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Defying Trump, over 120 countries at U.N. condemn Jerusalem decision


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5 minutes ago, dexterm said:

>>Now PT comes in with a roar

...Sounds more like a whimper to me.

Israel, Togo, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Marshall Islands, Guatemala and Honduras stood shoulder to shoulder with Donald.

roar's sow  power , wimp's get pushed around!  

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17 minutes ago, greatwhitenorth said:

And that is the fallacy of American foreign policy.  Just because you give aid to other countries, it doesn't mean they stop thinking for themselves.   Israel is in fact your biggest aid recipient at 3.1 billion dollars in 2014.   Trump has urinated on Australia, NATO, Merkl, May and NAFTA since taking office.  

 A profound statement, "Trump has urinated on Australia, NATO, Merkl, May and NAFTA since taking office".

Can you substantiate this?

Edited by riclag
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The US scored a victory.  Shocked? The No side was expecting 150 No votes. The USA was well aware that its position would be condemned and  I would say that the USA is none oo upset over that.  trump is playing these fools. He needs an excuse to cut foreign aid  and foreign subsidies and the UN just gave it to him.  Let the world see who will cough up a billion here and a billion there. Let's see if Russia and China pony up.



4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

What did anyone expect?

It was a foolish decision in the first place to move the embassy; some pots don't need to be stirred.

It is rarely a bad policy in a country to be seen to be standing up to the US.It demonstrates the idiocy of Trump's foreign policy; the US is now more isolated than at any other time in my life.

I have said it before and (sadly) need to say it again;

Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.

God help us all...

He did not do anything that was not previously agreed to. The USA is going to move its embassy to  the part of Jerusalem that was always part of Israel.  The USA is not moving to East Jerusalem.  Are you claiming that Israel has no legal basis to be in west jerusalem?


4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Four out of the five biggest recipients of US foreign aid - Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt - voted in favor of the resolution. Clearly, respect for the USA has never been higher!

Not respect, but they have no choice. They can't have an uprising if they  abastain. These countries have no love for Arabs in the Israeli zone.


4 hours ago, dcutman said:

OK, there you have it. It does not matter what any other country has to say about this fact.Those that want to deny, are delusional.

What's your point? The USA has the legal and moral right to locate its embassy in west jerusalem. To say otherwise is to deny Israel's right to exist and to deny that Israel  and Jerusalem  have a tied history.



1 hour ago, newatthis said:

" Later on Thursday, Haley asked the 64 countries who voted no, abstained or did not cast a vote to come to a Jan. 3 reception "to thank you for your friendship to the United States," according to the invitation seen by Reuters. "Now that you've kissed my arse, you can all line up for a BJ from the Mouth in the New Year.

Slimy sexist misogynist comment. You disagree and that's fine. However, denigrating women is  vile and infantile.


1 hour ago, Emster23 said:

There you have it: Trump creating problems for no particular good reason. Hey Donald, what concession did you get for this? About the same level of "art of the deal" you got for pulling out of TPP?

What problems? The USA had voted to move the embassy long ago. The problem is coming from violent psychopaths like Erdogan threatening to blow up Israel etc.


52 minutes ago, greatwhitenorth said:

I guess to Americans there is not much difference between the two countries,  I mean they are both foreign.  

I wonder why America finds it has so few friends anymore  is it the bullying? is it the ignorance of anything not American? my country gutlessly abstained as not to offend USA

Canada defied the blackmail of the Islamic voting block. In case you missed it, Canada long ago accepted that  west jerusalem was uncontested Israeli territory.

Read the UN resolution which was biased and onesided and then come back and justify your gutless comment. The Canadian position  was not predicated upon upsetting the USA. Rather the abstention came because the historic Canadian position would have been to vote NO. However,  the governing Liberal party owes a few swing seats to  ridings  with large muslim populations. And in cased you missed it, PM Trudeau is now the first PM in Canadian history to be  held in violation of  conflict of interest rules for taking his freebie vacation from the Aga Khan.


Trump carried out his election promise. It was no surprise. he said he would do this if elected  and he delivered.

