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Junta Orders Pro-Democracy Leaders Charged With Inciting Rebellion


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1 minute ago, lubfishin said:

Yes but it really doesn't matter who wins the election the way the Constitution reads. The military will still control the country.

They have always ruled the country.  Now they have just bought a lot of votes with those appointed shills they call MP's.  Still, a resounding in your face loss could break ranks.   The dignity of the country is at steak. 

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conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch
What next? A charge of Lese Majeste . How convenient...
I thought  the word 'Thailand ' represented 'The Land of Free!'






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5 hours ago, worgeordie said:

" charged with crimes including sedition"

that sounds more than a bit harsh, the

powers that be, don't want anyone talking

about the current situation ,what's next the

thought police*             *1984

regards worgeordie

"1984" has got nothing on this lot!

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6 hours ago, baboon said:

Why bother, considering there will be an election next February? It makes it look like you have no intention of ever going to the polls if you don't leave them be. What are you so worried about? 

totally agree, however you assume there are working synapses in the current rulers

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Dangerous looking people, the whole lot of 'em, especially the woman. The government has every right to be scared and concerned.[emoji185]
the junta laughing their tits off. What A totall embarrassmemt and just goes to prove many thais cannot think 3 mins into the future

"hey somchai nobody turned up. Doesn't matter Let's go the millions will follow!! and we will be superstar"

These guys will be prosecuted just for their unbelievable selfish stupidity

In the mean time the the other 60 mill living their peaceful lives and probably shaking their heads at the silly people in the pic [emoji5]
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19 minutes ago, toughlove said:

the junta laughing their tits off. What A totall embarrassmemt and just goes to prove many thais cannot think 3 mins into the future

"hey somchai nobody turned up. Doesn't matter Let's go the millions will follow!! and we will be superstar"

These guys will be prosecuted just for their unbelievable selfish stupidity

In the mean time the the other 60 mill living their peaceful lives and probably shaking their heads at the silly people in the pic emoji5.png

If the junta were laughing their tits off, why would they charge the group with sedition?

 Why make martyrs of a few people if they are clowns? 

Why ride an elephant to catch a grasshopper?


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If the junta were laughing their tits off, why would they charge the group with sedition?
 Why make martyrs of a few people if they are clowns? 
Why ride an elephant to catch a grasshopper?
Martyrs? Lol they look like they couldn't run a lemonade stand without a calculator! Let alone inspire a revolution..

Junta putting them on show just to prove how weak and incompetent they look.

Martyrs may backside lol

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10 minutes ago, toughlove said:

Junta putting them on show just to prove how weak and incompetent they look.


Just who are you referring to - the junta or the activists? Sorry, but your rather inadequate writing skills makes it necessary to ask the question.

Edited by Becker
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7 hours ago, candide said:

"On Monday, an aide to junta deputy Prawit Wongsuwan, said the pro-democracy campaign was orchestrated by foreign powers."

The usual obvious comment made since decades by any autocratic government in the world.....


Is it those naughty Russians again? Up to all sorts at the moment according to some.


Or perhaps the CIA? Or the "old enemy" trying to divert foreign attention from their Rohingya genocide?


Or just something trotted out as politically fashionable?

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Just who are you referring to - the junta or the activists? Sorry, but your rather inadequate writing skills makes it necessary to ask the question.
Zzzzzzzz wake me up becks when the masses arrive to overthrow the government tomorrow morning.

Wouldn't hurt to spend a few hours praying... You never know your luck. Bye bye bwana warriors [emoji23]
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27 minutes ago, bannork said:

If the junta were laughing their tits off, why would they charge the group with sedition?

 Why make martyrs of a few people if they are clowns? 

Why ride an elephant to catch a grasshopper?


That account is more interested in baiting to get clicks with troll posts...quite easy to spot the patterns and the content, imo...best to put on ignore.

