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PM doesn’t expect latest election delay to dent govt popularity


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PM doesn’t expect latest election delay to dent govt popularity

By The Nation




Postponement of the enforcement of the MP election bill by 90 days will not affect the government’s popularity, Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said on Monday.


Prayut said he would still keep his promise and that everything would continue to follow the administration’s roadmap.


“I promise the same, and nothing has changed,” the PM insisted after delivering a speech at the 60th-anniversary celebration of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School.


Some groups are still trying to steer things back to where they were when the junta took power, so people have to choose whether they prefer that path or his way, he said.


However, the premier declined to say whether the National Legislative Assembly’s decision to defer implementation of the MP election bill would be the final delay before the general election, stating that it was not him that had caused the latest postponement.


So, there is “no before or after the election”, as he has done nothing to change things, he stressed, while calling on the media not to let people convince themselves that “a situation” had been created.


The premier also said he did not know whether the pre-election period would end in February next year, as it depended on the legal process regarding the organic laws.


He could not confirm a final call on an election date, as he was not able force proceedings through the legal process, he said.


The legal process, he added, had not yet ended as a joint law-review committee would be set up if differences were raised by those considering the legality of the MP election bill.


The junta’s mission would be completed in line with the timescale under the roadmap, he explained.


Unfinished business meant that everything must be for the benefit of all Thais and serve the country, not just the junta, he said.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30337419

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-01-29
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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Unfinished business meant that everything must be for the benefit of all Thais and serve the country, not just the junta, he said.

The junta has yet to serve the Thais.  It has taken away all their rights.  It is all about the junta.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

"Prayut said he would still keep his promise..."

Prayut promised to have an election in November 2018. He promised it to the Thai people and he promised it to President of the USA on his recent visit. And you can bet POTAS has no time for liars.

PM Prayut's promises are worthless and the people are starting to wake up.

The vanity of this pompous man won't allow him to believe that the postponement of the election will affect his popularity. 


Edited by Cadbury
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60 million thais at peace.

20 farang balling their eyes out because of the regime.

The beer, fan rooms and girlies still cheap... May as well stay then.. Even under a "brutal, violent oppressive regime"

LMAO [emoji23]

Thanks TV, better than any other entertainment especially comedy and its freeeeee!

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At peace - or repressed?
AFAIK - there are no anti government protestors in North Korea, the citizens are all peaceful and their leader enjoys 100% popularity.
There have been millions of global protests around the planet in last 10 years

Comparing a benign government in Thailand to North Korea just shows your ignorance.

Yesterday an idiot compared it to nazi Germany..

I guess you are not going to Suvarnabhumi any time soon? Like I said before cheap fan rooms, beer and girlies.. Just awful init [emoji41]
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2 minutes ago, toughlove said:

There have been millions of global protests around the planet in last 10 years

Comparing a benign government in Thailand to North Korea just shows your ignorance.

Yesterday an idiot compared it to nazi Germany..

I guess you are not going to Suvarnabhumi any time soon? Like I said before cheap fan rooms, beer and girlies.. Just awful init emoji41.png

You are persistent in your assertion that the vast majority of Thai citizens are happy with the status quo, based upon the very small number of protesters. "60 million Thais at peace" you say.


I am pointing out that there is a vast difference between "peace" and repression, but both may appear to be the same to those who prefer to turn a blind eye.


I have no doubt that you are well aware of the difference, but you are having fun trolling in many topics across this board.


Seems you are happy to see Thai people dominated by a military junta, so long as you can  get your - to quote you again - "cheap fan rooms, beer and girlies.. Just awful init emoji41.png".



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48 minutes ago, toughlove said:

60 million thais at peace.

20 farang balling their eyes out because of the regime.

The beer, fan rooms and girlies still cheap... May as well stay then.. Even under a "brutal, violent oppressive regime"

LMAO emoji23.png

Thanks TV, better than any other entertainment especially comedy and its freeeeee!

a one trick pony


happy to spend his  life on his knees cuz he likes the view



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‘Nothing changed’ in election plan and govt still popular, says Prayut

By The Nation




POSTPONEMENT of the enforcement of the MPs election bill by 90 days will not affect the government’s popularity, Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said yesterday.

