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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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31 minutes ago, chiangmaiman99 said:

Yes, and I look forward to voting for him for a second term!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

Don't count on that ... :post-4641-1156694572:




Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.


Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.




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A "president" with no regard for truth, facts, and reality. 

I guess you could call it Fox "News" poisoning.





Trump’s untrue, upside-down assessment of the investigation into Russian interference

In one tweet, Trump gets almost everything wrong.



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“In theory, I can be president of the United States and run my business 100 percent,” Trump bragged to The New York Times in November 2016,



'despite the rules being laid out in the Constitution. How is he making money? And why isn’t anyone doing anything about it? We’ll get into it.'



‘Trump, Inc.’ Podcast Extra: The Trump Organization Ordered Golf Course Markers With the Presidential Seal. That May Be Illegal. The president’s company has ordered a set of presidential seal replicas for its golf course tee markers, raising more ethics questions."






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They are different matters.

A number of people have said they want "trump" to finish his first term because Pence would be no better or even worse.

There are many reasons to support "trump" finishing his first term that don't mean support for "trump" or a wish for a second term.

For example, if "trump" is somehow removed, there is the fear (because threats have been made) that many "trump" supporters will start a civil war in anger about losing their "God Emperor."

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51 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


They are different matters.

A number of people have said they want "trump" to finish his first term because Pence would be no better or even worse.

There are many reasons to support "trump" finishing his first term that don't mean support for "trump" or a wish for a second term.

For example, if "trump" is somehow removed, there is the fear (because threats have been made) that many "trump" supporters will start a civil war in anger about losing their "God Emperor."


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On 25/02/2018 at 8:59 PM, wayned said:

IMHO, Trump is the "snake" and America is the old woman that took him in from the cold and he continues to bite and poison everything that he touches.


Maybe we should build a system of re-education camps and require all to attend.  We have become a society that doesn't listen to one another's opinions and discuss how to come to a compromise that suits  both sides.  If you listen to Fox news, you never listen to CNN, if you are a democrat you never listen to the republican side, even the Broward County Sher riff and the Coral Gables Police Chief are fighting over the first response of the officers at the recent shooting, on and on!  Trump thrives on chaos and the nation has certainly fallen into the trap.


My uncle was a Senator from 1947 to 1970 and while I was attending the U of Maryland I would occasionally mooch a dinner from him, a break from the tuna fish sandwiches and white castle hamburgers.  Most of the time it was a nice restaurant and many time the other guests were from the other party.  They discussed issues on a bipartisan basis in an attempt to come to mutual agreements.  They remained friends even though they had different views.  Today, the "aisle" in congress is like the DMZ!


Your uncle and his chums had just lived through WW2. People had to cooperate and pull together to survive. It's all changed now.  Today's enemies are no longer the Germans and the Japanese. Now our political opponents are the foe.


We had a coalition government during WW2, one between the two main parties would be impossible today.

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On 26/02/2018 at 11:21 AM, Thakkar said:


But then only criminals will get bump stocks!


Your standard criminals don't shoot school children or folk at public gatherings for kicks. They shoot each other and the police.

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20 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:


I'd be surprised, that as a thorough investigator as many here tell me Mueller is, if he didn't call for masses of documentation, perhaps some of it seeming to be irrelevant.


HOWEVER.....calling for documentation doesn't mean there will be anything to be found.   He's looking!!   He's been looking for over a year, and hasn't found ANYTHING to incriminate Trump.

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4 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


I'd be surprised, that as a thorough investigator as many here tell me Mueller is, if he didn't call for masses of documentation, perhaps some of it seeming to be irrelevant.


HOWEVER.....calling for documentation doesn't mean there will be anything to be found.   He's looking!!   He's been looking for over a year, and hasn't found ANYTHING to incriminate Trump.

Yes, someone bold enough to say it!!


A thorough investigation of a very complicated matter has never taken more than few weeks before this! And, of course, we all know every detail of everything Mr. Mueller has gathered in the last year so we can confidently now proclaim, "nothing found to incriminate 45".


Trump vindicated ya snowflake lefties!!

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26 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


It’s true. So far Mueller has only indicted Trump’s top campaign aides, his national security advisor, one of his foreign policy advisor and eleven Russians accused of manipulating events in Trump’s favor—something that has never happened to any campaign in American history. But, hey, no biggie.


Yup and nothing about their charges thus far has involved President Trump or the Trump for President Campaign having colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. Mueller has however made good use of the Related Matters provisions in order number 3915-2017 against these individuals in an attempt to get information.


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1 hour ago, F4UCorsair said:


I'd be surprised, that as a thorough investigator as many here tell me Mueller is, if he didn't call for masses of documentation, perhaps some of it seeming to be irrelevant.


HOWEVER.....calling for documentation doesn't mean there will be anything to be found.   He's looking!!   He's been looking for over a year, and hasn't found ANYTHING to incriminate Trump.

