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Are you a phone shouter?


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Isn't it weird how so many people use their mobile phone on speaker and hold it in front of their face and yell at it, instead of holding it to their ear and having decent conversation. I think I see more of it here in Thailand. It is so annoying. I have tried it a few times. It makes me feel I look like a guy who never learned how to hold the phone properly. The problem is they are distracting and aggravating to people who have no interest in someone else's phone call. The worst offenders are the headphone/earbud guys who have no idea the volume they are speaking at so they shout.  One of these guys drove me to find a new location today, Sitting right beside me yelling at his phone a foot away from his mouth.  



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11 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

The worst offenders are the headphone/earbud guys who have no idea the volume they are speaking at so they shout.

Yeah, I use one bud when on the phone, I tend to be a little 'loud' at the best of times, the lack of side-tone (your own voice in the headset) makes it worse.


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It's a no win situation.

I have a friend who continually puts me on 'hold' or cuts off the call because he holds his phone so close, his cheek comes into contact with the touch screen, then nothing, we are disconnected.

Another friend who holds his phone at arms length is so softly spoken, he may as well be on the other side of the planet, because I can't hear anything other than an intelligible mutter.


Still can't beat the good old fashioned landline.

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Proves how out of touch you are. Many people now call on video calling via apps like Messenger, Line, WhatsApp etc. This requires the caller to hold the phone so you can be seen and have on loud speaker. But being one of the old school you wouldnt know that would you.

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6 minutes ago, faraday said:

What's going on with all these tw*ttish remarks by members 

with a low post count?

There seems to be so many of them lately...



I only post when I have something to say. Unlike many people who boost their post counts with stupid comments like yours.

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15 minutes ago, jimn said:

Proves how out of touch you are. Many people now call on video calling via apps like Messenger, Line, WhatsApp etc. This requires the caller to hold the phone so you can be seen and have on loud speaker. But being one of the old school you wouldnt know that would you.

You do not have to hold the phone so you can be seen for video calls--tsk, tsk, talk about being out of touch

Edited by smotherb
to clarify video calls
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1 minute ago, smotherb said:

You do not have to hold the phone so you can be seen--tsk, tsk, talk about being out of touch

Dont be stupid. Have ever had a video call when you wanted to see each other and not hold it in a way that the other person can see your face. Of course you can still hold the phone to your ear but that defeats the purpose of a video call doesnt it.

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Just now, jimn said:

Dont be stupid. Have ever had a video call when you wanted to see each other and not hold it in a way that the other person can see your face. Of course you can still hold the phone to your ear but that defeats the purpose of a video call doesnt it.

Now now, watch your language.  Name calling is a violation of TV rules and you are the one who made the false statements.


To respond to your rant, yes, I have held a video call next to my ear. Normally, I know what the caller looks like and if I am in the presence of others, I have the common courtesy to hold it to my ear and take it off loudspeaker so I do not disturb others. Apparently, you are unaware of that fact or simply do not care if you disturb others.

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33 minutes ago, jimn said:

Proves how out of touch you are. Many people now call on video calling via apps like Messenger, Line, WhatsApp etc. This requires the caller to hold the phone so you can be seen and have on loud speaker. But being one of the old school you wouldnt know that would you.

I could add people who do video calls in crowds or public place to my list of peeves.

When people say turn on the video I always say no. It's a stupid feature, except for lovers and long separated relatives/friends. And those kind of calls should be done with more privacy

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10 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Without being racist but from personal experience i would say Arabs are the loudest phone shouters i have come across with.

I went to an international graduate school with an enrollment of more than 65% foreign students; including students from the Middle East. In the school library, it was common knowledge that Spanish was the language most often heard above the din. However, I also noticed Arabic being spoken loudly.

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8 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Now now, watch your language.  Name calling is a violation of TV rules and you are the one who made the false statements.


To respond to your rant, yes, I have held a video call next to my ear. Normally, I know what the caller looks like and if I am in the presence of others, I have the common courtesy to hold it to my ear and take it off loudspeaker so I do not disturb others. Apparently, you are unaware of that fact or simply do not care if you disturb others.

Its not a rant I am just saying it like it is. Yes I agree with you that holding a video call in a public place can be rude. I was just responding to the OP who clearly was unaware of video calling and assumed people were holding normal calls on loudspeaker. By the way dont be so sensitive. I was saying I felt you made a "sxxxxx" comment. It was not meant to offend you. If you are that sensitive then I apologise.

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2 minutes ago, jimn said:

Its not a rant I am just saying it like it is. Yes I agree with you that hilding a video call in a public place can be rude. I was just responding to the OP who clearly was unaware of video calling and assumed people were holding normal calls on loudspeaker. By the way dont be so sensitive. I was saying I felt you made a "sxxxxx" comment. It was not meant to offend you. If you are that sensitive then I apologise.

It would be pretty stupid to have a video call other than on loudspeaker, unless the other party wanted to see how much wax was in your ear.


There is a time and place for video calls on loudspeaker and consideration should be given to your surroundings.

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1 hour ago, jimn said:

Proves how out of touch you are. Many people now call on video calling via apps like Messenger, Line, WhatsApp etc. This requires the caller to hold the phone so you can be seen and have on loud speaker. But being one of the old school you wouldnt know that would you.


Why does the caller have to see you, so they can lip read?


Or do they (you) need some sort of visual "reassurance".


Just because something can be done doesn't mean it has to be done.......unless one is a "Trendslave".





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My Philippina wife used to shout in the phone so loud.

I said, just open the window then you don't need the phone.


Video calls I only do at Skype on my notebook.

Even then I actually prefer to do it without video as I usually

know what my friends and older sister look like. Me and them

are not so handsome or pretty anymore.


Trendslaves is the right word for the smart phone generation.

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20 minutes ago, jimn said:

Its not a rant I am just saying it like it is. Yes I agree with you that holding a video call in a public place can be rude. I was just responding to the OP who clearly was unaware of video calling and assumed people were holding normal calls on loudspeaker. By the way dont be so sensitive. I was saying I felt you made a "sxxxxx" comment. It was not meant to offend you. If you are that sensitive then I apologise.

I doubt you know what the OP knows or does not know? However, you are the one who said video calling, “ . . . requires the caller to hold the phone so you can be seen and have on loud speaker.”  Which leads me to believe you did not know.

Now, you agree with me, when before, what I said was stupid. Perhaps you should wait even longer before trying to boost your post counts.

Are you saying, if I am not sensitive, you do not apologize?

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11 minutes ago, Enoon said:


Why does the caller have to see you, so they can lip read?


Or do they (you) need some sort of visual "reassurance".


Just because something "can" be done doesn't mean it "has" to be done.......unless one is a "Trendslave".






Trendslave.  That's the word of the day. Hits the nail on its head.

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I have always thought that my wife, bless her talks quite loudly on the phone. Certainly more so than if she was talking to me or another person nearby.


Me personally? I never speak on the phone because I don't have any friends....:violin:

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1 hour ago, jimn said:

Proves how out of touch you are. Many people now call on video calling via apps like Messenger, Line, WhatsApp etc. This requires the caller to hold the phone so you can be seen and have on loud speaker. But being one of the old school you wouldnt know that would you.

Like you, I used to be perfect, but I'm improving as the days pass, thank you.

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Thai women are some of the worst, my wife can be loud.


But she fades into insignificance  with one elderly lady( i use the term lady loosely) who lives somewhere near us, and drives a motorbike whilst using the phone.


You can still hear her over the sound of the  motorbike  about 100metres away regardless if shes coming or going

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