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SURVEY: Time to start culling stray animals?


SURVEY: Time to start culling stray animals?  

225 members have voted

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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

I did not vote since the acceptable option was not listed:


"rounded up, vaccinated and neutered, then released"

Sounds good in theory but the elephant in the room is the question that has been avoided..... Who pays? 

Maybe a tax on registered dog lovers? Rabies tax on tourists at the airport?  10% non refundable (donation) increase on retirement/marriage deposits.?... Only 80000 per retiree it 40000per marriage extension. 


It seems only the farang  are vocal on this subject.  I know in my Isaan village if there is a troublesome dog it does tend to disappear.... usually poisoned and on some rare occasions shot on the spot if a kid has been bitten. 


It will,  as it always does,  come down to money or lack of. 

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44 minutes ago, Grumpy Duck said:

I have been here only 3 years and only one soi dog ever as much as barked at me. I was invading his territory. Dogs do not arbitrarily bite people without provocation. Just my experience

You don't have seen the mutts around here then,there have been at least 3 people been bitten in our village elderly people just walking down the road , cost the owners tens of thousands off THB  the mutts are still around ,,,, I am Protected I have the right Tool,,, they wont even look at me anymore.:wink:

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3 hours ago, Credo said:

The rabies outbreak doesn't bode well for street animals.   It is a public health risk and needs some type of attention.   A lot of the dogs (and some of the cats) maybe salvageable, but many are in such poor condition that other than being put down, they have very little chance of any quality of life.   


I have lived on a number of sois where strays were a problem.   I never had trouble with them, but the same dogs that were reasonably well behaved during the day would form packs at night and become quite aggressive.   I worked wi



The 'poll' is ridiculous, pointless and extremely biased - as it doesn't include the obvious option 'vaccinate, spay and release' - (as pointed out by other posters).


Four variants of kill - and the only alternative poll possibility is 'everything is fine'  :shock1::laugh: !

Edited by dick dasterdly
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5 hours ago, uffe123 said:

Just was bitten by the neighbors dog. They stated that the dog had been vaccinated, but I dont believe them. went to the hospital and the doctor stated that the animal should have been taken to a vet for observation, which did not happen.

Now taking rabies shots as doctor recommended. Also had to had to get tetanus  shot., just because the fnk neighbor cant control their dogs and let them run wild. Why they dont round up all these mangy soi dogs. In the U.S. they wouldn't last long all be shot.


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2 hours ago, Anak Nakal said:

Thai people allowed the dog to become many, Thai people should adopt.

There are not that many real stray dogs.

Enter a village for the first time and you will be quickly surrounded by dogs barking and showing their teeth, albeit rarely attacking.

Yet, all these apparently stray dogs belong to people who consider that the only possible location for their dog is the street, since there is NO WAY that these "dirty" animals will ever be let inside their "űber clean" houses.

My village is full of such apparently stray dogs, and you'd better not cross it at night.


So, once again we are searching to cure a problem, but not to get rid of its cause, which are the uneducated owners who take possession of a cute animal on a whim, and once the fad has passed (2 or 3 days later), don't know what to do with the dog and set it free on the road, hoping that at some point it will not return...


Generally, the cruelty towards animals in the land of smiles is mindboggling, and it starts at a very young age...many young in my village have had to deal with the wrath...not of God...just mine...


Edited by Brunolem
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3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

I did not vote since the acceptable option was not listed:


"rounded up, vaccinated and neutered, then released"

I voted for current situation just to see the results but like you favour the neutering option. Disappointed it was not in the poll.

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3 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Stray animals should be round up, then vaccinated, before being released in some apprpriate place where the law of the jungle is the norm.


And what a better place than Pattaya, with its multitude of species roaming the streets, looking for air con in buildings and food in trash containers...from barechested hairy gorillas to dinosaurs, to savage tribes barely afected by human development and civilization, emerging once a year from nowhere, covered with tattoes and armed with water cannon in order to wage war against intelligence during the interminable Songkran festival., 


No doubt that stray animals would find themselves at ease in such a place, surrounded by kindred "spirits".


CLASSIC!   :cheesy:

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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

The 'poll' is ridiculous, pointless and extremely biased - as it doesn't include the obvious option 'vaccinate, spay and release' - (as pointed out by other posters).




Does spaying stop them s****** everywhere, or intimidating and biting people?



Edited by Enoon
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20 hours ago, uffe123 said:

Just was bitten by the neighbors dog. They stated that the dog had been vaccinated, but I dont believe them. went to the hospital and the doctor stated that the animal should have been taken to a vet for observation, which did not happen.

Now taking rabies shots as doctor recommended. Also had to had to get tetanus  shot., just because the fnk neighbor cant control their dogs and let them run wild. Why they dont round up all these mangy soi dogs. In the U.S. they wouldn't last long all be shot.

Same thing happened to me last year but it was a stray dog. Had to get multiple injections for rabies and tetanus. Not a pleasant experience. The situation has gotten out of control now, there is a massive difference just in the last 5 years, what is it going to be like in 5 years from now if they don't do something. I have a pet dog at home and it is a nightmare to take him for a walk because we nearly get attacked by all the stray dogs every time we go out. I spend most of the time carrying him until I find a spot we can walk freely, even when i do it never lasts long before I have to pick him up again. The situation is madness

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20 hours ago, OneZero said:

Why doesn't the survey include a spay & release choice?

