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The silence of the lamb(s).


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2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

My wife (40, well educated teacher) got moody with me for a few days as I asked her to put the baby to bed at 11.30 pm as I wanted to see something on the TV before bed !


But she usually comes round a day or so later.


Sometimes I wonder if they are like this rather than confront the issues as they still worry about their ex clocking them one before and fear the same.




My wife is also a well educated teacher, Master's Degree in Education with teaching experience outside of Thailand.


But the sulks and silence occur. Usually when she can't automatically get their own way and react to the word "no" regardless of the logic or reasons why; or when they are losing a debate / discussion on something and want a way out, so change the subject completely before going into strop mode and hoping the original topic is then forgotten.


It seems a cultural phenomenon, lack of emotional maturity, and the believe that farang husband's will be "super heroes" providing all they want, look after them, and treat them like little princesses. Not really real life, but they don't do reality well.


Mrs. BB didn't have an ex, I am her only husband. But like all Thais, arguments can turn very emotional, very violent, as in smashing something in temper, and if progressed violent as in blows, I would guess. I don't let things develop that far. I simply walk away, accept the silence but return it. She has to start speaking again first.


One thing I've noticed is these little bouts get worse at a certain time of the month!

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My wife could always push my buttons and we had some right barneys, but when we went to bed it was inevitable that she came out with "let's start again", and I'd go along with that. I never had a time when she wouldn't speak to me for days, at least till the end when I banished her to the spare room to sleep because she had become so abusive.

During the day, at the end, she never opened her mouth but to utter abuse.


Through the last couple of years, I knew it was getting worse, but hoped it would improve when I moved permanently to LOS and we could spend more time together. Sadly, that wasn't to be.


What was apparent to me, even in my wishful delusion, was that every time she started a dispute I loved her just a little bit less, and in the end, there was nothing to want to be with her for, so divorce was a relief, as it stopped the abuse.

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Get a different wife/gf?

Silent treatment is a form of emotional abuse (for most anyway). It denies your existence.

Have a chat with her when she is not angry and set some ground rules: if she wants or needs to go silent for a little bit, she needs to tell you "I am angry right now, I need to take some time off to cool down" (agree on how long a cool off is okay)

Maybe I am lucky. My wife doesn't pull this sort of stuff

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2 hours ago, connda said:

My wife doesn't do the silent treatment.  To her credit, that is one area where she has become Westernized.  Arguments are normally short blowups, mutual silence for a short period of time, and either we both drop it, or we talk it out. 

Mine refused to discuss a problem, for our entire marriage. I still have no clue as to the problems we had, though I'm figuring the family come high on the list.

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27 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


No - she'll be calling the police and having you taken away!

Why did the women have two black eyes?  Sometimes they need telling twice.


Silence is golden, much prefer this to the nagging bitch from Westistan

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1 minute ago, Cranky said:

Why did the women have two black eyes?  Sometimes they need telling twice.


Silence is golden, much prefer this to the nagging bitch from Westistan


Silence is certainly better than the constant nagging on and on that some Western ladies indulge in.


But assault a Thai and it won't end well. Either she'll do you when your're asleep or not alert, one of her relations will, or the police will remove you because she's complained to them. 

Assaulting someone in the West might not work out well either although in the UK for one police don't like getting involved in domestics as many women withdraw their initial complaints. 


If you give your Thai mrs. one or two black eyes, expect the ducks to be given a tasty treat in the near future!!

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2 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

Get a different wife/gf?

Silent treatment is a form of emotional abuse (for most anyway). It denies your existence.

Have a chat with her when she is not angry and set some ground rules: if she wants or needs to go silent for a little bit, she needs to tell you "I am angry right now, I need to take some time off to cool down" (agree on how long a cool off is okay)

Maybe I am lucky. My wife doesn't pull this sort of stuff

LOL. I tried all that with mine and it made no difference at all.

Once she got mad about something, all the rationality went out the window.


A lot of our arguments revolved around me not giving to her family, even though I told her before we got married I wouldn't. I guess she thought being legal would make me hand over the readies, and when it didn't she got mad.

