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Two American women held in Thailand after allegedly caught with fake US dollars


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9 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Look at their eyes.,,,

Would you date these girls??

   No way on earth. Too many people have left the US just because of females like these two. 

Edited by jenny2017
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4 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

The only facts you might see are that both women will soon show up in other countries, causing other, or the same troubles, which might end up in a new GoFundMe page, eventually with a new story and new "victims".


They were NEVER arrested in Thailand, they were never on bail, but somebody was lying a lot about the whole story, just to get cash from GFM. ( no proof of an arrest on Thai media, or elsewhere, no press conference of Thai cops, no nothing);


  The only available information came from their GoFundMe page, but even these stories contradict each other. One day they found the fake money in Cambodia, then in CM, and I'm pretty sure that there's another version, depending on what people want to hear. 


   The one women's bf had done all the lies and is now here on this forum and tells people always the same stories. But would he come with some proof, more people might send money on the GFM page, which seems to be their only goal. But he can't show proof of something that never happened.


I tend to believe that one poster here is one of the :arrested women on bail". Reading her texts shows that she doesn't seem to be the smartest one on this planet, or perhaps only some screws loose. 


   Sad is that too many people just don't get the scam. Wouldn't you see a follow up by now? Wouldn't you hear of expats who live in CM if there's really something going on?


The whole story is as fake as so many noses and tits in this country. 


  In short. If the bs story would be true there'd be newspaper articles in Thai and in English. I feel sorry for these people who gave them cash and fed the trolls. 





"Makara", what happened? You usually write the same words over and over again, why didn't you comment this post and only clicked on the smiley? Are you out of munition? 


   I was actually waiting for your response and I did that on purpose to call you one of the liars. Why haven't you reported me to Thai Visa Forum when I'm so wrong?


Would you be an honest person you'd have posted proof that the whole story is true and not just a try to make money by using/ abusing GFM. Every new reader might think it's true, is that what you want that people read this and donate money for you? To get as much as possible before the story disappears? 





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5 hours ago, HooHaa said:

no, that part is just plain stupid. 


but funny.


im just addressing folk who insist they should have turned it in if they believed it was real.

as if there is somewhere trustworthy enough to hold it until an owner came to claim it.


and having lost a stack of cash, who in asia would expect to get it back? 

check the news it happens!!  One time when my boss and I came to Thailand for meeting in Thailand my boss had a wad of cash fall out of this bag.  Someone saw this happen and picked it up and returned it to us.  Had a friend lose his wallet in a taxi in Vietnam.  The next person in the taxi found his wallet found the hotel card inside and called the hotel. My friend went to meet the people and tried to give them $100 they wouldn't accept it. Told him to give it so someone on the street that needs help. Asia has some great people, but just like anywhere else there are some that are no good. 

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10 hours ago, rebo said:

So it seems time becomes ripe for a survey ;-)

a.: The entire story is a total scam. The initiators want to collect as much as possible to enrich themselves. Nobody was ever accused/arrested.
b.: The girls found - whereever, however - these notes, didn't recognize them as counterfeit and did'nt hand them in to L&F. Planned to use the 1'000 $ for their own purpose. They where arrested while trying to exchange them and on bail now, waiting for their trial.
c.: They found - however - these notes, recognized them as fake but tried to exchange them in another country thinking they wouldn't be identified as fakes over there. Arrested and on bail they are waiting for the court hearing.
My own vote goes for c..

I hope it is B. I hope it is not C. Only they know... and whichever one it is they are facing their own punishment. It is definitely not A. 

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2 hours ago, Makara said:

I hope it is B. I hope it is not C. Only they know... and whichever one it is they are facing their own punishment. It is definitely not A. 

IMHO it can only be A or C, I think that we can all safely say that B is not a viable option, how can any American possibly think that Cambodian 'Ghost Money' is real?

Even you said that no sensible person would attempt to exchange money that is covered in mud and would make the attempt to try to clean the notes first, remembering that this stuff is made from cheap recycled paper, that bears no resemblance to the quality of the paper of the genuine notes and has more than one obvious way of seeing that it is fake, if there was any real possibility of passing off this ghost money as real cash, then I'd imagine that the US authorities would be petitioning the Cambodian government pretty strongly to stop this practice, hence why it is made such that it is obvious it is fake.

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2 hours ago, Mattd said:

IMHO it can only be A or C, I think that we can all safely say that B is not a viable option, how can any American possibly think that Cambodian 'Ghost Money' is real?

