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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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5 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


No, did I say that, no, I did not. Why are you always suggesting that people have said or implied something that they categorically have not. I just did not understand how seeking asylum could be a temporary measure, and I was hoping that you might be able to inform me as to how that could be.

Then please explain it to me.



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18 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

So are you finally admitting a great education is not necessarily the be all and end all? :thumbsup:

I was discussing education not economics ?


I do maintain that a good education is a great boon


Boon is great word; just like wheelbarrow! 


Of course there other boons but let's not drift too far. Education is an attainable boon ?


Heres a list of his peers




Why did he not get further than Cardiff? He's also a Wykehamist so he's had every advantage.

Edited by Grouse
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12 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


They were not in the lend lease program but they were still supplied by the Americans, they built them Focke-Wulf's and helped perfect the V-bomb for them, for instance.


The American public may have not wanted anything to do with another war, but the American corps sure did.

Would like to see a source, and what exactly is the American corps?


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7 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I was discussing education not economics ?


I do maintain that a good education is a great boon


Boon is great word; just like wheelbarrow! 


Of course there other boons but let's not drift too far. Education is an attainable boon ?

I prayed for a great boon; a stutter is a terrible monkey to get off your back

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12 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


They were not in the lend lease program but they were still supplied by the Americans, they built them Focke-Wulf's and helped perfect the V-bomb for them, for instance.


The American public may have not wanted anything to do with another war, but the American corps sure did.

Is this part of Putin’s war on truth?

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19 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Yep, lots of different opinions. 

You asked for an example and I gave you one!


What I posted is not just any old differing opinion, it is a critique of exactly what you posted, have a read its funny.

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34 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I was discussing education not economics ?


I do maintain that a good education is a great boon


Boon is great word; just like wheelbarrow! 


Of course there other boons but let's not drift too far. Education is an attainable boon ?


Heres a list of his peers




Why did he not get further than Cardiff? He's also a Wykehamist so he's had every advantage.

How is ‘boon’ like ‘wheelbarrow’ ?

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15 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

Is this part of Putin’s war on truth?



The brothers Behn saw the growth potential of the phone in 1917 and through their little phone company began to buy and install telephones throughout Cuba and Puerto Rico. Late in 1917, Sosthenes enlisted in the U. S. Signal Corps (WW I) and rose to the rank of colonel. After the war, the Behn brothers decided to get serious about the phone business and in 1920 organized the International Telephone & Telegraph Corporation. They deliberately named their company IT&T to confuse investors (especially foreign) with AT&T. 

The brothers began to grow the international part of IT&T. They began the Compania Telefonica de Espania in Spain, purchased the International Western Electric Corp, Standard Telephones and Cables, and formed a holding company in Germany, Standard Elektrizitats Gesellschaft and tried to buy Ericsson. 

The German holding company got ITT involved with the Nazi Party through a banker, Kurt von Schroeder. Thus, a former U. S. Colonel became a part owner of the Focke-Wulf Company, which produced the planes that bombed American troops throughout WWII. There is strong evidence that IT&T managers ran a German spy network in South America. There is also strong evidence that after the war turned against Germany the IT&T spy network became a tool for Allen Dulles and the U. S. intelligence community. Thirty years after WWII, ITT gained $27 million in compensation from the American government for damage to its German factories. 


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42 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Then please explain it to me.



What would you like me to explain ??

Why you continually imply that posters have said something that they have not, or how someone can apply for permanent asylum on a temporary basis. I think you will have to explain those yourself

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50 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


What I posted is not just any old differing opinion, it is a critique of exactly what you posted, have a read its funny.

It's not funny.  It's opposing views. Those are allowed

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48 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

What would you like me to explain ??

Why you continually imply that posters have said something that they have not, or how someone can apply for permanent asylum on a temporary basis. I think you will have to explain those yourself

I think if an individual applies for asylum and is successful he stands a reasonable chance of obtaining the same stud for his immediate family. It would be inhumane to act otherwise

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20 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I think if an individual applies for asylum and is successful he stands a reasonable chance of obtaining the same stud for his immediate family. It would be inhumane to act otherwise

Ah, so nothing temporary about it whatsoever, as you had previously said;  you actually said:


“It seems a reasonable strategy to leave loved ones, the young and infirm temporarily while an asylum seeker goes ahead”


When in fact, the reasonable strategy, is to obtain asylum for an individual, in order to then gain the same status for the entire family of the individual, however many members that might entail …. I see

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19 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I think if an individual applies for asylum and is successful he stands a reasonable chance of obtaining the same stud for his immediate family. It would be inhumane to act otherwise

And if he fails, it is only he that has risked his life, that he has had to carry by the strength of his own arms; and he can go on seeking a future for them all.


