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Senior education official confesses to stealing Bt88m from funds for at-risk children


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12 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I'm not surprised at an official stealing money, as it seems they nearly all do it to some degree. However the magnitude of this theft plus that it went on for 10 years is somewhat staggering. Has this country ever heard of auditing?

yes of course, the auditor gets 20%

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Too bad the current government had not focused on corruption from the start of their coup.  Audits across the board for all ministries, with the PM holding the flag high (claiming a graft free Thai government).....555


Keep in mind, the BIB are not the only people that have to buy their "promotions" and positions in this country...

Edited by CanuckThai
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12 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

At least this is being reported. 


In English too.

Not that it has anything to do with "us" and how / what we think about it doesn't count for a rat's arse.

But it does highlight what "we" already suspect as the norm in LOS.

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This is posted in the "News" section?

The OED defines news as:


"information not previously known to someone"


"newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events."


I suspect many, many people were aware of this a long long time ago.

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13 hours ago, Cadbury said:

The answer to your last question is obviously NO. I suspect that even if there were auditors they would be as crooked as the rorters themselves and if they found anything irregular they would want to be in on it as well. Such is the Thai civil service.

Pity some civil servants are are not as efficient at doing their jobs as they are at scamming public funds. I speak generally of some senior personal who seem to have the greater opportunity to defraud. I know there are some bad eggs but I am sure there a lot of good people in the service.

yet i see cashiers in bars etc. filling in ledgers everywhere i go - so at least the the idea is there. always made me smile when i first used to see it, 

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11 hours ago, KittenKong said:

"Has this country ever heard of auditing? "

In my experience with condo management, there is no proper control or monitoring of accounts, and audits are best described as a complete joke. I dont see why it should be any different in government departments. The word "management" does not appear to translate into Thai at all, and there is certainly no work ethic here that would make people inclined to check things just for the pleasure of being sure that they are correct. Laziness and faith in karma rule the day.

We were asked to contribute 600 for a school buffet. 46 parents together paid 27600. 

Another group wanted a video, so they organised payment from parents that wanted a video, with quite a few not wanting a video. There was only 16,100 needed for the food. 

So they took the remainder of the 27600 food money and used it to pay for the video that the video group wanted. 

They don't understand why I have a problem with that. 



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Public hangings for corrupt public officials.


Artificial intelligence will solve these issues, but it's a decade away. Thai government may not adopt, put the entire nation of govt fraudsters and thieves at risk.


auditing software /AI

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3 minutes ago, Number 6 said:

Public hangings for corrupt public officials.


Artificial intelligence will solve these issues, but it's a decade away. Thai government may not adopt, put the entire nation of govt fraudsters and thieves at risk.


auditing software /AI

Most of the intelligence in Thailand is artificial.

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18 hours ago, mikebell said:

Is there any branch of Thai society that is immune from such corruption?  Chinese justice would kill and cure this greed.


Kill, yes. Cure ? In your dreams.


Corruption in China is thriving. It's a giant country with a giant corruption problem, the source of which is deeply ingrained in the DNA of the people, who see nepotism, embezzling etc. as perfectly normal. The communists didn't change that. Thailand has exactly the same approach for the simple reason that Thailand's people stem from the same culture.


In China (and Vietnam), every now and then some big shot is publicly executed for corruption. It's all for show, and totally useless - if a tree is infested all over by some vicious mushroom, cutting off one branch won't solve the problem.

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What they crooks) do is more then depriving the poor from their rights, they create poverty on poverty and eventually influence the political process, as whatever measures a govt puts in place to help the poor, the red tape trail is full of crooks looking for a hustlers pick, while the poor blame the government again!

It;s an uphill battle which can never be won, except when eradicating (read dismiss!!) the rotten apples from the state baskets

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9 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Strange that the least corrupt countries are Northern European protestant countries.

Mercantalism-which morphed into capitalism-required certain levels of probity so that it could be "understood" by both parties in the transaction.


That is not to say that it did not proceed by fits and starts..


The Dutch (with the assistance of the Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal) started it and it was picked up on by the English republic of Cromwell.


And,yes,it was Protestant and both countries were republics.The cities of the Hanseatic league which also participated in this process were mini republics in their own right.

Edited by Odysseus123
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On 3/10/2018 at 7:36 AM, Cadbury said:

The answer to your last question is obviously NO.

The question: "Has this country ever heard of auditing?"

Unfortunately, the answer is Yes.


Auditing is embedded in the Constitutions as either an Independent Organization or as a Constitutional Organization (2007 vs 2017) and called the State Audit Commission - first established in 1979. Members and Auditor-General are appointed by the King from persons with expertise and experience in state audit, accounting, internal audit, finance and other fields.

Under the 2017 Constitution, Article 238, Part 5 the SAC shall:

  • set State audit policy; 
  • prescribe standard rules relating to State audit; 
  • oversee the State audit compliance with (1) and (2) and the law on financial and fiscal discipline of the State; 
  • render advice, suggestion or recommendation on the spending of State funds to be in accordance with the law on financial and fiscal discipline of the State, including suggestion to the State agencies to correct defects in the spending of State funds; 
  • order an administrative penalty in the case of a violation of the law on financial and fiscal discipline of the State.


'The new organic law on the role and responsibilities of the auditor general would see the office acquiring new authority in preventing excessive government spending and populist policies" - CDC Chairman Meechai, May 2017.



Yet, it hasn't been the SAC that has detected corruption in some of the recently publicized cases of alleged extreme corruption of government funds by government leadership/employees. Rather, it seems to have been largely whistleblowers risking their future to complain about agency corruption. Accusers face government and personal defamation lawsuits involving fines, compensation and possible jail sentences, and/or possible job retaliation.


Maybe this third iteration of a 'new & improved" SAC hasn't had time to adjust to its increased role. Or maybe that would have been like 'biting the hand that feeds you.'

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It's live and let live at corruption central. If it was only the Thaksins , Sutheps, and Leek Pais of this world who were crooked they would be stopped. But because they are allowing officials to get away with corruption they dont complain about those higher up. That a minor official plays her part in swindling a paltry 3 million dollars is 100% the fault of successive government or rulers of Thailand. $88 million is chicken feed compared to what the ruling classes take. Is it possible to find a few thousand good people to run this land?

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Yeah, can't you just picture this self entitled thief, in her gold, Mercedes Benz acting like her shit don't stink when she's just a low class thief stealing from not only children but poor children at that.


Hang her high with her children present.

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12 hours ago, Number 6 said:

Yeah, can't you just picture this self entitled thief, in her gold, Mercedes Benz acting like her shit don't stink when she's just a low class thief stealing from not only children but poor children at that.


Hang her high with her children present.

Where there is no will there is no way. The elite/powerful must be "protected", That is the way of a feudal society.


Edited by lvr181
Grammar correction
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