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Road deaths continue unabated - another 396 since the start of February


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Road deaths continue unabated - another 396 since the start of February



Picture: INN


INN reported that 396 people have died at the scene of accidents since the start of February.


Quoting the head of the Anti Drink Driving Foundation Dr Thaejing Siripanich they said that 33 people died on Saturday.


This brought the total since January 1st to 1,243 dead.


Thaivisa notes that the figure is expected to rise significantly when those who succumb to injuries in hospitals is added to the figures and districts that report late announce their figures.


Experience shows that the figure could be up to double what is reported as "death at the scene".


Source: INN

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2018-02-12
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7 hours ago, keith101 said:

396 people who died at the scene does not include those that died later from their injuries in the ambulance on the way to or in hospital .

Yeah, thats what was said in the article.

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7 hours ago, YetAnother said:

yeah, the thai police seem to have a very different idea of their jobs than what we expect

They are the smartest police in the world, because they've worked out that they get paid whether they work or not. The problem is that no-one does anything about it.

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52 minutes ago, Air Smiles said:

The Thai road system is a complex issue with no easy fix, I'm not sure the Police can be blamed as the entire system needs overhauling.


The trouble is changing the entire system would cause a lot of disruption to the Thai economy and prevent Thais from going about their daily business.


For eg, I know one 14yo kid who makes the 30km journey to school by motorbike everyday, it's the closest school, there is no public transport due to the remoteness of the area, and none of his family are free to take him, so either he takes the motorbike or doesn't go to school.  Before the arm chair city planners start ranting about school buses and more schools etc, have you considered how much it would cost to roll this out nationwide for every kid in that situation?


Lets say you introduce a new stringent driving test, if to western standards(practical/written tests etc) most Thais would simply fail the test, half the country would be sat at home unable to get to work.

You are absolutely right.

However there are a number of measures which would go quite a way to reducing the death toll without changing the basic system which Thailand has arrived at by default.

Crash helmets, drink driving and speeding are probably the biggest killers. Laws exist, but need enforcing.

I know, I know...

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We can't blame the police 

This is not a easy fix 

Thai ego me first generation don't care safety or other people life's 

We could put 50000 police on the roads but that's will not help the only thing to do is try teach the next generation in school about this and meaby that's will help over time in the mean time government can put radar up on every street and confiscate the car's motorbikes and big fine when caught on radar for high speed just my opinion 

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4 hours ago, kevvy said:

It amazes me how some people just come on this site putting crap on the country they wanted to live in.

RIP all those who died ..


With numbers like this, when other lesser issues are pursued.... like confiscating darts because a non existent permit has not been acquired.... who could possibly deny that some (considerable) amount of crap needs flinging.


and who would be surprised that said crap clings?


an attaboy to thailand on this (and many other issues) will change nothing.... critising however, may change something, and the more vocal the better. Hell, just yesterday, I saw a toddler on a bike, complete with helmet.... certainly not something that I ever noticed ten years ago


and the “when in Rome” BS is a stupid argument.... thai netizens are just as critical... so we here critising, are simply echoing our Thai neighbors concerns.... making us just more voices in the wilderness.





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I thought the PM was on the case and the problem had gone away, its not though is it. Until drivers consider other drivers more this will probably get worse and nobody seems to ask the Police what are they doing about this it is part of their job description is it not?

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