Even you said that no sensible person would attempt to exchange money that is covered in mud and would make the attempt to try to clean the notes first, remembering that this stuff is made from cheap recycled paper, that bears no resemblance to the quality of the paper of the genuine notes and has more than one obvious way of seeing that it is fake, if there was any real possibility of passing off this ghost money as real cash, then I'd imagine that the US authorities would be petitioning the Cambodian government pretty strongly to stop this practice, hence why it is made such that it is obvious it is fake.


Have they been charged with any offense?


Have they been released on Bail?


Has the case (if there is one) been heard yet by a court?


Where are the girls now?

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5 hours ago, Makara said:

I hope it is B. I hope it is not C. Only they know... and whichever one it is they are facing their own punishment. It is definitely not A. 

I think it’s most likely C. Though I’m sure their lawyer will be advising them to admit to only B. 


B is possible but I think unlikely given the circumstances. A is also possible as they never posted any evidence and strangely there was no local news coverage. But I think it’s unlikely too as they had posted some details difficult to know unless one has had an encounter with the police. 


Kudos on you Makara for being polite and reasonable in the face of so much skepticism. 


The reason there are a lot of cynics is because there have been so many previous cases of people claiming to be scammed, robbed, or losing their stuff only later to find out it wasn’t true. And the initial approach taken by the friends and family of these girls raised a ton of red flags. 

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46 minutes ago, Crash999 said:

I think it’s most likely C. Though I’m sure their lawyer will be advising them to admit to only B. 


B is possible but I think unlikely given the circumstances. A is also possible as they never posted any evidence and strangely there was no local news coverage. But I think it’s unlikely too as they had posted some details difficult to know unless one has had an encounter with the police. 


Kudos on you Makara for being polite and reasonable in the face of so much skepticism. 


The reason there are a lot of cynics is because there have been so many previous cases of people claiming to be scammed, robbed, or losing their stuff only later to find out it wasn’t true. And the initial approach taken by the friends and family of these girls raised a ton of red flags. 

Agreed Crash999, agreed and thank you for the compliment--it is appreciated.


I feel the same way about what some of their friends and significant others did; how they damaged the situation with their approach. Again, their initial reaction was made out of fear and misinformation. Then add the threat (and fear) of the women being in a foreign country and facing foreign judicial system, and a possible prison sentence; so the loved ones felt they had to scramble to figure out how to help finically when none of them really had much to contribute to helping. Enter gofundme here. 

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11 hours ago, ericthai said:

check the news it happens!!  One time when my boss and I came to Thailand for meeting in Thailand my boss had a wad of cash fall out of this bag.  Someone saw this happen and picked it up and returned it to us.  Had a friend lose his wallet in a taxi in Vietnam.  The next person in the taxi found his wallet found the hotel card inside and called the hotel. My friend went to meet the people and tried to give them $100 they wouldn't accept it. Told him to give it so someone on the street that needs help. Asia has some great people, but just like anywhere else there are some that are no good. 

Oh. I dont deny it happens, but in each case  you quote the person returning cash hasd some sort of interaction with the person who lost the money.


Im talking about just finding random cash with no one around, no identifying information etc.

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9 hours ago, Makara said:

Listen you just popped up on here and it seems as though you have not read where I came on here and started commenting back at the 30-something page or wouldn't have:


Called me a troll

Assumed I was the boyfriend 

Assumed I was one of the girls

Called me a liar

Claimed I am on here to get money


So since you are too lazy to read where I came on here back in the early 30-something pages here is quick recap:


I stated first off that I am a concerned friend who thought  initially that my friend was kidnapped and I was worried for her.


I stated I am a female from Oregon.


I stated I do not agree with what they have done (that only they know if they thought the money was real or fake).


I stated that I think there is a possibility that they did not find spirit money but actual US counterfeit money (I have handle money and got a $20 USD once and didn't realize it was fake till I went to the bank).


I stated I came on here to tell people the gofundme was to raise monies that the women did not posses for lawyer fees from FRIENDS, FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF FRIENDS. That it was not a scam to get money from strangers.


I have never asked for money. I stated I myself have not donated.


I stated that the way the significant others went about out it was wrong, that they are young and acted out of emotion and were scared and being fed misinformation that it would cost the women 30-40,000 USD to get what they needed. And stated after the  misinformation subsided that they capped the gofundme at a more appropriate amount. I stated I did not agree with how the significant others have acted and that they have not helped.


I stated I have been concerned and that I am not on here to spread lies but to bring understanding.