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The US administration should not be so upset in this latest drama and look at the good side....the US taxpayers will save billions on US financial aid that won't be distributed any more !!:sorry:


More subtly,  this vote does not seem to be directed against Trump or the USA, but rather a clear protest the global community is sending to Israel.

Edited by observer90210
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3 minutes ago, riclag said:

Australia A profound statement, "Trump has urinated on Australia, NATO, Merkl, May and NAFTA since taking office".

Can you substantiate this?

do you want references? 


Australia -     didn t Trump bitch to the Australian PM about an agreement the US government had with Australia in a heated first phone call?


NATO-     didn't Trump claim NATO was useless and perhaps America would pull out?


Merkl-      didn t Trump ask Merkl for cash when she came and made a big show of his disdain for her?


May-   didn t Trump did May after he was done tweeting his rascist vids?


NAFTA- didn t Trump tell America about a non existant trade deficit with Canada and demand a renegotiation of the treaty




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I imagine that this lays the groundwork for Trump to single out a few nations in Africa, Asia, and Central America and make examples of them. It's not aid that will be cut. It will be trade restrictions and violations of import duties and quality. Were I to be a medium sized SE Asian nation that has a significant trade imbalance with the US and I voted for the resolution, then I would really be worried about how my exports might be met with bans and/or extra duties put on them.

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14 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

The US administration should not be so upset in this latest drama and look at the good side....the US taxpayers will save billions on US financial aid that won't be distributed any more !!:cheesy:


And for a change, the countries that won't get the financial aid any more, could ask Israel to pay the check for instance !?!


I like what geriatrickid said in a previous comment . Russia and China can pony up now.Let them carry the UN load and feed the world.

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45 minutes ago, greatwhitenorth said:

And that is the fallacy of American foreign policy.  Just because you give aid to other countries, it doesn't mean they stop thinking for themselves.   Israel is in fact your biggest aid recipient at 3.1 billion dollars in 2014 and as your wingman which wars has Israel allied itself with America?   None


Trump has urinated on Australia, NATO, Merkl, May and NAFTA since taking office.  


In 2014, Afghanistan received a total of  over 7 billion dollars of US Aid.

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Hahahahaha the coalition of the willing 'Merica, 'Srael, Togo and Timor Leste. A resounding endorsement of US global leadership. Trump and Haley victorious again.

I see Pakistan have announced they will no longer trade with China in dollars, following yesterday's threats by the US. This and the soon to be launched petroyuan contracts for oil will dent the US ability to continue to sell T-bills at below global rates.

Is Trump going to MAIA....Make America Irrelevant Again?

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41 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Not respect, but they have no choice. They can't have an uprising if they  abastain. These countries have no love for Arabs in the Israeli zone.

So when others make a threat and don't follow through on it's a sign of weakness. If the Trump administration does, then it doesn't count?

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8 minutes ago, greatwhitenorth said:

do you want references? 


Australia -     didn t Trump bitch to the Australian PM about an agreement the US government had with Australia in a heated first phone call?


NATO-     didn't Trump claim NATO was useless and perhaps America would pull out?


Merkl-      didn t Trump ask Merkl for cash when she came and made a big show of his disdain for her?


May-   didn t Trump did May after he was done tweeting his rascist vids?


NAFTA- didn t Trump tell America about a non existant trade deficit with Canada and demand a renegotiation of the treaty




Your gonna have to do better then that,  show Proof on

1. The Australia call was a deep state hit piece (google the Prime Ministers comment on the phone call).He denied PT yelling at him and said it was a cordial call.

2.Nato ,I agree

3.Germany /Merkl ,Not urinated on but embarrassed into  paying their fair share to NATO.

4.Those  vids were disturbing The Threat of Islamic terrorism   was the message  he retweeted to May  to remind her that this is what the world must pay attention too.

5.Nafta ,I  lost my job to NAfta,thanks to Clinton.I'm not for outsourcing American jobs .