Also her nephew moving in whenever he wanted to, and family always came before me.

She didn't want me to go out without her at any time, or do anything. I had to refuse getting internet in the house just to have an excuse to go out. That caused a few disputes.

The biggest dispute though, was me not liking where we were, to which I had to respond that we only left Pattaya, where I was happy, because she insisted on us moving to the village as soon as we had the piece of paper signed.


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4 hours ago, jobwolf said:

Hide your money and go out and don't come back for 3 days. Then everything will be resolved within minutes, one way or another.


The truck, or my bike and a few TVs might be gone too!

And if I went out for 3 days I would be taking my money with me! :smile:

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3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

My wife (40, well educated teacher) got moody with me for a few days as I asked her to put the baby to bed at 11.30 pm as I wanted to see something on the TV before bed !


But she usually comes round a day or so later.


Sometimes I wonder if they are like this rather than confront the issues as they still worry about their ex clocking them one before and fear the same.



Just out of curiosity , if you are married to a lady and evening willing to have a family and raise kids together, shouldnt it be logical that you  have a heart to heart conversation to iron out differences and to understand some of their cultural background? Marriage baffles me most of the time. Beer preferred.

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Just now, NewbieMe2018 said:

Just out of curiosity , if you are married to a lady and evening willing to have a family and raise kids together, shouldnt it be logical that you  have a heart to heart conversation to iron out differences and to understand some of their cultural background? Marriage baffles me most of the time. Beer preferred.

That only works if they are prepared to talk about differences. Mine wasn't. I thought we did, but she lied.

I should have drunk more beer instead of getting married. I'd have been happier.

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Just now, possum1931 said:

You must either have a condo or rent your house.

condo.....her face when she was out the front door.....and then started she decided to break silence.....i shut the door....lol....my phone was ringing off the hook....i finally returned her calls two days later....never got the silent treatment again,,, 

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That only works if they are prepared to talk about differences. Mine wasn't. I thought we did, but she lied.

I should have drunk more beer instead of getting married. I'd have been happier.

Dude, you never know. Since you are already married, try to focus on her positive traits. Sometimes humans tend to get bored/dissatisfied with life after some enjoyment of comfort. Im sure there must be something good abt her. My prev comment was just ranting. Just ask some unmarried old men and they would be entirely envious of you and your family.

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1 minute ago, NewbieMe2018 said:

Dude, you never know. Since you are already married, try to focus on her positive traits. Sometimes humans tend to get bored/dissatisfied with life after some enjoyment of comfort. Im sure there must be something good abt her. My prev comment was just ranting. Just ask some unmarried old men and they would be entirely envious of you and your family.

I'm divorced. No one would be envious of our last 2 years.

She was lovely at the start though. At the end she had no positive traits, unless abuse became one.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm divorced. No one would be envious of our last 2 years.

She was lovely at the start though. At the end she had no positive traits, unless abuse became one.

Im sorry to reind of of those unhappiness. Life has so much more to offer whether we are in a relationship!

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5 minutes ago, NewbieMe2018 said:

Im sorry to reind of of those unhappiness. Life has so much more to offer whether we are in a relationship!

I would change that to "Life SHOULD have so much more to offer when we are in a relationship".

Unfortunately I've been unlucky twice and not going for number 3, but I wouldn't know that i'm better off without a relationship if I hadn't been in one.


Without a daily dose of abuse, life is good now.


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5 hours ago, aussieinphuket said:

Be Happy - slience is golden .....


remember the old saying...


"when a thai woman is talking to you she is lying"....


"when a thai woman is not talking and silent she is thinking of the next lie to tell you" ........

How can you tell when a Thai Woman is Lying ? Answer :   When you see her Lips moving.

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Deeply embedded culture of not saying something you will regret later - but in our household the silent treatment only lasts until she feels hungry again and suggests we go out to eat - which is about 20 minutes max.


I'm astonished by how much she can eat - and still stay in shape.


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