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Trump in 'excellent health,' White House doctor says after exam


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4 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


Yes, kudos on the smoking/drinking - watching his brother Fred Jr. die young from alcoholism was probably a contributing factor - but his lifestyle/diet would hardly seem to contribute to "excellent health"? 


Donald Trump’s Typical McDonald’s Dinner Order Is A Calorific Nightmare


According to the two, a typical dinner order for Trump consisted of “two Big Macs, two Fillet-O-Fish, and a chocolate malted” shake. Keep in mind the daily recommended calories for a sedentary, 71-year-old man like Trump is around 2,000 calories. 


Trump’s dinner alone comes out to a minimum of 2,672 calories, and that’s only if he orders a small shake. 



But he is a high energy tweet.


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Many of us are far more concerned with the state of his mental health. He does seem a bit insane. Where is the report on that, and has his state of mind even been examined, by a doctor? Certainly the world has examined his mental state, and pronounced him utterly insane, about as unstable as a leader can get, and out of control.

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"the crude lust with which he hunts his perceived detractors, and the veritable “sport” he makes of meting out his lacerating, punitive fury. This is far more indicative of someone bidding, shamelessly, to institute “omnipotent control” over others. Traits like fearlessness, unaccountableness, mesmerizing charisma, dominance, confidence, arrogance, contemptuousness, antisocial audacity, unconscionableness, recklessness, manipulativeness, untruthfulness and outrageousness arise from shamelessness. Trump has all these traits, and he’s never sought to hide them."


Edited by Opl
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2 minutes ago, Opl said:

"the crude lust with which he hunts his perceived detractors, and the veritable “sport” he makes of meting out his lacerating, punitive fury. This is far more indicative of someone bidding, shamelessly, to institute “omnipotent control” over others."


He's undeniably horrible but such behavior might not be mental illness. Could be garden variety evil. In an everyday person, no big deal, but when in such a position of great power, a hazard to the entire planet. 

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I am not a fan of Trump, but it would appear that his health is pretty good.   There are a lot of people who at his age could keep up with the grueling schedule of a President.   No, he doesn't eat well and he probably doesn't exercise enough, so it's probably down to genetics.     


It's not his mental health that is questionable, it's the fact that he's driving everyone else nuts that concerns me.   

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Very poor diet and no exercise. If he is really in excellent health, it's a matter of luck and lucky genetics. We all hear of 100 year old chain smokers. Same kind of thing. 

You guys were complaining about him playing too much golf recently. Now you're complaining because you contend he does NO exercise.  




I get it...you complain about anything, for the sake of complaining. You really need more than a keyboard in your lives. Perhaps some exercise would help?


A GP can establish a person's mental state very quickly, just in conversation, and assess if further testing is required.


But as an earlier poster said, it's all academic because there is no obligation to publish the results.


I think his detractors have missed that he has turned 'baiting the left' into an art form, and are suggesting he's mentally unstable because they can't lay a glove on him. They go after him, and he just pokes them more. They can't stand it, so revert to what they know best, criticize and abuse.


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All tests come back positive: does that include tests for hepatitis and HIV?

If the full (and genuine) results are leaked he'll probably have a stroke.

Anyone notice that on the letter the doctor spelled his own name wrong?


This thing about posing with junk food is suspect, IMO.  Perhaps he is diabetic, or pre-diabetic.  (Takes one to know one :wink:)  Diet Coke.  Big Macs and cheeseburgers, but maybe he doesn't eat the bun?

Up until the mid-1990s diabetes was looked upon as an allergy to sugar, but then they figured out it was about carbohydrates in general: wheat, rice, potatoes and corn are right up there with sugar.  The carbs in a Big Mac, for instance, are all in the bun and the ketchup and special sauce.  Haven't noticed any fries in this guy's photo ops, lots of carbs there.  With KFC the carbs are in the breading, just remove the skin and they're gone, taco bowl could be low-carb if you don't eat the "bowl."



