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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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12 hours ago, riclag said:

"After briefing senators in a classified setting, the State Department announced that the sanctions regime currently in place was acting as a “deterrent” against Russian aggression and that, therefore, new measures will “not need to be imposed” as required under the law".



The State Department does Trump's bidding, and when Trump tells it to present BS, it presents BS.


Sanctions put in place due to Russia's aggression in Ukraine will not be lifted until Russia changes its behavior in Ukraine.  Therefore these sanctions present no incentive for Russia to stop meddling in US elections.

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Do you want Trump to finish his first term?

"Term" as in prison term?


In the event that he is convicted and sentenced, and President Pence or President Ryan doesn't pardon him, any person terms will be served concurrently.


So just one prison "term" for him I suspect. And he may not finish it.


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2 hours ago, heybruce said:

The State Department does Trump's bidding, and when Trump tells it to present BS, it presents BS.


Sanctions put in place due to Russia's aggression in Ukraine will not be lifted until Russia changes its behavior in Ukraine.  Therefore these sanctions present no incentive for Russia to stop meddling in US elections.

And you know what was discussed in classified sessions to convince Senators! I don't see any media reports of indictments by investigators or congressional investigations to the contrary.

   I would be more concerned with efforts to change voter tallies as opposed to media propaganda pushed out by Russian,Chinese,North Korean and American actors like they have done so in the past.    

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15 hours ago, riclag said:

Russia hasn't publicly  threaten to send nukes to America lately 

"Russian hackers are currently targeting the U.S. election system — and President Donald Trump hasn't formally asked the NSA how to stop it, agency head Adm. Mike Rogers told lawmakers on Tuesday.

"Nobody’s … directly asked me," said Rogers, who also oversees U.S. Cyber Command, during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, in remarks that were quickly used to bash the Trump administration. "I've certainly provided my opinion in ongoing discussions."



"While he did not agree with Reed's characterization that the US has been "sitting back and waiting," Rogers admitted that it is fair to say that "we have not opted to engage in some of the same behaviors we are seeing" with regards to Russia.

"It has not changed the calculus or the behavior on behalf of the Russians," Rogers said about the US response to Russia's cyber threat to date.

"They have not paid a price that is sufficient to change their behavior," he added."



"A top U.S. intelligence official said Tuesday that President Donald Trump has given him no specific instructions to combat Russian meddling in the 2018 congressional elections that mirrors Moscow’s interference in the 2016 presidential contest aimed at helping Trump win.

“I’ve never been given any specific direction to take additional steps outside my authority,” Admiral Mike Rogers, director of both the U.S. Cyber Command and the National Security Agency, told lawmakers.

“I have taken the steps within my authority, you know, trying to be a good, pro-active commander,” Rogers said at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing. "



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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

"Russian hackers are currently targeting the U.S. election system — and President Donald Trump hasn't formally asked the NSA how to stop it, agency head Adm. Mike Rogers told lawmakers on Tuesday.

"Nobody’s … directly asked me," said Rogers, who also oversees U.S. Cyber Command, during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, in remarks that were quickly used to bash the Trump administration. "I've certainly provided my opinion in ongoing discussions."



"While he did not agree with Reed's characterization that the US has been "sitting back and waiting," Rogers admitted that it is fair to say that "we have not opted to engage in some of the same behaviors we are seeing" with regards to Russia.

"It has not changed the calculus or the behavior on behalf of the Russians," Rogers said about the US response to Russia's cyber threat to date.

"They have not paid a price that is sufficient to change their behavior," he added."



"A top U.S. intelligence official said Tuesday that President Donald Trump has given him no specific instructions to combat Russian meddling in the 2018 congressional elections that mirrors Moscow’s interference in the 2016 presidential contest aimed at helping Trump win.

“I’ve never been given any specific direction to take additional steps outside my authority,” Admiral Mike Rogers, director of both the U.S. Cyber Command and the National Security Agency, told lawmakers.

“I have taken the steps within my authority, you know, trying to be a good, pro-active commander,” Rogers said at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing. "




The key to all of this suspicion  by the media and haters of PT, is that no one knows what is said in classified closed doors sessions. It's Sad too know  that America is so politically hijacked by the opposition of mostly dem's and a handful of never trumpers and that they can't trust Intel or more importantly due diligence.. If anything,America is number one and always has been in deception usage .Just look the hugh occurrences that has happen recently with the Fisa, unmasking and spying. 


 "After briefing senators in a classified setting, the State Department announced that the sanctions regime currently in place was acting as a “deterrent” against Russian aggression and that, therefore, new measures will “not need to be imposed” as required under the law".


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39 minutes ago, riclag said:

The key to all of this suspicion  by the media and haters of PT, is that no one knows what is said in classified closed doors sessions. It's Sad too know  that America is so politically hijacked by the opposition of mostly dem's and a handful of never trumpers and that they can't trust Intel or more importantly due diligence.. If anything,America is number one and always has been in deception usage .Just look the hugh occurrences that has happen recently with the Fisa, unmasking and spying. 


