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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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19 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Unfortunately white British men also commit these crimes, yet if you care to look at the percentages, you will find the Muslim men lead the way. And let’s not omit the fact that the Muslim paedophiles specifically targeted White vulnerable young girls. They were of course helped,some would say encouraged by the liberals in our society, who were prepared to turn a blind eye ( in the case of Rotherham,for many years) in the name of political correctness. 


Just now, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Well thanks very much for the apologist’s spin. 84% of the huge number of grooming gang rapes and abuses of young white girls (a targeted group) were by Asian (mostly Pakistani men) ….. the Pakistani population of the UK is about 1.7% which includes women and children. Do the maths, face the reality, and whatever your views on Brexit, please stop defending these barbarians and their third world culture of misogyny and rape.


Yes, grooming gangs is their thing, and it has been a shocking discovery for all of us.  However 90% of people on the sex offenders register in the UK for crimes against children are actually white British men, just because Asians have groomed the most children in gangs doesn't mean they have groomed the most children in total.  And is there any particular reason why we are making a distinction between street grooming gangs and the organised abuse of children in care?  They seem similar cases to me.

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6 hours ago, The Renegade said:



Full attack & insult mode has been launched. Only has one meaning, even their safe spaces are not enough to keep them safe from the disaster area the EU is fast becoming.

I should also have added the strawmen posts, meant to deflect from the topic.


Why does this happen ? They have nothing to say of any substance regarding the topic.

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3 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

I should also have added the strawmen posts, meant to deflect from the topic.


Why does this happen ? They have nothing to say of any substance regarding the topic.


Because they listened to the campaign material and that turned to serve best in the creation of strawman arguments, it has all been quite predictable.

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“Let’s imagine what else this money could buy:…

hundreds of new schools,

 pioneering health and scientific research,

...a small fraction of the money that the EU takes from us each year could be used to give junior doctors the pay settlement they are looking for,

...we would be able to spend our money on priorities here in the UK like abolishing prescription charges,

, state of the art hospitals,

The UK government will continue to give farmers and the environment as much support - or perhaps even more - as they get now.

we could build new roads

improve the railways

expand regional airports,

we will be able to end unfair state aid rules, and support struggling industries like Steel,

It could pay for fourteen Astute Class Submarines,

You can set up a British DARPA,

think about this:…lower taxes , abolish the 5% rate of VAT on household energy bills, give everyone a 60 per cent council tax cut!"


A selection from the Vote Leave, 'Pretend there's some money, they're poor they'll like that idea', series.

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2 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

Some people are sceptical whether the 60s ever happened.  I very much doubt England ever won the World Cup.


Tis is true I tell 'ee.


I watched it on the telly at my mates house in 1966.


The 1960s certainly did happen. I know cos I was there.

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5 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Rotherham, Peterborough, Newcastle, Rochdale, Oxford and Telford ……..

personally, I put these appalling problems way before any economic benefits that male Pakistani immigrants have brought to the UK

When I lived in Peterborough early 70s the immigrants? were mostly from Italy I worked with their kids in catering,My Catholic secondary modern school in Chatham 1961-1966 was populated by kids of war refugees and lots of Irish, English kids and teachers were in a minority,The UK has always been able to take them in and absorb them.Though it does seem Islam is a problem maybe we should stop bombing them and live and let live.I guess some of us will have to take to the streets when the Blackshirts rear their ugly heads.See you on the barricades,what side of them will you be on.

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3 minutes ago, billd766 said:



2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Did you know that there were a people called the Romans who brought us many things, no of course you didn't, they were before your time, right?  Ever heard of books?


Do please tell all in your great wisdom how many printed books the romans brought over?


If the books were in Latin what use were they to the population of England?



The book I referred to was, like the books you may read about the Romans, written after the period in question, it was my assumption that no one questions that there were Romans, they take the history books word for it, but with landlords not taking in Irish not only are the history books not enough, but neither are the living witnesses accounts, it was in the 60's, we know it happened.

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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


A selection from the Vote Leave, 'Pretend there's some money, they're poor they'll like that idea', series.

I could be the catalyst that sparks a revolution...

Words don’t come easy, but they do come cheap.

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13 minutes ago, billd766 said:


Tis is true I tell 'ee.


I watched it on the telly at my mates house in 1966.


The 1960s certainly did happen. I know cos I was there.

That’s just a drug-addled fantasy.  Wembley ‘66, the moon landings, cruel hoaxes perpetrated on the working man to drive him into debt and tax slavery, in thrall to foreign powers.

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Try Larchgrove if you think it wasn't going on in Glasgow before immigration, it was being done by white Scottish men, trafficking children all over the country for the sexual pleasure of other white British men, its not related to immigration, all races and all nationalities have this perversion present in their communities.
I remember larchgrove being a young offenders remand centre.
I do not recall anything bei g in the papers re child prostitution..trafficking.
I did read however the blair miranda..now that is something else.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, The Renegade said:

George Soros, the man currently backing and financing another attempt at keeping the UK in the EU, now has this to say.




And yet he wants to keep the UK shackled to the EU.


A bit like remainers on here, cannot see, or choose to ignore the gathering storm clouds.

Quite the reverse


He is advocating change or at least adaption. I agree.

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1 hour ago, billd766 said:



2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Did you know that there were a people called the Romans who brought us many things, no of course you didn't, they were before your time, right?  Ever heard of books?


Do please tell all in your great wisdom how many printed books the romans brought over?


If the books were in Latin what use were they to the population of England?


Roman books? What do they teach these days?

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1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

I remember larchgrove being a young offenders remand centre.
I do not recall anything bei g in the papers re child prostitution..trafficking.
I did read however the blair miranda..now that is something else.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Peter Righton, a convicted nonse and also one of the founding members of PIE who are linked to all sorts of child sex offences, headed the investigation following allegations of child abuse at Larchgrove back in 1973, he found nothing to his disliking, but a few years ago they reopened the investigation.

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5 minutes ago, billd766 said:


Not so. I was an airman of the Queen at the time and the truth be known the only drugs I took at the time came in pint mugs of Tolly Cobbold, Lakens Old Heavy, Watneys draft Red Barrel and Commanderia St John sherry in gallon jugs when I got the chance in Libya, flown in from Cyprus.


I do believe in debt as we got paid every fortnight and used to be almost out of money by day 12, which I why I drank Watneys Red Barrel but tax slavery never reared its ugly face.

Tax slavery has a pretty painted face of welfare and national pride and independence and support for our industries.

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35 minutes ago, tebee said:

Sometimes, when I'm talking about Brexit with leavers , I'm reminded of this



Nobody can know how this is going to turn out or even if it's going to happen or on what basis leave will be ( TM has noticeably stopped saying brexit means brexit and instead 'we will leave' but the terms are still nebulous ). I feel that to leave is unfortunate but paths have two directions of travel.  

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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

I feel that to leave is unfortunate but paths have two directions of travel.

That's just an individuals view to think it's unfortunate.

Italy is in the frame at the mo and some say it could be the beginning of the end of the EU club.

Also some so called experts are still convinced the Euro was a mistake.

I think it's not two paths it's more like EU & UK are on a roundabout.? 

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