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8 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

You guys were complaining about him playing too much golf recently. Now you're complaining because you contend he does NO exercise.  




I get it...you complain about anything, for the sake of complaining. You really need more than a keyboard in your lives. Perhaps some exercise would help?


A GP can establish a person's mental state very quickly, just in conversation, and assess if further testing is required.


But as an earlier poster said, it's all academic because there is no obligation to publish the results.


I think his detractors have missed that he has turned 'baiting the left' into an art form, and are suggesting he's mentally unstable because they can't lay a glove on him. They go after him, and he just pokes them more. They can't stand it, so revert to what they know best, criticize and abuse.


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Sorry, but golf does not qualify as exercise, unless you are NOT using a cart. There is no doubt this charlatan uses a cart. Probably a 24 carat gold plated cart. Probably a bullet proof cart. But, he uses a cart. So, the only exercise he gets is using his jaw excessively, and swinging a club. Not much. There is no doubt that an extremely toxic condition exists in his body, mind and colon. He could really use the exercise, and there is a chance it would tame some of his insanity, and temper some of his outbursts.

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Just now, spidermike007 said:

Sorry, but golf does not qualify as exercise, unless you are NOT using a cart. There is no doubt this charlatan uses a cart. Probably a 24 carat gold plated cart. Probably a bullet proof cart. But, he uses a cart. So, the only exercise he gets is using his jaw excessively, and swinging a club. Not much. There is no doubt that an extremely toxic condition exists in his body, mind and colon. He could really use the exercise, and there is a chance it would tame some of his insanity, and temper some of his outbursts.


You say "There is no doubt this charlatan uses a cart."     That statement is not definitive....it's your opinion.  You're guessing.


Thanks for the medical opinion on his condition Dr Spidermike.

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11 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


You say "There is no doubt this charlatan uses a cart."     That statement is not definitive....it's your opinion.  You're guessing.


Thanks for the medical opinion on his condition Dr Spidermike.

 "On the campaign trail in 2016, Trump had promised, “I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to play golf.” 



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47 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


You say "There is no doubt this charlatan uses a cart."     That statement is not definitive....it's your opinion.  You're guessing.


Thanks for the medical opinion on his condition Dr Spidermike.

Again with the misinformation.   Do you remember when he was on his first trip to Europe as President and all the other leaders walked and he took a golf cart?   And the government has had to spend $150,000 on golf cart rentals for him:


Trump Golf Trips Have Cost Nearly $150,000 in Cart Rentals for Secret Service




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8 minutes ago, Credo said:

Again with the misinformation.   Do you remember when he was on his first trip to Europe as President and all the other leaders walked and he took a golf cart?   And the government has had to spend $150,000 on golf cart rentals for him:


Trump Golf Trips Have Cost Nearly $150,000 in Cart Rentals for Secret Service




So, he could have saved the country $150,000 by walking around a golf course.  Not only that, he goes to his own resorts and charges the secret service to stay there as well as to rent the carts.  Even if this is legal, which some are questioning, there is so much wrong with it ethically.


"The Secret Service reportedly paid Mar-a-Lago more than $63,000 over a few months for hotel costs ranging from $1,300 to $11,050".

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1 hour ago, Opl said:

 "On the campaign trail in 2016, Trump had promised, “I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to play golf.” 



But how does that relate to the subject under discussion, his fitness??


I think that if he's playing golf regularly it's a good thing.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!


I can see the next comment.

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33 minutes ago, Credo said:

Again with the misinformation.   Do you remember when he was on his first trip to Europe as President and all the other leaders walked and he took a golf cart?   And the government has had to spend $150,000 on golf cart rentals for him:


Trump Golf Trips Have Cost Nearly $150,000 in Cart Rentals for Secret Service




I don't remember his last trip anywhere, let alone his first trip.


I don't track him like you guys do, waiting for him to f***, and complain it's the wrong note.

