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Thaivisa exclusive: Aussie bound biker stranded in Thailand talks to Thaivisa after being dumped off plane in Bangkok


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12 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

NO. You need to grow your own "low mentality'! Tattoos are common among pacific islanders - it is  part of their culture.


Try expanding your knowledge horizons. Could be a new experience for you? :post-4641-1156693976:


P.S. And no, I do not have tattoos.

But the tattoo's that he has are not cultural and he is saying that he is going to have them removed. What a load of b******t.

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The Rebels MC have been known as a criminal gang for a lot more than 10 years and he joined the club 10 years ago knowing full well that they were involved in crime in Western Australia. If he was telling the truth about getting out of the gang then the only way he could do it safely would be to just pack up his family and finish his job and disappear interstate or overseas and even change his name or he would be the next target for a drive by shooting by The Rebels MC

If he was getting out then why did he come to Thailand with the hierachy of the club

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People are getting way off topic, just banging on about this guy being covered in tatts.


The bottom line is, his visa wasn't cancelled because he has tatts, it was cancelled because 

of his affiliation with an outlaw motorcycle club. The Feds will more than likely  have a file on

this guy.


Also, he would've known this was on the cards before leaving the country.

When considering cancelling a visa on character grounds, the visa holder

is sent a letter by Immigration basically saying they're  considering

cancelling your visa due to character concerns.


They then ask for you to reply and give reasons why it should not be cancelled.

Family ties etc etc.


Once they have all of that information, they will then make a decision.

Once Lawrence left the country, it was a no brainer to cancel the via whilst

he was outside of Australia. Assuming they were going to cancel it.


Lawrence would've been sent a letter advising of his cancellation. I'm guessing

his wife would've opened it and phoned him up to let him know.


TBH, he shouldn't have been surprised as he's not the Lone Ranger when it comes

to bikies having their PR cancelled.


Will now have to wait and see how his appeal goes.

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37 minutes ago, transam said:

Tattoo's don't make someone a crook. Take this bloke for instance, a long way from being a crook...



This may be correct as they say a donkey is still a donkey regardless of how its dressed....

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11 minutes ago, Will27 said:

People are getting way off topic, just banging on about this guy being covered in tatts.


The bottom line is, his visa wasn't cancelled because he has tatts, it was cancelled because 

of his affiliation with an outlaw motorcycle club. The Feds will more than likely  have a file on

this guy.


Also, he would've known this was on the cards before leaving the country.

When considering cancelling a visa on character grounds, the visa holder

is sent a letter by Immigration basically saying they're  considering

cancelling your visa due to character concerns.


They then ask for you to reply and give reasons why it should not be cancelled.

Family ties etc etc.


Once they have all of that information, they will then make a decision.

Once Lawrence left the country, it was a no brainer to cancel the via whilst

he was outside of Australia. Assuming they were going to cancel it.


Lawrence would've been sent a letter advising of his cancellation. I'm guessing

his wife would've opened it and phoned him up to let him know.


TBH, he shouldn't have been surprised as he's not the Lone Ranger when it comes

to bikies having their PR cancelled.


Will now have to wait and see how his appeal goes.

what you say is reasonable but i think you give the guy to much credit.

Criminals are usually dumb because they failed at a making a normal life.


even they proudly advertise the fact by the presence of tatts from head to toe.


This guy is obviously dumb and arrogant and probably didnt even think of the possibility of this happening.


but it is funny

this big tough guy now becomes shirley temple and whining about being shafted.


haha. suck it up tough guy


working in a fertilizer factory hey?

yes lol he does sound quite good at spinning BS

good riddance from australia yes

but the bad part is we have him now in Thailand.

hopefully he will stay in Pattaya with Sharkey and his inkhead mates


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1 hour ago, tingtongtourist said:

what you say is reasonable but i think you give the guy to much credit.