I think a lot of the people that post on this forum are not family men

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7 minutes ago, billd766 said:


The main difference is that the Brits who come to Thailand are expected to adhere to the rules and have sufficient funds to support themselves and NOT be a burden to the Thai people.

I think this digression to refugees is a bit spurious.  After Brexit, the French will give them train tickets to Calais and a rowing Boat.


What we will lose, will be every plumber in The country, deported back to Poland or wherever.  Ok if you live in Thailand, unless you are rachmaning from a property empire back in The Old Country

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18 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

I think this digression to refugees is a bit spurious.  After Brexit, the French will give them train tickets to Calais and a rowing Boat.

What we will lose, will be every plumber in The country, deported back to Poland or wherever.  Ok if you live in Thailand, unless you are rachmaning from a property empire back in The Old Country

I am guessing you don't have a property empire and therefore in little need of a plumber.

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18 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

I am guessing you don't have a property empire and therefore in little need of a plumber.

On the contrary, I am a despicable slum landlord, and would be delighted to save a few quid with a tax-dodging Johnny Foreigner, but for some reason my agent insists on using VAT-registered contractors, so despite the shoddy state of the property, I'm still not coining a mint at the expense of the Glasgow proleterariat.



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5 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Absolutely, the photo paints a vivid picture, of fit healthy young men that have left their wives, daughters, mothers, sisters, nieces, aunties and grandmothers behind, to embrace their impending fate, while they flee to the utopia of Europe.


Most people seem to understand that there are two distinct groups of migrants, but a handful of remainers seem incapable of the distinction between the two, and for emotional effect and moral superiority, claim that they are all refugees.


P.S. The guys on the boat don't look like Syrians, Lybian's or Iraqis, so does anyone know which war there are fleeing from 

QUOTE: P.S. The guys on the boat don't look like Syrians, Lybian's or Iraqis, so does anyone know which war there are fleeing from 


Honestly I don't know. These people all look the same, don't they? (warning: sarcasm, have you googled that concept yet?).

They could be fleeing from the war in Congo, in Soedan, the Central African Republic, Boka Haram in Nigeria, Somalia, or where ever.






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13 hours ago, HAKAPALITA said:

That will get your Snowflakes to melting point. the truth allways does for some reason.

For Thai (girls) overstaying in the UK marrying an EU citizen was the get out of jail card - no income requirements from the spouse either - have been to a lot of weddings and met a lot of Thai / Polish , Hungarian /Czech couples - and great couples they are too - both hard working , family orientated  - the guys are generally young and good looking , speak good English and are committed to making a successful prosperous marriage on equal terms.  Makes a change from some of the alcoholic , ageing sleazebags which were their only options for staying before. I'll chalk that up as to one of the unremarked advantages of being/staying in the EU.

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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The cynical genius of the Leave campaign was to make a wide variety of promises, like a restaurant with a magical menu that shows everyone all their favourite dishes and a big sign saying ‘free food’

Other expectant diners are pouring through the doors too, drawn in by other dishes from the magical menu and the promise of free food .All of them know what they want and the fact that their neighbour wants something else is irrelevant. They don’t care if their dish and your dish cannot be made at the same time. (They also aren’t concerned that almost half the potential customers are giving the place a wide berth. A big sign saying ‘free food’ is usually a scam.)

So it’s largely NOT true to say to an individual Leaver ‘you didn’t know what you voted for.’ They did. The magical menu was ingenious. Everyone could pick as many things as they wanted from the list. The problem is that now the kitchen needs to start making the dishes. They have a new menu with a much shorter list of options. None of them match what was on the magical menu. The new menu includes prices. The restaurant closes shortly. And the staff can’t even agree among themselves how to make the few dishes on the new menu.

Some diners realise it’s a con, get up and go. But most don’t. They demand whatever they saw on the magical menu in the first place. And they still want it for free. So here’s the challenge for Remainers – everyone who voted Leave knew what they were voting for. Somewhere on the magical menu they saw exactly what they wanted. We have to acknowledge and understand that.

And here’s the challenge for Leavers – if you cannot agree with the people around you what everyone wants, in a realistic and affordable way, how do you expect it to happen? It is no longer possible for all of you to be satisfied. Indeed, if you want to be angry with anyone it should be with the people who drew up the magical menu in the first place. They knew it was a scam. They still know.

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11 hours ago, billd766 said:


The main difference is that the Brits who come to Thailand are expected to adhere to the rules and have sufficient funds to support themselves and NOT be a burden to the Thai people.

Bad as things have become in the U.K., I don't think Brits coming to Thailand are asylum seekers! Maybe involuntary celebate but that doesn't count ?

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