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Need a criminal Lawyer Been Scammed


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I feel such a fool. I trusted a man selling a car and have ended up out 300000 Baht and have a vehicle with no Blue book and registration. Can anyone suggest a criminal lawyer or anyone who can help sort this out? My e-mail is <<<<Email removed as per forum rules, please use PM function to contact>>>>

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24 minutes ago, amigodaddyo said:

I feel such a fool. I trusted a man selling a car and have ended up out 300000 Baht and have a vehicle with no Blue book and registration.

If you sold the car you would not have the blue book anyway.

Then you say you have a vehicle. ?

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26 minutes ago, amigodaddyo said:

Can you suggest a police station in which there is an English speaking officer who can help sort this out?

Maybe the Book and registration is forthcoming.

What do actually mean by seller stopped communicating, by phone or in person..  

Police station depends where you live best to take a Thai friend or interpreter.

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4 minutes ago, amigodaddyo said:

Can you suggest a police station in which there is an English speaking officer who can help sort this out?

Start with the local tourist police, most police stations in expat areas have english speakers or volunteers etc. 

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1 hour ago, amigodaddyo said:

Yes, I bought the car and was convinced that the Book and registration was forthcoming. At this point the seller I bought it from has stopped communicating. This is why I need a good lawyer to pursue this man and formally report it to the police

What kind of car is it and what year? 

If it's an older model it's less likely to on bank finance etc but if it's less than 5 years 

That's a possibility why he does not provide any book for you

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29 minutes ago, amigodaddyo said:

No it does not

You should probably not drive without the mandatory road tax and insurance, they call it "por ror bor" 

Check the glove box for old ones, you can  usually get a new one at the dlt if you have an old one for only a few hundred baht


That would help in the short term to drive it legally, but without the book you wouldn't be able to  eventually sell it to anyone else

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When I bought a 2nd hand pickup, it took the previous owner (an expat going back home) over a month to get the documents sorted out and in my name.  


Things may not be as dire as the OP believes (or they may be...), especially around the holidays when folks are traveling and may be out of touch and too busy to deal with the formalities, and not eager to be the bearer of bad news, like delays or not keeping promises based on unrealistic expectations from government agencies.


About the lawyer, the OP has a civil matter on his hands, so a criminal attorney isn't the best place to start.  It may come to that, but the victims' lawyers don't bring charges.  The cops do that.  


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4 hours ago, amigodaddyo said:

Late 90's Subaru Sambar with a VW kit





Well - the chance of that car being stolen are almost 0 - it's hardly going to blend in, is it? It's not as if the original owner wouldn't recognize it. I don't think any self-respecting criminal would steal something so distinctive, whilst being worth so little...


The number plate looks illegal - but doesn't mean the car is - just that the ordinary plates look crap and people sometimes get prettier ones made.


The number 6789 is probably worth more than the car - I'd check that out first. 


Windscreen is illegal - you should get some bull bars so the pedestrians/cyclists you hit at night won't scratch the paintwork.


Apart from those minor issues, it's hard to see what the crime is here, other than your shocking lack of taste. The vehicle is horrific. Perhaps the original owner is still having fits of laughter and will send you the blue book when the tears streaming down his face dry out...




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2 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

Number plate looks dodgy too, it’s prolly never been registered and never had a blue book

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

The numbers look legit compared to the other car, but do they have custom plates in LOS? I don't recall seeing any. The plate itself isn't standard.


OP, do you have a Thai significant other? If so, let them sort it out.

If not, be aware you might end up spending more in court than the car is worth.


You said the car has a "custom kit". If it hasn't been OK'd by the cops, it might be illegal to drive as not standard.


Whatever, have you got insurance on it?

Just me, but I wouldn't drive it till legality sorted. I'd let my wife drive it though, and she could sort it with any cops that stopped her.


Bet you do research before buying any big ticket item again.

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