I agree  -  spay and neuter AFTER the total cull of all the stray dogs, in every city, every moo banh, every soi............there will always be a few that escape the cull, and this will repopulate the species all over again in a few years  -  euthanize all caught, spay/neuter the rest..........Nature has a way of doing this in her own time, Squirrel mothers bite off the gonads of their sons when they are born every two or three years  -  people screwed this up by preventing the animals from culling themselves, so let the culling begin..........mi dos centavos.

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20 hours ago, uffe123 said:

Just was bitten by the neighbors dog. They stated that the dog had been vaccinated, but I dont believe them. went to the hospital and the doctor stated that the animal should have been taken to a vet for observation, which did not happen.

Now taking rabies shots as doctor recommended. Also had to had to get tetanus  shot., just because the fnk neighbor cant control their dogs and let them run wild. Why they dont round up all these mangy soi dogs. In the U.S. they wouldn't last long all be shot.

That dog would not be alive today had it bit me, I am sure the neighborhood "authorities" would have intervened after the appropriate donation, maybe the owners would then be convinced to keep all their other animals inside their property..........just saying  Local authorities = thugs that hang around the corner.

Edited by TunnelRat69
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14 hours ago, Brunolem said:

There are not that many real stray dogs.

Enter a village for the first time and you will be quickly surrounded by dogs barking and showing their teeth, albeit rarely attacking.

Yet, all these apparently stray dogs belong to people who consider that the only possible location for their dog is the street, since there is NO WAY that these "dirty" animals will ever be let inside their "űber clean" houses.

My village is full of such apparently stray dogs, and you'd better not cross it at night.


So, once again we are searching to cure a problem, but not to get rid of its cause, which are the uneducated owners who take possession of a cute animal on a whim, and once the fad has passed (2 or 3 days later), don't know what to do with the dog and set it free on the road, hoping that at some point it will not return...


Generally, the cruelty towards animals in the land of smiles is mindboggling, and it starts at a very young age...many young in my village have had to deal with the wrath...not of God...just mine...


as soon as they try to start the cull, these irresponsible owners will hide the dogs, it was done fairly often on the 80's & 90's........problem was they would announce it on the radio, days  before they drove around in their cattle cars to throw the dead dogs in...........being military, I always assumed the animals would have wound up in a stew pot on some Thai army base somewhere........as it was always the Thai Army catching the strays, not local police...........funny, never saw any stray cats, wonder why there are so many in Jomtien now???

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On 3/19/2018 at 8:58 AM, cardinalblue said:

just b/c someone provides food doesn't make them their owner 

In the minds of many IT DOES and that includes a former governor of Bangkok.


You cannot have the positive of feeding an animal without the responsibility of owning it and all the damage it causes. That is only for the irresponsible.


GROW UP and be responsible for the animals you feed and show some respect for your human neighbours.


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On 3/19/2018 at 9:26 AM, grumbleweed said:

I can't see a cull happening. Once a cull is organized all the dog lovers and "life is sacred" brigade will be rushing to adopt them and take them into their own homes, wont they? 


Having the desired effect of removing the animals from the public street. JOB DONE. Thank you.


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On 3/19/2018 at 11:16 AM, Brunolem said:

Stray animals should be round up, then vaccinated, before being released in some apprpriate place where the law of the jungle is the norm.


And what a better place than Pattaya, with its multitude of species roaming the streets, looking for air con in buildings and food in trash containers...from barechested hairy gorillas to dinosaurs, to savage tribes barely afected by human development and civilization, emerging once a year from nowhere, covered with tattoes and armed with water cannon in order to wage war against intelligence during the interminable Songkran festival., 


No doubt that stray animals would find themselves at ease in such a place, surrounded by kindred "spirits".


And I don't like wherever it is you live..because you, a very offensive person, lives there.

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On 3/19/2018 at 12:22 PM, Jip99 said:


I find it incredible that more than 10 people who voted in this survey find the current situation acceptable!

That wasn't people it was street dogs that invaded my house and used my computer to vote. Sorry 'bout that but I was too scared to stop them as at least one was foaming at the mouth.



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So what happens if no action is taken? Would I be correct in thinking that the rabies would spread more and more, as an ever increasing number of rabid dogs transmit the virus to each other?


As rabies is a fatal disease, surely this would mean the dogs would mostly end up infecting and therefore killing each other?

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The latest on Thai media is that the Livestock department has agreed to Set Zero, Cull stray animals in highly infected areas of the country. So that would probably be Isaan at the moment and South Thailand.


Bangkok and surrounding provinces are manageble with vacinations. Thank goodness. No one wants to put dogs to sleep but in some areas it's the only way to stop the outbreak.


As for the soi dog foundation saying that this outbreak isn't as bad as the media portrays. Of course a dog loving group are going to say that. It's better to use all available means to control a deadly virus that has killed 6 innocent people already this year. One of whom was a 14 year old girl. I have an 11 year old to think about in my house.

Edited by Wilsonandson
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On 3/19/2018 at 8:58 AM, cardinalblue said:

Please correct lost to loose esp  in a survey


soi dog is not a type of breed but a condition of living on the street w/o proper ownership and needs taken care of...


so one  cannot refer to owner and soi dog in the same sentence...just b/c someone provides food doesn't make them their owner 

u feed  it  u be  responsible for it.........sorry ,forgot  Thailand and responsible dont  mix

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