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7 French people arrested over kidnapping of a French woman


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6 hours ago, Abmong said:

That's how democracies work. Citizens elects the government to make laws on their behalf. A direct referenda system doesn't really work. Look at the UK Brexit vote, public votes on complicated issues never yeilds clear majorities. Brexit has a weak mandate at best with only 53.4% in favour. Hence they're still squabbling over it and talks of possible 2nd vote... The country's more divided than ever. Plus if citizens are required to vote every time a law needs to be passed people will soon get sick of voting. The government usually sets the policy based on what the majority wants. If France didn't want those immigrants then they could have voted for Marine Le Pen, but they didn't.

Democracy and referendums seem to work quite well in Switzerland (imho)

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6 hours ago, Abmong said:

 If France didn't want those immigrants then they could have voted for Marine Le Pen, but they didn't.

Immigration is not the only thing to consider when choosing a president, and Le Pen showed she is stupid and unable to run a country

economics are also an other side to consider and her program was totally nut and irrealist

her defeat was the best thing to happen

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14 hours ago, 4737 Carlin said:

I agree that colonialism and slavery were wrong - but they were done by other people hundreds of years ago. Another ploy of the dogmatic leftist is to make whites feel guilty for things they had nothing to do with.

Hundreds of years ago ?  You better go back to school as you missed many lessons in history.

Until this very day Germans are still called Nazis, although hardly any of the real Nazis are still alive. Children and grandchildren of their victims are still suffering. History doesn't end at a certain day, it is continuous. It's not my intention to make anybody feel guilty, but it is a fact, that without colonialism, there wouldn't be so many Indians and Pakistanis in England, not so many North Africans in France, Indonesians in the Netherlands, etc.... Descendants of slaves are still alive. Not ?  How about the Afro-Americans or Afro-descendants in Brasil and the Caribean. Historic events are always reaching very far into the future. Think of the Roman Empire, the Mongolian invasion, 30-year war, WW1 and WW2. And by the way, France is still holding a few of its colonies and slavery is still very much present in todays world.

Regards from your "dogmatic leftist".

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13 hours ago, gamesgplayemail said:

I hope that they all like Pad krapao Moo ! Or maybe Kao Moo Daing ?


And I really hope that only pork is served in their prison !




The risk if kept in jail in France is that they might "radicalize" in addition to their criminal activities... 


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Fun, they were known to the police for drugs and other incivilities and, with impunity, they cross the borders.
They all came from the Upper Seine and had rented a city, with the woman and her boyfriend.
They are not Frenchmen of origin; they only have the nationality.
Must stop mixing everything.
It must be said that the successive French governments are increasingly fizzy and they distribute diplomas and medals, as long as they have them in their drawers.
Good week-end

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19 minutes ago, sirocco said:

Fun, they were known to the police for drugs and other incivilities and, with impunity, they cross the borders.
They all came from the Upper Seine and had rented a city, with the woman and her boyfriend.
They are not Frenchmen of origin; they only have the nationality.
Must stop mixing everything.
It must be said that the successive French governments are increasingly fizzy and they distribute diplomas and medals, as long as they have them in their drawers.
Good week-end

I thought all had been said after 9 pages of lively discussion, but brilliant, insightful posts like this keep drawing me back to the thread. 

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On 3/8/2018 at 9:48 AM, smotherb said:

It is really amazing how some people just cannot understand the potential multi-nationalism of a country's citizens. If you hold a passport, you are a citizen. Even Napoleon was of Corsican ancestry and Elizabeth is of German ancestry; give it a beak.

Spot on, our little girl who was born in Thailand holds passports from Thailand, Australia and the UK each one states she is a citizen of that country even though she has never been out of Thailand 

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On 3/8/2018 at 9:45 AM, joecoolfrog said:

Are the ones who seem to be of West African origin , lesser dip shits because they are nominally Christian ?

Ok, Christian dipshits then. Whatever, I consider all Religious people complete idiots.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/7/2018 at 8:14 AM, Rc2702 said:

Sounds like a scene from the film: a prophet 



Excellent film.


(I've been watching all the films of Jacques Audiard I can find after seeing this and "The Beat That My Heart Skipped").



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They are originally from Morocco but they are french.

Cannot say that Will Smith is from China and Nigeria ,-), he is an american citizen. 

They was born, raised and live in France, their parents are probably also from France and Grand Parents from Morocco so can’t say they are foreigners.

They a re French people with french mentality but they are bandits, savages, horrible people like there are in many countries... 

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On 3/31/2018 at 7:15 PM, sirocco said:

They are not French. They only have nationality.
Their root, their origin are not French.

the French mentality? You laugh.
7 to 8 kids, veiled women, submitted and supervised by all the men of the family.
This is not the French mentality, it is the Arab mind.

not Arab but Bedouins

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Hello, DieterWiehe, 


Bedouins? Yes, we can say that.
They travel from building to building, from cellars to cellars, live with recels, expedients, peace pipe and as a means of transport, they have abandoned camels for big cars.

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