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26 minutes ago, toughlove said:

Martyrs? Lol they look like they couldn't run a lemonade stand without a calculator! Let alone inspire a revolution..

Junta putting them on show just to prove how weak and incompetent they look.

Martyrs may backside lol

You mean the junta will charge them with sedition just to show how weak the protestors are?

To discourage others? 

Isn't that pointless?  Why go after them if they are weak and incompetent?

Surely the junta with 60 million Thais behind them as you claim are not afraid of a few protestors?



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3 hours ago, lubfishin said:

Yes but it really doesn't matter who wins the election the way the Constitution reads. The military will still control the country.

For all the "knowledgeable" discussion of the junta, the elections and of thai politics in general, everyone seems to pointedly ignore this single, overarching reality.


The junta have secured power for the military ad infinitum.


Oddly the junta itself seem to have forgotten they jury-rigged the constitution on their own behalf - unless of course they are buying time to rig the elections by slowly removing all opposition before they are called thereby "earning" the right to call themselves an elected government.


Either way they are good really. They have all the guns.

Edited by HooHaa
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1 hour ago, toughlove said:

the junta laughing their tits off. What A totall embarrassmemt and just goes to prove many thais cannot think 3 mins into the future

"hey somchai nobody turned up. Doesn't matter Let's go the millions will follow!! and we will be superstar"

These guys will be prosecuted just for their unbelievable selfish stupidity

In the mean time the the other 60 mill living their peaceful lives and probably shaking their heads at the silly people in the pic emoji5.png

Hey toughlove, a point to consider.

The junta doesn't like Pheua Thai, or rather doesn't like Thaksin and his family.

I can't stand Thaksin either but his party won over 12 million votes in the last election , leaving the Democrats trailing on just under 9 million. 

There is absolutely no reason to suppose Pheua Thai  will get less votes in the next election, in fact they will probably get more. 

What are you gonna say when the majority of your peaceful 60 million Thais able to vote choose a party opposed to the coup 100%? 



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The default coup position eliminate opposition supress media introduce more and more crazy laws line your pockets alienate at least 51% of the population pat yourself and your cronies on the back and tell everyone how bad things would be with an elected government its a tried and tested worldwide .

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Another move sure to increase the junta's popularity. Can't led protest togo on or they will gain strength, can't shut them down or it will rally the anti-junta forces. Hmm...maybe they should start taking the Thai peoples priorities into account and acting on them to improve the Thai peoples lives...and their popularity.

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5 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

Does General Prayut make the call for these charges to be laid or does it come from further up in the ruling elite circles? 

At a stretch Prayut is about as high up as you or I are allowed to talk about. Anyone above that is off limits . 


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9 hours ago, Chang_paarp said:

Let me get this straight. The military Junta who came to power in a coup are charging people who are asking for an election with sedition?


This does not auger well for the promised return to democracy.

Pretty much.


The military are hedging their bets, getting the best possible timing for Chinese new year time when a decent new government can hopefully not screw things up. If they do, Junta are back in business again. :)

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2 hours ago, bannork said:

If the junta were laughing their tits off, why would they charge the group with sedition?

 Why make martyrs of a few people if they are clowns? 

Why ride an elephant to catch a grasshopper?


Because they will keep the rest of the red rabble in line by doing so.


Nip it in the bud quick before it spreads.

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nobody agrees to this kind of "harassment", but people seem to have forgotten that thailand is still NOT under a democratically-elected government. they must've been living too normally to remember that itsy bitsy teenie weenie detail.

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1 hour ago, irwinfc said:

nobody agrees to this kind of "harassment", but people seem to have forgotten that thailand is still NOT under a democratically-elected government. they must've been living too normally to remember that itsy bitsy teenie weenie detail.

We have not forgotten. Unfortunately, unless people make a lot of noise, Thailand will never have a truly democratic government. It is also true that a lot of people just do not care and prefer to just live their lives as normally as possible.

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