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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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1 hour ago, sandyf said:

It has already been stated that the AI solution is not a viable option.


You can put your head in the sand or inside your computer as much as you like but the question of origin is not going to go away. If you choose to remove the common origin then you must accept responsibility for proving origin, something that seems difficult for those that have chosen to leave to comprehend.


Not only will the old hurdles to exporting reappear but new ones are being introduced.


The EC has advised manufacturers they should examine the “legal repercussions” and either get their future CE certification through an EU member state or transfer existing files to an EU-notified body, which could take between two and six months.



With the ICO being excluded from participating in GDPR’s one-stop shop mechanism, it also means UK businesses will have to choose an alternative data protection agency within the EU to act as their lead regulator after Brexit — putting yet another burden on startups as they will need to build new relationships with a regulator in the EU.


Well the last I heard the UK is importing and exporting with the whole world. All parties do their stuff to deal with it..Well don't they...?

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58 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Spacious arguments ??


I think the word you were looking for was spurious.


Easy mistake to make for a non native English speaker, or those that have a low level of education, but claim to be highly intelligent remainers.


This thread really hits home the major failings of the Demographic models that appeared straight after the Brexit Referendum.

Do stop the spelling police stuff. It's boring and frequently results from auto-complete.


I find many of your arguements specious.

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37 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

No insult attempted or implied. I was merely trying to assist you in getting to grips with the English Language.


Spacious - Spurious, easy mistake to make.


I do not need to play the man. You are more than capable of doing that to yourself.

Another specious comment

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37 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

French populist government surges to the right ????


The populist French government of President Macron and his En Marche party are accused of surging to the right, something that is now happening throughout the EU


Quote from the Times


**** President Macron has betrayed his pledge to occupy the centre ground of French politics by adopting right-wing Anglo-Saxon-style policies, according to three of his prominent backers.


Jean Pisani-Ferry, Philippe Aghion and Philippe Martin, the economists who helped to write his campaign manifesto, claim that he has abandoned his promise to implement inclusive Scandinavian-style measures and is instead drawing inspiration from countries such as the UK and America.


Their criticism of the French leader, in a document leaked to the French press, underlines mounting discontent among Mr Macron’s left-leaning supporters about his political positions ****


This should come as no surprise to anyone, Macron was elected on the basis of being all things to all men (and women) That's not a pretence that one can keep up for very long, and he's been well and truly rumbled. He will now retreat to a small bistro, while his country remains in chaos. Invaded by north Africa, held to ransom by the unions and farmers, and told what to do by the Germans. Oh, la la, vive la belle EU



En Marche was always the anti populist, popular party


Criticised by right and left equally, Macron's centrist credentials are intact.




Edited by Grouse
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2 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

This is truly arrogant even by your standards; you think you have the right to tell others how to construct their comments, really ?


You are continually rude, unpleasant and insulting to others, usually in an extremely sly and devious manner; you bait people to try and provoke a response that you can then threaten to report to the moderators, or actually carry out the threat.


You need to take a long hard look at your own behaviour on this forum before you start criticising others, old chap

I have every right to object to Renegade's tone.


I would also appreciate it if you stopped flaming me.

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2 hours ago, The Renegade said:

I refer you to the Irish Times.




Not one word on a second referendum.


I quote


How sad that you do not know the difference between a Referendum and a Parliamentary vote. But hey, that is the so called highly educated remainers for you.


Did you even think to read his resignation letter that I referenced?  


He said, "When the Government is able to set out an achievable, clearly defined path – one that has been properly considered, whose implications have been foreseen, and that is rooted in reality and evidence, not dreams and dogma – it should go to the people, once again, to seek their confirmation,"


You are rapidly turning into a bad joke, engage your brain and try to engage with the comments you are replying to.


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13 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

This is truly arrogant even by your standards; you think you have the right to tell others how to construct their comments, really ?


You are continually rude, unpleasant and insulting to others, usually in an extremely sly and devious manner; you bait people to try and provoke a response that you can then threaten to report to the moderators, or actually carry out the threat.


You need to take a long hard look at your own behaviour on this forum before you start criticising others, old chap


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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Transam, I hate to break this to you, but Thailand’s immigration laws and policies have absolutely no bearing on those of the UK.


Do endeavour to grasp that reality and you’ll be able avoid making spacious arguments based on your current misunderstanding.





52 minutes ago, transam said:

I was trying to clear something up, sorry if that offended you. You just crack on....:stoner:

I think it was 7by7 (?) who started trying to compare those of us who have moved to Thailand to uk immigrants?

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How is that one panning out for you?  Still feeling higher educated than the remainer you attempted to disparage?  I am not sure how many times I have to do this to you before you realise that you haven't a clue but I don't mind, I have the time and I will continue to throw back every insult you dish out straight back in your face.  In case you still don't understand, allowing the people to decide does not mean a parliamentary vote, it means a referendum.

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Just now, dick dasterdly said:


I think it was 7by7 (?) who started trying to compare those of us who have moved to Thailand to uk immigrants?

Yes, he said I/we are immigrants in LOS yet my PP says I am a non-immigrant...7by7 has a huge arsenal of links to his "stuff" yet cannot answer my simple question...But just for him I found a link to add to his arsenal to help him out....





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8 minutes ago, transam said:

Yes, he said I/we are immigrants in LOS yet my PP says I am a non-immigrant...7by7 has a huge arsenal of links to his "stuff" yet cannot answer my simple question...But just for him I found a link to add to his arsenal to help him out....






Are you seriously trying to use this definition, which states nonimmigrants are those who travel to a country temporarily for travel, work or study, as evidence that those who have chosen to live in Thailand long term on non immigrant visas are not immigrants?  Hilarious, just how far do you want to take this bad joke?

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Just now, Kieran00001 said:


Are you seriously trying to use this definition, which states nonimmigrants are those who travel to a country temporarily for travel, work or study, as evidence that those who have chosen to live in Thailand long term on non immigrant visas are not immigrants?  Hilarious, just how far do you want to take this bad joke?

Are you saying the ENGLISH dictionary meaning is wrong, and the Thai English meaning is wrong...?

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1 minute ago, transam said:

I don't take any "real" notice of someone who says folk should not have car insurance if they don't want to buy it...You....


I have never said that, and who would take notice of someone who can't even understand that basic English in the quote that they reference?  I am sure you are quite embarrassed by all your blunders, but no need to take it out on others, suffer alone, it is your doing.

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1 minute ago, Kieran00001 said:


I have never said that, and who would take notice of someone who can't even understand that basic English in the quote that they reference?  I am sure you are quite embarrassed by all your blunders, but no need to take it out on others, suffer alone, it is your doing.

Again your reply shows you are running out of back feet....

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Just now, Kieran00001 said:


No, I am saying the English dictionary definition undermines your own argument.  Jesus, its like arguing with a 7 year old.  Wake up man, or are you senile?

At least my car is insured...5170.gif.c5f95e14ac25a0da6c8bdeb88985ca38.gif

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11 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

When Attack, Attack, Attack is the daily mantra, it becomes the norm and somehow morphs into acceptable behaviour.

To be honest Ren, I don't see many personal attacks on TVForum. We are just chatting through our avatars and having a bit of fun. Sometimes learning sometimes about the subject in hand and human nature.


Long may it continue.


Brightens up my day anyway.


Carry on the good work; I say!

Edited by owl sees all
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