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Video: Nurse thrown in the air 30 meters as "brakes fail" - but somehow she lives


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19 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

Isn't it just sickening that the woman driver does absolutely nothing to help the victim of her dangerous driving ?    Doesn't go anywhere near her and all the men are like..Ooh, aah, it's a woman and i'm not allowed to touch a woman as her family may expect me to marry her !


Problems with brains, respect for other Human Lives and common decency in this country are monumental and i fear things will never get any better in my lifetime, they are a massive bunch of no hopers.

I saw many incidents here in Thailand and by many of the people there was the first reaction...laughing...

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Of course the car driver is clearly at fault but why is she sitting on the mbike where she is in the middle of such an open road making herself so vulnerable. If she is going straight on she should be on the left edge of the road near the people gathered there, if she was planning to turn right  at the intersection a little ahead of the junction, which I suspect she was, she should have been or could have been in the grey coloured lane/ hard shoulder on the other side of the stopped car next to the central reservation.

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Blame the brakes.   Thai's never blame themselves for their terrible driving record.. worst country in the world I just read for road deaths..  

Untill they wake up and realise they are responsible  for  the road carnage,  nothing will change..  

I thought it was the law to wear a helmet on a bike.. but from what I see,  be about 20 to 30% that do... the rest don't care.. 

Lucky this poor girl did.. 

 I wonder if the car driver will get a fine  equal to a smoker on the beach ???   100,000 B  or a year in jail !!!   Nah.. 

Be interesting to know what she does get ???? 

Probably try to get the girl on the bike to pay for repairs to her car ...  duh !! 

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6 hours ago, Dexlowe said:

Her brakes worked well enough after the collision. This is a clear case of negligent driving. Thoughts go out to the nurse - hope she recovers.

And can hear the brakes screech before the collision.

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If I was a cynic......and I am.....I would say that the car driver already knows this will only cost her a fine of a few thousand baht.

  This isn't even one of the 60 deaths that will happen today, this is just one of the hundreds of injury cases. Mai pen rai.

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This post shows everything we need to know about NO RESPONSIBILITY LAND. 3rd world at its best. Im extremely disgusted by all i see: the breaks were clearly working otherwise the car wouldnt have stopped. The driver was obviously doing something else while speeding and crashed the poor woman. Bloody shame! Then this clown inspects his car?! The cop is doing ZERO as well. Not checking the victim. And so on and so on. 3rd world!

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Obviously not brake failure because the screech can be heard at about 1.05 on the video and that is a cars length before the collision. Prior to that she is speeding towards the stationary car, brakes and swerves to avoid hitting the car. The driver should be banned from...but of course that won't happen. I do hope the motorcyclist recovers.

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4 hours ago, Confuscious said:

"She has been charged with negligent driving causing injury."


What the <deleted>??????????????

It was plain murder.


And the cop should be thrown in jail for setting a checkpoint at an intersection and deny help to a victim.

Stop. Look out the window (if you are in Thailand) or take note of what country this unfortunate event happened in.


Then contain your frothing, OTT enthusiasm. AFAIK, "vehicular homicide" or "causing death by dangerous driving" isn't a well-known statute in Thailand. The only time we see it trotted out here is maybe once or twice a year when a hi-so kills a lo-so.


Checkpoint at an intersection? An intersection controlled by traffic lights? Is this somehow dangerous?


And he (and the others) did not deny the victim anything. They just ignored her for just as long as the person filming the incident ignored her.


4 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

A REAL policemen would be running up to see if she is OK. This bozo of an officer should be charged with negligence !

Once again, see above.


Once you embrace the incontrovertible reality that "Dorothy, you aint in Kansas any more," the whole thing falls into perspective, the blood-pressure subsides along with the totally wasted and fundamentally useless righteous indignation.

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6 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Wasn't done up though, it was gone before she hit the ground.

Poor woman.

It may well have been fastened, or "done up", but so many of these helmets here use chin straps that are utterly useless in the time of need. A helmet is easily knocked off of the head if the strap isn't properly fastened underneath the jaw and not only on the chin.

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2 hours ago, kartman said:

Nissan's fault of course but if the motorcyclist had been correctly positioned all she would have suffered was ruffled clothes as it slid past.

Exactly. The motorbike should have been left side of the left-hand lane and not sitting imperiously on the right side of the undertaking lane.

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5 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Once you embrace the incontrovertible reality that "Dorothy, you aint in Kansas any more," the whole thing falls into perspective, the blood-pressure subsides along with the totally wasted and fundamentally useless righteous indignation.