Prayut said he would still keep his promise and that everything would continue to follow the administration’s road map. “I promise the same, and nothing has changed,” the prime minister said after delivering a speech at the 60th-anniversary celebration of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School. 


However, the premier declined to say whether the National Legislative Assembly’s decision to defer implementation of the MP election bill would be the final delay before the general election, stating that it was not he who had caused the latest postponement. 


There was “no before or after the election”, as he has done nothing to change things, he said, while calling on the media not to let people convince themselves that “a situation” had been created.


The premier also said he could not confirm a final determination of the election date, as he was not able to force proceedings through the legal process. The legal process, he added, had not yet ended as a joint law-review committee would be set up if differences is raised by those considering the legality of the bill. 


The junta’s mission would be completed in line with the timetable under the road map, he said. 


The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) president, Pornpetch Wichaicholchai, meanwhile, defended the postponement of the bill’s enforcement, saying it provided time for political parties to prepare themselves for the new primary voting system.


The charter stipulates that the election must be held within 150 days after the enforcement of the related laws. The delay in the start of enforcement of the MP election bill was intended to give parties enough time to complete what was required before moving ahead to the election, Pornpetch said. 


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/politics/30337431

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-01-30
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17 hours ago, webfact said:

PM doesn’t expect latest election delay to dent govt popularity

Of course not. The junta tells the public just how popular it is, and then it makes a NIDA/NLA/NACC poll to confirm that result to the public.

everybody happy, happy, happy.

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Oh come on! Only political parties are worried about popularity, they have to as elections depend on it. This is a Junta and they don't have to care who says/does what. As I've mentioned before, by definition they are trained as soldiers and they obey the chain of command, not public opinion.

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10 hours ago, toughlove said:

60 million thais at peace.

20 farang balling their eyes out because of the regime.

The beer, fan rooms and girlies still cheap... May as well stay then.. Even under a "brutal, violent oppressive regime"

LMAO emoji23.png

Thanks TV, better than any other entertainment especially comedy and its freeeeee!

Need correction Thailand has population of 67 million not 60 so 7 million who actually live in Thailand  are not counted in your books. Then you say 20 farang balling there eyes out. Well thanks for that. Now i know that only there are 20 farang in the forum and the rest of you must be alien. Maybe you are? Then we shall look at your intelligence on the matter. This whole argument is about democracy and corruption and freedom of speech. I take it you are happy living under  a regime that has no accountability to no one does what it likes and has an un elected Pm ( called dictator in most countries) So in other words you dont give a stuff what they do? And if you are a taxpayer like me you are happy just paying tax and say happy days boys spend it where u like  But i give you this you are providing great entertainment in this forum with you insults about farangs which by the look of it you dont like and best part it is freeeeeee yipppee Oh and thanks for the girlies and beer fan rooms which you seem to know a lot about because i would say you are a user of these so called activities LMAO:cheesy:

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Funny old thing, I personally do not care when the elections are held, however Thais do and this constant postponement reduces his credibility and everyone then comes to their own conclusion as to why it's happening.  As a reasonably intelligent person, he must realise this, or he is so ego driven he does not care what the public thinks, or he has a severe case of "head in sand".  You choose!

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19 hours ago, webfact said:

Postponement of the enforcement of the MP election bill by 90 days will not affect the government’s popularity, Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said on Monday.

this buffoon is turning out to be the poster boy for why prolonged, unchallenged leadership (icktatorship) changes a person , for the far worse;

we need change

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19 hours ago, toughlove said:

60 million thais at peace.

20 farang balling their eyes out because of the regime.

The beer, fan rooms and girlies still cheap... May as well stay then.. Even under a "brutal, violent oppressive regime"

LMAO emoji23.png

Thanks TV, better than any other entertainment especially comedy and its freeeeee!

Hi Troll , nice new name !

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