myself.  for not seeing the indecision and Not making a better decision, not to overtake on the left, ... this time ....


(I took out a High Speed Racing bike in Adelaide like this once when I was very Young, ... entirely MY Fault, and I did not Indicate either, I was tired) .... it is good that it was only slight damage here, ...


Here in Ayuttahya, I turned in front of a Bike in town once, and he locked it up and hit my Back end !!! ….  Totally my fault except he might have been going too fast .... I gave him 1,000 Bart, and he looked really happy and drove off !!! .... … and I considered myself  very VERY Lucky, as I so did I, ....  before any Cops turned up (Back in the days before the Breathalyzers But .... ) ... and the wife is going on about waiting for the Insurance Company !!!! …Varrrrrrr !!!  …..  Jeesss, …  was I REALLY Lucky that evening !!!


… Things are different with me now, and well the roads a Lot more crowded, so you just have to be more careful any way ....


  I wonder if the Guy in the Pickup, in this clip, was worried about getting Breath tested ??? Hence avoided the meeting ???

7 minutes ago, transam said:

What is the white line on the road for about a meter from the curb....?

Actually Transam it is a fog line to mark the left hand safety line for driving in the fog so that you have a marking to look at when a vehicle comes toward you and blinds you with the glare of their headlights through the fog

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1 hour ago, hobobo said:

I'm getting confused with all this undertaking and overtaking? My dictionary says that undertaking is "a formal pledge or promise", or "the management of funerals"?

When I was a young yahoo in UK, the trucks often would have a sign on the back saying "overtakers, see you at the undertakers".  I never did stand under that.  Presumably it was about speeding rather than which side you pass a lumbering truck.

1 minute ago, Russell17au said:

Actually Transam it is a fog line to mark the left hand safety line for driving in the fog so that you have a marking to look at when a vehicle comes toward you and blinds you with the glare of their headlights through the fog

Yes mate. Lot of fog in Thailand. And snow too.


If any of you  think indicators are impotent in Thailand,   your mad.

Never base any of your driving or riding,  on any car or bikes using indicators in front or behind you,  it will only result in,  cops and police stations at some point down the road.   don't do it.

They are for decortication only,   in Thailand, or to be used against you when needed.

Treat all drivers and riders as idiots,  as most are. :thumbsup:

Happy riding and driving in the land of,    well what can we say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :coffee1:






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1 minute ago, faraday said:

Yes mate. Lot of fog in Thailand. And snow too.

You may not like it but that is what that left hand white line on the roads are for, plus on some roads they are used to divide the running lanes and the breakdown lanes like on tollways

8 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

What is it with westerners and the need for gigantic pick-up trucks. 

A common accident in Thailand given that motorbikes are supposed to travel to the left. As a car driver in Thailand its one of the first things you pick up, check that blind spot for bikes. A lot of Thais will come to a stop, check, then turn left.

If you are going to drive a gigantic pick-up, just to go to BigC once a week, be proactive and realise you are sharing the road with hundreds of small motorbikes.





I've just noticed your posts lately.



It appears  to me you seem to have a tendency to side with  Thai's in many conflicts.


Maybe sometimes things are not as clear as you may think?


Clearly the motorcycle is in the wrong Single lane and he is trying to pass on the left which is not permitted


The  farang driver is not at fault here


Not true that farangs are always wrong in an auto accident Years ago I was driving to Chantaburi when I had a green light and there was a U turn driver that hit me on the side of the car About 100,000 baht damage After the local police in this small town investigated the accident they found the other driver rightly at fault for making a U turn on a red light


Lots of motorcycle driver think because the bike is small they can do what they want There are rules that you must obey or pay a big price

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1 minute ago, HanSRT10 said:

Not sure what makes you think that other have to learn traffic rules and that you are right.  No matter where you are, if you in your car / pickup / truck / van / bus abandon the straight line you are driving (following the road) you have to check if it is in fact safe to start even the slightest deviation from a straight line.

This is the same worldwide.  The fact that there is no enforcement here creates the space for improvising while driving, frequently resulting in accidents like this.

Rest assured, if enforcement in Europe, USA, Australia would take a month off the same will happen there.

The pickup driver is at fault, he didn't check if it was safe to leave the straight line.

I'd like to take the opportunity to mention that this driver made the exact same mistake that upsets so many forum members about Thai drivers: he didnt check his mirrors.  So was he picking his nose hairs as well ?

The only thing that is worthwhile writing about in this case is the fact that the falang should hang, while if it had been a Thai driver as usual we wouldnt even have read about the accident

Oh my, how delusional you are. The traffic law that exists in almost every country in the world clearly states that any vehicle coming up from behind has ALL responsibility for a safe pass. 

For the person that drives the first vehicle will have to check so it's safe to turn or stop on the leftmost lane but that anyone who brakes or turn left (another ballgame if there is one or more lanes on the left, motorbike lane or any other type) don't have a juristic responsibility to do so, only for self preservation and road safety purpose. 

It doesn't mean that the police will "judge" correct but in court, if the driver of the car choose to protest the police decision, he will win his case. 

The reason why the RTP can have an opinion is because western people cave in all the time. 

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Surasak came off and suffered facial injuries.


When a Thai loses face - or even just a bit of it - somebody must pay.

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5 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

You may not like it but that is what that left hand white line on the roads are for, plus on some roads they are used to divide the running lanes and the breakdown lanes like on tollways

Please show where I said that I didn't like it.


Also, please tell me where this 'Fog' is here.


Thanks in advance.


Michael Fish.



That is why at a commission meeting in Bangkok in the last couple of weeks it was released that 1/3 of Thai's believe that if they get injured or killed in a motor vehicle accident then it is fate.

To me it is stupid thinking that shows that they do not believe in respecting life, either their own or anyone elses

4 minutes ago, transam said:

I live in a quiet area, coming home l signaled left to turn into my drive...I had noticed a bike at speed coming up behind me but he must have had 20 seconds warning of my turn...He kept coming near in the curb, it came to me turning into my drive, he was on my inside, l came to a standstill and placed my hand on the hooter....I thought...Yeh...you stop and bad mouth, you will see anger....But no, went on oblivious...Sadly that "oblivious" stuff is a daily thing here....:sad:

I'm sure he would be worried about some guy in his 80's,  if he had stopped :giggle:

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