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Thai Police raided the house

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Well, sleepy Prang Ku had some action on Tuesday.  The Sisaket Immigration office sent the Prang Ku police to arrest me for overstaying in Thailand.

Evidentally, they think I've been there almost a year.  I flew in March 30th, 2017.  I received a 28 day Visa On Arrival.   On April 24th, I went to the immigration office in Sisaket and obtained a one-month extension so that I'd be proper and well sorted.  I knew I was going to fly home a few days after the original VOA expired, and I wanted to do everything legal.

I left Bankok May 2nd, 2017.  I have the departure stamps and immigration stamps to prove it.  The extension expired near the end of May, so I left approximately 3 1/2 weeks early.

The police didn't find me there, nor did they find the Thai GF or her mother.  They interviewed the neighbors and took pictures of the outside of the home, and the name on the gate.

The neighbors told them I hadn't been there in almost a year.  Supposedly, the Prang Ku police said there was a problem with the data, and then left.

The GF doesn't think anything needs to be done regarding follow up.  I am afraid that isn't the best idea.  I've taken pictures of my passport proving entry, exit, and the appropriate VOA and Visa Extensions and their respective dates.  I've asked her to go to Sisaket Immigration and explain the situation and to try to obtain any supporting documentation she can from them.  That way, the next time I come to Thailand, I won't be arrested and/or denied entry for 10 years.

Do any of you have any suggestions for this comical, albeit very serious situation? 

I really am back stateside and am not hiding out on the rural rice farm in Issan.  

Has anyone else ever had anything like this happen to them?
Thank you for your time.   

Lakorn, it's not just on the Television anymore!




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Your gf definitely needs to go to immigration to make sure your record is corrected. Your exit can’t have been processed properly and there’s probably an open entry. If so, you would definitely have issues when next entering.


There will be a few overstayers reading this getting nervous that immigration are going looking for them!

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3 hours ago, jackdd said:

Probably they just forgot to put the "checkout" in their computer when you left at Bangkok (However this is possible... )

I would call the Immigration in Bangkok (if you call them using something like Skype it's not expensive), and ask them to get it corrected. They will also be the ones who are responsible when you arrive in Thailand the next time.

You could ask the Airline for a confirmation letter that you really flew out of Thailand with them, so you have another proof to show to the immigration.


And as elviajero said already: With this thread you will make some overstayers very nervous ;)


I'd also try to send them an email with the same details so there is some sort of record you did contact them. They might forget about any phone calls, visits, etc. You are back in home country? Maybe a photo of you holding up current newspaper in front of landmark, along lines of kidnap verification in movies. Good luck.

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1 minute ago, Emster23 said:

I'd also try to send them an email with the same details so there is some sort of record you did contact them. They might forget about any phone calls, visits, etc. You are back in home country? Maybe a photo of you holding up current newspaper in front of landmark, along lines of kidnap verification in movies. Good luck.



Great advice, as Thai are suspicious, including my GF.  She video skyped me and asked to see my Parrot and Dog.  I was wondering what she was really up to, then she told me about the police.  She wanted to make sure that I wasn't really in Thailand!

She's smart.

I am in fact back in the USA and have been here since May 3rd, 2017.   I may try and find my flight information showing my outgoing flight from BKK>Beijing>Chicago>Nashville.   

I don't know if this would make any difference or not, but I was wheeled (literally) through Immigration in a wheelchair.  Perhaps, they tried to accommodate me a little too quickly and didn't stamp everything just right.  I guess that's the "price" of "Convenience"



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Having the correct regimen of stamps in the passport should suffice, no? I can well understand that the OP wants to completely short-circuit any 'Spanish Inquisition' moment at Suvarnabhumi on his return but if his GF feels sufficiently cowed by men in uniform and she doesn't feel like getting involved any further, then there's not a lot else the OP can do.


...except go online and file a 90-day report and totally bugger their already buggered up system.


(that was a joke BTW)


I'm with the guy who suggests your GF starting with the real police and see who at Immigration has got their head up their proverbial.

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I'm more afraid of being deported back to the US unceremoniously after a 27 hour series of flights.  and/or finding out that I'm now "Blacklisted" for overstaying. I feel I could plead my case to stay out of Jail, and I am well spoken enough to relate to most people.  I just hope the person/people I'll be dealing with have some empathy and aren't in a particularly bad mood.  Also, the thought of having to think straight after spending 27 hours in transit, and plead my case without sounding like I've completely lost my marbles.  I only speak a little Thai, and my accent isn't right, so it would be confusing for everyone.  A true comedy of errors.

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44 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

I'd also try to send them an email with the same details so there is some sort of record you did contact them. They might forget about any phone calls, visits, etc. You are back in home country? Maybe a photo of you holding up current newspaper in front of landmark, along lines of kidnap verification in movies. Good luck.