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It really is odd that someone who is overweight with a BMI of 29.5 with all of the health risks this entails can be described as being in "excellent" health. Maybe the doctor who made this evaluation should have his head examined as well.

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On 1/15/2018 at 11:25 AM, F4UCorsair said:


You say "There is no doubt this charlatan uses a cart."     That statement is not definitive....it's your opinion.  You're guessing.


Thanks for the medical opinion on his condition Dr Spidermike.


Blowing money is just par for the course.

Newly revealed orders show that the Secret Service had to chip in $7,470 to rent golf carts while President Trump spent Thanksgiving at his private club Mar-a-Lago.

According to USA Today, the expense added to the already sizeable amount the agency has had to spend on renting the diminutive course-covering vehicles, with the current total reaching at least $144,975 so far.

The contract to rent golf carts in Florida is not with a Trump-branded course but rather the Miami-based Golf Cart & Utility Distributors.


This charlatan is so lazy, so slothful, he will not even walk around the White House grounds-


President Donald Trump is no fan of physical exercise, having stated during the campaign that waving his arms during speeches is just about the only exercise he thinks he needs, and he is not a fan of simple, self-propelled bipedal mobility either. To save himself the physical trouble of having to walk his own body throughout the hallways of the White House, Mr. Trump has reportedly had several golf carts brought inside in order to more easily transport himself between White House rooms and offices.

White House custodial staff are not impressed with the golf cart’s wear and tear on the carpets, and have expressed frustration with Mr. Trump’s driving abilities.

“The hallways were designed and built 200 years ago, and, to be frank, a golf cart has no business being in here,” said White House custodian Rob Warner who works the day-shift. “And, to make matters worse, the President is not a careful driver. The walls have scuff marks and dents, every hallway corner has been beat up, the exhaust is darkening the walls a few shades… I don’t want to think about the cost of these damages.”

The worst drivers, however, are reportedly Mr. Trump’s children. “It’s alway a catastrophe when Donald Jr. and Eric come to visit,” said Deacon Packman, the graveyard-shit custodian. “They race each other down the main hallways and are always breaking antique furniture pieces that are often gifts from other nations. The President just laughs it off and then writes the White House staff a check for any damages, but the checks always bounce. And it’s not like you can put a price on these historical antiques anyway.”





Edited by spidermike007
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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


Blowing money is just par for the course.

Newly revealed orders show that the Secret Service had to chip in $7,470 to rent golf carts while President Trump spent Thanksgiving at his private club Mar-a-Lago.

According to USA Today, the expense added to the already sizeable amount the agency has had to spend on renting the diminutive course-covering vehicles, with the current total reaching at least $144,975 so far.

The contract to rent golf carts in Florida is not with a Trump-branded course but rather the Miami-based Golf Cart & Utility Distributors.


This charlatan is so lazy, so slothful, he will not even walk around the White House grounds-


President Donald Trump is no fan of physical exercise, having stated during the campaign that waving his arms during speeches is just about the only exercise he thinks he needs, and he is not a fan of simple, self-propelled bipedal mobility either. To save himself the physical trouble of having to walk his own body throughout the hallways of the White House, Mr. Trump has reportedly had several golf carts brought inside in order to more easily transport himself between White House rooms and offices.

White House custodial staff are not impressed with the golf cart’s wear and tear on the carpets, and have expressed frustration with Mr. Trump’s driving abilities.

“The hallways were designed and built 200 years ago, and, to be frank, a golf cart has no business being in here,” said White House custodian Rob Warner who works the day-shift. “And, to make matters worse, the President is not a careful driver. The walls have scuff marks and dents, every hallway corner has been beat up, the exhaust is darkening the walls a few shades… I don’t want to think about the cost of these damages.”

The worst drivers, however, are reportedly Mr. Trump’s children. “It’s alway a catastrophe when Donald Jr. and Eric come to visit,” said Deacon Packman, the graveyard-shit custodian. “They race each other down the main hallways and are always breaking antique furniture pieces that are often gifts from other nations. The President just laughs it off and then writes the White House staff a check for any damages, but the checks always bounce. And it’s not like you can put a price on these historical antiques anyway.”






