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Kicked Out of Hotel Today


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This chaps belief that he had a load of friends at the place he was staying is the clue I think. Come on we've all had a few overly friendly types cross our paths. Facebook requests from people who found you through knowing the same people, that you met for 5 minutes crap like that. I had a guy once knock my hotel room door and asked if he could hang out and have a beer in hua hin. I had said hello to him and spoke to him for max 30 seconds whilst passing to get to my room. 

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To the OP, as said already by many posters, move on, enjoy life.


But I do wonder why she took a dislike to you, after all, no business wants to refund it's revenue.


Are you being totally honest about the circumstances?


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If the reason you got thrown is really about plugging in your laptop then she’s unfair and a bit nuts. BUT wanting to go back with an online booking.....that makes you more nuts than her. Like others I’m inclined to believe that you’re not as innocent as you say you are.

in the days that I used to travel to Bangkok before  I lived here I used to stay in the same hotel and booked direct. They knew the room I liked and always got that room or another rather than twin. One day I turned up and was told my booking had been cancelled. We were no longer welcome at the hotel. Apparently I had been very rude to one of the reception staff. In reality I had never ever had any kind of disagreement with anyone at the hotel. Never found out the real reason, didn’t really care and moved to another hotel


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19 hours ago, joe234234 said:

Thanks for all the replys btw.

My real question is this:

When I go to check in tomorrow, and hand them my booking.com confirmation paper, what they can do? cancel it? not let me check in? 

then what can i do? call booking.com?

Let me tell you the deal as my GF is a guesthouse owner. Although she gets many guests from booking.com She has to put up with 70% cancel/no shows due to their no deposit scheme. She is forced to overbook and turn people away to keep  business full.

Guests that stay weeks at a time are much less work 95% of the time. This guy was a pain in the ass because you never want to refund money nor get a 1.0 review. Much prefer AIRBNB, they collect deposits, pay timely and provide reviews of guests from hosts that have served them previously. If somebody shows their ass they most likely do it all the time. The fact the O.P. even posted this tale shows signs he's not worth putting up with, buy a tent buddy!

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9 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

This chaps belief that he had a load of friends at the place he was staying is the clue I think. Come on we've all had a few overly friendly types cross our paths. Facebook requests from people who found you through knowing the same people, that you met for 5 minutes crap like that. I had a guy once knock my hotel room door and asked if he could hang out and have a beer in hua hin. I had said hello to him and spoke to him for max 30 seconds whilst passing to get to my room. 


This chaps belief that he had a load of friends at the place he was staying is the clue I think. 


Definition of 'load of friends':


Perhaps this is other guests the OP has never seen before, said hello to twice in the lobby, doesn't know their names or anything else about them, doesn't know if they are honest, sincere, reliable etc., what activities they engage in and never will, and within another 24 hours half of his 'friends' have moved on never to be seen again.


But 2 new friends checked in today, yet to say a fleeting hello, probably also gone within 1 or 2 days.




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From the side of the hospitality industry, some people are a real pain in the a##

I've noticed people enter some restaurants and guest houses, and plug their phones without asking ( no, not regular guests )

It does seem incredibly rude to me, but those people seem to think that it's normal.

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Since you made the booking I’m sure already you should just go for it!  Why reach out to everyone when many are against you. The owners wife might not even be there every minute of the day so you could immediately take off your underwear and plug in your computer in the lobby/ common area and high five all your buddies who will be so excited to see yah!!  Please do a follow up here so we know you are safe and sound.  You already got a refund from your first stay and who is this b*#%!  trying to push you around!  There is absolutely NOTHING to loose. 

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