Criminals are usually dumb because they failed at a making a normal life.


even they proudly advertise the fact by the presence of tatts from head to toe.


This guy is obviously dumb and arrogant and probably didnt even think of the possibility of this happening.


but it is funny

this big tough guy now becomes shirley temple and whining about being shafted.


haha. suck it up tough guy


working in a fertilizer factory hey?

yes lol he does sound quite good at spinning BS

good riddance from australia yes

but the bad part is we have him now in Thailand.

hopefully he will stay in Pattaya with Sharkey and his inkhead mates


# What's a "normal Life"? 9-5 office worker?

# I see nowhere that this guy is covered "head to toe" in tats. Looks to me like he has a fair amount on his arms.

   Head to toe to me equates to hands, legs, neck etc.

# You have proof the guy does not have a salary and a proper job?

# Oh and the pic above of Beckham, now he does have more than just sleeves, inc hands and neck. Must be a real dumb criminal....

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On ‎2‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 4:28 PM, car720 said:

I have had PR for 65 years and no citizenship.

You have to vote if you are a citizen and I don't believe a basically honest man should have to choose between 2 proven liars.:cheesy:

Australians have to vote, is that right?  What happens if they don't?

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38 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Australians have to vote, is that right?  What happens if they don't?

A rebel bikie regularly stands in the state election in this guys state. He doesn't win but gets more votes than some candidates. Possibly from all his drug customers.

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3 minutes ago, my friend I said:

A rebel bikie regularly stands in the state election in this guys state. He doesn't win but gets more votes than some candidates. Possibly from all his drug customers.

Sorry, I don't understand how that relates to my question about non- voters.

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On 17/02/2018 at 10:29 AM, mommysboy said:


Well, 99% of normal people seem to think it is rather important!  And it is often a big factor in decisions.


But ok...what about the 'I haven't done anything wrong argument'?  Based on the story anyway.



I also always like the term "normal people".

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On 17/02/2018 at 7:05 PM, gusincebu said:

Apart from Shane Martin , also a biker , repatriated to NZ ... Oz govt is about to deport a 17 year old kiwi ( who came there as a kid with his parents , but never applied for citizenship) for a serious assault on another youngster .

Sent from my SM-T535 using Tapatalk

Yes, Australia doesn't want Kiwi crap, however if you belong to a certain cult you are safe from deportation, especially if you have mental issues.


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18 minutes ago, Donotdisturb said:

I also always like the term "normal people".

I see the point you make but these types join a biker gang, criminal history beating people up, tatoos all over 


I think they themselves have made a statement they dont want to be in normal society.

i hear many business in Australia still conservative and not hire people with many  tatts.

so guys like this has really made himself unemployable from the start dont you think?


that he work in a fertilizer factory, an nice way of saying he sorts through shit and

behind closed doors.

says it all really.

but i find it hard to believe anyway that he does this job instead of getting money the easy way


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8 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:

I see the point you make but these types join a biker gang, criminal history beating people up, tatoos all over 


I think they themselves have made a statement they dont want to be in normal society.

i hear many business in Australia still conservative and not hire people with many  tatts.

so guys like this has really made himself unemployable from the start dont you think?


that he work in a fertilizer factory, an nice way of saying he sorts through shit and

behind closed doors.

says it all really.

but i find it hard to believe anyway that he does this job instead of getting money the easy way


I dont care how others look or what type of profession they have. I do know that if NORMAL means working my balls of from 25 til 68 years old, making some kids, marrying some wife, and only being allowed "enjoying" life when I'm too old to do so, i understand that people do NOT choose to be "normal". I rarely watch tv but if i do so i pitty "normal" people and enjoy my atypical nature. Life is short. The world keeps turning. Money talks. Nothing will ever change in my time on this potential paradise we call earth. Ergo, CARPE DIEM. 

Edited by Donotdisturb
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On 2/17/2018 at 1:27 PM, rebo said:

Wondering if he really could show a Thai bank account of at least 800'000 THB for at least the last 3 months in his name ...

