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Pattaya moans: Nothing but rude Indians, Chinese and Arabs - "they treat the place like they own it"

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On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 6:32 PM, wavemanwww said:

Nothing new to add except Thailand hopefully will change back to the good old days of treating westeners as a prime tourist group and look after us. Otherwise we FLY elsewhere!


They have never treated us well. Shoddy, broken huts on dirty beaches, substandard transportation etc etc. The thing that attracted me was it was undeveloped and the natives were friendly. That made it worth while putting up with the downside. Now it's developed and overpriced, and they ruined the beaches I liked with horrid concrete resorts because of greed. They killed the golden goose and now they're crying. Too late to be sorry.

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On 28/11/2017 at 8:46 PM, adammike said:

Is that true? well whatever the thing is it's about the weather in  northern Europe, and you really need to understand we come for the weather and the temples.It can really be a good deal I still have to eat and drink wether I am in Holland or thailand,I am saving on heating electricity etc,I cancel my TV and Internet package and Spotify and Netflix,got a sim only card with unlimited Internet and calls at home  of course it's not truly unlimited but it will do for €26 a month no contract can cancel monthly, use wifi in Thailand. Taking everything into account my extra basic cost to stay for 8 weeks in Jomtien will only be €10 or so extra a day,I arrive January 12 take of the long pants and don't put them back on till I go to the airport on March 6.priceless if you can show me a better place than Thailand for a pensioner on a budget lead me to it.

Another big attraction apart from the winter sun for

60+ single males is we fit in when we get to Pattaya/Jomtien and Thailand in general. 

Spain Italy are all great places but not for single 60+ males we stick out like a sore thumb,surrounded by families and couples, what are we going to do especially if we have limited funds? Jomtien ticks the most boxes for me it is overcrowded and the beach can get into a mess but I am free to do almost anything this side of the law with like minded people,I can eat sleep drink and get laid for less than £€50 a day and not feel like I am abusing the local population.

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On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 8:45 PM, cyberfarang said:

The message was clear: Where are all the nice ones - like Americans - who spend cash and behave well!?


Because the TaT decided to ply most of it`s  efforts into the hoards of Chinese tourists that were going to visit Thailand in their millions and apparently invest in the country and spend, spend, spend. Just visit Chiang Mai as a typical example of how Tat and the government have let the western hospitality sectors fall into decline and clamped down on the bars and nightlife. The millions of expected hi so rich Chinese tourists that were going to turn the city into a tourist boom town has not transpired.


Treat the western tourists with respect and perhaps they`ll return.

My druthers to make it more attractive for farangs:

If we quality for 30 day visa exempt make it 90 days visa exempt with proof of minimum 50,000 baht available at entry ( if not enough cash available can still get 30 days ). Travel insurance compulsory. No limit on renewals at the border.

Make a retirement/ marriage visa available for 1900 baht first time, subject to having medical insurance, security check and a minimum amount in a Thai bank of 500,000 baht as a bond. No 90 day checks, and on line renewal ( no fee ) as long as bond in place and no criminal record.

Help line with people that are actually fluent in foreign languages.


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On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 10:33 PM, PAIBKK said:

(High) quality tourists left and won't come back due to scams, corruption, overpricing, criminals, etc..

Low quality tourists are coming now... You get what you deserve !!!

High quality ( read rich for high quality) only ever went to exclusive luxury resorts/ hotels and I haven't heard that those places are hurting.

It's only the places that used to cater for low cost farang tourists that are staying away now.

On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 10:54 PM, LaoPo said:

I read many posts but here are the facts and the numbers speak for themselves.


Oh, and what arrivals of "The Americas" are concerned from 1 January to 31 October 2017 at the airports of Bangkok...they didn't reach the top 15 of inbound tourism to Thailand and the number in comparison to other nations are low. 


THAILAND TouristArrivals(2016).gif




Less than a thousand visitors from Oceania in 2016? That doesn't seem right.