Channeling your inner Liam Neeson hostage rescue mayhaps?

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15 minutes ago, Spinman said:

I'm more afraid of being deported back to the US unceremoniously after a 27 hour series of flights.  and/or finding out that I'm now "Blacklisted" for overstaying. I feel I could plead my case to stay out of Jail, and I am well spoken enough to relate to most people.  I just hope the person/people I'll be dealing with have some empathy and aren't in a particularly bad mood.  Also, the thought of having to think straight after spending 27 hours in transit, and plead my case without sounding like I've completely lost my marbles.  I only speak a little Thai, and my accent isn't right, so it would be confusing for everyone.  A true comedy of errors.

I think you are over-thinking the worst-case scenarios. The overstay and blacklisting is typically for people they catch on overstay in Thailand or people who have had some earlier legal issues, court case, not necessarily immigration-related, such as illegal working, fraud, libel, etc.. Even they are usually black-listed while still in-country and not in absentia.


AFAIK, it hasn't been used on people obviously already coming from the outside of Thailand for any previously undetected or misreported overstay. I can appreciate your concerns though since this mistaken overstay allegation is probably due to someone actually checking up on stuff and thinking they've got their token bad guy.


Unless you have p!ssed of someone who has decided to make up the overstay allegation which the police acted on for a nominal fee..

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They did, in fact, come to the house.  Dispatched from Prang Ku to Ban Kumad.  The police spoke with the neighbors, as the family wasn't home.  They took pictures of the name on the gate and specifically asked where I was, and if they had seen the Buckseeda around lately.  The various neighbors all told the same story.  I left more than 6-8 months ago, and haven't been seen since. The poo ya ban lives directly behind the GF's house.  I don't know if they spoke with him or not.  

As far as I know, they didn't search the house.  Prank Ku police seemed to be satisfied that it was just a data error.  I have never had any problems with Thai Police or Immigration.  Still, someone sent them, and that would have been Immigration.  Why I raised that flag, or warranted, in their minds, that level of investigation is beyond me.  Perhaps they're rounding up long time over stayers now.  I have had all pleasant interactions with the Immigration office in Sisaket, in the past.  They have actually been extremely cordial and unbelievably helpful.  A nice shirt, clean shave, wai, being humble,  and proper respect go a long way.  So does Yes Maam, and No Sir.  

One of the previous posters did bring up a very good point.  The Thai GF might not be comfortable dealing with those in uniform.  Pressing someone into doing something that they're uncomfortable with, even if it's well-intentioned, might be too much to ask.

 Again, thank you to everyone for your suggestions.  They are greatly appreciated.  I don't plan on returning to Thailand until October, so hopefully, that will give me a little time to get everything in order.




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15 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

I think you are over-thinking the worst-case scenarios. The overstay and blacklisting is typically for people they catch on overstay in Thailand or people who have had some earlier legal issues, court case, not necessarily immigration-related, such as illegal working, fraud, libel, etc.. Even they are usually black-listed while still in-country and not in absentia.


AFAIK, it hasn't been used on people obviously already coming from the outside of Thailand for any previously undetected or misreported overstay. I can appreciate your concerns though since this mistaken overstay allegation is probably due to someone actually checking up on stuff and thinking they've got their token bad guy.


Unless you have p!ssed of someone who has decided to make up the overstay allegation which the police acted on for a nominal fee..


12 minutes ago, Spinman said:

They did, in fact, come to the house.  Dispatched from Prang Ku to Ban Kumad.  The police spoke with the neighbors, as the family wasn't home.  They took pictures of the name on the gate and specifically asked where I was, and if they had seen the Buckseeda around lately.  The various neighbors all told the same story.  I left more than 6-8 months ago, and haven't been seen since. The poo ya ban lives directly behind the GF's house.  I don't know if they spoke with him or not.  

As far as I know, they didn't search the house.  Prank Ku police seemed to be satisfied that it was just a data error.  I have never had any problems with Thai Police or Immigration.  Still, someone sent them, and that would have been Immigration.  Why I raised that flag, or warranted, in their minds, that level of investigation is beyond me.  Perhaps they're rounding up long time over stayers now.  I have had all pleasant interactions with the Immigration office in Sisaket, in the past.  They have actually been extremely cordial and unbelievably helpful.  A nice shirt, clean shave, wai, being humble,  and proper respect go a long way.  So does Yes Maam, and No Sir.  

One of the previous posters did bring up a very good point.  The Thai GF might not be comfortable dealing with those in uniform.  Pressing someone into doing something that they're uncomfortable with, even if it's well-intentioned, might be too much to ask.

 Again, thank you to everyone for your suggestions.  They are greatly appreciated.  I don't plan on returning to Thailand until October, so hopefully, that will give me a little time to get everything in order.





