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Turkish Man Viciously Beaten And Robbed On Beach Road..

libya 115

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Undisclosed Amount Stolen from Turkish Tourist

Mr. Ugur Yaramaz, aged 26, a Turkish national came into Pattaya Police Station at 5 am on 20th January to make a report that he had just been attacked and robbed by a group of men on Beach Road.

He stated that while he was walking on the beach – in front of Soi 13/1 five men approached him and asked him for cigarettes. When he told them that he didn’t have any, they attacked him and beat him up then stole his wallet before running to their Yamaha Meo and Honda Wave bikes and drove off.

Mr. Yaramaz told the police that he is not worried about the wallet because it only contained a small amount of Baht, but he wanted to make a report about the injuries they caused him and requested the police find them for punishment.

The police radioed out to patrollers for this group but unfortunately didn’t succeed in locating the suspect men.

SOURCE: Pattaya People

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Thank you for reminding me why I've only spent 2 hours in Pattaya in the last 3 years.

Am I gonna get slated or what? Assume the brace position! :o

I'm sure you won't get slated. There has beem a distinct quietness from the guys who all used to stick up for Pattaya. I wonder if any of them go walking at 5am and feel comfortable? I, myself, have stopped walking alone early morning. Pity, because it used to be a lovely time to walk on the beach.

I think the reporting in the Pattaya papers shows at least some concern by the authorities about how the crime situation is out of hand. Let's hope that it has not yet reached cricical mass.

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Common sense should be used and this applies to anywhere in the world and not just Pattaya.

Walking alone along the beach at 5.00 a.m when it is very quiet is asking for trouble.

Agreed, and we can assume he was there for some time before 5:00 am.

To what purpose I wonder ?


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Common sense should be used and this applies to anywhere in the world and not just Pattaya.

Walking alone along the beach at 5.00 a.m when it is very quiet is asking for trouble.

Agreed, and we can assume he was there for some time before 5:00 am.

To what purpose I wonder ?


He said that he had only a small amount of money in his wallet but then I have no idea what the price of a LB or "working girl" is.

How about he was out to take an exercise walk, or to get some cool air, or to listen to the waves lapping on the beach and the birds wakening in the trees?

We who are 'lucky' enough to have lived here for years know how the place has degenerated so know not to go walking without a bodyguard at 5am but visitors to the LOS believe all the beautiful tourist posters.

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Common sense should be used and this applies to anywhere in the world and not just Pattaya.

Walking alone along the beach at 5.00 a.m when it is very quiet is asking for trouble.

Agreed, and we can assume he was there for some time before 5:00 am.

To what purpose I wonder ?


He said that he had only a small amount of money in his wallet but then I have no idea what the price of a LB or "working girl" is.

How about he was out to take an exercise walk, or to get some cool air, or to listen to the waves lapping on the beach and the birds wakening in the trees?

We who are 'lucky' enough to have lived here for years know how the place has degenerated so know not to go walking without a bodyguard at 5am but visitors to the LOS believe all the beautiful tourist posters.

Well I certainly have not seen any tourist posters which say it`s OK to walk on the Beach at 5.00a.m...........I would not walk anywhere alone at 5.00a.m unless absolutely necessary whether it be in Thailand or any other country.........common sense again........ :o

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Well I certainly have not seen any tourist posters which say it`s OK to walk on the Beach at 5.00a.m...........I would not walk anywhere alone at 5.00a.m unless absolutely necessary whether it be in Thailand or any other country.........common sense again........ :o

30, 40 years ago I walked alone through cities during the night. Such a pity that not possible now. Why has this happened?

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I still love the place, but indeed my biggest gripe is the big increase in street crime!

And especially the lack of a dedicated and lasting effort to do something about it.

Lot's of crack downs, but absolutely useless if the only last 10 days!

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Well I certainly have not seen any tourist posters which say it`s OK to walk on the Beach at 5.00a.m...........I would not walk anywhere alone at 5.00a.m unless absolutely necessary whether it be in Thailand or any other country.........common sense again........ :o

30, 40 years ago I walked alone through cities during the night. Such a pity that not possible now. Why has this happened?

It`s a great shame Tammi that the world has turned from the good old days when you didn`t even have to lock your door at night to to-day when you have to be cautious about most things that you do or most places that you go to.

A lack of discipline in society coupled with greed, a lack of respect for others and of course the widespread use and availability of drugs have all contributed to to-days sad element in society who unfortunately ruin things for others who try to run their lives in a proper manner.

Unforunately we cannot turn the clock back and so we have to be worldly wise and as cautious in our dealings and way of life as we possibly can be.

A sad situation indeed that we now find ourselves in.

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I still love the place, but indeed my biggest gripe is the big increase in street crime!

And especially the lack of a dedicated and lasting effort to do something about it.

Lot's of crack downs, but absolutely useless if the only last 10 days!

I have to agree.......We are still seeing quite a number of unsavoury incidents in the area and we were led to believe that the Mayor`s initiative in tackling these crimes by putting more men on the streets would have had a more significant impact.