And remind us again how you know what Mueller has or hasn't found?

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1 hour ago, F4UCorsair said:


I'd be surprised, that as a thorough investigator as many here tell me Mueller is, if he didn't call for masses of documentation, perhaps some of it seeming to be irrelevant.


HOWEVER.....calling for documentation doesn't mean there will be anything to be found.   He's looking!!   He's been looking for over a year, and hasn't found ANYTHING to incriminate Trump.


I think I've led a life more or less within the lines of acceptable, not to mention, legal, conduct. But I sure wouldn't want a prosecutor with carte blanche to take testimony from everyone I've ever interacted with and then have to defend myself from each and every accusation from some of the stupid and crazy people I've encountered along the way.


That's not to say that Trump isn't a first class A-hole who hasn't created a cottage industry of persons he has aggrieved. More to comment on anyone could find almost anything on anyone if given carte blanche and of course the willing consent of a credulous press. If not for the press there would be no Trump as POTUS. What they created, by accident, given the credulity they gave his obviously corrupt opponent, they can certainly destroy. But will anyone believe them anymore? That's the risk they took when they threw away their impartiality.

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2 hours ago, Thakkar said:


It’s true. So far Mueller has only indicted Trump’s top campaign aides, his national security advisor, one of his foreign policy advisor and eleven Russians accused of manipulating events in Trump’s favor—something that has never happened to any campaign in American history. But, hey, no biggie.


But you guys had Trump impeached, even charged within weeks of the investigation starting.   More recently it's been......this investigation isn't scheduled to finish until October 2018, then......... it could go on until the next election, and........... it's now unlikely that Trump will be impeached, and........it could be worse if he is impeached, charged and removed because Pence would assume the Presidency.  You're all grasping at straws, destroying yourselves with hatred of a result you didn't want, when you thought the democrats had it in the bag.  The extreme bias of the press, left and right, handed it to Trump, and now very little of what they print can be given any credence.   Their making.


I just don't understand the hatred and bitterness.   He won fair and square, no evidence to the contrary, yet it seems some of you guys have an insight into the investigation that others don't???    If so, please enlighten all of us, the infidels!!

Edited by F4UCorsair
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3 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


I'd be surprised, that as a thorough investigator as many here tell me Mueller is, if he didn't call for masses of documentation, perhaps some of it seeming to be irrelevant.


HOWEVER.....calling for documentation doesn't mean there will be anything to be found.   He's looking!!   He's been looking for over a year, and hasn't found ANYTHING to incriminate Trump.

Keep on dreaming, he found loads. 

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12 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

But you guys had Trump impeached, even charged within weeks of the investigation starting.   More recently it's been......this investigation isn't scheduled to finish until October 2018, then......... it could go on until the next election, and........... it's now unlikely that Trump will be impeached, and........it could be worse if he is impeached, charged and removed because Pence would assume the Presidency.  You're all grasping at straws, destroying yourselves with hatred of a result you didn't want, when you thought the democrats had it in the bag.  The extreme bias of the press, left and right, handed it to Trump, and now very little of what they print can be given any credence.   Their making.


I just don't understand the hatred and bitterness.   He won fair and square, no evidence to the contrary, yet it seems some of you guys have an insight into the investigation that others don't???    If so, please enlighten all of us, the infidels!!


You are conflating a range of views, expressed by dozens of people over a 12 month period in response to ever changing events as if it were one monolithic view. 


I can say that, eventually, we will all meet our maker. If tomorrow we are all alive, it does not mean that I was wrong and should be disregarded forevermore.

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2 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

Yup and nothing about their charges thus far has involved President Trump or the Trump for President Campaign having colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. Mueller has however made good use of the Related Matters provisions in order number 3915-2017 against these individuals in an attempt to get information.



“Thus far”

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1 hour ago, Becker said:

And remind us again how you know what Mueller has or hasn't found?

Remind me of what he HAS found to incriminate Trump as a number of you have been contending for well over a year now.   You first.

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Just now, Thakkar said:


“Thus far”

Exactly, thus far, but you guys had him hung, drawn and quartered the moment Mueller was appointed.   It was imminent, days away, but that line has softened, a humiliating backdown, to....he may not even be impeached.   My position hasn't changed.   I don't believe he will be, I didn't then, and I don't now.

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3 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


You are conflating a range of views, expressed by dozens of people over a 12 month period in response to ever changing events as if it were one monolithic view. 


I can say that, eventually, we will all meet our maker. If tomorrow we are all alive, it does not mean that I was wrong and should be disregarded forevermore.


Is that a diversion, a distraction, or a cop out??

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26 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

Remind me of what he HAS found to incriminate Trump as a number of you have been contending for well over a year now.   You first.

Never said he had found something although I have repeatedly said I do think he will. Unlike you I don't have the inside info into the Mueller investigation so I will just have to wait and see.

Now you.

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