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Africa calls Trump racist after 'shithole' remark


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27 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

There isn't such a difference in standards, dude.

Obama never suggested that we shouldn't have people migrating to the USA from non-white shithole countries in favor of people from the whitest of the white countries. People have to be very dim to not see the disgusting RACISM in trump's sentiments (for years now) and his white resentment motivated base.

You can play fake games to say this is only about obscenity.

But it's not true.

It's about the context. The blatantly racist, un-American (nation of immigrants), context.



 Nothing to do with color.  Everything to do with which people are more likely to be peaceful, highly educated and have talents that will contribute to the U.S., and not be uneducated, religious extremist, and a drain on the system. 


    What other country lets just anyone enter who wants to enter ? ?   Japan ? ?   Switzerland ?  No.... they control who gets to come in.  


    Look at the trouble that places like Sweden, France and Germany now have due to letting in lots of people from Africa and the middle east.   Have you paid attention to the news in the past few years?   Lots of crap happening in their countries now.  It's even cost a few lives....

    People throwing the "...racist.." label around tend to be far left/socialist extremists sufferng from T.D.S.    (Trump Derangement Syndrome) 

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 Nothing to do with color.  Everything to do with which people are more likely to be peaceful, highly educated and have talents that will contribute to the U.S., and not be uneducated, religious extremist, and a drain on the system. 
    What other country lets just anyone enter who wants to enter ? ?   Japan ? ?   Switzerland ?  No.... they control who gets to come in.  
    Look at the trouble that places like Sweden, France and Germany now have due to letting in lots of people from Africa and the middle east.   Have you paid attention to the news in the past few years?   Lots of crap happening in their countries now.  It's even cost a few lives....
    People throwing the "...racist.." label around tend to be far left/socialist extremists sufferng from T.D.S.    (Trump Derangement Syndrome) 
Nothing to do with color? Dude trump style gaslighting does not work for everyone. trump is a proven racist for decades already. It's out of the closet by now. Code word Norway. Denial isn't going to work with anyone anymore. So he has his base and that's it. End of story.

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On 1/13/2018 at 12:34 PM, greatwhitenorth said:

 I guess the African's don't seem to believe his denial either. 


 Just because you live in a shithole it doesn't make you stupid.



About 80% of the African continent has an iq of 75 or below

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The scary ideology behind Trump’s immigration instincts

“Shithole” wasn’t the worst part of the president’s comments on immigration.To some among these believers, white Americans, and white culture, are threatened by a slow-running “genocide” via demographic replacement. (Indeed, Trump once retweeted someone with the handle “WhiteGenocide,” which refers to this theory.) "



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18 minutes ago, Opl said:

The scary ideology behind Trump’s immigration instincts

“Shithole” wasn’t the worst part of the president’s comments on immigration.To some among these believers, white Americans, and white culture, are threatened by a slow-running “genocide” via demographic replacement. (Indeed, Trump once retweeted someone with the handle “WhiteGenocide,” which refers to this theory.) "




On May 18, 2009, he began writing at the newspaper. In May 2011 when Bloomberg View launched, Klein became a columnist there in addition to his work at The Washington Post and MSNBC. ... The new media venture was soon identified as Vox Media, which hired Klein and several associates to create a new politics site.
Political party: Democratic
Spouse(s): Annie Lowrey (m. 2011)
Alma mater: University of California, Los Angeles (B.A., Political Science)

Nationality: American


just another biased website that is posted as fact.



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7 hours ago, USPatriot said:

How is posting facts racist, oh yeah when liberals have nothing to say just call the other person a racist and hater.


Fact is fact

It is a known that using IQ test results indicates racism/bigoted ideology, as does your posting history on this site. What you do omit from your 'research' (being polite) is African migrants in the US have on average higher educational achievement than US citizens.


Batalova’s research found that of the 1.4 million who are 25 and older, 41% have a bachelor’s degree, compared with 30% of all immigrants and 32% of the U.S.-born population. Of the 19,000 U.S. immigrants from Norway — a country Trump reportedly told lawmakers is a good source of immigrants — 38% have college educations.



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8 hours ago, USPatriot said:

How is posting facts racist, oh yeah when liberals have nothing to say just call the other person a racist and hater.


Fact is fact

I have no idea the veracity of the data you posted...same as you.  But it's clear that you posted it because it supports your own personal beliefs. 

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On 1/19/2018 at 7:34 PM, USPatriot said:



About 80% of the African continent has an iq of 75 or below

Growing numbers of psychologists are beginning to debunk the whole notion of IQ and the ability to “measure” “intelligence” in ways that are meaningful or useful. IQ measurement may in the end follow phrenology and other scientific dead ends into the dustbin of failed ideas. To dismiss a continent of people (specifically, black people) as somehow unworthy by citing an IQ figure is racist. Period.