What a strange statement, you are basically saying that because the accident took place in Thailand makes it right that they ignore and do not check out the injured party.

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5 hours ago, Artisi said:

Unfortunately you are correct, where would the average Thai start , 1: by ignoring it  2 : take a selfie 3: stand and look.


Sometime back a truck laden with vegetables didn't make the turn and rolled onto its side at reasonable speed virtually in front on my car, I anticipated what was going to happen and had virtually stopped before the truck did. Within 1 minute  I had help the driver out through the smashed windscreen, checked for any other people in the truck and my wife (Thai) had called the emergency number. See it's not all that difficult.

Farang. Him think too mutt.... ??

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7 hours ago, Davef2912 said:

'Uuii!', "Oii!', "Uhh!" - useless pack of idiots all around! No one helps the lady on the floor in dire need! In my country all of them would be prosecuted for failure to help but in Thailand this is normal. It's about time the government introduces a proper driving test including first aid course so nobody can claim that they didn't know how to help the victim.


I am really proud on Germany in this matter. We have a lot of traffic and cars but strict regulations are enforces  to achieve a quite low number of traffic deaths in relation to our population. 


One can only prey that he will never have an accident here.

Unfortunately many Germans forget about first aid and their duty to help once they are in Thailand. 

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23 minutes ago, Mattd said:

What a strange statement, you are basically saying that because the accident took place in Thailand makes it right that they ignore and do not check out the injured party.

No I'm not.


I'm saying because it happened to a local in Thailand, there's no real use in a non-Thai getting their panties in bunch and venting about what their fellow Thai citizens did or did not do.


It is what it is.

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7 hours ago, worgeordie said:

I wonder if the cops ever check the brakes,after someone

has had an accident and blamed brake failure, when really

it's obvious that its Brain failure.

regards Worgeordie

Are you deaf, Screeching sound after impact Mr Einstein means BRAKES WORKING!

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3 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

No I'm not.


I'm saying because it happened to a local in Thailand, there's no real use in a non-Thai getting their panties in bunch and venting about what their fellow Thai citizens did or did not do.


It is what it is.

OK, then I apologise, however it doesn't make the fact that no one went to her aid right at all and I am pretty sure that a fair percentage of Thai people would condemn this as well.

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Amazing !    She was going WAY to fast, looking like she wanted try to run the lights ?  ... And did not see the Nurse in the lane until it was too late !    And the brakes did work, you could hear the tires squeal before she hit her, … she was just going too fast, and did not apply them until it was too late.  ....  Maybe the Nurse could have kept more to the left, ?    Like defensive Motor cycle driving ?  (Like I always have done, and am still alive at 61, tough touchwood) but well, it was not her fault.  Not at all.



Obviously still, the Thais are too slow to respond to road victims, as well, no one wants to assume any responsibility, when other people are Involved.



I am glad that the young woman is OK ?  Well I hope so, I am REALLY glad that she lived !  Now she, and her family can sue the crap out of the irresponsible (Cow) in the white car.


Assuming that she is not rich or influential, I think that the cops, and the Nurses family WILL get her.    Like she did not get out of her car did she ! ?  Phoning her relations to start getting the money ready, and to get someone down there fast !   



My Step Son in law was killed in similar circumstances, the drunk driver left him there, and went home, and the drunken guy’s father came out, but left him there in the long grass, out of sight, in the center of the median strip, ….  To die, …  and did not tell anyone where he was, … while he got out his phone, and then went back home, to start phoning around, and looking for the money, and the family support.  A Security guard saw him there twice, in 3 Hrs. (And also did nothing I suppose)


He got off light, but I can say, that the village people have never forgotten this or forgiven him, underneath, and well slowly, he HAS paid for it.    Like he ran for village Head Man, was well qualified for it, … but strangely, he lost.


He has Luxury items, but few friends, right up until today, and you can tell that he has not forgotten his great mistake. His son the drunk that caused it by going to sleep on his motor bike, with my Step Son in law on the back, at 5.00 am after a night drinking, has moved to another town.    And well, he has never really looked very happy also since that day.


My Stepson in law would have lived if someone had taken him to hospital, and the Father, and everyone else in the village know this.  My Stepson inlaw had just got his first pay packet from his first Real Job, at Minnarali water factory !  And they had been celebrating.    Yes, he really put himself in the wrong place at the wrong time didn’t he.    But....


I can understand the Boy going home, as very drunk, … if he had stayed there the cops WOULD have crucified him ! …  But the Father leaving my son in the road from 5am to 10, to die, and there was a hospital just 1 k away,  … this was just totally criminal ! 


But well, this is what they often used to do before universal third party Insurance.

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