 "After briefing senators in a classified setting, the State Department announced that the sanctions regime currently in place was acting as a “deterrent” against Russian aggression and that, therefore, new measures will “not need to be imposed” as required under the law".


You are seriously  quoting from the Daily Beast?  :coffee1:

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

You are seriously  quoting from the Daily Beast?  :coffee1:

yup,one sentence and a link. Is there a problem


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8 hours ago, riclag said:

And you know what was discussed in classified sessions to convince Senators! I don't see any media reports of indictments by investigators or congressional investigations to the contrary.

   I would be more concerned with efforts to change voter tallies as opposed to media propaganda pushed out by Russian,Chinese,North Korean and American actors like they have done so in the past.    

You're not very clear there, but I think you are suggesting that Trump has a secret plan for dealing with Russian election interference.  You are grasping at straws.


What happened last election was not "like they have done so in the past".  It was a massive effort, and probably surprisingly successful in Putin's eyes.  We can be sure it will be repeated.


" Last autumn it (Facebook) said it had determined Russian content reached around 130m Americans, and that Russian trolls had spent a mere $100,000 on ads during the 2016 election. Those figures seem too low. The Russian troll farm described in Mr Mueller’s indictment probably had an annual budget of around $70m and would have spent heavily on Facebook ads and content. "  https://www.economist.com/news/business/21737300-young-americans-are-using-it-less-costs-are-soaring-and-regulation-looms-russian-meddling 


Russian interference involved much more than just Facebook, but I can't cut and paste every pertinent passage.  It is likely that the majority of US voters saw multiple fake or misleading "news" stories originating from Russia.  You might try reading the February 24 edition of "The Economist".  It's the one with the cover caption "The Meddler, How Russian Menaces Western Democracies" and a cartoon depiction of Putin as an octopus.

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9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

You're not very clear there, but I think you are suggesting that Trump has a secret plan for dealing with Russian election interference.  You are grasping at straws.


What happened last election was not "like they have done so in the past".  It was a massive effort, and probably surprisingly successful in Putin's eyes.  We can be sure it will be repeated.


" Last autumn it (Facebook) said it had determined Russian content reached around 130m Americans, and that Russian trolls had spent a mere $100,000 on ads during the 2016 election. Those figures seem too low. The Russian troll farm described in Mr Mueller’s indictment probably had an annual budget of around $70m and would have spent heavily on Facebook ads and content. "  https://www.economist.com/news/business/21737300-young-americans-are-using-it-less-costs-are-soaring-and-regulation-looms-russian-meddling 


Russian interference involved much more than just Facebook, but I can't cut and paste every pertinent passage.  It is likely that the majority of US voters saw multiple fake or misleading "news" stories originating from Russia.  You might try reading the February 24 edition of "The Economist".  It's the one with the cover caption "The Meddler, How Russian Menaces Western Democracies" and a cartoon depiction of Putin as an octopus.

I stand by my comment you nor anyone can say what was discussed in a classified closed door sessions with regards to sanctions. The past interference attempts weren't highly publicized with other admins...Anything that's mentioned about PT and Russia is viral. But when other administration have relations with Russia ,its no  problem with the media.

    If Russia was communistic like before I would be right with you. Liberals have been impeaching this man when he was on the middle of the escalator,they didn't even wait for him to adjust the mic .




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PT is keeping his promise to  America. jobs,jobs, jobs. 


"U.S. jobless claims plunge to 49-year low of 210,000"



Manufacturing in U.S. Expands at Fastest Pace Since May 2004.



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1 hour ago, riclag said:

I stand by my comment you nor anyone can say what was discussed in a classified closed door sessions with regards to sanctions. The past interference attempts weren't highly publicized with other admins...Anything that's mentioned about PT and Russia is viral. But when other administration have relations with Russia ,its no  problem with the media.

    If Russia was communistic like before I would be right with you. Liberals have been impeaching this man when he was on the middle of the escalator,they didn't even wait for him to adjust the mic .

As I said, grasping at straws.  Trump has never been able to criticize Putin, and he won't do anything to stop election meddling that might offend Russia or cost him the next election.


""We seem to be the cyber punching bag of the world," Sullivan said during the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing."

"Nakasone's hearing came two days after his retiring predecessor, Admiral Mike Rogers, told the same panel that Trump had not granted him the authority to disrupt Russian election-hacking operations."   https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-cyber-nominee-russia-china-dont-expect-much-153159697--finance.html


"US Cyber Command chief and National Security Agency director Adm. Mike Rogers said Russia's known cyberattacks have not been adequately addressed."


"Rogers said he had not been given authority by President Donald Trump to counter Russia's cyber operations."


