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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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8 minutes ago, nauseus said:

  On 3/31/2018 at 3:29 PM, simoh1490 said:

Don't look at me like that, this is not a hiso/money thing. How many prominent Brexiteers in this thread have talked about their experiences of getting UK housing benefit as a significant issue, I can think of two off the top of my head.


But your bogus claims (above) aren't a year old, are they?

Woof, wooof woof.

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59 minutes ago, tebee said:

How do you help a friend who's got rat-arsed, told his boss to stick his job where the sun don't shine, and is about to embark of a future career selling innovative jams to the world  ? Me, I'd tell him to swallow his pride and get the job back, but maybe you a jam marketing expert?


Like I said if it happens, it happens. I think it's wrong, like duel pricing in Thailand, but I can't stop it. I won't help it though. as my conscience  would not be clear after.   

If the jam is innovative, with the right marketing, it will sell

to the WORLD,..Your own key word there.   I'd have a go at that.

I would not get 'rat-arsed' given that opportunity.

Duel pricing is business making profit where it can.

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2 minutes ago, nauseus said:

One of your more intelligent responses but you can't backup your claim as usual. Can you?


I've never heard of a dog called Weasel. :smile: 

It's been raining here today, makes a nice change from the heat. :post-4641-1156694572:

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8 hours ago, tebee said:


Brexit is a lie, even many Brexiters believe their own ideology in theory but not in detail. Brexit hasn’t unfolded as they expected, the whole thing stinks. This is true particularly of British politicians, civil servants, business leaders or even many Brexit-cheerleading journalists, they don't believe the official state ideology of Brexit. But to admit that lie publicly would be embarrassing and a loss of face, they just mouth the slogans.



When the final deal comes out and truth can’t be ignored any longer, they will blame others. They are immune to arguments and logic (as are many remainers); this is a new religion.





The Brexit process has been orchestrated by a remainer. And that is why it’s a shambles. If and just if, our independence from this so called Union,does go tits up. You remainers have provided us with a good excuse. We can always put the blame on the final agreement, enforced by the Bureaucrats in Brussels, on the  Support of some Remoaners.




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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:


The Brexit process has been orchestrated by a remainer. And that is why it’s a shambles. If and just if, our independence from this so called Union,does go tits up. You remainers have provided us with a good excuse. We can always put the blame on the final agreement, enforced by the Bureaucrats in Brussels, on the  Support of some Remoaners.




We all knew full well from the very early days of the Brexit debate that Brexiteers would find a way to blame Remain for whatever part of the process and outcome doesn't suit their taste precisely - if it rains on the last day that will also be the fault of Remain. Yet even if Brexit were to work out perfectly in every respect there will be no mention made of the leadership and their skills, the results will be entirely due to Brexiteers. It's just the way it is and we've always understood that.

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1 hour ago, talahtnut said:

Utter Nonsense.  [talahnuts revenge].

I think one thing is very clear. If you are less successful now you will be worse off after Brexit. Do none of you see why the Komodo Cons want Brexit? Job security? Working conditions? The environment? Animal welfare? Health and safety? Well, you guys voted for it. Of course it won't affect the more successful of us ?

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7 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

Probably something like, farang bah!


Or perhaps it will make them think twice about ASEAN, maybe they should have a referendum on that.......hmm, I wonder why they didn't have one initially, it couldn't be the decision was deemed too complex for the population to be able to vote on it effectively could it..

Yes it was decided by the the establishment, very similar to the transition from the EEC to the hated E.U.

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Just now, nontabury said:

Yes it was decided by the the establishment, very similar to the transition from the EEC to the hated E.U.

I wonder how well Thailand would fare if it pulled out and what the people would think - a rhetorical question of course.

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2 hours ago, aright said:

I would never accuse you of being pompous or arrogant. You are so like many of the ordinary council house blokes I know. Salt of the earth.:smile:

Can I ask which line(s) were fatuous and offended. Was it?


" A poll last week showed 68 per cent of Britons want the referendum’s outcome to be acted upon; the non-appearance of the economic catastrophe Remainers confidently predicted helps explain why."

I'll download it and mark it up In yellow highlighter.


I thought Heffer was unnecessarily rude about Lord Patton and to portray a still living former priminister in that way was frankly beneath The Telegraph which I used to take for the cryptic crossword. Even nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

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1 hour ago, simoh1490 said:

I wonder how well Thailand would fare if it pulled out and what the people would think - a rhetorical question of course.

The ASEAN is for peace an trade.  The EU is a states control authority.

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6 hours ago, aright said:

Of course she was half way over the cliff after the National election.....would only last 6 weeks some said and that was 10 months ago.....she has certainly proved a survivor. Outside Brexit I think she did an outstanding job getting support for retaliatory action against Russia as a result of Salisbury. It's too early to speculate about political outcomes  imo but Remainers have to have something to gristle  about don't they. Can't wait for the Mogg

The retaliatory response to the Russian attack is mandated. Nato nations do not have a choice in the matter.

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2 hours ago, nauseus said:

Peace and trade is fine. So is sensible cooperation in education, technology and other areas. But totalitarianism is not fine and this is why so many people want out.


Trying to compare the EU with ASEAN is a waste of time. Look at the ASEAN fundamental principles (below) - they are really fine and something along the lines what this European Club should have been based on from day one:


1 Mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and national identity of all nations;

2 The right of every State to lead its national existence free from external interference, subversion or coercion;

3 Non-interference in the internal affairs of one another;

4 Settlement of differences or disputes by peaceful manner;

5 Renunciation of the threat or use of force; and

6 Effective cooperation among themselves.


Luvverly jubberly! :smile:

The ASEAN principals were written with a specific purpose of allowing the elite in each ASAEN nation to have a free hand to do whatever they wish without outside interference. 


The people who suffer are the poor and powerless who cannot ask for anyone to defend or stand up for their rights. 


You mentioned 'Totalitarianism', well yes, plenty of that in ASEAN.

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4 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The retaliatory response to the Russian attack is mandated. Nato nations do not have a choice in the matter.

the EU does though.....and regardless of how "obligatory" it was, it drives home another point abut Brexit's failures as we see May going cap in hand and asking for support.

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