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Superpoll: US Nationals most happy in Thailand and foreigners think Prayut is doing better than the Thais


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18 hours ago, rooster59 said:
Out of the 831 respondents in the poll, conducted from November 1st to December 8th, the following percentages were obtained about why visitors were here:
Rest from work         52.3%
Tourism                     46.8%
Visiting friends          13.1%
Trade Shows             11.1%
Seminars                     8.9%
Visiting relatives          8.1%
Another 10.5% said they were in Thailand for meetings, business, governmental business among other things.
Asked about the best thing about Thailand the foreigners said:
82.8%    Tourist places
79.7%    Nature and the environment
79.1%    The safety of the food
77.5%    The economic development of Thailand
77.2%    Infrastructure - such as airports, Skytrain, MRT and mobile networks.


All together it is 100% on a Thai calculator...

Just another bull$#!t poll !!!

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Praise for Prayuth from tourists?  I know he considers himself a god but who writes this propaganda rubbish being fed to people? 


Please tell me when prayuth waved his hand and created nature and the environment in Thailand.  It took god six days to create the world but it appears he forgot to create Thailand.  




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How does the junta affect Americans???   I notice no difference. A subject best avoided in conversation and interviews. People are jailed for the wrong answers. All you have to do is shut up and enjoy the low cost of living. It's not rocket science.

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2 hours ago, BradinAsia said:


Wow! Great.


How do you hypothetically invent a term that negates "pen arai?"


So you get, "What is not the matter?"  Cool, I love it.



Things get confusing... mais mee arai is used all the time - if you ask mee arai you will almost assuredly hear that - no have what... of course, it is not uncommon for me to fail at my attempts to translate or understand colloquialisms... 

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Don't think you would get a very useful depiction of the PM's performance from visitors.  

Expats like those on TV would be a better choice to ask. 

Though asking tourists for feedback is always useful KPI's for the TAT.  

Smells like a trap to boost ratings and justify political credibility.

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I like the name a upgrade to " Super Poll " Does it come with a Superman suit size small for Prayut.

Are we affiliated with the Super Board lol. Priceless only in Thailand do you here such rubbish. If his so super why are they hiding behind defamation shields and delaying people there rights lol..Give us a rest with these fake polls.

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5 minutes ago, smileydude said:

Don't think you would get a very useful depiction of the PM's performance from visitors.  

Expats like those on TV would be a better choice to ask. 

Though asking tourists for feedback is always useful KPI's for the TAT.  

Smells like a trap to boost ratings and justify political credibility.

He has 0 credibility 

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Good one Smotherb!!!  5555.  Of course  I was not asked either.  I'm here for the ladies.  Beer close second .   >>How does:   77.5%    The economic development of Thailand,  even make the list?<<   "Yes I'm here because Thailand is developing so well.  555   Stop this poll nonsense. 

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2 hours ago, shackleton said:

As has been pointed out this survey was asking visitors to Thailand

Considering Bangkok is rated as one of the top cities to visit for its culture food. Ect 

not surprising  visitors rate it high

good job the survey was not asking retired expats here as quite a few seem to want to give negative responses 

I think a few need to look at themselves and ask the question why did I retire here then moan about it 


Get real Shack....  Does introspect mean anything to you?

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20 hours ago, z42 said:

This is horseshit. It doesn't say what these people were doing in Thailand (and hence their suitability to give honest answers to all questions).


My guess would be that most Americans visiting Thailand on holiday would be clueless about who Prayuth is. And those who do know he is a junta leader.



That about sums it up. No need for further posts.

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1 hour ago, gamini said:

I see the usual ranting of Thai bashers who try and discredit every Poll that doesn't conform to their distorted views. I pity them living in a country they obviously don't like.

Super Poll is the new name of the Thai Researchers in Community Happiness Association, which has reached celebrity for attributing a 93.3% approval rate to Prayuth!


So a biased organisation surveys people who have no idea about Thai politics in order to show that americans think that Prayuth is doing a good job, and it's the TVF members who hold distorted views?

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Lies, Dam lies and statistics.


I remember a pole many years ago in USA during Saddam Hussein era and that is whilst the US bombed the hell out of Iraq. Plus sent in massive troops. I think the result was when asked to American citizens the question "where is Iraq"? 70% of replies stated "They had no idea"!  God bless US and it's knowledge of the world.


Apart from the fact they found NO chemical weapons which was their reason to do such an act.

Edited by wavemanwww
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23 minutes ago, Polytechnic said:

Thank God I mix with expats who enjoy living here

As for saying we live in an expat bubble that is not the case

Again if you don't like it piss off and leave us in peace

Dont think the poll was about if you like to live here. Maybe im wrong. I love it here with or without pra... but i sure dont like the politics hes enforcing himself.

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Just now, sead said:

Dont think the poll was about if you like to live here. Maybe im wrong. I love it here with or without pra... but i sure dont like the politics hes enforcing himself.

And i was wrong. It was a smart poll that didn't ask specifics.

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13 hours ago, thedivezone said:

Just a wild guess . . . 

Maybe the the reason americans are happiest holydaying under a totalitarian, dictatorial regime is because it makes them feel at home.

complete with popularity polls 

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Count me with the happy Americans here. Yes, there are problems here, and traffic safety is a major detraction from the allure of LOS.


The government is a junta, but in my country The Orange Raccoon is turning it into a fascist state as quickly as possible. And given how well past presidents and congress has pursued the same goal, The Cheeto In Chief doesn't have far to go.


While Prayut might aspire to such a level of control of his citizens, it will be decades before Thailand has the funding, infrastructure, or technical expertise to pull this off. I'll be ashes by then, or perhaps dead on a highway somewhere in Thailand after an 8 year-old on a motorbike puts me down for good.


At any rate, what I disliked about my home country has gotten worse, and the things that were good or at least acceptable are going in the wrong direction.


So here I am and here I will stay.


Color me satisfied and content in LOS.


You whiners just keep on with your constant criticism if it pulls your chain every day.


Maybe you've been in Thailand too long to appreciate how much better it is than the martial law, tax-'em-till-they-bleed surveillance states you came from.


As many have said before, and it bears repeating:


If you don't like it here then go the hell home. It just leaves more for the rest of us here. Let me know and I'll help you pack just to get rid of you.


That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


By the way, the American beauties in the story picture do absolutely nothing for me anymore. I much prefer the Thai women's exotic looks myself.


As for temperament, hey, women are the same round the world.  Live with it or give it up. The choice is yours.





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