Mike, I';ve read a lot of your posts over time, and whilst I don't always agree, I have liked your input, but...............


This thread is becoming more petty by the post.   Now it's the driving ability of his kids, in golf carts, in the white house???   


Come on guys.....please be serious.   This has degenerated into a childish attack on anything/everything that ther Trump family have done, and do.  As I said in an earlier post, if Trump f**t*d, you would be complaining that it wasn't a middle C, but D.   Tragic people with nothing in their lives.  Get a hobby, go for a walk, smell the roses, get off the F****** keyboard.  It won't get him out of the office, and you're harming only yourselves.

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5 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


Mike, I';ve read a lot of your posts over time, and whilst I don't always agree, I have liked your input, but...............


This thread is becoming more petty by the post.   Now it's the driving ability of his kids, in golf carts, in the white house???   


Come on guys.....please be serious.   This has degenerated into a childish attack on anything/everything that ther Trump family have done, and do.  As I said in an earlier post, if Trump f**t*d, you would be complaining that it wasn't a middle C, but D.   Tragic people with nothing in their lives.  Get a hobby, go for a walk, smell the roses, get off the F****** keyboard.  It won't get him out of the office, and you're harming only yourselves.

The White House is not his private property.   It belongs to the people of the US and how he treats it reflects how he treats the office of the Presidency.   I wonder if he would allow golf carts in his Trump Tower Penthouse?   


As a landlord, I would expect him to treat others' property better.   



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3 hours ago, Credo said:

The White House is not his private property.   It belongs to the people of the US and how he treats it reflects how he treats the office of the Presidency.   I wonder if he would allow golf carts in his Trump Tower Penthouse?   


As a landlord, I would expect him to treat others' property better.   



I believe it is a satirical piece you are all referring to.

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18 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


Mike, I';ve read a lot of your posts over time, and whilst I don't always agree, I have liked your input, but...............


This thread is becoming more petty by the post.   Now it's the driving ability of his kids, in golf carts, in the white house???   


Come on guys.....please be serious.   This has degenerated into a childish attack on anything/everything that ther Trump family have done, and do.  As I said in an earlier post, if Trump f**t*d, you would be complaining that it wasn't a middle C, but D.   Tragic people with nothing in their lives.  Get a hobby, go for a walk, smell the roses, get off the F****** keyboard.  It won't get him out of the office, and you're harming only yourselves.


What you said is a fair assessment. And I do have friends who are having heart attacks over this guy. Frankly, I do not take him seriously, on any level. Even though I disagree with nearly everything he says, does, or stands for, I take it all with a grain of salt, and keep it pretty lighthearted. It does not effect me much. But, he does invite scrutiny, and he does invite criticism and mockery. So, I am having some fun with it. The circus freak deserves that. He has earned that. So has his entire family. It is a circus family. The original Barnum and Bailey family.


And I would not exactly call it criticism of the driving ability of Don Jr. It is more like the mentality, arrogance, hubris and ignorance required to tear through a historic, 200 year old building full of antiques, that were gifts from nations all over the world, with a golf cart, in a reckless manner, and not care when he destroys them at random. Now, that does take the cake. It appears he has taken after his father, and they both have zero respect for anyone or anything, other than themselves. 


The Trump family. Setting a new low on a daily basis.

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On 1/13/2018 at 12:39 PM, ELVIS123456 said:

YeeHaa - another 7 years to go.


Doubt it...... reckon he'll resign or be kicked out within the next  three years, possibly even within the next 12 months. Then he'll be free to enjoy years of healthy senility.

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More information about this.

trump definitely does have a common type of heart disease. 

His statin dose has been increased in response to the troubling test, but he also needs to change his diet AND exercise to avoid a serious or fatal cardiac event. There is good reason for skepticism that he will actually do either.

I wish him good health but I also wish him to leave office. 

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