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British national Danny Glass handed down suspended sentence, B15,000 fine


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7 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:

he should have got life , his girlfriend on back of the bike had her head split open under the trucks wheels , another quality tourist out on thai streets after 18 months 

So somebody drives a bike, makes a mistake which costs his girlfriend her life, and should be punished for that by spending life in jail.


I disagree.

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3 minutes ago, stevenl said:

So somebody drives a bike, makes a mistake which costs his girlfriend her life, and should be punished for that by spending life in jail.


I disagree.

if you read the full story you will realise that only a bafoon could have drove better than him , i bet if you asked her previous partner about him you will realise the key should have been thrown away 

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9 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:

if you read the full story you will realise that only a bafoon could have drove better than him , i bet if you asked her previous partner about him you will realise the key should have been thrown away 

I know the full story, thanks.


See my post.

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6 hours ago, grumbleweed said:

He wasn't driving at a safe braking distance. Guilty as charged. 

And considering he had a pregnant woman on the back, he's lucky stupidity isn't a crime


'... he's lucky stupidity isn't a crime.' Well, if it were, and if the RTP did their job, the roads would be beautifully clear, day in, day out. 

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6 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

The guy is British and it was he who acted recklessly with the life of his passenger and her unborn child. His idiotic, irresponsible behavior may be attributable to his upbringing back in farangland, but shifting the blame onto "here," i.e. Thailand, is just another lame attempt to  imply that Thailand is to blame for the behavior of every farang moron who can cobble together airfare to Thailand. 


Skimming through the longer article, I didn't see any mention of him expressing grief or remorse, only that he wanted to put it all behind him and start a new chapter.





Very racist.  The idiotic motorcycling I see by Thais every day scares me. The motorcycle taxis in Bangkok especially are out of control. And 16 year old children in school shirts weaving in and out of traffic on badly underpowered bikes but at high speed like they are on a race track. 

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9 minutes ago, Speedhump said:

Very racist.  The idiotic motorcycling I see by Thais every day scares me. The motorcycle taxis in Bangkok especially are out of control. And 16 year old children in school shirts weaving in and out of traffic on badly underpowered bikes but at high speed like they are on a race track. 


But they aren't posting on Facebook beforehand that they are hoping their victims have a miscarriage and posting umpteen videos on YouTube clearly illustrating that he cares nothing about the victims, but only about himself.

There are many reasons why this character should be kept away from the rest of us, but they cannot be covered within this thread.

The UK newspapers are currently reporting about him for something other than the incident in Phuket. 

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10 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

all in hand Mate, its still an accident..............lighten up, less stressing over nothing that concerns you, you'll live longer.

It wasn't and 'accident' it was negligent driving/riding. You seem to imply by saying 'accident' it was no-ones fault. I looked at the video a dozen times and Glass was clearly negligent in the manner he operated the motorcycle. FWIW I investigated traffic collisions for over 20 years.

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But they aren't posting on Facebook beforehand that they are hoping their victims have a miscarriage and posting umpteen videos on YouTube clearly illustrating that he cares nothing about the victims, but only about himself.

There are many reasons why this character should be kept away from the rest of us, but they cannot be covered within this thread.

The UK newspapers are currently reporting about him for something other than the incident in Phuket. "


That in itself right there is pretty ordinary isn't it?

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1 hour ago, wadsy said:

It wasn't and 'accident' it was negligent driving/riding. You seem to imply by saying 'accident' it was no-ones fault. I looked at the video a dozen times and Glass was clearly negligent in the manner he operated the motorcycle. FWIW I investigated traffic collisions for over 20 years.

Nobody is claiming it was nobody's fault. It was his fault, hence the conviction due to negligence.

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5 minutes ago, Marley01 said:

in Australia, police no longer call them accidents, they call them crashes as, barring mechanical problems or “acts of God” there is always someone to blame and are not deemed to be accidental.

In the UK, they are also no longer called accidents, rather RTC's. Road traffic collisions as regardless of the level of culpability, someone is always to blame. 

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13 hours ago, stevenl said:

I know the full story, thanks.


See my post.

you will know then that he drove like a bafoon with no regard for his pregnant girlfriend who was tragically killed this was PROVEN by the police charging him with reckless driving , he should have been given alot longer than 18 months because in 18 months he could be back on the road causing more carnage and dont forget stevani it could be you next time the way he drives !

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2 hours ago, wump said:

Nobody forced her to get on the bike if he is such a bad driver.

Not if,  he is a bad driver ! and she was pregnant so you cannot blame her for wanting to get home . unfortunately she chose this sub human to drive , who shows no remorse for his actions !

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23 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

The guy is British and it was he who acted recklessly with the life of his passenger and her unborn child. His idiotic, irresponsible behavior may be attributable to his upbringing back in farangland, but shifting the blame onto "here," i.e. Thailand, is just another lame attempt to  imply that Thailand is to blame for the behavior of every farang moron who can cobble together airfare to Thailand. 


