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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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Yes the evidence and charges would need to be serious for the largely political process of impeachment to proceed. But it's not just Mueller. What's going on in New York that touches on his business criminality could easily be of more consequence. Let the investigations, multiple ones, proceed to their conclusions. Yes, that takes time. It can't be any other way. 
But a year ago, impeachment was imminent, and until recently, several posters on TV, maintained that line. What's changed? There has been a real weakening of that position among those who were crowing, right down to, impeachment is difficult, and he may not be impeached.

Incidentally JT, is 'trump' the same as Trump?

I don't follow the use of the quotation marks/inverted commas. Could you explain?

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Nothing like Australia. That's a parliamentary system. Maybe too easy dump there. Too hard in the USA! So don't worry about the USA ever becoming close to Australia. We've got an unusually bizarre turkey in office now. Historically abnormal. The charges being investigated against "trump" are far from trivial. It's in process. If the evidence is there, it will be presented, unless "trump" crushes the investigation which he is threatening to do. If he does that, then there is a crisis because at least traditionally Americans don't want dictators. 

In Australia party members kicked out leaders that were voted in by the people. In US a judge or whoever can kick out a president that was voted in by the people.  That is the similarity between US and OZ. And Citizens start to think,  why bother voting.

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Numerous posts and replies removed.   Personal commentary can cease or suspensions will be given.   Also, the thread is not about the system in other countries.  


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"trump" vs. Gump.

A really funny read. 

Not for those that still actually think "trump" has any kind of normal presidency  though. 




The Forrest Trump Presidency

How does Donald stack up against Gump? Not well.


The joke of Forrest Gump, of course, was that this dim but fundamentally decent man was present during so many moments when American history was being made.

The joke of Mr. Trump is that this dim but fundamentally indecent man is present during so many moments when the America we have known is being unmade.





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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Breeding concept. Bizarre as well.

What the people of California really want "NOW" is a new president, that isn't racist and ridiculous. 

I don't believe you're a spokesman for the people of Ca. so please don't post what the people want. The southern areas are finally fighting back against the Sanctuary insanity. 

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8 hours ago, Silurian said:

Yet another example of the reality TV president's racist leaning tweets. How many until he gets his white supremacists card fully stamped?




Trump blasts 'breeding' in sanctuary cities. That's a racist term.


My God, this is the truth? Criminals are in the USA illegally and having babies. The US has a strange law that makes their babies US citizens. This, of course, should be stopped. Well done Mr. president for being a straight talker. This political correctness has gone too far. 

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"When Americans fear they are losing both their future and their identity, what do they have left? Amid this great unraveling, a good but unnerved people become a mob and march on the walled fortresses of the establishment. They turn to the leadership of the autocrat. In 2016, a crowd-pleaser filled this vacuum with his strength."



"In a political environment where racism and conservative politics almost fully overlap, where authoritarianism intersects with racism and sexism, and where political polarization is driven in anxiety about changing racial demographics, Donald Trump may be a prototype for a more refined, and even more dangerous, right-wing successor."


Edited by Opl
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1 hour ago, Johnniey said:

My God, this is the truth? Criminals are in the USA illegally and having babies. The US has a strange law that makes their babies US citizens. This, of course, should be stopped. Well done Mr. president for being a straight talker. This political correctness has gone too far. 

Actually, it's not "a strange law", it's the 14th amendment of the US Constitution.  Do you want to stop that?

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It seems that the Republican signature legislation on Taxes is not as popular as it was expected.   This could have serious repercussions on Trump:


Why the Trump tax cuts are flopping


So do a lot of other Americans. In the latest Gallup poll, 48% of respondents said they disapprove of the tax cuts, while just 39% approve–which seems surprising, given that the cuts have boosted take-home pay for roughly two-thirds of workers. Republicans in Washington are so dismayed by the tax law’s unpopularity that they’re considering another round of tax cuts, although passage seems unlikely.