No need for that , he paid AUS $2000 for a lawyer to arrange a 1 year visa. A visa agent will do the same for less than 20k baht. 


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On 2018-02-17 at 4:28 PM, car720 said:

I have had PR for 65 years and no citizenship.

You have to vote if you are a citizen and I don't believe a basically honest man should have to choose between 2 proven liars.:cheesy:

It is fine being on a PR for 65 years if that is what you want, but when someone does that they have to realize that they don't have the same rights to reside in the country if they violate the law... anyone on a PR or other visa may be deported if they have a criminal record (depending on the country it could be minor or major offences).  The fact he joined a criminal organization while not having citizenship to protect their right to remain... shows either a level of arrogance or stupidity. 

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4 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Members of outlaw motorcycle gangs should not be allowed into Thailand. If they are, they should be made stay within the confines of Pattaya where the rest of the world's criminal rejects/perverts reside, along with the prostitutes and criminals of Thailand. OK, I know there is 1 % that are there for the nice beach.

Thailand should ask each western country for a list of people associated with criminal biker (and other) gangs and make them all persona-non-grata.  There has been some progression on sharing data with regards to foreign bank account holders -- I suspect one day this progression will eventually allow criminal record sharing for immigration purposes.  

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The Immigration minister has the power to cancel the visa of anyone deemed 'not of good character'. It has been used fairly widely for members of outlawed motorbike gangs, or anyone who associates with them.


A recent change to the laws also means that anyone with a cumulative total of one year behind bars automatically has their visas cancelled and are deported.


Not sure I agree with this law, given the lack of due process in the first and that you effectively pay for your crimes twice in the latter.



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30 minutes ago, Air Smiles said:

What percentage of the RMC membership would you estimate as having criminal records or having being involved in criminal activity?

Not sure of exact laws (where right the right to freely associate intersects with criminal conspiracy).  


If the overall organization exists as a criminal organization (organized crime) and you are in a position of power or management, then any crime committed in the furtherance the person in charge would surely be guilty of conspiracy or accessory (before or after) the fact....  


Most organized criminal organizations have tended to follow the standards set by the Italian mafia, whereby to get any position within the organized crime you must have committed a significant criminal act (usually murder at the order of) to ensure that you have skin in the game.  There is usually a layer beneath the criminal organization that have not met the requirements and are only really associates (pre-membership kept at a distance until they have skin in the game).  Of course anyone who does not direct someone else cannot be arrested just for that association - they have to be arrested for a criminal act.  The higher you are in the organization the more subordinates you have and the more responsible you are for there behaviour in furtherance of criminal activity.  


If the overall purpose of the organization is for organized crime -- it would be a little naive that a person would just be a member and not really involved in the conspiracy... especially someone who is a member for a significant amount of time.

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44 minutes ago, samran said:

The Immigration minister has the power to cancel the visa of anyone deemed 'not of good character'. It has been used fairly widely for members of outlawed motorbike gangs, or anyone who associates with them.


A recent change to the laws also means that anyone with a cumulative total of one year behind bars automatically has their visas cancelled and are deported.


Not sure I agree with this law, given the lack of due process in the first and that you effectively pay for your crimes twice in the latter.



Unless you are a citizen -- you do not have a permanent right to reside regardless of actions.  If you want to ensure that right -- you should become a citizen (without committing fraud).  Permanent residency only grants you residence (and the right to work) without having to go through a regular approval process to remain, but permanent residency has always had the issue that if you commit a significant criminal offence (assault would count) you would no longer be abiding by the conditions of that permit.  If you are a member of an organized criminal organization -- I would think that would be more than sufficient to void conditions as part of the permit.


If you are in the country, you have the right to appeal the process and typically reside until it is complete.  If however you leave during that time, you do not maintain that right to reside until the appeal is processed (it is pretty normal process in most countries).  

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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