Permanent crackdowns and not just kneejerk reaction to the local press headlines and a determined effort to get the message over to would be criminals that crime does not pay is what is needed.

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Common sense should be used and this applies to anywhere in the world and not just Pattaya.

Walking alone along the beach at 5.00 a.m when it is very quiet is asking for trouble.

I can walk at 5 a.m. in the village.....no problem, might have to dodge a few buffalo, but no wandering gangs.

My home in the U.S. also allows me freedom to walk at any time.

Pattaya has a problem my friend.

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Jeez Libya , with you and Brit taking turns posting the

police blotter reports from Pattaya I'm waiting for

TAT to put out a travel advisory.

I note that the majority of problems seem to happen

to gentlemen out for a stroll in the witching hours.

For a breath of fresh air of course.

I know one thing. Should I ever find myself in your

fair city and run out of ciggies at 4am I shall just

cold turkey until daylight.


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Well I certainly have not seen any tourist posters which say it`s OK to walk on the Beach at 5.00a.m...........I would not walk anywhere alone at 5.00a.m unless absolutely necessary whether it be in Thailand or any other country.........common sense again........ :o

This may come as a surprise to you, but in Australia I've never been concerned about taking a lone 5.00 am strolls. Best time of the day! Sure, shit happens in every country, but where I come from the risk is very low.

Most tourists who come to Thailand think it is a very safe country. I did too when I first arrived here. They just don't expect to get assaulted while strolling on the beach.

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Well I certainly have not seen any tourist posters which say it`s OK to walk on the Beach at 5.00a.m...........I would not walk anywhere alone at 5.00a.m unless absolutely necessary whether it be in Thailand or any other country.........common sense again........ :D

This may come as a surprise to you, but in Australia I've never been concerned about taking a lone 5.00 am strolls. Best time of the day! Sure, shit happens in every country, but where I come from the risk is very low.

Most tourists who come to Thailand think it is a very safe country. I did too when I first arrived here. They just don't expect to get assaulted while strolling on the beach.

A little research usually finds the answers about the risks in an area....and pretty easy to do with the net these days :o

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A little research usually finds the answers about the risks in an area....and pretty easy to do with the net these days :o

Research on the Internet reveals opinions of risks in an area, not fact. If people were to follow your suggestions on here, no one would walk on a beach anywhere on the planet at any time of the night. Following the same line of reasoning, you wouldn't fly or drive a car either as people have been known to be killed in these. I'm sure you wouldn't swim on Pattaya beach either due to your opinions on the water quality...some people are just worry warts and you definitely come across as one.

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Patong Beach at 5 am is not a problem

Samila beach at 5 am is not a problem

Hua Hin beach at 5 am is not a problem

Surin Beach at 5 am is not a problem

La Jolla beach California at 5 am is not a problem

All the beaches in France at 5 am never have been a problem

You can not say that everywere in the world at 5 am is looking for issues... maybe pattaya and a few others... or maybe you just had bad luck...

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A little research usually finds the answers about the risks in an area....and pretty easy to do with the net these days :D

Research on the Internet reveals opinions of risks in an area, not fact. If people were to follow your suggestions on here, no one would walk on a beach anywhere on the planet at any time of the night. Following the same line of reasoning, you wouldn't fly or drive a car either as people have been known to be killed in these. I'm sure you wouldn't swim on Pattaya beach either due to your opinions on the water quality...some people are just worry warts and you definitely come across as one.

You have totally misquoted what I said tropo....please read what I said.

..and for your information.......I have flown to Thailand 49 times as well as many places elsewhere in the world.........been going to Pattaya for over 25 years...and lived there previously for 5 years........

I drive a Z4 3.0 litre sports car......

...and as far as a worry wart is concerned.....just look at your avatar :o ......that says it all :D

Yes tropo some of us who have lived can make statements from experience.

....and No!....I would not swim in the sea on Pattaya Beach for 2 reasons....the water quality and the idiots on the jet skis. :D

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i think some people have missed a major point here, when one says that getting mugged can happen anywhere just don't get it, you forget some of these people have traveled up to eighteen hours to get to thailand in general and pattaya in particular, these people came here to relax and enjoy the country not get there bag snatched or have there life threated, some of you have gotten so use to pattaya crime situation that you seem to want to justify it somehow

i made plans to come to pattaya for the last eight years and now that i have been here for four months i have decided that this city is a toilet and thats putting it nicely, i will be out of here in the next sixty days and if i could go earlier i would, pattaya not only has changed (and not for the good) but its manner of resolving its problems are a joke, the three stooges could run this city better than the present leadership.

i really think some of you who defend this city should really step back and ask yourself, what doe's this city offer other than cheap sex.

the crime problem will not go away and the people running this city haven't a clue as to how to fix there problems and they never will, its sad but true and i really feel sorry for those of you who only can come up with the "this can happen any where" answer


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