Whilst you could ne over thinking but, it was an extreme action that they took and therefore something should be done now.

Emailing the IO sounds like a good plan to me.

A nicely worded job from you giving them evidence to show that you did everything legally.

I did rather like the idea that the airline(s) may also help with proof of your departure.

The photo of you with a newspaper, OK too.


Depending on your situation, you may have utility bills that show that you were consuming electricity until you left for Thailand, comsumption stopped or was severly reduced whilst you were awar and then resumed on your return.


I don't live any where near you but my Thai wife knows a lady who works for a big company who employ many foreign Asian workers.

My wife's friends job is to sort out visas, extensions etc. for the workers and so she was very helpful to us in establishing good contact with our local IO.


Our TM30 is done by phone and copies of my PP and stamps are sent via the Line App.


I wonder if your G/F may also know someone like this?


Stay calm, for sure the error will be correct way before October.


Best of luck




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5 hours ago, Spinman said:

take them some Donuts (Nam Jai) and wai them, etc. etc


Funny, isn't it, that they make the mistake and it is the injured party who has to bow down to them. But that's Thailand. They have the uniform, and the immigration uniform trumps a teacher's uniform every time.

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Something similar to this happens in Chiang Mai when a foreigner dies and his loved ones don't go to Immigration with the death certificate and passport to notify them of his death and "cancel his visa".  After a year or so, there's a knock on the door with Immigration police looking for the "overstayer".  Some widows find this rather traumatic, thinking the Embassy/Consulate would have notified Immigration of the death, but the police are always very kind.  However, they do insist that the widow/widower make a trip to immigration with the proper documents to take care of the long-overdue task.  At this time, there is no fine for failure to report a death of a foreigner to Immigration, but knowing CM Immigration, they might come up with a creative new fine.

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Others like Ubonjoe know far more than I but even so the fact that you have stamps in your passport does not mean issuing those stamps meant your exit was properly recorded on the I.O's computer or even recorded at all on the system.


That's clearly why they think you are still in Thailand. Also I wonder if calling into the Thai Embassy/Consular offices in the US might not add weight to your argument?

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1 minute ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Funny, isn't it, that they make the mistake and it is the injured party who has to bow down to them. But that's Thailand. They have the uniform, and the immigration uniform trumps a teacher's uniform every time.

I really don't think Sisaket made any mistake.  As said before, they've been unbelievably kind to me.  They once even offered to drive me to a border checkpoint because the GF was in the Cancer Hospital in Ubon.  I needed to stay an additional 2 weeks to help her through Chemotherapy.  They gave me a 2-week extension, instead of the one-week extension that was customary. (prior to 2015)

They said they wished they could do more, and due to my difficulty walking (I wear a brace) and the fact that I needed to take care of the Thai GF, they would do all they could to take care of me. I would have to leave the country after the 2 week period, but if I had any issues, they would try to see to it that they could take me.  They went above and beyond.   I think the issue may be that when I left BKK the Airport immigration rushed me through because I was in a wheelchair, and didn't do the data entry on their end.

GF is going to call Immigration on her lunch break.  She has copies of my passport, stamps, and departure.  Hopefully, she'll get it sorted, and will be able to get some documentation proving everything is ok. 

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The problem is that with so many more tourists and long term stayers immigration is having a problem coping with them. They are also trying to catch all the undesirable overstayers. I had a similar experience as your in France.

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Spinman…. Your concerns are understandable in so far as suddenly having the police turning up at your GF’s home and asking your whereabouts.   The trouble is it is all to easy to jump to the wrong conclusions like arresting you for overstaying.


That said, in yesterday’s TVF News there was a report that the Tourist Police in Hua Hin have been making house calls to check on the status of foreigners who may be overstaying.  According to the report it appears that those that they visited all had their paperwork up to date and nobody was arrested.


As has been subsequently commented, it seems strange that immigration are just doing random checks and that they haven’t request their central IT department do an simple database query to pull out the details of those persons who according to their computer system have overstayed their permission to stay and follow up on just those.



I think that this may be a similar situation in your case in so far that the local immigration are some considerable distance from your home, so they requested the local police to do a check.


FYI – When you exit the Kingdom, the IO places the photo page of your passport onto a scanner on his/her desk.  The scanner reads the information at the bottom of the page between <<<< >>>>.  As well as allowing the IO to check your status, the information is automatically uploaded to the immigration database together with the details of your exit (date, time, IO ID No. and Flight No.).  I would think that it is highly unlikely that the IO did not scan your passport or that your data has somehow gone astray.


As has already been pointed out, you have an exit stamp in your passport and that is all the evidence you need should you be unfortunate to be stopped on your next visit.

Edited by 007 RED
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