I stated that I understand people's concerns about the confusion.


I stated that personal information will not be given out on this forum, some of which I have, some of which I don't.


I have been crucified, called names, been thrown accusations (you being on of them), had every stone thrown at me as possible and still have been curtious for the most part. Some of the stories and things made up in here is over the top and ridiculous. My story has not changed. My words have not changed. My stance has not changed and I hit the "laughing emoji" cause you and other's picture you're painting of me is laughable. ESPECIALLY because you just appeared on this thread and did not do your due diligence to read back to when I first came on the forum. 

 Thank you very much for the long post. Would you mind to share where the two women are now, today on the 21st of March 2018? 

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1 hour ago, jenny2017 said:

 Thank you very much for the long post. Would you mind to share where the two women are now, today on the 21st of March 2018? 

Thailand. Literally read back for yourself.


Their passports have been confiscated and held. They have to check back every 12 days until the investigation is over and they go to court.


Which seems that the authorities will postpone and drag out the process on purpose--and have done so.

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2 minutes ago, Makara said:

Thailand. Literally read back for yourself.


Their passports have been confiscated and held. They have to check back every 12 days until the investigation is over and they go to court.


Which seems that the authoriies will postpone and drag out the process on purpose--and have done so.

Thanks for your fast response. Would you mind telling us where in Thailand? 


  When and where is the big day at court? In Chiang Mai?

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2 minutes ago, Makara said:

Thailand. Literally read back for yourself.


Their passports have been confiscated and held. They have to check back every 12 days until the investigation is over and they go to court.


Which seems that the authoriies will postpone and drag out the process on purpose--and have done so.

''Thailand. Literally read back for yourself. ''  !!!

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On 3/18/2018 at 10:09 PM, Makara said:

Some of these stories are getting elaborate. They did not find up to 50 bills,

They found US1000 $ right ?

It hasnt been stated in which notes that 1000 $ was in 

If they were 100 $ bills, there would have been 10 of them 

If they were 5 $ bills , there would have been 200 of them .

So, they found between 10 and 200 (100 or 5) dollar bills

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11 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Which "details" were those ?


The police custody progression they posted on FB, where they were being taken to, the sequence regarding how things happened with bail etc. 


Given how boneheaded some of the friends were (“Save us, Trump!”) and how people couldn’t tell the difference between Cambodia and Thailand these details seemed unusually accurate. 


It’s possible of course that they had help planning the scam and knew what going through the courts in Chiang Mai is like beforehand. But they doesn’t gel well with their blundering through other details so badly. 


And then what looks to be a lawyer or other adult later came through and overwrote old comments and nixed the negative PR campaign suddenly. As well as dropping the fund request down to $15k. 


Not impossible that it’s option A but to me less probable than they knowingly tried to spend fake money and then panicked when caught. 



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4 minutes ago, Crash999 said:

The police custody progression they posted on FB, where they were being taken to, the sequence regarding how things happened with bail etc.

They claimed that they were "on the way to jail" , and then got given bail .

It doesnt work like that : You go to court and then either get bail or sent on remand or charged .

  You dont get given bail , after being on the way to jail .

Besides , telephones are taken from you, after getting arrested ,so , they could not have posted that they were on the way to jail , because phones are taken away from prisoners

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12 hours ago, Makara said:

I have been crucified, called names, been thrown accusations (you being on of them), had every stone thrown at me as possible and still have been curtious for the most part. Some of the stories and things made up in here is over the top and ridiculous. My story has not changed.

Stop exaggerating , people have generally been courteous to you , amycat was the one name calling and being abusive , yes some people disagree with you, as you disagree with them .

   The initial reason given for the expensive lawyers was that they were being flown over from the USA and when it was pointed out that American lawyers cannot work in Thailand , the reason changed to the expensive lawyers were because the Thai lawyers were over charging 

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13 hours ago, Makara said:

Listen you just popped up on here and it seems as though you have not read where I came on here and started commenting back at the 30-something page or wouldn't have:


Called me a troll

Assumed I was the boyfriend 

Assumed I was one of the girls

Called me a liar

Claimed I am on here to get money


So since you are too lazy to read where I came on here back in the early 30-something pages here is quick recap:


I stated first off that I am a concerned friend who thought  initially that my friend was kidnapped and I was worried for her.


I stated I am a female from Oregon.


I stated I do not agree with what they have done (that only they know if they thought the money was real or fake).