Skimming through the longer article, I didn't see any mention of him expressing grief or remorse, only that he wanted to put it all behind him and start a new chapter.





I don't think he was being particularly reckless - I have seen much, much worse "idiotic, irresponsible behaviour" from Thais on bikes here , but it was the lack of remorse, and "blame shifting"  that indicate to me what type of character he appears to be.

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So easy to comment,but it happens so quickly,my opinion only the car was parked in his lane and the truck driver as per usual was far too close to the bike lane and too close to the bike,the rider was faced with an instant decision and unfortunately it came unstuck.The parked car instigated the bikers decision and the truck driver did not react the way a european or american driver would react.Usual story the government do not have a training facility for these morons who call themselves HGV drivers.The poor man has lost his wife and baby I think the man has had enough,as we all know in other countries this truck driver would be doing a miniumof 5 years jail and perhaps a 10 year ban,and the parked car owner would have to face justice also.RIP the woman and baby.

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2 hours ago, patrick kennedy said:

So easy to comment,but it happens so quickly,my opinion only the car was parked in his lane and the truck driver as per usual was far too close to the bike lane and too close to the bike,the rider was faced with an instant decision and unfortunately it came unstuck.The parked car instigated the bikers decision and the truck driver did not react the way a european or american driver would react.Usual story the government do not have a training facility for these morons who call themselves HGV drivers.The poor man has lost his wife and baby I think the man has had enough,as we all know in other countries this truck driver would be doing a miniumof 5 years jail and perhaps a 10 year ban,and the parked car owner would have to face justice also.RIP the woman and baby.

The truck driver could not move further over to the right or he would hit oncoming traffic. The front end of the truck was already past the bike when the accident happened so I don't see how it could have been avoided from his point of view as she fell under his wheels.


Also it wasn't his wife it was his girlfriend and judging by his words on facebook he got what he wanted at the time he wrote that message whether it was an accident or not :sad:.

There are no red and white lines where the parked car was so they also were not in the wrong.

As for what goes on in other countries, what's that got to do with this case?

Having just watched his latest video, I wish I hadn't. :bah:


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3 hours ago, patrick kennedy said:

So easy to comment,but it happens so quickly,my opinion only the car was parked in his lane and the truck driver as per usual was far too close to the bike lane and too close to the bike,the rider was faced with an instant decision and unfortunately it came unstuck.The parked car instigated the bikers decision and the truck driver did not react the way a european or american driver would react.Usual story the government do not have a training facility for these morons who call themselves HGV drivers.The poor man has lost his wife and baby I think the man has had enough,as we all know in other countries this truck driver would be doing a miniumof 5 years jail and perhaps a 10 year ban,and the parked car owner would have to face justice also.RIP the woman and baby.

you must have been there ??? did you see if the bike rider INDICATED ?? NO YOU DONT KNOW !!! and when someone does not indicate people die !!  obviously the police asked questions at the time both to him and the truck driver AND STILL CHARGED HIM WITH RECKLESS DRIVING CASE CLOSED !!! ALSO this poor man ??? did he show remorse at all NO NO NO SHOWS HOW MUCH HE CARED !

Edited by hottrader77
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On ‎1‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 2:33 PM, LivinginKata said:

Life  is cheap here. Make that 2 lives.

Do you know of any countries in which the fine for this type of offence represents the "value of a life"?  Fines are not intended to be compensation.

Edited by Just Weird
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On ‎1‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 2:33 PM, kingstonkid said:

I would think that Thai police would love to see him leave the country and not have to worry about him.  Also, I wonder how with a suspended sentence he could get a visa to stay.

Allowances and specific arrangements are obviously made for offenders' visas by Immigration.

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1 hour ago, hottrader77 said:

you must have been there ??? did you see if the bike rider INDICATED ?? NO YOU DONT KNOW !!! and when someone does not indicate people die !!  obviously the police asked questions at the time both to him and the truck driver AND STILL CHARGED HIM WITH RECKLESS DRIVING CASE CLOSED !!! ALSO this poor man ??? did he show remorse at all NO NO NO SHOWS HOW MUCH HE CARED !

Why would he indicate? He had nowhere to go, that was the problem, that's why he had to stop quickly causing his girlfriend to fall off. Had he been driving slowly he would have had time to stop safely, hence driving recklessly 

And there's no need to shout .

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5 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Allowances and specific arrangements are obviously made for offenders' visas by Immigration.

It would be interesting to know what type of visa he was on here in the first place as he'd been in Thailand for a few years from what I can gather from his video's.

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On ‎1‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 6:38 PM, toofarnorth said:

Excuse me for butting in but if they really loved their babies would they carry them home after giving birth with them holding the baby in one hand and steering the Honda Wave with the other ?

The situation that you describe doesn't mean that they do not love their children!

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On ‎1‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 7:01 PM, realenglish1 said:

One problem is Thais don't like to wear seat belts They also do not like to put their kids in Child seats or seat belts No wonder there are so many fatalities

Yes, seatbelts would have really helped in this accident.

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