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'Numerous fatalities' at Florida high school after ex-student opens fire

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3 hours ago, NumbNut said:

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...


Remington Bankruptcy


How can a gun manufacturing company in the US go broke? Especially one with a pedigree like Remington?

Interesting article and rather counter-intuitive in some ways.  So literally, Trump is killing the gun industry.  But there's hope come November...only if the Democrats win.  So the gun industry should be hoping for a Democratic landslide...crazy but true.  From the article:


[Spitzer said there may be better news ahead for the gun companies. In November, Americans return to the polls again for midterm elections, raising the possibility of major gains by Democrats, given Trump’s historically low poll numbers and a pattern of poor performance for the president’s party in midterms.

“If the Democrats do well, the gun industry and the NRA [National Rifle Association] will no doubt use it as an opportunity to issue dire warnings about gun rights. Their aim is to press as many guns into the hands of as many people as possible,” Spitzer said.]




This guy was a nut job ! Why wasn't he investigated and administered help.There are laws that aren't being enforced in my estimation.

"However, Gard expanded on his account to the Miami Herald, telling the paper that he believed an email from the school administration circulated warning teachers that Cruz had made threats against other students. “We were told last year that he wasn’t allowed on campus with a backpack on him,” Gard said. “There were problems with him last year threatening students, and I guess he was asked to leave campus.”


  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, riclag said:

This guy was a nut job ! Why wasn't he investigated and administered help.There are laws that aren't being enforced in my estimation.

"However, Gard expanded on his account to the Miami Herald, telling the paper that he believed an email from the school administration circulated warning teachers that Cruz had made threats against other students. “We were told last year that he wasn’t allowed on campus with a backpack on him,” Gard said. “There were problems with him last year threatening students, and I guess he was asked to leave campus.”


Yes, same old routine: if he is muslim it was an extremist, typical of that religion, if it was a non-muslim it was a nut job.

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Yes, same old routine: if he is muslim it was an extremist, typical of that religion, if it was a non-muslim it was a nut job.

What are you talking about ! Who said anything about muslim. He had mental issues. 

This guy was a nut job ! Why wasn't he investigated and administered help.There are laws that aren't being enforced in my estimation.

"However, Gard expanded on his account to the Miami Herald, telling the paper that he believed an email from the school administration circulated warning teachers that Cruz had made threats against other students. “We were told last year that he wasn’t allowed on campus with a backpack on him,” Gard said. “There were problems with him last year threatening students, and I guess he was asked to leave campus.”



8 minutes ago, Enoon said:


I think you mean Ultra Capitalist, Hyper Materialist, Mega Individualistic, de-socialised, narccissitic, atomised, egomaniacal, violence glamourising America is a moral wasteland.


The person who did this is the ultimate distilled essence of it.


He never needed to adapt to it.........he is it.



I don't think we disagree very much here, replace capitalist with globalist and we get much closer.

  • Thanks 1
1 minute ago, Becker said:

Yes, he's a victim of the feminists - just ask canucamuc!


3 minutes ago, attrayant said:


You missed the point of the post you quoted.  He's saying that, if no extreme religion or other ideological platform (like militant feminism) can be found to blame, some wacko will soon come along and simply declare that he must have been an ordinary person with mental issues.


4 minutes ago, attrayant said:


You missed the point of the post you quoted.  He's saying that, if no extreme religion or other ideological platform (like militant feminism) can be found to blame, some wacko will soon come along and simply declare that he must have been an ordinary person with mental issues.

This guy, had mental issues ,that weren't addressed,  period.


This guy was a nut job ! Why wasn't he investigated and administered help.There are laws that aren't being enforced in my estimation.

"However, Gard expanded on his account to the Miami Herald, telling the paper that he believed an email from the school administration circulated warning teachers that Cruz had made threats against other students. “We were told last year that he wasn’t allowed on campus with a backpack on him,” Gard said. “There were problems with him last year threatening students, and I guess he was asked to leave campus.”



4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Yes, there are words.


Stop promoting a culture of guns and start implementing policies to keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them.


When you have 18 school shootings in a year (so far), it is time to admit that you have a serious problem, and that the steps you have taken to date are not working.


To all the gun people out there; 





The only problem is -- the people in charge on this issue, President Trump and the Republican Congress, don't think it IS a problem. For them, mass murder seems to be just fine as long as it's done with guns. And the shooter isn't an immigrant, heaven forbid!!!



  • Like 2

Sympathies go to families of those killed & injured.... Yet, the US Gun Lobby will prevail & there will be NO changes to US lax Gun laws!! These slaughters happen & will continue to happen,  due to Weak minded politicians!!

Come on Trump & Cohorts show some balls...... ACT!! 

6 minutes ago, eggers said:

Sympathies go to families of those killed & injured.... Yet, the US Gun Lobby will prevail & there will be changes to US lax Gun laws!! These slaughters happen & will continue to happen,  due to Weak minded politicians!!

Come on Trump & Cohorts show some balls...... ACT!! 

What is a wack job doing with a automatic weapon?Why wasn't it taken away .This guy was under watch

38 minutes ago, riclag said:

What are you talking about ! Who said anything about muslim. He had mental issues. 

This guy was a nut job ! Why wasn't he investigated and administered help.There are laws that aren't being enforced in my estimation.

"However, Gard expanded on his account to the Miami Herald, telling the paper that he believed an email from the school administration circulated warning teachers that Cruz had made threats against other students. “We were told last year that he wasn’t allowed on campus with a backpack on him,” Gard said. “There were problems with him last year threatening students, and I guess he was asked to leave campus.”



Exactly. He is a non-muslim, so must be a nut job.