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12 hours ago, Johnniey said:

My God, this is the truth? Criminals are in the USA illegally and having babies. The US has a strange law that makes their babies US citizens. This, of course, should be stopped. Well done Mr. president for being a straight talker. This political correctness has gone too far. 


No of course not the truth

As much as the Anti Trump kids would like it to be


After all what is the US Constitution?

"The Constitution of the United States established America's national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens. It was signed on September 17, 1787, by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia"


What is the 14th Amendment?

The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. The amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War.


So for the Anti Trump kids to claim it is for Illegal immigrants to give birth on US soil & thus claim their kids are now US Citizens is pure fantasy


Imagine if it were true?  Couples from any country could even plan a vacation in the USA at the time of the wife giving birth Would be an easy way for anyone to have dual citizenship right?

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2 hours ago, Credo said:

given that the cuts have boosted take-home pay for roughly two-thirds of workers.

Yeah, enough extra money to pay for their annual  Costco membership


Seriously,  I am not even employed and I can boost my "take home pay"  by reducing my withholding


If the pundits think that the Trump tax cuts corporate give away are flopping now just wait till next April when the US electorate faces the reality that their so called cuts amount to a temporary nothing burger while the ones to the 1% are Huge


Did the Republicans really think that the American public would not notice that the corporate tax cuts were permanent but the individual ones were temporary 

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11 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Good point. Next Jingthing will be telling us that Californians voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton, that their legislature has a supermajority of Democrats and the both senators are Democrats and that almost 3/4 of its House members are Democrats.. Shame on you, Jingthing!


The rich love low income workers. It is the middle class they don't like competing with and they've done a pretty good job of decimating them.




“Wealthy individuals” are at the top, according to Lind, with a “large luxury-service proletariat at the bottom.” Democrats, in this scheme, have become the party of the downtown and edge city elites and their supporting staff of disproportionately foreign-born, low-wage service workers.





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So what does the republican party, which is now the party of "trump" have to run on now? Why, racism of course, more racism --






The Great Snake Oil Slump


I mean, claims to be the defenders of family values have lost their punch partly because the public has become far more socially tolerant — Americans now support same-sex marriage by a two-to-one majority! — and partly because the current resident of the White House may be the worst family man in America. Flag-waving claims to be more patriotic than Democrats worked well for Reagan and Bush, but are much more problematic for a G.O.P. that looks more and more like the party of Putin.



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Tax cuts a big dud. Turns out people aren't quite as gullible as "trump" thought.



"Hey, White House: Trust me. People don’t like to be told they’re doing better than they are.


People don't believe tax cuts are showing up in their wages because tax cuts aren't showing up in their wages."






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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Tax cuts a big dud. Turns out people aren't quite as gullible as "trump" thought.



"Hey, White House: Trust me. People don’t like to be told they’re doing better than they are.


People don't believe tax cuts are showing up in their wages because tax cuts aren't showing up in their wages."






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And that doesn't take into account the higher taxes for the middle class that are coming in a few years.  One good thing about the plan though, when they go to fix it they'll only have to focus on the upper end.

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43 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


And that doesn't take into account the higher taxes for the middle class that are coming in a few years.  One good thing about the plan though, when they go to fix it they'll only have to focus on the upper end.

I wish I could believe that.  However first we will need a new Congress not in the pockets of lobbyists, and for that new Congress we will need serious campaign finance reform.

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The obstruction of justice case against "trump" is getting stronger, and that's without even knowing what  Mueller knows from private interviews.





Trump reportedly said he hasn’t fired Rosenstein or Mueller because they aren’t targeting him. That’s quite the admission.

We already knew Trump hadn't been a target of the probe; as least as of last month, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III told Trump the same thing, according to previous Post reporting. But now Trump is reportedly telling people his decision on whether to fire Rosenstein or Mueller hinges on whether they are personally targeting him? If accurate, it's difficult not to read this decision as being about personal preservation — and possibly being evidence in the obstruction of justice investigation.




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