"Rogers also said he believed Russia's operations will continue if "we don't change the dynamic.""   https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/msn/nsa-chief-says-trump-has-not-given-him-the-authority-to-counter-russian-cyberattacks-and-that-its-going-to-continue/ar-BBJFUdv


Interesting that you think that Russia is more trustworthy now that it is a corrupt autocracy than it was when it was communist.

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1 hour ago, riclag said:

PT is keeping his promise to  America. jobs,jobs, jobs. 


"U.S. jobless claims plunge to 49-year low of 210,000"



Manufacturing in U.S. Expands at Fastest Pace Since May 2004.



Right.  The seven years of economic recovery under Obama has continued through the first year of Trump's presidency.

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14 hours ago, heybruce said:

Right.  The seven years of economic recovery under Obama has continued through the first year of Trump's presidency.

The facts are there as opposed to the doom and gloom that was predicted by the left that PT would tank the economy and that he doesn't know what he's doing.He has continued to MAGA.


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53 minutes ago, riclag said:


Common Sense and intelligence.



Trump has done very little yet in terms of economic policy and what little he has done proves that he knows nothing about money. His latest threat to put a 25% tariff on imported steel and 10% on Aluminium will see the USA in dire straits if he actually goes ahead with it. Get used to only eating what you can grow on your own, oh dang, there will be nobody around to pick it after you build the wall!  Europe will push back very strongly against Trump/USA on the steel issue and if you think Canada, China and India will not forcefully respond then you don't think straight. The only thing Trump is overwhelmingly qualified to do is to Make America Bankrupt Again. He is on track to do a great job of that.

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The facts are there as opposed to the doom and gloom that was predicted by the left that PT would tank the economy and that he doesn't know what he's doing.He has continued to MAGA.
trump has temporarily made progress to MAWA not Maga.

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23 hours ago, riclag said:

PT is keeping his promise to  America. jobs,jobs, jobs. 


"U.S. jobless claims plunge to 49-year low of 210,000"



Manufacturing in U.S. Expands at Fastest Pace Since May 2004.



"The U.S. oil and gas industry on Thursday slammed President Donald Trump's plan to impose tariffs on imported steel, saying the move would kill energy jobs by raising costs for big infrastructure projects."


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"trump" packs many years of normal president's scandals and messes into a few days. How anyone still thinks "trump" is an acceptable president or EVER will be is beyond me. 




Trump’s calamities are coming faster – and in bunches


Republicans who empowered him and refused to stand up to him have a giant mess on their hands – a dysfunctional government and a looming electoral disaster. Trump will either be compelled to leave office or will continue to spin out of control. Aides tell the press this is a new level of chaos. Don’t worry – it’ll get worse. It always does.




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1 hour ago, Opl said:

"The U.S. oil and gas industry on Thursday slammed President Donald Trump's plan to impose tariffs on imported steel, saying the move would kill energy jobs by raising costs for big infrastructure projects."


What does your comment  have to do with my original post as of today! Sales of steel and tariffs has nothing to do with the facts of today

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Mueller closing in on the Big Cheesy (and I don't mean "farting" Ben Carson). "trump supporters" might have their obnoxious gloating fest cut short after all. 







Opinion: Mueller's net is tightening around Trump's inner circle - and maybe Trump himself


Mueller remains unlikely to indict the president, but any findings that Trump was involved in criminal activity could lead to calls for impeachment. And the constraints around indicting a sitting president do not apply to those closest to him, including members of his family who were deeply involved in his campaign. This week has brought the clearest signs yet that Mueller's net is tightening around the White House - and maybe the president himself.



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Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?


I would like to quote a rather infamous  Women that is most responsible for him even being in office.

"At this point - what difference does it make..."

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9 hours ago, RKASA said:

Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?


I would like to quote a rather infamous  Women that is most responsible for him even being in office.

"At this point - what difference does it make..."

You mean it makes no difference because it's too late to repair the damage  that Trump has already done?

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Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?


I would like to quote a rather infamous  Women that is most responsible for him even being in office.

"At this point - what difference does it make..."

An absurd comment in the context of this thread. Hillary Clinton was talking about an event in the past. This topic is about the future. Obviously you can't change the past.


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37 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Tailspin time for "trump?"


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 This is becoming too much.

I am almost afraid to turn on the news,I am sure there are other things happening in the world, but the news are dominated by Trump news. Even newscasters are overwhelmed, before they finish reporting one story. another one brakes.

Enough is Enough!! the man is disturbed, I am sure is having psychological problems, perhaps personality related. perhaps age related, perhaps stress 

Regardless of the cause, The fact remains . 

He needs to be removed, perhaps  a face saving medical issue that will allow him to exit with some dignity. 

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Policy by anger. How any decent American can still rationalize support for "trump" is beyond the pale.



"Trump became 'unglued' and started a trade war on impulse"






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