If you take the son of an English lord at the age of six months and place him in the highlands of New Guinea, he will become a hunter gatherer. Likewise, take a Papuan child at six months and send him to live in an English manor house, and he may end up a Rhodes scholar. Paul Scott’s “Raj Quartet,” which centers on the predicament of the character Hari Kumar/Harry Coomer, is enlightening on this topic, although at 2,000 pages a chore to get through; the TV miniseries (“Jewel in the Crown”) is easier to digest, and also quite good!

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18 minutes ago, Myran said:

If the shoe fits...

In 2012, 501 million people, or 47 percent of the population of sub-Saharan Africa, lived on $1.90 a day or less, a principal factor in causing widespread hunger. (World Bank, Sub-Saharan Africa Poverty and Equity Data ) This number compares to 233 million estimated undernourished people.



501,000,000 people living on less than $1.90 a day.  I doubt if the shoe fitting is a primary concern.  Nice racist comeback though,  make fun of the poor because by the grace of god you weren t born there.


I pity men who feel that they deserve a good life simply because they were expelled from a western world woman's womb .

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Trump described countries, not people. This article is the epitome of what is wrong with our media today. They start out with a lie as the foundation, then go from there. Yes, it's true. Some if not many or most countries in Africa are sh!t holes. Since when is the truth racist? What are we supposed to do? Shall we talk of how wonderful a country is when they have people as slaves, horrible sanitation, ongoing genocide and high poverty? Let's get real, shall we?


Let's try an experiment. Here is the Google results of "___________ problems". The words below are word-for-word, other than my editing out words that identify the specific country:


Seventy percent of the population lives below the poverty line . Residents collect most of their drinking water from polluted sources. Pollutants and poor sanitation are attributed to some of the health problems in the country. This is one of the toughest countries to survive in.


This sounds like a sh!t hole to me- regardless of what continent it is on or the skin color of its inhabitants. Anyone want to declare otherwise?

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3 hours ago, Norrad said:

Definitely smarter than people form those 'shithole' countries...


OK, let's play. I bet Trump knows the difference between an asthma inhaler and a breathalyzer. Heck, I bet he even knows the US has 50 states!


PS: When insulting others for their lack of intelligence, it's always best to spell basic English words correctly. You spelled "from" as "form".  Hope that helps.

Edited by MajarTheLion
adding information
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On 1/19/2018 at 7:10 AM, Opl said:

The scary ideology behind Trump’s immigration instincts

“Shithole” wasn’t the worst part of the president’s comments on immigration.To some among these believers, white Americans, and white culture, are threatened by a slow-running “genocide” via demographic replacement. (Indeed, Trump once retweeted someone with the handle “WhiteGenocide,” which refers to this theory.) "




Given there's nothing wrong with calling sh!t hole countries sh!t hole countries, your quote crumbles under its own weight into leftist silliness.

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8 hours ago, isaanbanhou said:


In 2012, 501 million people, or 47 percent of the population of sub-Saharan Africa, lived on $1.90 a day or less, a principal factor in causing widespread hunger. (World Bank, Sub-Saharan Africa Poverty and Equity Data ) This number compares to 233 million estimated undernourished people.



501,000,000 people living on less than $1.90 a day.  I doubt if the shoe fitting is a primary concern.  Nice racist comeback though,  make fun of the poor because by the grace of god you weren t born there.


I pity men who feel that they deserve a good life simply because they were expelled from a western world woman's womb .

How is saying "if the shoe fits...." racist? Please explain with facts and logic.

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12 hours ago, isaanbanhou said:


In 2012, 501 million people, or 47 percent of the population of sub-Saharan Africa, lived on $1.90 a day or less, a principal factor in causing widespread hunger. (World Bank, Sub-Saharan Africa Poverty and Equity Data ) This number compares to 233 million estimated undernourished people.



501,000,000 people living on less than $1.90 a day.  I doubt if the shoe fitting is a primary concern.  Nice racist comeback though,  make fun of the poor because by the grace of god you weren t born there.


I pity men who feel that they deserve a good life simply because they were expelled from a western world woman's womb .

Riiiiiight, go Google the term "straw man argument" and learn a thing or two about how you're not supposed to argue if you want to be taken seriously. And congratulations on being part of the movement to render the word "racist" completely meaningless by throwing it at anyone who doesn't agree with you.

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40 minutes ago, Myran said:

Riiiiiight, go Google the term "straw man argument" and learn a thing or two about how you're not supposed to argue if you want to be taken seriously. And congratulations on being part of the movement to render the word "racist" completely meaningless by throwing it at anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Iknow  exactly who I am talking to, Myran

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1 hour ago, isaanbanhou said:

Iknow  exactly who I am talking to, Myran

Great, admitting to yourself you're in over your head is the first step to bettering yourself. I wish you good luck on this great journey of yours.

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