On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 7:01 AM, bodymassagemyfriend said:

Never been in China , but in the many countries i have been , i have never heard of such a thing as 'Luxury Chinese Restaurant'. Even in some cities like Malaga where a lot of Chinese open business , none of the Chinese restaurants i have been had anything upmarket , as opposed to the Japanese restaurant ( where Chinese where working )

There is always this dream that well off people like to take a plane and go to a city with overall low standards to eat in a luxury restaurant. I still have never seen a luxury yatch near the peer. But i did see many in Malaga , with helicopter on top. Pattaya offers nothing to the jet set  and rich guy screw top models.

If a Chinese in Pattaya is rich, why would he go to a not luxury restaurant? The not rich Chinese on package tours go wherever they are catered- they don't get a choice.

I did a 2 week tour of Thailand in the 70s with a Chinese tour company from Singapore. We stayed and ate wherever we were taken to. I learned to use chopsticks on that tour as it was all Chinese restaurants. 

On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 3:00 PM, champers said:


Within a 5 minute walk from where I live in Naklua there is a new 26 storey hotel due to open shortly (The Brighton Grand Hotel) and another extension; their second; being built at the Ayira Palace Hotel. At the bottom of the hill Terminal 21 is going to be ready to open next year and will have a 500 room hotel as its centrepiece. Amari are building 2 new hotels on their site and Dusit Thani have spent the equivalent of 1 million Baht per room on their hotel's improvements. 


My concern is that the current infrastructure cannot cope, but I am confident that private investors will increasingly pick up the considerable slack caused by ineffective public spending.

In the end, the markets; and those who control and make them - major hoteliers and retailers; will ensure that Pattaya continues growing and growing profitably.


Pattaya Walking Street is globally famous and top of the list of places to go for most first-time visitors.

Perhaps the new hotels are being built there because it is near Terminal 21 and not far to go shopping, restaurants etc.

In my experience, people that stay in big hotels have most of what they want in the hotel, or nearby. They only go out on organised tours which don't put money into businesses elsewhere.


The Pattaya infrastructure can't cope with the traffic and population now, so how will it cope with thousands of extra people on the roads? It won't. Expect monster jams and water shortages.

Even if the "market" and retailers wanted to build mass travel systems, it would take decades before the first passenger used them. In the meantime expect chaos and road rage. Does anyone think Pattaya's administrators are capable of dealing with the situation? They created it, but they won't be able to fix it, IMO.

My solution would be to ban all cars and big buses between Nth Rd and Pattaya Hill, and all the way up to Sukhumvit and only allow price controlled mid sized buses and taxis to carry tourists within the zone, till such time as they built elevated mass travel systems. Never going to happen.


Walking Street globally famous????????

Perhaps in the way Bugis Street was, but that didn't save it and it won't save W S.

On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 3:15 PM, champers said:

All the major; and even small; hotels have pools serving food and drinks. They prefer their guests spend on site, rather than go to the beach.

What I already said.

I don't know how that helps Pattaya businesses elsewhere though.

As more of the people that stay in cheap places leave and are replaced by non spending visitors, local businesses will fail and more self contained large hotels will be built on their sites compounding the problem.

Eventually it might end up looking like Benidorm without the beach and with huge traffic jams and water in short supply.

On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 3:21 PM, impulse said:


Bangkok is real nice if that's your plan.  Better shopping, better eateries, lots more to do, closer to the airport, history in spades, lots more sex streets. 


The only reason to leave BKK for Patts is the beach.  And frankly, that's becoming less and less of a reason until they clean it up.



LOL. Pattaya has cheaper accommodation and used to have better sex streets, though that is apparently changing. Now the sex streets in both cities are pants.

Still cheaper in Pattaya to stay somewhere.