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3 hours ago, newatthis said:

" The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation," U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley told the 193-member General Assembly ahead of Thursday's vote. "

And every other sovereign nation has a right to vote as they wish or does the USA really believe the world revolves around it.

Yes, go visit America and see for yourself. They think the world revolves around whichever state they live in. Solipsism gone mad.

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2 hours ago, Sir Swagman said:

I just love the way DT claimed that the announcement and move of the embassy was 'what the people of America want' - therefore it had to be done??? What about over 70% of 'the people' not wanting the new tax 'reform' you and your sticky-fingered bunch of cronies voted in? 

A lie by the Dems.

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55 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

The US scored a victory.  Shocked? The No side was expecting 150 No votes. The USA was well aware that its position would be condemned and  I would say that the USA is none oo upset over that.  trump is playing these fools. He needs an excuse to cut foreign aid  and foreign subsidies and the UN just gave it to him.  Let the world see who will cough up a billion here and a billion there. Let's see if Russia and China pony up.



He did not do anything that was not previously agreed to. The USA is going to move its embassy to  the part of Jerusalem that was always part of Israel.  The USA is not moving to East Jerusalem.  Are you claiming that Israel has no legal basis to be in west jerusalem?


Not respect, but they have no choice. They can't have an uprising if they  abastain. These countries have no love for Arabs in the Israeli zone.


What's your point? The USA has the legal and moral right to locate its embassy in west jerusalem. To say otherwise is to deny Israel's right to exist and to deny that Israel  and Jerusalem  have a tied history.



Slimy sexist misogynist comment. You disagree and that's fine. However, denigrating women is  vile and infantile.


What problems? The USA had voted to move the embassy long ago. The problem is coming from violent psychopaths like Erdogan threatening to blow up Israel etc.


Canada defied the blackmail of the Islamic voting block. In case you missed it, Canada long ago accepted that  west jerusalem was uncontested Israeli territory.

Read the UN resolution which was biased and onesided and then come back and justify your gutless comment. The Canadian position  was not predicated upon upsetting the USA. Rather the abstention came because the historic Canadian position would have been to vote NO. However,  the governing Liberal party owes a few swing seats to  ridings  with large muslim populations. And in cased you missed it, PM Trudeau is now the first PM in Canadian history to be  held in violation of  conflict of interest rules for taking his freebie vacation from the Aga Khan.


Trump carried out his election promise. It was no surprise. he said he would do this if elected  and he delivered.

Then there is that other pesky matter of 9 out of 10 Canadians detesting Trump. Think that may have entered the equation?

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:




  Are you claiming that Israel has no legal basis to be in west jerusalem?




What's your point? The USA has the legal and moral right to locate its embassy in west jerusalem. To say otherwise is to deny Israel's right to exist and to deny that Israel  and Jerusalem  have a tied history.









Trump carried out his election promise. It was no surprise. he said he would do this if elected  and he delivered.

Modern Israel has no legal right to West Jerusalem. It was excluded from the UN resolution that created modern Israel. It only occupies it, which is why no nation has an embassy there, as you well know.


History is irrelevant to present legality.

If history was relevant, England owns a large part of France.


Seems that you have changed your opinion on the Donald for this issue :biggrin:.

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2 hours ago, Morch said:


Most governments and their diplomatic representatives are able to differentiate between hyperbole statements and the actual chances things will be carried out. Doubt that the US will massively cut aid in most relevant cases - that would essentially mean pulling the plug on US leverage and military presence in some key locations. Also, as quite a bit of the aid in question is given in the form of funds to buy Made in the USA stuff and services, cancelling it would mean loss of monies and jobs to American firms. Trump may or may not be aware of the implications his nonsense statements carry, that doesn't mean all parties involved are daft.

"Doubt that the US will massively cut aid in most relevant cases - that would essentially mean pulling the plug on US leverage and military presence in some key locations. Also, as quite a bit of the aid in question is given in the form of funds to buy Made in the USA stuff and services, cancelling it would mean loss of monies and jobs to American firms."


Precisely, but I'd also highlight the use of 'funding' to buy weapons from the funding countries....

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