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Police arrest teacher for rape of 13 year old student as he tries to hang himself


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7 hours ago, HooHaa said:

you make it sound as if this phenomenon is unique to thailand, but by your argument there are very few systems in the world, educational or otherwise, which do work.

predators exist everywhere, thankfully this one was caught.

That's ok then! Because it happens elsewhere,  we should not comment!!

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

The mother had been scared to do anything for fear of retribution from the school.

<deleted> me, that's not good.


Why are these Hollywood morons trying to bring attention to this sort of thing instead of someone grabbing their arse or saying something mean to them?

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2 hours ago, kidneyw said:

This poor little girl will probably be mentally damaged for the rest of her life.

It is really sickening that she had to endure this by herself.

It is a shame she felt she could not confide with her parents and expose this monster.

Yes, I find the lack of trust in the parents strange, my step daughters would tell us everything.

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2 hours ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

One wonders why the Thai front desk staff did not check this in the first place. I would have complained that they didn't.

I asked him if the front desk asked questions and he said they did and he explained the situation to them, he thinks that the night shift staff saw him with his son when they went down for an evening meal and called the police. Good to think that they could be bothered because this happened some years ago.

incidentally some things can get out of hand, at the elephant show in Surin some 7 years ago I was walking with my step daughter (now 17) who was dolled up to the nines like a little mannequin. We walked near a pub with lots of drunk young Englishmen outside leering at me ready for an attack when my wife appeared with my other step daughter and my son and they retreated back into the pub, I've never been so pleased to see my wife. 

Edited by soalbundy
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23 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

The Thai system needs to use what the NON PC Canadian system used to do.  Put the pedo in solitary in a Max prison with lifers and bring back the glass coca cola bottles.


Great payback especially if they molested boys.Image result for glass coke bottleImage result for rebarImage result for ass

Not sure that would work if he was in solitary?  Also if his thing was boys he would probably welcome some anal stimulation :smile:

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10 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

Why, why do you say that?   He was in an administrative position, couldn't be farang or any other national, except Thai.

Why Why do i say that is any other nationality and face would be exposed is Why Why I said thay 

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The girl was scared because she would get into trouble by the school? What sort of policy does the school have on rape? You report a rape and they throw you out of the school and give the rapist a pay rise. No wonder the kids say nothing There are probably hundreds of cases like this going on unreported because of this lousy  school policy I suggest the education dept start checking school policies Geez is " saving face" mean so much to Thais that they just let this BS go on. I would  of loved  to thump  that prick who did this and if it was my kid i would go to the cop shop and ask  for 1 hour alone  with him . Maybe bring  a rope and say finish the job you started prick. Been done before i heard. Normally i am a lover not a fighter

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25 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

The girl was scared because she would get into trouble by the school? What sort of policy does the school have on rape? You report a rape and they throw you out of the school and give the rapist a pay rise. No wonder the kids say nothing There are probably hundreds of cases like this going on unreported because of this lousy  school policy I suggest the education dept start checking school policies Geez is " saving face" mean so much to Thais that they just let this BS go on. I would  of loved  to thump  that prick who did this and if it was my kid i would go to the cop shop and ask  for 1 hour alone  with him . Maybe bring  a rope and say finish the job you started prick. Been done before i heard. Normally i am a lover not a fighter

It isnt school policy though, to expel rape victims .

That was just a threat by the rapist, and of course the School wouldnt expel the girl, because she got raped .

   The rapist just threatened to get the girl expelled to force her to keep quiet about it 

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Great I think a win win the guy gets to suffer the penalty consequence of his abhorrent actions. Praying that she gets good quality counseling along with knowing that this animal will be behind bars may just help with her healing process stay strong and keep fighting little girl.

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

It isnt school policy though, to expel rape victims .

That was just a threat by the rapist, and of course the School wouldnt expel the girl, because she got raped .

   The rapist just threatened to get the girl expelled to force her to keep quiet about it 

But good at hushing these matters up You know i tell you a story about young girls getting raped I was on a jury once to convict a guy who raped a 13 year old school girl  Ironic is it not?  He had a great lawyer and the prosecutor was just average. This lawyer when questioning the girl made out more or less she was leading this 50 year guy on and that she wanted to be raped. Brought up every bit of dirt he could of found on the girl to try and make out  she was a slut and deserved to be raped  You know this guy nearly got off i could not believe it. The prosecutor sat there with this blank look on his face and said nothing as almost agreeing with the defence lawyer Thank god to this day he did one great thing He put the mother on the stand and he asked the only question that mattered. " Do you believe that this man raped your daughter" She turned to the jury with conviction and said " Yes" They put that prick away. That is the down fall in many schools. Are they prepared to investigate what the girl said or just try and hush it up so not to loose face. You can have a thousand policies but if you are not prepared to carry them through you might as well throw them away eg  Pedestrian crossings in Thailand Why have them? Can you give me a reason why they have? In my country they have them to stop cars so people can cross roads Do they here? No/ But it is in international policy on roads that you must have pedestrian crossings. So Thailand follows these policies  but really they are nothing policies They are never enforced but are there because it is international policy you must have pedestrian crossings. Just like school policies.

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2 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

But good at hushing these matters up You know i tell you a story about young girls getting raped I was on a jury once to convict a guy who raped a 13 year old school girl  Ironic is it not? ......................................

Not sure which Country that you come from, but in my home County and also in Thailand , sex with a 13 year old is rape , because they are unable to give consent at that age .

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21 hours ago, Benmart said:

So many self appointed police, judges, juries and executioners. From a news article, some mysterious power of judgement seems to have been bestowed upon a chosen few. The mob mentality at its worst.

And what's the problem? Seems the Thai police, etc., will not do anything. And leading this bunch is the Government that sits on its hands and hasn't made any real effort to stamp out some of these cultural behavioural problems and that includes road trauma as well. Guess it is hard to drain the swamp when you're up to your ass in alligators (and the 'alligators' are at the top of the food chain in the kingdom)!


Maybe a part of the problem is that the elite are separated/aloof from all these problems? Therefore, if it doesn't impact on them, then they don't know or don't care or BOTH.

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On 2/2/2018 at 5:52 PM, ratcatcher said:

Why, why do you say that?   He was in an administrative position, couldn't be farang or any other national, except Thai.

the story is confusing as it says he was a teacher when he was not he was an administrative officer , due to be beaten up every day in the nick ha 

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