On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 11:11 AM, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

A long post could be written here.
Failure to keep up with the times, indifference, no planning, and on top of all as always GREED. Well heeled with me money to burn driven away.
Rude noobs they staked the farm on all that seems to be left eh?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Always follow the money to find out why anything happens.

Yes, it is greed.

On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 1:14 PM, robsamui said:

This has to be one of the most warped and bizarre thought-processes I've ever come across.

People have every right to want to live in whatever nation they choose.

It is equally the right of that nation to welcome them, or not.

Perhaps you need to re-adjust your logon name, sanemax!


LOL. He never said anything about people WANTING to live in LOS. I WANT a zillion $ and running hot and cold wimmin in my 10,000 room mansion, but I have as much chance of that as of Thailand making it easy for me to live here.

On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 1:45 PM, robsamui said:

You still don't grasp the concept - do you . . . or the implications . . . 

People have every right to want to live in whatever nation they choose.

It is equally the right of that nation to welcome them, or not.

Again, he never said anything about WANTING anything. He was just reporting the reality. If anyone thinks Thai officialdom WANT us to live here, I have a bridge for sale.

On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 1:59 PM, robsamui said:

Chuckle. Well done with line 1.

Now let's go on to the next line . . .   
It is equally the right of that nation to welcome them, or not.

At the moment I'm going with OR NOT.

Things were different 30 years ago with unlimited back to back visa exempt entries at any border.

On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 2:41 PM, robsamui said:

I agree with every sentence, apart from "Thailand isn't in a mess . . ."


If you were actually living here then you'd realise just how much of a mess it was in - and for all the reasons above that we both agree on.

Read it again. He is saying it IS in a mess.

On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 3:04 PM, sanemax said:

I have been in Thailand for seven years now and Thailand seems to be in a lot less mess to when it was seven years ago .

   The Red/Yellow political stalemate is no more , Thailand now has a Government that governs

Corruption has been clamped down on , Pollution from crop burning has been clamped down on , entertainment places now have to follow regulations , foreigners abusing visas have been clamped down on . As has illegal land encroachment and illegal logging.

  Thailand is in a lot less mess than it was a few years ago

but still in a mess, and nowhere more so than Pattaya.

On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 5:52 PM, fanjita said:

You lot still don't get it.  The world hasn't suddenly opened their eyes to the small Thai scams.


The world economy is forbidding at the moment and normal service will be resumed in due course.

You optimist, you :sleep:

On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 6:51 PM, adammike said:

And not forgetting nobody has seen their pay rise since 2008,no interest on savings,cost that we all have rent,energy,travel and transport and now food are all still rising,the exchange rate especially for the pound and euro for the baht are down significantly, 

Personally I don't think we will ever see the days of plasterers getting a grand a week, normal service will not be resumed ever.

If you want to make money, learn a trade. No one wants people with degrees in nonsense skills, they want someone that can make things.

On ‎11‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 12:11 PM, Thai Ron said:



I wonder how we'd feel if there was a high profile, neon-soaked town in Blighty (or wherever it is you're from) where train wreck Asian pensioners and deadbeats flocked to bang ten shades out of your daughters, sisters and nieces etc in return for £20/$30 before taking a dump in the town hall fountain.




During WW2 apparently the going price for English wimmin was a pair of nylons or suchlike from a US servicemen stationed there.




last year in pattaya  at night in my hotel indian guys come back and they speak <deleted> louder like  there are in them home <deleted> menn


 these people no have education 

1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Less than a thousand visitors from Oceania in 2016? That doesn't seem right.


919 x 1.000 = 919.000 :wink: 

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On 11/29/2017 at 9:21 AM, chrisandsu said:

I agree with you on most things but I’m not a pensioner I have a youngish family . The thread is about tourist who come to spend money not live on a shoe string . IF I was to go to southern Spain my flights for my family would be 1/6th of what I’d pay to go to Thailand , big chunk for a family of 3 , accommodation is similar priced,  only thing cheaper is street food (and bar girls of course if that’s your thing) beer in Thailand is double the price sometimes triple . Last time I went back I went to Tenerife for a week I loved it and would consider living there when im

retired. Has a decent vibe great food and good climate 

All those things yes, but check the cost of renting long term?

