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Last note from murdered Italian to Thai wife: "You said it was love. But you just wanted my money"


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1 hour ago, smotherb said:

I don't think the Thai interpretation of love is much different. You make the mistake so many make; the women in these stories were not in love.

I would tend to disagree, have you ever seen a Thai couple truly in love by western standards? Thai men, especially among Thai women are not renowned to for being the greatest catch.

Many of the men folk that do arrive here are already traumatized due to western society, the upheaval that bought them to Thailand in the first place etc, they are looking for a partner and indeed are easily fooled.


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24 minutes ago, impulse said:


I'm happy for anyone who's living the dream here.  Really, I am.


But if you lined up 100 guys who bought or built their house or condo within 6 months, how many would say they never regretted it?  In fact, how many are still in the homes they built, and how many lost them to all the things that can go wrong in Thailand?  

Edit:  I had a chuckle at myself when I read the part about building a house in the first 6 months.  One co-worker is still building on his 16 months after they started.


I said in my post that i think the rule is sensible.. i think I am an exception. It is never a good idea to buy a house that fast. In my case it worked out good.

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1 minute ago, robblok said:

I said in my post that i think the rule is sensible.. i think I am an exception. It is never a good idea to buy a house that fast. In my case it worked out good.

As it did in mine, and I doubt we are the only two success stories in Thailand.

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1 minute ago, giddyup said:

As it did in mine, and I doubt we are the only two success stories in Thailand.

I think there are more success stories... just think in general its not a good idea. But to any rule there are always exceptions. I was lucky to meet someone good.. had a long good time with her and then it ended (on good terms). I was not fleeced.. came out real good all she wanted was to get back what she put into it (as she had her own income and of course i gave her that).  


I just think that loads of guys get either ripped of or build / buy houses in places that are not good and in hindsight they would never have done. I think its wise to wait longer and get to know the country.. maybe try a few spots and then buy. I am not saying that all woman are out to rip guys off (certainly not otherwise I would have a totally different view of Thai woman), but there is also such a thing as settling in the wrong location. 


Anyway it worked out good for you and me too.



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39 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

Sound advice for relationships, especially in Thailand......... " If it flies, floats, or <deleted>, rent it "  .............. 


      Get your enlightenment under a mango tree....or don't  leave your common sense at the airport. 



Should have known better.jpg

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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

It wasn't necessarily meant to be negative,I have been with my partner for 11 years and we have a son together but let us be realistic, after a time the first flush of love should turn to respect and friendship. Love is not a duty but many will childishly want to read it into a relationship when it has already turned to something else.

Yep, but respect is in often non existent in the beginning of such  relationships. It's not something that grows, or comes with the years. 










Edited by jenny2017
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Well we all have our stories and experiences, some good and some bad.  Some of us only remember the good ones and some only remember the bad.  It is not always the woman that is the cause of the problem.  We all know plenty of Farangs in Thailand who are total dickheads and screw up their relationships themselves.


Someone posted that in Thailand money comes before love but so does losing face.  Many Thai women will put up with a bad relationship rather than admit they have made a mistake.  Nothing in life is black or white. 


Another poster commented if a Thai woman would change when living in the west and is exposed to western influences.  Would that be a fear?  I am sure that many farangs are attracted by the seemingly subordinate nature of Thai women and have escaped relationships in the west where their partners had been far more outspoken.  But beware because the knives are still there, just better hidden! :smile:

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2 hours ago, soalbundy said:

It wasn't necessarily meant to be negative,I have been with my partner for 11 years and we have a son together but let us be realistic, after a time the first flush of love should turn to respect and friendship. Love is not a duty but many will childishly want to read it into a relationship when it has already turned to something else.

Repercussions... :shock1:








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8 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes but you see it more often by large age gap relations (not all of course before i get crucified here for telling it as it is). Good real large age gap relations exists but its like winning the lottery everyone talks about it but few actually win. 


In almost all of these stories where an g/f wife kills her husband there is a large age gap and the lady is after the money.


Only thing i can say about this.. be careful.. evaluate your relationship to see if your just a meal ticket or if she genuinely wants to stay with you. 


Then the old (and told many times) saying make sure your not worth more dead then alive. 


I really hope the ex wife and this French guy get the harshest punishment there is. 

     I have noticed the successful May-Dec couples are those where the provider has a monthly pension that stops the day he dies!  And little else!  The May member of the duo is made of aware of this often.  

      I have known many of these long term couples.

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1 hour ago, CGW said:

Many of the men folk that do arrive here are already traumatized due to western society, the upheaval that bought them to Thailand in the first place etc,

Now that’s a “wow” statement!


are you talking about refugees from a war zone, or your average bloke on an amazing Thai holiday?

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8 hours ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:

Thai girls on a con job won't be in it for the long haul after a week of frugal living.  There are so many marks, they'll just go to an easier target.


A lot of foreign guys live in really nice condos, they're like palaces compared to where the average Isaan girl lives.  Even just that on its own is enough for a girl to stick around.  Take her back to a 3000 a month apartment with no aircon or flush toilet and see if she meets you again.


     But your point is well taken and many guys try living like King Farouk over here.  They go for big fancy condos and lots of clothes and dinners out.  This max's the budget.  So when the girl of their dreams starts wanting her little presents.  They don't have the money.   It also attracts the kind of girl that does pocketbook thinking.  If you get my drift.  The girls are sensitive to asking what your watch cost, how much your monthly rent is now, if anyone sends you money from the states.  This type is a real calculator if you get my drift.  

      I hate to say this but a lot of guys bring it on themselves.

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1 minute ago, dontoearth said:

   It also attracts the kind of girl that does pocketbook thinking. 

You mean there are women who aren't like this?

And you've met one?

I certainly haven't and I've been looking for 50 odd years.



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