1 hour ago, eggers said:

Sympathies go to families of those killed & injured.... Yet, the US Gun Lobby will prevail & there will be NO changes to US lax Gun laws!! These slaughters happen & will continue to happen,  due to Weak minded politicians!!

Come on Trump & Cohorts show some balls...... ACT!! 

They won't. You don't seriously think they will, do you?


The face of the new (old) domestic terrorism in the U.S. (just one of many):




And what happens when the federal government does NOTHING about domestic/homegrown terrorism and the unchecked proliferation of guns, including in this guy's case, an AR-15 assault rifle:




Thank you President Trump and Co...  This is what you and your like-minded predecessors have given to America.


Land of the free, home of the brave -- unless you're dead!


  • Thanks 1

Courtesy of the AP:


Here's a look at some recent U.S. school shootings, and some of the deadliest of years past:




Jan. 23, 2018:


Two students were killed and 14 wounded by gunfire when a student opened fire before classes began at Marshall County High School in west Kentucky, authorities said. A grand jury is meeting to consider charging the 15-year-old boy as an adult.

Dec. 7, 2017:

Two students at Aztec High School in New Mexico were killed by a gunman disguised as a student. Police said the shooter later killed himself.

Sept. 13, 2017:

A 15-year-old boy was killed at Freeman High School in Rockford, Washington, and three female students were wounded when authorities say another 15-year-old boy opened fire with a handgun. A suspect was arrested.

April 10, 2017:

A gunman opened fire in the special education classroom of his estranged wife at North Park Elementary School in San Bernardino, California, killing her and an 8-year-old boy, and wounding another child. The gunman then fatally shot himself.

Sept. 28, 2016:

A 6-year-old boy was fatally shot on the playground of Townville Elementary School in South Carolina by a 14-year-old boy who had just killed his father, authorities said. Another child and a teacher were struck by bullets but survived. The teen was charged with murder.

Sept 8, 2016:

A 14-year-old girl died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound after shooting and wounding another female student at Alpine High School in West Texas.

Dec. 14, 2012:

A 20-year-old gunman killed 20 first-grade children and six educators inside Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and then killed himself. He also fatally shot his mother before entering the school.

Feb. 27, 2012:


Three students were killed and two wounded in a shooting that started in a school cafeteria in Chardon, Ohio, as students waited for buses to other schools. Police charged a suspect, 17 at the time, as an adult.

April 16, 2007:

Twenty-three-year-old Seung-Hui Cho fatally shot 32 people in a dorm and a classroom at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, and then killed himself.

April 20, 1999:

Students Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, opened fire at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, killing 12 classmates and a teacher and wounding 26 others before killing themselves in the school's library.

Dec. 1, 1997:

Three students were killed and five wounded at a high school in West Paducah, Kentucky. Michael Carneal, then 14, later pleaded guilty but mentally ill to murder and is serving life in prison.




27 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

They won't. You don't seriously think they will, do you?

Of course they won't!   Trump is most likely jumping with joy!  Look what it has done:  It has taken away the attention to the Mueller investigation, it has taken away the attention to the Porter problem, it has taken away the attention to the oversight committee's investigation of the security clearances  in the white house, it has taken away attention to the payoff that his lawyer made to  the porn star and a playboy playmate, and it had taken away attention to the DACA debates in the Senate.  It would have made his day if Nick Cruz had been "illegal", a "dreamer", a chain  migrant" or a winner of the "lottery" but unfortunately he was adopted at 1 year old by a Cuban family that was here legally.


He tweeted his  condolences to the families of the  victims but did not say anything about gun control and never will!


personally while i believe all automatic weapons should be banned, in the absence of that, any gun owner whose gun is involved in an incident like this should face the same charges and punishments as the shooter.


it's the user, not tool. after stabbing incidents, has anyone called for strict knife control? road carnage, has anyone called to ban automobiles? 


assault rifles have been banned in the US for a long time. this cruz character would have found other sinister ways to harm/kill other people. 

  • Confused 1
  • Sad 2
7 hours ago, NumbNut said:

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...


Remington Bankruptcy


How can a gun manufacturing company in the US go broke? Especially one with a pedigree like Remington?

NRA membership fees...


NRA having to shell out more these days...


  • Like 1

when the law allows 18 year olds to walk into a store and after “background checks”purchase an AR-15 rifle you’re going to keep getting this kind of nonsense..... time to tighten up gun sales no?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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Pointless discussing the horror and the immorality of this. It certainly seems that a majority of Americans just don't care or care enough.


I would be interested in a discussion on actual solutions. Personally, I would amend the 2nd by deleting it

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Ho hum, another mass shooting in America, double digit deaths...kids.  We'll get a bunch of meaningless "thoughts and prayers" from politicians, but NOTHING will be done.  Many more mass shootings to come. 

I was watching it this morning and I think they used the same speeches as at the last one.

Interesting thing came out- apparently they monitor all the phones for key words that alert them to potential school shooting so they can go see the "suspects" before they do anything, but in this case the guy was using pictures to communicate and they can't analyse them. Don't know that it is a great idea to tell everyone about that, as they will stop using texts in future.


Agree, more mass shootings to happen in future as there is no way they could ever remove all the guns now, no matter what laws they pass. Must be more guns than people in the country.


Some have mentioned intervention with troubled pupils, but that would depend on them having the money to pay for the skilled people to identify the at risk, to counsel them properly and be able to take effective action. Can't lock up a student because they MIGHT do something- unconstitutional.

I'd like to see something being actually DONE about bullying. Obviously I can't know in all the cases, but I'll bet most if not all were bullied, and just couldn't take it anymore. Either kill themselves or as many other people as possible.

This guy was taken alive, so we might find out if he was.


What I don't understand is how an expelled student was able to get into the school carrying a weapon. I thought they all had metal detectors on the doors and security guards.

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