As an example..the lowest of long stay appartment i see start 600euro.


Dont think you will have many who follow

This probably tripple what the cheap charlies will pay in Patts.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you want to make money, learn a trade. No one wants people with degrees in nonsense skills, they want someone that can make things.

Don't do what I did and become a chef then.


I flew into Liverpool yesterday arrived early so had a half hour wait for my sister to pick me up,Starbucks is being rebuilt so the only option for a coffee was Subway so I ordered a black coffee sat down <deleted> it was just a beaker of brown water that may or may not have contained coffee dire and disgraceful,I really couldn't be bothered to make a fuss so I just left it sitting,then I saw a guy bin a Costa Coffee beaker I asked him where he got it from he said its from the small Spa shop in the corner,he told me it was OK and not expensive but I have to check my change there as there a a couple of ladies who seem to running a scam there.Welcome to the UK.Thailand seems better all the time,nothing to do with this thread just needed to get it off my chest. 

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On 27/11/2017 at 3:44 PM, lonewolf99 said:

Anyone want to add to this list of only a few reasons why the Westerners are not coming in the numbers they did in say 2005?


Overly strong Baht.

Too many scams.

Blinkered tourist board courting the wrong nationalities  i.e. now over run with Chinese, Indians, Middle Eastern, Madagascans ?

Not listening to advise from Westerners already in LoS.

Filthy beaches and Sois.

As mentioned, bag snatching.

Brutal unprovoked assaults.

Deadly roads.

Ineffective Policing combined with corruption.

Unsafe balconies........


Restrictive legitimate Visas for extended periods.

Obese gogo dancers and bar girls...............




Is this their World class tourist destination they are talking about?????????

31 minutes ago, ThaiTrav said:

Is this their World class tourist destination they are talking about?????????

Uhhh ...


Less girls , ... older girls , ... less GF attitude


Nowhere to safely park you car


Motorbike on pedestrian footpath


Poor English


Not customer oriented


Noisy in most of the places



14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If a Chinese in Pattaya is rich, why would he go to a not luxury restaurant? The not rich Chinese on package tours go wherever they are catered- they don't get a choice.

I did a 2 week tour of Thailand in the 70s with a Chinese tour company from Singapore. We stayed and ate wherever we were taken to. I learned to use chopsticks on that tour as it was all Chinese restaurants. 

"If a Chinese in Pattaya is rich" We where talking about Tourist ,right?

Well , i dont know rich people would like to walk on dirty beaches when they can afford having much better than this.

Just go to the place i spoke a bout and you will see the difference. Rich guys can get girls anywhere so Thailand is not that interesting for them.


Check out 'Ibiza Yatch Marina' with Google images

13 hours ago, adammike said:

Don't do what I did and become a chef then.


Cooking is a trade. It also makes things that people need, unlike "media studies" or some such. A degree in "hip hop" anyone?



5 hours ago, bodymassagemyfriend said:

"If a Chinese in Pattaya is rich" We where talking about Tourist ,right?

Well , i dont know rich people would like to walk on dirty beaches when they can afford having much better than this.

Just go to the place i spoke a bout and you will see the difference. Rich guys can get girls anywhere so Thailand is not that interesting for them.


Check out 'Ibiza Yatch Marina' with Google images

If you were correct, the Hilton hotel would not have any customers.

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18 hours ago, thai006 said:

last year in pattaya  at night in my hotel indian guys come back and they speak <deleted> louder like  there are in them home <deleted> menn


 these people no have education 

Sounds like the ignorant a hole western people that stayed in a room next to me at TNPY beach and played their rubbish music too loudly at 3 am, or the English d heads that kept me awake all night partying in their room on Lamai.

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