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Key officials admit to need for more work to fight corruption


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Corruption here must be dealt sincerely and with certainty starting at the top. Nothing else will work. Even this will take a long time but the important point the government has to be seen to be doing the job. Unfortunately, if anything, the reverse is true. Currently in the news (apart from the watch saga) is another rich person being called by the police and a lawyer says (according to today's news) that he is too busy to see police. Complete and utter nonsense but until this type of procedure changes, corruption here will forge on.

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3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

No choice words for the military? 


Eric, the military should be subject to the same impartial, unbiased, efficient and effective justice system, the same as anyone else.


Part of that justice system is enforcement. The police and the several various agencies charged with that, as we've seen, are somewhat lacking in those characteristics. 



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40 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Eric, the military should be subject to the same impartial, unbiased, efficient and effective justice system, the same as anyone else.


Part of that justice system is enforcement. The police and the several various agencies charged with that, as we've seen, are somewhat lacking in those characteristics. 



Nothing you say that I can disagree. Just add that the appointment of the police chief and the various agencies should be more transparent, merit base and the panel should consist of impartial members. Leave that to the junta and we have Prayut and Prawit appointing the police chief, AG and presidents of the corruption agencies. 

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31 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Of course. Whether it's the current set up or any others, the trick is to get your relatives, cronies, mates, extended family members and those you can easily influence into as many key positions as possible. And make sure they all regard themselves as your "junior"!


Until that is broken, little of anything will change. The ones doing the appointing certainly won't change anything as it suits their purpose.

Absolutely, will like to see the junta implement and reform this once and for all. With 44, the process can be shortened and need not go through all the legal hoops and loops. Others don’t have that sort of power.

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19 hours ago, Pattaya28 said:

The above report is "jibberish". 

Absolutely non-sensical.

How many Deputy PM's are there ?


If they wanted to really clean up the corruption it needs to start from the top down, Follow Singapore, they too were bad but cleaned themselves up and the citizens there are enriched with a better quality of life and wealth. Any time politicians are appointed rather than elected by the people, you will get little mini warlords and corruption. You have some good ones but most of them are crap with a hand in your pocket and the other patting you on the back. First I would look at all the "appointed governors" from the BKK and get rid of them as soon as Thailand has permission to have a legal and free election, if you leave them in place they will continue to work for their big boss and you will never get the military out of government.

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10 hours ago, JohnyBangkok said:

Follow Singapore, they too were bad but cleaned themselves

Singapore was a smuggling haven and bribing the police was a norm and bribing the public officers were standard practice before LKY. The country got “cleaned” because of his strong political will and vision that to survive without any resources, the country need to shape up to attract investors. Eradicating corruption was his personal agenda. He too lead by example through his frugal life style and he appointed judiciary officers by merits. He changed the corruption culture.


Thais are not born with corruption gene. It is the culture of disregard for the law, weak institutions and poor leadership that the country mired in corruption. 

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They certainly have an hydraulic gene. 

(will lift anything, as long as it's not physical work involved). 


Just moving apartment to a town house. 

Final cleaning yesterday and left the mop and bucket and broom on the balcony. 

Came back to finish today and they had grown legs. 

Plus three bikes in my car spot. 


I stood there until they moved them all. 

Then said, "where's me <deleted> mop and bucket". 

Sorry. Sorry.. 

They have all re appeared. 

It was the males. 

As if they know what a floor mop is for????? 

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