I stated that I think there is a possibility that they did not find spirit money but actual US counterfeit money (I have handle money and got a $20 USD once and didn't realize it was fake till I went to the bank).


I stated I came on here to tell people the gofundme was to raise monies that the women did not posses for lawyer fees from FRIENDS, FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF FRIENDS. That it was not a scam to get money from strangers.


I have never asked for money. I stated I myself have not donated.


I stated that the way the significant others went about out it was wrong, that they are young and acted out of emotion and were scared and being fed misinformation that it would cost the women 30-40,000 USD to get what they needed. And stated after the  misinformation subsided that they capped the gofundme at a more appropriate amount. I stated I did not agree with how the significant others have acted and that they have not helped.


I stated I have been concerned and that I am not on here to spread lies but to bring understanding.


I stated that I understand people's concerns about the confusion.


I stated that personal information will not be given out on this forum, some of which I have, some of which I don't.


I have been crucified, called names, been thrown accusations (you being on of them), had every stone thrown at me as possible and still have been curtious for the most part. Some of the stories and things made up in here is over the top and ridiculous. My story has not changed. My words have not changed. My stance has not changed and I hit the "laughing emoji" cause you and other's picture you're painting of me is laughable. ESPECIALLY because you just appeared on this thread and did not do your due diligence to read back to when I first came on the forum. 

Makara, I respect you for your endurance, clear vision and dedication to this story. As unfortunately and for un-known reasons obviously many poster want to believe that this is a scam I suggest to change your name to be "Don Quichotte".


It is not replicable for me, how so many people stick with the scam scenario which would need a lot of attention and efforts to keep it active. Who would benefit "cui bono"? A group of oganized crooks sharing 10K $? Keep on my dear and do not get bothered by people who only want to have the last word and get confirmed they were right - bao mai samkarn (- doesn't matter, not important).

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15 hours ago, Makara said:

I stated that the way the significant others went about out it was wrong, that they are young and acted out of emotion and were scared and being fed misinformation that it would cost the women 30-40,000 USD to get what they needed.

Although they did have three different gofundme pages and they seeked US$150 000 in the beginning , as well as concerts and fashion shows to aid them

   US$80 000 was being asked for for bail money...............until someone pointed out they they were already out on bail (with only $10 000 being raised, at the time)

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

They claimed that they were "on the way to jail" , and then got given bail .

It doesnt work like that : You go to court and then either get bail or sent on remand or charged .

  You dont get given bail , after being on the way to jail .

Besides , telephones are taken from you, after getting arrested ,so , they could not have posted that they were on the way to jail , because phones are taken away from prisoners

People tend to use the word jail and prison interchangeably. If one is arrested one can definitely go to jail pending a court appearance and then be released on bail.  


There was also info about the transfer between police and the Chiang Mai courts that is not something a backpacker would normally know about. 

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

Stop exaggerating , people have generally been courteous to you , amycat was the one name calling and being abusive , yes some people disagree with you, as you disagree with them .

   The initial reason given for the expensive lawyers was that they were being flown over from the USA and when it was pointed out that American lawyers cannot work in Thailand , the reason changed to the expensive lawyers were because the Thai lawyers were over charging 

Where was it posted that lawyers were flying to Thailand? I’ve been following the story fairly closely and reading their FB and GFM posts and only recall seeing that they would have a US lawyer and a Thai lawyer. Not that a US lawyer would fly to Thailand. 

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On 3/18/2018 at 10:26 PM, Makara said:

Perhaps I say the same things, make the same points because they are all true! You don't care to hear the truth. You really want these women to be making up this story and really want this to be a scam, so you can be "right" but sorry to say your outrageous speculations are off base and farther than the truth. The only reason why I came on here was to spread the truth. I have been called a troll, a sammer, a liar, a fraud, a lowlife and all sorts of things. But nobody has stopped to think that maybe the reason I come on here is for good not bad. A lot of you are very quick in your judgements rather than stopping and thinking for a second that what I may be saying is true. I'm not a fraud, a liar, a scammer, a lowlife, a bad person. I will not give any of their personal info to please this forum. That doesn't make this story a scam or untrue. 


Really it doesn't matter what I say most of you spin it the way you want, make up your own speculation and stories in your heads. I clearly know more than you in this situation, but it doesn't matter. 

This is no way that I will ever believe that the girls believed that money to be real

Had the money been fake Cambodian money , then I would have given them the benefit of doubt , but theres no way that I will ever believe that they thought the money was real .

  So, there is a certain amount of deception going on, its just a matter of how much deception there is

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