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Video: Irate house owner takes axe to illegally parked car - but there's a backstory


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4 hours ago, ZeVonderBearz said:

Despite what happened to her in the past, due to cars being parked outside her royal palace, she should get done for this. I'm sure if I'd been guilty of such an action it'd be a fine, maybe the slammer and shamed as a bad farang, bringing shame upon us all. I can't tell you the amount cars I encounter on the daily here that I'd love to take an axe to but, even as a non Buddhist and a farang who hasn't been taught from day dot to keep his mouth shut, I'm capable of this small thing called self control. 



When you have Taken the owner of an Illegal Market built next to your house to court, when you have won that court case but nothing has happened in two years and when people continue to block your driveway on a daily basis, further patience becomes challenging... 


Even more so when you are unable to get a loved one to Hosptial in an emergency situation because someone has parked across your driveway... and when this continues to happen regardless of huge notices at the gates, when people are so inconsiderate this little thing called self control diminishes rapidly....  Given the same history and back story I challenge anyone commenting on this thread not to become extremely angry.

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1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:



When you have Taken the owner of an Illegal Market built next to your house to court, when you have won that court case but nothing has happened in two years and when people continue to block your driveway on a daily basis, further patience becomes challenging... 


Even more so when you are unable to get a loved one to Hosptial in an emergency situation because someone has parked across your driveway... and when this continues to happen regardless of huge notices at the gates, when people are so inconsiderate this little thing called self control diminishes rapidly....  Given the same history and back story I challenge anyone commenting on this thread not to become extremely angry.

This is what you get in a lawless land. So: it is apparently all right for a woman, frustrated (understandably) with her driveway being blocked, to take an axe to the car. 


Why, then, can people not take an axe to the tanks and cars of the junta who are blocking the ENTIRE NATION from moving forward? The principle is the same - but the importance and significance much, much greater.

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23 hours ago, robblok said:

I would not damage a car either.. but I think the problem here is that this is a recurring problem that happens almost every day. I think the annoyance builds up and up and now finally explodes. I also don't think anything will change there as people here really don't care about others when they park their cars.

I live almost 2 decades in Thailand and see this problem growing to uncontrolled proportions if the authorities and the RTP is going to do their job.

For example, crossing one of the main intersections in my town was no big problem about 10 years ago.

Then a 7/11 store opened right in the intersection corner and "wild" parking of shoppers started.
Double parked cars blocking the intersection was a common sight the whole day.
This happened while a cop was sitting on a bank at 7/11 next to the ATM.

One year later, a Mini Markt store opened at the other corner.
Again, everybody was parking in Wild West style and blocking the traffic.
However, nothing was done by the cops on duty to control the traffic.

About 5 years ago, Food stall's, Lottery sellers, and even Clothes sellers started to infest the roads at the crosssing, tirning a 2-lane road into a narrow 1 lane road.

Now, most people try to avoid that crossing like the plague.
At morning and at evening, many accidents happen on that crossing.

And all this whilst the cops are "controlling" traffic in that crossing.

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