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Trump's lawyers want him to refuse Mueller interview request -NY Times

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4 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


Exactly riclag.  The dems have learned nothing, still pouring scorn on Trump, innuendo, rumour, and there is nothing but that.   There may be, but at this stage there isn't, and repeating the same old mantra won't change that. 


The people are thoroughly sick to death of the pettiness, so when a guy like Trump comes along, not politically correct, seems to be one of them, he's the man they vote for.  Clinton did untold damage with the 'deplorables' tag, and still they continue.   Beats me.


Certainly those political analysts on Thai Visa, regardless of how long they maintain the rage, will have no effect, except to build up anger in themselves.


Currently, in spite of the 'polls', Trump is the man in 2024, if he chooses to stand.

Your argument is people are so tired of pettiness they elected the king of pettiness? Ok.

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11 hours ago, phkauf said:

Very true, but you can and should simply answer "On the advice of counsel I decline to answer that question" to every question asked. That is the best and smartest strategy for anyone in this situation, not just Trump.

I rewatched the Youtube Video and it is remarkable how your seemingly harmless answers can be turned against you in court. This is just good advice for anyone.

[The rule of thumb for White House staff has always been that you can take the fifth, but you have to leave government to do so. The president shouldn’t have a lower bar than his staff.]




16 hours ago, riclag said:

Have you ever considered what brought PTrump to represent his constituents ?You must understand that,hate him or like him the American people that elected him wanted to blow up the system,the mess. All of this talk of the Art of the Deal this and that, mentally unfit, racist and all the other insults that are assigned to him and supporters still did not distract the ultimate result, The Presidency of the United States. How profound is that! We are soooooo sick of politicians !Look at  what we did to demonstrate that.

 Going forward,the continued assault and demonizing of us by the left will only result in the same outcome,2024 .


I do not demonize his supporters. Never have, never will. I have alot of friends who support him. I get it. I really do. As much as I despise and loath the man, I get why he was elected. Hillary was a horrific choice, a horrific candidate, and did not represent much. She has few positions, and was completely out of touch. In addition the democratic party was completely broken, absolutely humiliated Bernie Sanders, and in general behaved like a mafia organization, with goombahs like Wasserman Schultz.


It is simply a shame it had to come to this. As much as the charlatan says he wants to chance things, many of us know how totally insincere he is being with that rhetoric. He filled his entire cabinet with bankers and ex-wall street worms. Draining the swamp? More like re-populating it with his own banksters. 


Lastly, he was not elected by the majority of the American people. Only the electoral college saved his sorry butt. Hillary would have won buy 5 million votes or more, had she been a competent candidate. 


Racist is now considered an insult? I thought he felt it was a compliment. There is no doubt he is a racist. He loves insults. He thrives on receiving them, and throwing him out there. He is the divider in chief. A true huckster. 

32 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


It is simply a shame it had to come to this. As much as the charlatan says he wants to chance things, many of us know how totally insincere he is being with that rhetoric. He filled his entire cabinet with bankers and ex-wall street worms. Draining the swamp? More like re-populating it with his own banksters. 


He is a charlatan, he is insincere, and he's not going to drain the swamp. His only utility is that when they take him down he's going to take as many as he can down with him. Republicans and Democrats I expect. That's progress in a dysfunctional environment.

11 hours ago, ncc1701d said:

Saying those things won’t necessarily keep you out of jail though.

True if they have evidence to convict you on something. But there are many people who have gone to jail (Martha Stewart) simply for lying to police and under oath. Someone like Trump who THINKS he is smart will talk his way into a mess very easily. He has always hired smart lawyers (I know an oxymoron) in his business dealings, I've worked with quite a few of them in a past life, he should listen to them.

I'm not saying this as a fan of his, just as the smart and VERY legal thing to do is not to talk to the special counsel.

47 minutes ago, phkauf said:

True if they have evidence to convict you on something. But there are many people who have gone to jail (Martha Stewart) simply for lying to police and under oath. Someone like Trump who THINKS he is smart will talk his way into a mess very easily. He has always hired smart lawyers (I know an oxymoron) in his business dealings, I've worked with quite a few of them in a past life, he should listen to them.

I'm not saying this as a fan of his, just as the smart and VERY legal thing to do is not to talk to the special counsel.

15 minutes with Mueller and he will crack like a walnut. There are good reasons why his lawyers do not want him to testify. There are dangers galore, when you think you are the smartest guy in the room, and in reality you are of average intelligence, with diminished faculties. He is guilty as they come, and his lawyers know it. We can only hope he ends up spending a number of years in prison. 


Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. 

1 hour ago, phkauf said:

True if they have evidence to convict you on something. But there are many people who have gone to jail (Martha Stewart) simply for lying to police and under oath. Someone like Trump who THINKS he is smart will talk his way into a mess very easily. He has always hired smart lawyers (I know an oxymoron) in his business dealings, I've worked with quite a few of them in a past life, he should listen to them.

I'm not saying this as a fan of his, just as the smart and VERY legal thing to do is not to talk to the special counsel.

