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Prawit ‘close to resigning’ amid scandal


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23 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

So, a friend lends you some watches. The friend dies. You just decide to keep the watches? No thoughts of returning them to the estate?

Presumably one of those weird things us farangs cannot understand.


I've borrowed books and DIY equipment in the past, even a 'bike - but it's never crossed my mind to borrow a watch.

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5 hours ago, jaltsc said:

“If we do something wrong, we have to show spirit... "

That would make Thailand the "Hub of Spirit".

Men in the  village here and round about would agree, they're  full of spirit, Hong Thong.

Meanwhile how about a  FULL explanation of  where all the watches came from, serial numbers  receipts etc etc? No he'll just quietly " pretend"  to resign., they never  follow  anything up here.

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RE - A former military officer speaking on condition of anonymity named Pattawat Suksriwong as Prawit’s friend who had lent him the watches. Some of the luxury watches Prawit was seen wearing previously belonged to the late businessman, who passed away last year, the source said.


I am curious about what kind of "patient deliver back deal" he have agreed on With the bereaved...:sorry:

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My next door neighbours son is in the Army he is a serving officer of 10+ years and he has told me what he earns per month and on the wages he mentioned he could just about afford a plastic watch from the 20 baht shop . I also know a Thai police inspector of 20 years service and his wages are dreadful for the rank he holds I am not surprised there is so much corruption in the Kingdom .

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"Some of the luxury watches Prawit was seen wearing previously belonged to the late businessman"


Case closed as obviously this 'late businessman' 'lent' 'some' watches and he forgot to give them back and his 'friend' the 'late businessman' kicked the bucket so he kept them. Seems reasonable enough but what about the other watches?  and the house?  car?  kids education? bank accounts?  they have to focus just on watches or face defamation when it's a pimple on the General's buttock compared to the other stuff.

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I doubt he will go unless the big bosses allow or tell him too , certainly Little P can do nothing

Reason being 2 factions in army holding guns/power, one moderate, one not so much

1 Little P in charge of moderate

2 This guy  in charge of others 


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It should be easy for the NACC trace through Curstoms Dept and Revenue Dept whether the rarer items were imported legally with import duty and VAT paid on them and by whom.  There can't be that many coming into the country, certainly not with tax paid.  Tax records would show who imported them and if it was a bona fide watch retailer, their records would who bought them.  Items that were hand carried from overseas and properly declared to Thai customs would show who brought them in and paid the tax on them. 


If there are no tax records, then Prawit should explain to the public why he was happy to borrow and wear smuggled luxury watches.

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These over entitled <deleted> in power who are above the law and are protected by their buddies need to be brought down a leg or two.

Jail him for corruption to set an example.

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7 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Well, that really depends on what you did wrong. If you dropped the ball, fair enough. If you stole the public's money to buy yourself some fancy stuff, you shouldn't have any choices. Off to jail.


And herein lies the problem of apathy and the brainwashing of, 'when rich people steal, it's not really stealing'. Oh, it's stealing alright. It's the absolute worse kind of stealing. People who have lots of money stealing from people who don't have a pot to p*** in. 


Sure, Prawit should have resigned. As a different matter does Former deputy prime minister MR Pridiyathorn Devakula have much credibility? 


There is some case to say he failed miserably to maintain / build the Thai economy and way too much time was lost until he was replaced, and that's why the word 'former' is used.

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The public is continuing to question how a military officer making less than Bt1 million a year could possibly have afforded the luxury items.


How is that possible?  Isn't it illegal to publicly criticize leaders in Thailand?  Isn't questing authority anathema to "Thai style democracy?"  Honest questions. 


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