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Now what was all that fuss! Pattaya tourists willingly comply with beach smoking ban

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Now what was all that fuss! Pattaya tourists willingly comply with beach smoking ban



Picture: Pattaya News


Pattay News reported that tourists on the beach in Pattaya were complying with the beach smoking ban that came into force on Thursday of last week.


They said that a steady stream of smokers were going to the designated spots for lighting up and there was no puffing on the beaches.


They quoted a deck chair operator called Kaewfa Chinrat as saying there was a bit of resistance at first. But now people had got used to the idea and were complying with the law.


Like the tourists he agreed with it, he said, as it would keep the beach clean and avoid causing annoyance to non-smokers.


Pattaya News said that one year in jail and or a fine up to 100,000 baht could theoretically be given to smokers under ordinances regarding damage to the environment.


Many have said that the ban would lead to extortion and disgruntlement of tourists but there was none of that going on yesterday as the tourists enjoyed the day at Pattaya and Dong Tan beaches.


The latter is one of 24 nationwide where the ban is being strictly enforced.


Source: Pattaya News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2018-02-05

Concession owner yesterday the 4th was going around picking them up from the beach she controls there was a huge amount am guessing they were pre the start of the month

As a non smoker am bit bemused over this ban.  How about enforcing the law inside enclosed bars. The first go go bar that enforces it with plenty of advance publicity will make a bomb


Now the local government & police realise that heavy penalties appear to work, how about dishing out some realistic penalties for the disgraceful driving antics of the mainly Thai drivers, but extend to all road users to make the place a little safer?


32 minutes ago, Geoffggi said:

Now the local government & police realise that heavy penalties appear to work, how about dishing out some realistic penalties for the disgraceful driving antics of the mainly Thai drivers, but extend to all road users to make the place a little safer?


Obviously there are more important matters to react on.


Must admit how well its going

after reading about the Doommongers predicting 

that Tourists  who smoke will stop coming to Thailand

the British Tabloids the Sun and Mirror will be most disappointed no Negative news coming out about the smoking ban especially from Pattaya their favourite 



As a smoker. I cannot smoke on the beach. Correct? What if I stand in the water waist deep surrounded by floating plastic bags and sewerage. Is that legal and is that outside the smoking law jurisdiction? Any answers ASAP will be appreciated as the smell where I am presently smoking in the water is killing me!

3 minutes ago, wavemanwww said:

As a smoker. I cannot smoke on the beach. Correct? What if I stand in the water waist deep surrounded by floating plastic bags and sewerage. Is that legal and is that outside the smoking law jurisdiction? Any answers ASAP will be appreciated as the smell where I am presently smoking in the water is killing me!


you'll need to wade out to the 12 mile limit :stoner:



or be on a boat - hey! maybe the jetskis can be justified for a 2nd purpose

6 minutes ago, tifino said:


you'll need to wade out to the 12 mile limit :stoner:



or be on a boat - hey! maybe the jetskis can be justified for a 2nd purpose

Ok Thanks, You saved my life from toxic poisoning.


7 hours ago, Chivas said:

Concession owner yesterday the 4th was going around picking them up from the beach she controls there was a huge amount am guessing they were pre the start of the month

As a non smoker am bit bemused over this ban.  How about enforcing the law inside enclosed bars. The first go go bar that enforces it with plenty of advance publicity will make a bomb

Now the Thai Tourist authorities are going to have to let the hordes from China due here for Chinese New Year, about smoking in public, in stores, on beaches.


Well, leaving cigarette butts on the beach or smoking there seems more important than embezzlement, extortion and enjoying yourself in an excessive way whilst murdering people and so on...not to mention firing your pistol off into the air at a market in a major city or jumping up and down on someone's car in the road whilst having a hissy-fit etc. and not have any sanctions really, get let off and being told you are naughty. They have their priorities so mixed up....fail. I could go on for pages....but won't.


The point of the ban is to increase police revenue.  Littering is generally ignored throughout Thailand so why all the tub-thumping about cigarette butts?  Pattaya police have disbanded the regiment of officers enforcing laws against speeding; drunk driving; driving without lights and taxis without meters, in favour of cops disguised as palm trees spying on beach-goers.


For the moment everything looks good. Six months down the road well, your guess is as good as mine.

If I were a BB I would be very happy with this new ruling especially the big fine and threatening long jail terms. Nothing short of say 3,000 baht as a gift pay to the beach boy and the BB will make arrange whereby the beach boy get his cut  say 10 percent. I am sure this is going to happen otherwise who is going to feed those kids and missus at home?


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