Donald Trump disagrees with you:

"President Donald Trump last year slammed Hillary Clinton staffers who requested immunity or invoked their Fifth Amendment rights in response to requests to testify about the former secretary of state's private email server.

"If you are not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for?" Trump said at a campaign rally in Florida in September.

"The mob takes the Fifth Amendment," Trump said at a campaign event in Iowa later that month."


10 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


Exactly riclag.  The dems have learned nothing, still pouring scorn on Trump, innuendo, rumour, and there is nothing but that.   There may be, but at this stage there isn't, and repeating the same old mantra won't change that. 


The people are thoroughly sick to death of the pettiness, so when a guy like Trump comes along, not politically correct, seems to be one of them, he's the man they vote for.  Clinton did untold damage with the 'deplorables' tag, and still they continue.   Beats me.


Certainly those political analysts on Thai Visa, regardless of how long they maintain the rage, will have no effect, except to build up anger in themselves.


Currently, in spite of the 'polls', Trump is the man in 2024, if he chooses to stand.

you can't run after being convicted of a crime

1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

you can't run after being convicted of a crime


Don't put the cart before the horse.    NOTHING has been revealed that would even point to impeachment, let alone him being charged with a committing a crime.   There's the problem with TV Trump haters....so blinded by their own emotions, they have him convicted and not being able to stand next time round.   Silly!!

4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


I do not demonize his supporters. Never have, never will. I have alot of friends who support him. I get it. I really do. As much as I despise and loath the man, I get why he was elected. Hillary was a horrific choice, a horrific candidate, and did not represent much. She has few positions, and was completely out of touch. In addition the democratic party was completely broken, absolutely humiliated Bernie Sanders, and in general behaved like a mafia organization, with goombahs like Wasserman Schultz.


It is simply a shame it had to come to this. As much as the charlatan says he wants to chance things, many of us know how totally insincere he is being with that rhetoric. He filled his entire cabinet with bankers and ex-wall street worms. Draining the swamp? More like re-populating it with his own banksters. 


Lastly, he was not elected by the majority of the American people. Only the electoral college saved his sorry butt. Hillary would have won buy 5 million votes or more, had she been a competent candidate. 


Racist is now considered an insult? I thought he felt it was a compliment. There is no doubt he is a racist. He loves insults. He thrives on receiving them, and throwing him out there. He is the divider in chief. A true huckster. 


Mike, I thought the popular vote issue was verboten.  As I said in an earlier post, I did time because I raised it and it was considered trolling.   The popular vote, in isolation, doesn't determine who becomes the President.


The fact is that she wasn't a competent candidate, and all the rest is huff and puff.

8 hours ago, Berkshire said:

[The rule of thumb for White House staff has always been that you can take the fifth, but you have to leave government to do so. The president shouldn’t have a lower bar than his staff.]




He doesn't have to take the fifth. He can merely say he does not recall. Might not look good ( and the anti Trumpers would use it as a very big stick to beat him with ), but they can't convict him of being absent minded at his age. I'm younger than him, and I can't remember stuff that happened last month.


Happening now. New Stzrok and lover's texts just been released. Could be very interesting to see what is on them.

2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He doesn't have to take the fifth. He can merely say he does not recall. Might not look good ( and the anti Trumpers would use it as a very big stick to beat him with ), but they can't convict him of being absent minded at his age. I'm younger than him, and I can't remember stuff that happened last month.


Happening now. New Stzrok and lover's texts just been released. Could be very interesting to see what is on them.

Yes, you and everyone else is trying to figure out a way for Trump to slither out of this one.  How about try this:  Trump just answer truthfully.  Ok, nevermind, an impossibility.

5 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


Don't put the cart before the horse.    NOTHING has been revealed that would even point to impeachment, let alone him being charged with a committing a crime.   There's the problem with TV Trump haters....so blinded by their own emotions, they have him convicted and not being able to stand next time round.   Silly!!

You are correct, but all we can do is follow the progression of Mueller and what has happened so far. Mueller is being very thorough and meticulous (my opinion) so as to leave no stone unturned. But after watching trump the last year, I would say he’d be like jack Nicholson in “a few good men” - he actually wants to talk and thinks he will be fine.

1 hour ago, ncc1701d said:

But after watching trump the last year, I would say he’d be like jack Nicholson in “a few good men” - he actually wants to talk and thinks he will be fine.

I was honestly thinking the exact same thing. If Trump talks to Mueller he almost certainly is going to incriminate himself. I mean how long did it take Lester Holt to basically admit to obstruction of justice on television?

7 hours ago, jcsmith said:

I was honestly thinking the exact same thing. If Trump talks to Mueller he almost certainly is going to incriminate himself. I mean how long did it take Lester Holt to basically admit to obstruction of justice on television?

Somewhat of a Catch 22 situation. If he refuses to talk, he has one set of problems, and if he agrees to talk under oath, he's probably doomed the moment he walks into the room.

I'd love for him to say that he can't recall to everything, as it would drive the antis bananas.

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